Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 297: The correct way to open a childhood sweetheart

"Master, why don't you just let them go?"

Bai Jue held back for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Uchiha Madara had a sullen face, but he was actually weighing gains and losses in his heart.

If he shows up, for future plans, he will definitely kill Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fuho, and Yuhi Kuro on the spot!

Otherwise, once the news that he is still alive comes out, the entire ninja world will be shaken, and Hiruza Sarutobi will definitely send people to look for him frantically, which will be very harmful to his plan.


It is too difficult to stay and master Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Madara was not sure.

"Master?" Bai Jue urged.

In the distance, Fenghuo has already carried Yuhihong on his back, and Namikaze Minato leaves quickly.

"I underestimated Minakaze Minato, hehe, Hiruzaru Sarutobi has a good vision." Madara Uchiha finally spoke, his voice a little weak.

Calling Sarutobi Hiruzen a little ghost, it is estimated that only Uchiha Madara has this qualification in the entire ninja world.

"Master, what's our future plan?" Bai Juewei Uchiha Madara ordered, since he'admited counsel' this time, Bai Jue would naturally not disobey him.

Uchiha Madara watched Feng Huo and others slowly disappear from sight, then turned around and said, "Substitute!"

Kurenai Yuhi fell into the hands of Minato Namikaze and Fumohuo Uchiha, and it was too difficult to **** Kureni Yuhi from them while concealing their identities, so it is better to just replace them!

Uchiha Madara killed decisively, and soon had other concerns in his mind.

After walking for a while with Xi Hihong on his back, Feng Huo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You feel it too?" Namikaze Minato stared at him from the side.

Feng Huo was taken aback, what did he feel?

Then he remembered that Namikaze Minato's six senses were very keen, and he must have noticed the peeping of Uchiha Madara or Bai Ze just now, so he nodded, inserted garlic into his nose to install ivory, and said in a firm tone: "Someone just peeped!"

"It's Kirito!" Namikaze Minato said seriously, "They implanted Mitsuo into Hong's body, planning to destroy the village, and they will definitely watch from a distance!"

Feng Huo rolled his eyes, it would have been great if it was really Mist Ninja, why would he still have a headache.

It's a real headache, um, the egg also hurts a bit!

In the original book, it was Lin who was implanted into the three tails. The purpose was to blacken Obito and become Uchiha Madara's **** or even a substitute. Unexpectedly, Uchiha Madara, this stinky and shameless person, really took a fancy to him, and used the same method of dealing with Obito on him!

Fortunately, Namikaze Minato is not Kakashi.

I will be very happy to seal the fire.

But the matter is not over yet, Uchiha Madara failed this time, will he make a comeback?

Should I make some preparations in advance?

For example, tell Namikaze Minato about Uchiha Madara?

Feng Huo hesitated, with Uchiha Madara's temperament, if he knew his identity was known, he would definitely come to kill him.

Doesn't telling Namikaze Minato mean harming him?

Even though Namikaze Minato has Flying Raijin, as long as Uchiha Madara controls the nine tails in Kushina's body, he can manipulate Namikaze Minato arbitrarily!

So can't tell him!

Feng Huo's mind is wide open, why don't he just spread the story of Uchiha Madara to the ninja world?

The super strong man of the same era as the God of Ninja Senjujuma, who has survived until now, this Nima can definitely detonate the entire Ninja World in the shortest time!

Once the news comes out, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely send someone to hunt down and kill Uchiha Madara, the most powerful rebel in history.

Tsuchikage Onoki of Yanyin Village will definitely send someone to hunt him down. Who told him to be bullied by Uchiha Madara when he was a child?

Hidden Sand Village, Hidden Cloud Village, and Hidden Kiwi Village will never remain indifferent. Uchiha Madara has lived for so long, and there must be something amazing hidden in his body, such as powerful ninjutsu and forbidden techniques. For example, he can live for so long The reason, after all, who doesn't want to live two more years?

But here comes the problem.

Will anyone believe his words?

The entire ninja world recognizes that Uchiha Madara died at the hands of the first generation in the Valley of the End. He said that he is still alive and still stirring up wind and rain. The key point is that he still has no evidence. Who would believe it?

Fenghuo's head hurts again.

Then I thought of Uchiha Madara's remaining pupil power in Yuhihong's eyes, and thought of Brother aB, and the egg began to hurt.

The two galloped all the way, and soon found the traces left by Qiu Daodangdong. In the evening of that day, they finally joined forces with Qiu Daodangdong, Inuzuka Jaw and others.

"Minato, Fenghuo, you are finally here, did you kill that monster?" Inuzuka asked nervously.

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, and they both smiled wryly.

For the time being, we can't say anything about Renzhuli, so as not to arouse everyone's suspicion.

But at this time, other ninjas saw the red on Feng Huo's back, and couldn't help but screamed.

"Hey, it's Hong, Hong is back!"

"Great, Minato-sama and Fenghuo-sama rescued Hong back!"

The young ninja in this skirt has been feeling guilty and uneasy since Hong was kidnapped. At this time, seeing Hong's return "safe and sound", he was naturally overjoyed.

When Feng Huo saw this group of little bastards, he became angry, one or two were not good, he waved them away, and then found a quiet place for Xi Hihong to heal his wounds.

Kurenai Yuhi was not injured, but was trapped by Namikaze Minato's sealing technique so hard that she couldn't move.

Of course, he will not undo these seals until the remaining pupil power of Uchiha Madara in her eyes is removed.

The Sangouyu in Fenghuo's eyes slowly rotated, and soon turned into a black and red pentagram, and then slowly forced the pupil power into Yuhihong's eyes.

In an instant, his pupil power and Uchiha Madara's pupil power began to collide.

Feng Huo was extremely cautious, for fear of hurting the red eyes after the two pupil forces collided.

Uchiha Madara's pupil power is evil, violent, and extremely powerful, far superior to Fenghuo's pupil power, but fortunately, this is the rootless tree without source of water, as long as you persevere, it can be completely eliminated in up to three days!

At the same time, he was also thinking about Isao Mio inside the red body.

Red becoming a three-tailed Jinchuriki was something he had never thought of before, but the deal was done, and he could only protect her.

It is necessary to protect her from being backlashed by Isao Mio, and to protect her from becoming a victim between Konoha and Wuyin Village.

Tailed beasts are no small matter, even Fenghuo himself, relying on his own strong strength, has to ask Namikaze Minato, the future fourth generation, to take action.

As for Hong, firstly, she doesn't have strong strength, and secondly, she doesn't have a strong background. Danzo will definitely jump out and make trouble. Coupled with the pressure that comes from Wuyin Village, I really don't know if she can hold on.

But no matter what, he must protect Hong!


Feng Huo's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the original book, before Namikaze Minato was about to die, he forcibly divided Kyuubi into two, one yin and one yang, one sealed in his body and the other sealed in Naruto's body!

Would it be possible for him to help divide Isao Mio inside the red body into two?

Well, half of you and half of me, this is the correct way to open a childhood sweetheart!

Thank you book friend "Xiaoyao Fighting God" for your reward and support!

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