Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 619: Jiaodu showing off the sky

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"Who are you?"

Sheyue frowned. He had arrested all the ninjas in the village who dared to question his appointment of Shemu as the leader. Did this guy slip through the net?

"Who am I? Hahahaha, Sheyue, it's been a while since I saw you, and you've already forgotten about me."

Jiaodu took off the cap on top of his head, revealing a head full of seams.

The seam marks are the traces left after being torn apart by Tiandao Payne and sutured with land resentment.


Seeing the appearance of this person, Sheyue's face changed slightly, but soon, he was determined.

Kakuzu's weakness has now been known by Taki Shinobi, as long as he attacks his mask heart, it is impossible for Kakuzu to cause a storm here!

"You still dare to appear in the village, Kakuto, you are getting more and more courageous." Sheyue said coldly, "Use your life today as a gift for Sheki to become the new leader!"


Kakuzu looked around, looked at Taki Shinobu who was gradually surrounding him, and the civilians of Taki Ninja Village who were watching, with a strong sense of threat, "Are you sure?"

Sheyue hurriedly signaled Taki Shinobi to back away.

Indeed, with Kakutsu's strength, throwing any ninjutsu at random will cause natural disaster-like damage. There are so many civilians in Takinobu Village here. Once they fight, most of these civilians will definitely be killed or injured. It will also hurt your vitality!

This is not what Sheyue wants to see.

Jiao Du smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here just to congratulate you, and ask for some money by the way, Sheyue, you will fulfill my little wish."



How shameless!

Sheyue stared at Jiaodu bitterly: "What if I don't agree!"

"If you don't agree, you will have to go to war." Jiao Du sneered, "But I can guarantee that before you kill me, I will definitely kill all the civilians present! Without these people, your son will be considered as the successor." What's the point of being a leader?"

Sheyue was so stunned by Jiaodu's bachelor's aura that she couldn't speak.

On the side, Feng Huo chuckled lightly and said, "If you want money, you don't want to die. You really deserve to be the Jiaodu who regards money as life."

But he was quite vigilant in his heart!

The black-bottomed red cloud windbreaker on Jiaodu's body is obviously Xiao's windbreaker!

This means that the protagonist has already joined Akatsuki.

As for Xiaozhong's missions, most of them are in teams of two. If it was an order from Nagato to capture Sharingan, then there must be his companion in the dark.

If he personally received the mission from the black market this time, that would be another story.

Thinking about it this way, Fenghuo has maximized the range of the Chakra perception technique. After some sensing, he didn't find any particularly powerful Chakra fluctuations, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Didara looked at Kakuto with glowing eyes, his hands were about to move, and as soon as Kakuto made a move, he would detonate the bombs around him indiscriminately, and let everyone see his explosive art!

Feng Huo seemed to see through what he was thinking, and slapped him on the back of the head, causing his golden ponytail to flick.

"Be honest with me."

"Damn it, Uchiha Fenghuo, you bastard!!" Didara's forehead was full of veins.

At this time, the civilians in the surrounding Taki Ninja Village were whispering to each other, and an uneasy atmosphere was brewing in the crowd.

Shemu was a little scared, and cowardly hid behind Sheyue, not daring to raise her head to look around.

Sheyue was furious, and a mouthful of sweet smell suddenly gushed out of her throat, and she opened her mouth and sprayed it on Jiaodu's face.

Jiao Du waved his straw hat in his hand to block all the blood, and said with a strange smile: "So that's the case, no wonder I want to pass the position of leader to my son, Sheyue, I want to double the money!"

"You!" Sheyue suppressed the throbbing in her heart, gritted her teeth and threatened, "You are looking for your own death!"

Everyone laughed.

There are so many civilians here, and Kakudo is certain that these people, including Uchiha Hienhuo and Kakashi, will not attack him. After all, these hypocritical guys all flaunt justice and regard these civilians more than anyone else. Heavy.

So happy money, he made up his mind.

Sure enough, after giving birth for a long time, Sheyue still gave Jiaodu a large sum of money.

Jiaodu had borrowed money, looked at the amount, and smiled.

He rubbed the traces on the money carefully, and sneered again and again: It's ridiculous to leave a tracking spell on it.

He sealed the money into the scroll, and then looked at Kakashi: "Then, there is one more thing to deal with."

"Jiaodu, what else do you want!" Sheyue said angrily.

"It has nothing to do with Taki Shinobi Village, shut up!" Kakudo snorted coldly, then looked at Kakashi, "Kakashi, hand over your Sharingan!"

Kakashi was stunned: "It turned out to be aimed at me?"

Feng Huo immediately understood Jiaodu's purpose, and said with a smile, "Not bad, it's actually on the black market's reward list, and has a bright future."

"Hey, is this the time to say something like this?" Kakashi sighed, covering his forehead.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you don't want to intervene." Kakuzu said again, "My target this time is Kakashi's Sharingan, so you'd better stand by!"

"if not?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise, don't blame me for taking action against these civilians!" Jiao Du shamelessly said.

"I'm not Taki Shinobu, I don't care." Feng Huo said.

Jiaodu looked at Sheyue and sneered: "Aren't you going to say something?"

The implication is that once Fenghuo intervenes, Jiaodu will attack civilians. The method of this threat is exactly the same as his method of pleasing money.


She Yue's endocrine was disturbed by anger.

Feng Huo was also amused by him, and said emotionally: "I have never seen such a brazen person."

"Hmph, what is face at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com? When you live to my age, you will understand that the only thing that is really useful in this world is money." Kakashi said to Kakashi as if he had come here. , "Kakashi, as long as you hand over Sharingan, I don't have to kill you! Of course, as a price, you have to pay me a fortune!"

Kakashi's mouth twitched, and his whole body was not well.

Didara next to him also looked at Kakuzu speechlessly, feeling that his eyes were going to be blinded by the heat.

"Sorry, this Sharingan is a gift from my important companion, so no matter what, I won't give it to anyone!" Kakashi said solemnly.

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiaodu's mouth, and his mouth was slightly opened.

Feng Huo and Kakashi looked at each other, and a strange thought arose in their hearts at the same time.

Could it be...

I heard Kakuto say: "If you refuse, I will attack the civilians here!"

it is as expected!

This guy in Jiaodu has brought his shamelessness to the extreme.

Using a large number of civilians here to blackmail Taki Shinobi Village, to threaten to seal the fire, and to coerce Kakashi to hand over Sharingan, the means are really outstanding.

With a dark face, Sheyue stared at Jiaodu firmly.

Kakuzu smiled and said to him: "Sheyue, you have heard it, if Kakashi doesn't hand over the Sharingan, the civilians here will still die! So for the consideration of these civilians, do you want to persuade Kakashi? Cassie handed over Sharingan?"

She Yueqi was so helpless, he couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes turned white, and he passed out without saying a word.

"What?" Jiao Du frowned.

At this moment, Feng Huo's eyes brightened slightly, and his black pupils instantly wiped away the blood-colored three-pointed jade, and then the three-pointed jade quickly spun and turned into a black-red pentagram.


"Wheel tomb!"

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