The big snake pill is reasonable.

The Shuriken Shadow Avatar Art was created by Sarutobi Hinata.

In addition to the cronies in the family, if it is passed on to outsiders, it must have his purpose and saying.

[Naruto Uzumaki’s house…].

[Naruto looked at the arriving Sarutobi with doubt. 】

[“Little Naruto, I heard that you successfully performed the Shuriken Shadow Doppelganger? “】

[Hearing this, Naruto’s eyes moved slightly. 】

[I was surprised that this old man could not grow clairvoyance. ] 】

[He had just succeeded once, and his side immediately came running. 】

[But after thinking about it, the other party is the Hokage of Konoha Village, and he is the highest-ranking existence. ] 】

[All the people of the village are to obey his orders. 】

[If he wants to know what is happening in the village, it must be easy.] 】

[However, it was this idea that made Naruto Uzumaki even more dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hinata. 】

[You obviously have time to deal with me here, why don’t you order that annoying group of villagers to stop pointing fingers at me?] 】

[Also, just giving me money has a fart use, I haven’t spent it until now.] 】

[Not to mention the question of your own identity.] 】

[It’s not that I haven’t asked, even if I ask in person, I won’t give an answer, what is this?] 】

[It’s just that in the face of the ape flying sun, even though Naruto had more complaints, he just smiled: “Well, success is success, but after consuming a lot of chakra, I almost fainted. ] “】

“Normal, this is normal. “】

[Sarutobi showed a typical kind smile, and then his face became extremely serious:]

“Naruto, you know the special meaning of learning this ninjutsu. “】

【Special meaning?】 】

[Does a ninjutsu have a special meaning?] 】

[Uzumaki Naruto Shoji monk scratched his head, this ninjutsu is indeed cool enough, the power is good, but what is the special meaning? ] 】

[Naruto hadn’t figured out the specific situation, and the ape flying sun slash once again confused him. ] 】

[“There are not many people who have learned this shuriken shadow avatar technique. “】

“But from me, Hokage will successfully unleash this ninjutsu. “】

“Because, this is the inheritance in our village, and it is up to each Hokage to pass on what he has learned to the next Hokage. “】

“Naruto, Naruto is the dream of every Konoha ninja, I think you should also work it as a dream. “】

Sure enough, as expected by the big snake pill.

Sarutobi really began to instill Naruto Uzumaki with the idea of becoming a Hokage.

“Besides, Hokage is the most respected and recognized existence in the village. “】

Orochimaru: “It’s worthy of you, Sarutobei-sensei, it’s hard for me to catch up with brainwashing.” ”

Onoki: “It’s really a good means, because Naruto is not recognized, so the old monkey has to subtly plant seeds for him to be recognized by others.” ”

Bofeng Shuimen: “But the third generation is right, he did teach me a lot of things, such as the art of shuriken shadow avatars. ”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper: “Don’t follow the coaxing first, just say that I did the right thing?” Naruto over there is not enlightened and wants to be recognized by others, and I also don’t want him to become lonely and be recognized by others, is it bad for him? ”

Orochimaru: “Don’t confuse the public, you are trying to take Naruto-kun into your own hands, I even suspect that the identity of Naruto-kun Zhuli was leaked by you, and then you take the opportunity to pretend to be a good person here, let him be grateful to you and form a bond to you, whatever you say in the future, he will obey.” ”

The righteous behavior of the big snake pill is about to go crazy.

He stood up and just wanted to move, but found himself suppressed by an inexplicable force and unable to move further.

“Sarutobei-sensei, are you angry and corrupted?”

“I actually had the idea of wanting to do something to me, was it sanctioned by the viewing system.”

“The old man really wants to strangle you, what nonsense are you talking about here.”

“It’s nothing, I just want to see how angry and corrupted you look, after all, my plan failed, and I can only achieve my goals through other means.”

The ape flying sun chopping people are numb.

Letting go of the defected Great Snake Pill because of his soft heart was the thing he regretted the most in his life.

Fortunately, the people in the discussion group did not continue to coax.

No one knows what kind of picture will be shown in the viewing content.

The idea and practice of ape flying sun slash is actually a strange means for any high-level of the ninja village.

Be a person and leave a line, don’t wait for the time to broadcast something about your own village, this little old man’s mouth can’t be blocked.

It’s just that the Shinobi who have been bathed in the sunshine of Konoha Village are dumbfounded.

The passionate content of the discussion group was simply eye-opening.

They couldn’t even figure out who to believe.



[Naruto Uzumaki heard the sound, looking slightly thoughtful. ] 】

[“Where Konoha flies, fire also grows…”


[In his mind, he remembered the events at the entrance ceremony. 】

[If he didn’t have a sad experience, he might have been touched by it.] 】

[The Will of Fire is a very beautiful ideal state. 】

[However, in reality, the old people who should sacrifice for the younger generation are jumping alive and talking in front of themselves. ] 】

[The so-called family, in addition to excluding him, is cursing. 】

[If the Will of Fire really exists, then the current Hokage should be the fourth generation Hokage or the fifth generation Hokage…].

[Anyway, the fourth generation of Mekage died in front of the third generation of Hokage, and the young man died in front of the older generation. ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki, who has a different situation from others, does not like to be drawn by others. 】

The cruelty of reality told him that all language pales in comparison. 】

[The so-called will of fire does not exist at all and is in reality. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki raised his little head to look at Sarutobi Hinata, and his heart was indignant: If the person standing in front of me at this time was the fourth generation of Hokage, maybe I would have another state of life, at least I should not be casually insulted while walking on the street. ] 】

[Will of Fire? Huh…].

[Naruto Uzumaki let out a sneer in his heart, and what made him feel most strange was that it was clear that the whole village was squeezing him. 】

[On the contrary, Hokage takes good care of himself and is reasonable, and this kind of thing does not make logical sense in theory. ] 】

[“Awesome! Three generations of grandfathers, can becoming a Hokage really be recognized by everyone? “】

“But I can’t, because if you want to become a Hokage, you have to be at least as strong as your grandfather.] “】

[Naruto’s childish voice made Sarutobi look at his eyes with a hint of surprise. 】

[It is worthy of being the child of Watergate and Jiu Xinnai, and it is much more promising than other children. ] 】

[Ape Fei Sun’s old face squeezed out a satisfied smile: “Roar

, roar…”].

“Becoming a powerful ninja is not something that happens overnight, you are still young and have a lot of time to practice hard. “】

“Look at what I brought you today. “】

[“The Art of Shadow Doppelganger. “】

“It’s a very interesting ninjutsu…”

“You also have to learn this ninjutsu just like you learn the shuriken shadow avatar technique. “】


Numb! Everyone was stunned by Naruto Uzumaki’s belly black.

Ever since Naruto Uzumaki saw the appearance of the Wave Feng Shui Gate, he was even more skeptical of the Will of Fire.

Clever and vigilant, he deceived the ape flying sun with his acting skills.

Even, the ape flying sun chop is proud of his own means.

Terumi: “This…”

The fourth generation of Mei Lei Ying: “I feel that this kid is really terrible, and he is so scheming at a young age.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: “How do you talk, what is scheming?” Naruto suffered such unfair treatment, it was only fake that he had no idea in his heart. ”

Onoki: “That’s right, but while restraining his inner disgust, he actually shot a wave of ape flying, which made the little old man happy.” ”

Orochimaru: “The teacher is really old, just being slapped with a wave of, he easily believes the other party, abdicate and make way for Xian.” ”

Naruto Uzumaki: “No wonder the old man of the third generation always thinks of sending him ninjutsu practice, it turns out that this kid can actually shoot people.” ”

Ino Yamanaka: “…”

Sakura Haruno: “…”

Nara Shikamaru: “How does a seven-year-old know how to pat, I think Naruto over there is just a sweet mouth.” ”

Akimichi Dingji: “Shikamaru is right, at least our Naruto, if he doesn’t stand up and quarrel with you, thank goodness.” ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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