Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 383: encounter of fate


On the border of the Land of Fire, in a dense forest, a white-haired Jiraiya suddenly jumped from a big tree and stopped in front of the blood-stained Orochimaru.

"Jiraiya, I didn't expect Sandai to send you to chase me down." Orochimaru said hoarsely.

After slaughtering the Ibri family, he had a battle with the Anbu ninja, and he had already suffered serious injuries. If he played against Jiraiya again, his odds of winning would be less than 30%!

But even so, there was not much anxiety on Dashewan's face.

He grew up with Ji Lai also, and he knows what he is.

He walked towards Jiraiya step by step, and then passed by.

"Stop!" Jiraiya's shoulders trembled faintly, he turned his head angrily, and said angrily, "You...are you really going to be a traitor!"

"Rebellion? Say what you want." Orochimaru tilted his head slightly, his golden vertical pupils showing some sarcasm, "Jiraiya, you, like me, are not suitable for that village."

"It's up to you whether it suits you or not, bastard!" Jiraiya persuaded, "Oshemaru, come back with me!"

"No, it's impossible!" Orochimaru said coldly, "If you go back, there is only one dead end!"

"Dead? Are you afraid that I will kill you now?" Jiraiya narrowed his eyes, and Chakra pressed towards Orochimaru with a terrifying aura.

Orochimaru turned around and left: "Kill me? Don't be kidding, you can't kill me!"

"You bastard!"

Jiraiya stood where he was, watching Orochimaru's figure gradually disappear, and finally let out a wry smile.

He stood there for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely take you back!"

He pursued quickly, only to find that Orochimaru had transformed into countless poisonous snakes, and was swimming in all directions. Even Zilai, he couldn't find which poisonous snake was the incarnation of Oroshemaru for a while.

Helpless, he could only choose a random direction to follow.

A few days later, he successfully got rid of Orochimaru who was being followed by Konoha Anbe and Jiraiya, and finally entered Tianzhi Country.

He first found a hidden cave to recuperate, and then went to the capital of Tian Zhiguo. According to the method Danzo gave him, he found the root spy lurking in this country.

That is... the pharmacist pocket!

Goodbye Yaoshidou, Dashewan showed a look of memory.

He still remembered that this kid was an orphan from an orphanage, and he was valued by Uchiha Fuhuo very much. Later, when he was captured by Danzo, he even exported important people. Unfortunately, Danzo rejected him, and he didn't expect to be sent here.

He looked at the pharmacist pocket with great interest.

At this time, Yaoshidou had gradually grown up after experiencing a period of spy life, and even faced the cold aura of Dashewan, he was not frightened.

"You, what's your name?" Da Shewan had a smile on his lips.

No matter what, being able to be valued by Uchiha Fenghuo, this kid must have something very outstanding. With his means, it is not a big problem to win the pharmacist's pocket.

"My name is Yaoshidou!" Yaoshidou replied honestly, and at the same time took out a stack of documents and handed them over, "Master Orochimaru, this is the information of Tian Zhiguo's daimyo and the ministers!"

Orochimaru took it with a smile, and the golden vertical pupils were still looking at him.

Half the salary, he said in an unquestionable tone: "Yaoshidou, follow me from now on."

Pharmacist was stunned, as if he wanted to refuse, but remembering his own strength, he could only grit his teeth, and then nodded: "Yes, Master Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru nodded slightly, and said again: "However, it is not easy to follow me, you have to go through more trials!"

The pharmacist was silent.

"Since it's a spy, let's keep doing it."

Orochimaru's secret research bases are not limited to the Land of Fire, there are many in other small countries. As the so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit, people who are so cautious in Orochimaru will naturally not put all their eggs in one basket. Especially now that he is a traitor, just in case, he needs to open up secret research institutes in more countries, just for the pharmacist to go to the front line!

And Orochimaru himself finally showed a relieved smile after studying the information of Tian Zhiguo's daimyo and ministers.

"Ninja Village, which belongs only to me, is finally going to be established, but before that, the tail must be dealt with!"

Orochimaru thought of Konoha Anbe and Jiraiya who were following behind him, and couldn't help but feel a headache. Konoha Anbe is nothing, the key is Jiraiya!

If he can't divert the attention of this obstructive guy, he will attract Jiraiya's attention if his movement in Tanokuni is a little louder.

And now in the ninja world, apart from the battlefields of Konoha and Yunnin, the only thing that can attract Jiraiya's attention is the junction of the three kingdoms of the Fire Kingdom, the Earth Kingdom and the Wind Kingdom, the Rain Kingdom!

For example, the Akatsuki organization established by Yahiko, Konan and Nagato!

Orochimaru thought for a while, smiled and destroyed all the information in his hand, and then turned to the Land of Rain without stopping.

Konoha Village.

After Kakashi tied the armor back forcefully, Danzo jumped out again.

Although the roots have been disbanded, even though he is no longer the elders' advisor, Jia, who mastered the first generation of Mudun, is still his person, and he will never tolerate others' involvement.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi valued Mu Dun very much, so he had a tough attitude and wanted to arrange Jia into Anbu.

Danzo protested, argued hard with reason, and even ordered Jia to commit suicide to threaten Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi saw that A really put the chakra knife across his neck, his face changed again and again.

Seeing that Hiruzen Sarutobi was about to go crazy, Danzo felt a little uncertain, so he said ambiguously: "It's okay to get A, let's make a deal."

"Deal? No!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi refused, UU Kanshu www. uukanshu. com "A is a living person, he is not an item, and he must not enter Anbu through transactions!"

When Jia heard this, his face was expressionless, but deep in his heart was still a little shocked. Thinking of being caught by Orochimaru for human experiments when he was a child, his firm belief in protecting his companions and protecting Danzo surged from the bottom of his heart.

After a round of confrontation, Danzo left Hokage Building with Jia.

"Hokage-sama, A has mastered the first Mutun, should we just give him up?" Kakashi stood aside and finally couldn't help it.

"Give up? Impossible!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, "But it can't be through a transaction."

Hiru Sarutobi, who was mature and sophisticated, vaguely sensed what the old fox Danzo was up to, so he rejected him without waiting for him to ask for conditions.

As for how to get A, but also a long-term plan.

Then he remembered his previous decision, and said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, you are already a very good Anbu Jōnin, I decided to let you lead an Anbu team alone! Originally, I wanted to assign you Yes, but now, you have to choose by yourself, of course, you can also ask Shuomao to help you."

Kakashi's eyes lit up: "Master Hokage, can I choose to seal the fire?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pulled the corner of his mouth, smashed his mouth twice, and said: "If he agrees."


Kakashi was agitated.

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