Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 204: The end of the crossbow

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Feng Huo's eyebrows twitched, and an inexplicable depression gathered in his chest, making him unable to breathe.

He searched along the supply route all the way, but he never saw the slightest sign of fighting, but his heart became more and more uneasy.

Feng Huo was running in the dense forest, when there was a sudden earth-shattering sound from a distance in front of him, and then an unstoppable gust of wind roared in, forcing the dense forest to bend over and bow their heads.

"not good!"

Seal the fire instead of retreating, "Open the door, the door of rest, the door of birth, open!"

He opened the three doors in a row, and instantly entered the Lianhua state, galloping in the air.

"bank up a fire?"

After not running far, an unbelievable voice came from below.

Feng Huo looked down, it was Kai, Ebisu, and Shiranui Genma!

He yelled: "You guys go!"

After the words fell, the others had already jumped over them and rushed towards the place where the vibration came from.

"Stop the fire, don't go!"

Kai clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth. Feelings of discomfort, sadness, remorse, etc. flashed through his heart one by one, and he trembled uncontrollably.

"Kai, let's go, maybe the captain can save your father!" Yebishou is Fenghuo's mysterious brother, full of confidence in him.

Kai's face was pale: "It's useless, Dad has opened the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, already, already..."

"I believe in the captain!" Yebisu said firmly.

At the same time, in a mountain range hundreds of miles away, Hatake Sakumo also raised his head, frowning and looking at this side.

Although he set off half a day earlier than Fenghuo, but because he didn't know the direction of the plot, he still hasn't found the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

At this time, the vibration from hundreds of miles away also spread to this side, making his heart tremble.

"Could it be the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?"

He didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly rushed there.


On the battlefield, Kai blasted the air with one punch, and the terrifying air pressure violently crushed all directions layer by layer, and the ground was lifted up three layers!

At this time, there are only three survivors among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, namely Black Hoe Leiya, Loquat Juzo, and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost. Bloody and bloody, has been severely injured, and has no power to fight again.

Loquat Shizang was also slightly injured, but he still had the strength to fight.

As for the black **** Lei Ya, this guy is extremely cunning, and he is still alive and kicking here.

Kai punched out, the atmosphere shattered, and the power was even stronger than that of the previous Chao Peacock. Loquat Juzang carried the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost on his back and ran away. The air waves hit him behind him, but they were all absorbed by the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost behind him '.

"Puffer ghost, if it wasn't for saving you, I would have run out a long time ago!" Loquat Shizang said righteously, with a cruel and unwilling smile on the corner of his mouth.

The terror of Maite Dai simply made him have nightmares. In just a short amount of time, he had already killed his four companions. Even the third generation of Mizukage, I'm afraid it was nothing more than that!

"Thunder Saber Technique - Thunder Gate!"

On the other side, the black **** Lei Ya stuck his two knives into the ground, triggering the thunder and lightning in the air to fall crazily, breaking all the air pressure from Maitedai.

"You, it should be almost the same!" Heihe Leiya panted, staring nervously at Maitedai ​​opposite, the blood-colored chakra clothes had gradually faded.

"If such a terrifying forbidden technique can last long, then this ninja world has long been conquered by you Konoha!"

The black **** Lei Ya pulled out the pair of knives on the ground, and slowly walked towards Maitedai.

"To the peacock!"

Unexpectedly, Ma Tedai was violent again, and instantly blasted a hundred punches at the black **** Lei Ya!

The fist rubbed against the air, and the berserk flames spread out again, but compared to before, it was already ten times smaller.

"Thunder Dun-Thunder Dragon Tornado!"

The black **** Lei Ya knew that he couldn't dodge it with his speed, and at the critical moment of life and death, he aroused his viciousness, blatantly hard steel!

The violent thunder and lightning tornado directly collided with the screen flames at high speed.


There was a convulsion in the air, and countless phantoms seemed to be real and seemed to disappear in a flash.

Afterwards, the ripples with electric fire swayed again.

The ground cracked again, inch by inch, and the rickety forests burned blazingly under the electric fire, which became more and more intense.

The black **** Leiya was sent flying by the ripples, and rolled a few times in the messy woodland, and broke two ribs before he could barely stand up.

"Hahahaha, you are nothing more than that, hahaha."

Black Hoe Leiya laughed wildly, with blood flowing from the corners of his eyes, his eyes were red, full of ferocious killing intent, but deep in his pupils, a clear look of fear could still be seen.

This ninja world is actually so terrifying... No, the ninja world does not allow such perverted ninjas to exist!

At this time, Loquat Shizang also dropped the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost behind him, and came up panting, his eyes trembling with fear, like a frightened bird.

"Shark, shark... muscle."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost suddenly opened his eyes. His chest and back were **** and bloody. If it wasn't for his strong body, wide body and fat body, he would have been beaten to death long ago!

Loquat Shizang looked back and ignored him.


As if the shark muscle had spirituality, it jumped from nowhere and landed on his hand.

"Let's go..." The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost knows that if he stays here, even if he is not killed by Maitedai, he will be killed by his good companions, how dare he stay.

Shark muscle exudes chakra light all over, and then slowly grows bigger, jumping up on the ground like a fish, dragging Xiguashan puffer ghost to a nearby big river, and then jumping down, escaping.



The sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning crazily exploded and fell, looking like an annihilation of the world.

Facing this scene of heavenly power, Fenghuo was breathless.

He entered the arena quickly, only to see that the ground was in a mess, as if it had been plowed hundreds of times by oxen, and a strong smell of mud came to his nostrils.

Even closer, countless tall and straight trees were swaying like building blocks, burning blazingly, and there were huge cracks lying on the ground, like a moat in the sky.

Feng Huo leaped over, and finally saw the **** light in front of him that was as dim as the light of a firefly.

"Uncle Dai!"

He clenched his hands and then opened them, "Thunder Dun-Spiral Wan!"


Black **** Lei Ya and Loquat Ten Zang all turned their heads. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Although Maitedai ​​was at the end of his battle, they still didn't dare to be careless and didn't dare to approach. At this time, they were shocked when they saw Konoha's reinforcements, but when they looked closely, they turned out to be a kid again!

"Konoha's brats are really infuriating!" Black Hoe Leiya's eyelids twitched wildly. They met those three Konoha brats before they were beaten so badly by this perverted ninja!

"Thunder Burial - Thunder Feast!"

The black **** Lei Ya sneered and led the thunder down, and the dense thunder and lightning rushed wantonly on the messy ground.

Feng Huo jumped up high, smashing the Thunder Dun spiral pill in his hand to the ground, using thunder against thunder.

Afterwards, he made another Fire Escape-Helix Pill, and swooped down from the air.

The magma-colored spiral pill became bigger and bigger, the high temperature scorched the air, and it descended suddenly with a terrifying aura.

Loquat Shizang lifted his eyelids, came to the back of Fenghuo with the instant body technique, swung the beheading sword, and slashed heavily towards Fenghuo's neck.

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