The moment the purple-stem armored insect rushed over, Lu Zheng had already prepared his blade and was waiting for him.

Of course, the opponent would not stupidly bump into him again, but turned to the side and kicked him with a whip kick.

Knowing that he could not resist in time, Lu Zheng directly put his weapon flat and swept it out.

The two hit each other almost at the same time and both took a few steps back.

Then the two sides looked at each other and fought again.


Bang bang bang bang...

The two fought at a very fast speed, and various energies and qi flew out in the air in all directions without being captured by the naked eye.

If someone were here, they would see that the floor and walls of the rooftop had cracks in the blink of an eye.

If they continued to fight like this, the rooftop would be destroyed!

Lu Zheng opened the card storage box and took out the card of the 7 of Hearts.

[BIO! ] (Vine!)

As the card was swiped, four vines like tentacles suddenly stretched out from the awakening bow.

The purple-stem armored insect that had just rushed up had no time to dodge and was tied up tightly in the blink of an eye.

Then Lu Zheng drew two cards in succession and swiped them on the awakening device component.

[DRILL! ] (Conch!)

[TORNADO! ] (Eagle!)

Lu Zheng threw it forward, and the card turned into a phantom and drilled into the chest armor.


A gust of wind blew.

In the blink of an eye, a black tornado condensed on Lu Zheng's body, driving his body to turn and fly up.

Then he turned into a spinning top and flew towards the purple-stemmed armored insect.

Trapped by the vines, the purple-stemmed armored insect could not move and could only raise its shield to resist.

However, the seemingly very solid shield lasted only less than a second before it broke into pieces with a "crack".

Lu Zheng continued to move forward and hit the purple-stemmed armored insect directly with a spinning kick.

The purple-stemmed armored insect immediately flew backwards and hit the wall hard, causing the wall to dent.

With a flash of white light on his body, the purple-stemmed armored insect turned back into Chen Mo's appearance.

"Now we are even!"

Lu Zheng untransformed and walked in front of him, looking down at him: "Can you tell me where Chen Mo is now?"

"I really don't know!"

Chen Mo in front of him smiled bitterly.

"After I disguised myself as him, he disappeared before I could do anything. I don't know where he is!"

"You don't know?"

Looking at the other party's appearance that he didn't seem to be lying, Lu Zheng couldn't help but frown.

He had always thought that Chen Mo's disappearance was caused by the alien insects, but now it seems that there is another hidden story.

Forget it, don't think about it!

Anyway, he and Chen Mo didn't have much friendship, and he only paid attention to this matter for Chen Qian's sake.

If he can find it, it's the best, but if he can't, forget it!

Shaking his head, Lu Zheng left the rooftop.

He didn't kill the purple-stemmed armored alien insect this time, because the other party had never killed him before.

The reason why he killed him in the warehouse last time was because there were too many monsters at that time, and he was easy to kill!

Since he was lucky enough to survive, let him go.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Zheng feels that the purple-stemmed armored alien insect has not lost the heart of humanity.

Just now in the Internet cafe, he was speaking sweet words and making witty remarks, just like a living Zuan person!

His current situation is probably similar to that of the young master in the original drama!

The difference is that he knew he was an alien insect from the beginning, but he was more like a human under the influence of Chen Mo's memory.

Thinking of this, Lu Zheng couldn't help but admire Chen Mo.

Those who can suppress the nature of alien insects with their own consciousness are all great people!

After leaving the rooftop, it was almost time, so Lu Zheng returned home.

The end of the college entrance examination also means the end of high school life.

According to convention, classmates in a class must have a dinner together.

The next day, the classmates arranged to book a large table at the hotel.

Lu Zheng had nothing to do, so he naturally participated.

It was just that when there were a large table of people, he found that he didn't know many of them.

There was no way. He basically started sleeping when he arrived at school before and rarely interacted with his classmates.

Although he slept less later, everyone had already habitually distanced themselves from him, and only Chen Qian was closest to him.

Soon, the dishes on the table were all served, but no one started eating.

Because the head teacher Xu Wanwen hadn't arrived yet.

This gathering was nominally a teacher appreciation dinner, so of course we had to wait for the head teacher to arrive.


But she was late!

And when the monitor called her, he found that the call was not connected at all.

At this time, Lu Zheng, who was chatting with Chen Qian, found that his mobile phone rang.

Picked it up and saw that it was his sister Lu Xuewei calling.

Why are you looking for me at this time?

Lu Zheng walked to the corner with some doubts and pressed the answer button.

"Xiao Zheng, your class teacher is in trouble!"

Lu Zheng frowned and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

"She... Alas... Come to the hospital to see!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zheng went back and told Chen Qian, and took a taxi to the hospital.

Outside the ward, he saw Xu Wanwen inside through the glass.

"Is this her?"

Lu Zheng couldn't believe his eyes.

The person on the bed had a large area of ​​burns all over his body, and even some of them were not human.

Lu Xuewei nodded and said: "The identity has been verified, it can't be wrong!"

"What happened?" Lu Zheng asked.

He really couldn't believe that the kind and gentle tall and beautiful head teacher would be burned like this.

And since the Security Bureau intervened in this matter, it means that Xu Wanwen did not encounter an accident, but encountered a weirdo.

Lu Xuewei began to tell the story.

"This morning, we detected a strong energy fluctuation and found her when we arrived!"

"She should have been attacked by a monster. When we found her, her body was burning with flames."

"After some rescue, her life was temporarily saved, but the situation is still not optimistic!"

At this point, Lu Xuewei sighed and said, "I don't know if she can wake up. We have notified her family."

"Have you found the murderer?" Lu Zheng asked again.

Lu Xuewei nodded, hesitated for a while, and then said, "We haven't found the person yet, but through investigation, we have confirmed the other party's identity. It should be her blind date!"

Hearing this, Lu Zheng turned and left.

Lu Xuewei hurriedly stopped him and asked, "Wait! Xiao Zheng, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find him!" Lu Zheng said without looking back.


Lu Xuewei rushed up and grabbed him, angrily saying: "The opponent is very dangerous, and you don't have Caesar's power now!"

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

As soon as Lu Zheng finished speaking, the Calis awakening device on his waist appeared.

"So you got a new belt!"

Lu Xuewei suddenly realized, but still stopped him and said: "Even so, you can't go!"

"We are already tracking down the whereabouts of the opponent. Wait until we find him and then you can act together!"

At the same time, in the far north.

A handsome man in white opened his eyes while meditating.

"I sensed the breath of the same myth!"

"Yuyu, go and bring him back!"


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