The scene changed.

Lu Zheng came to the altar again.

He looked up and saw five balls of light flying in the air.

Today's harvest was really good.

Five balls of energy should be able to unlock another suitable monster statue!

Lu Zheng waved his hand, and one of the balls of light fell into the black fog.

A red light suddenly appeared, and an area was cleared in an instant.

From a distance, you can see all kinds of monster statues in that area.

Collapse source body, slammer, ghoul...

Unfortunately, they are all some miscellaneous soldiers, and Lu Zheng has no interest in them.

Then he controlled another ball of light to fall into the black fog.

The weird statue revealed this time was similar to the previous one, but there was a figure in the corner that attracted his attention.

It was a monster that was obviously several times larger than the other statues.

The most important thing was that it was not humanoid, but a huge spider.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Zheng remembered what it was.

The mirror monster in Dragon Rider!

Actually, the abilities of this kind of creature are quite useful.

Drilling into the mirror during the battle is very effective for sneak attacks or escape.

But then he felt that the spider mirror monster's strength was a bit weak, and it was a bit of a loss to let it occupy a round table for the ability to drill the mirror.

After all, Lu Zheng couldn't be sure whether the statue on the round table could be taken down and replaced with other weird statues.

Anyway, he had tried it before, and there was no way at the moment.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later!"

Lu Zheng shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​activating the spider mirror monster.

Use it when you need it in the future!

There was nothing else worth noting about this group of monsters except this big spider.

Then Lu Zheng threw out the third ball of light.

This time, something good is going to come out!

Lu Zheng prayed in his heart while throwing out the ball of light.

I don’t know if his prayer worked.

The moment the black fog dispersed, his eyes noticed the special statue in the statue group.

Then his eyes never moved away again!

Damn, I hit the jackpot!

Lu Zheng couldn’t help the excitement in his heart and ran to the statue quickly.

In front of him, it was the one who could use the image of a monster to mix in the Kamen Rider team...

Mantis Undead Beast!

The only difference is that the belt in the statue is not Aikawa Hajime’s Calis Awakening Device, but the Sealing Stone that the Undead Beast usually wears.

But no matter what the belt is, with this image, who would still regard him as a monster? This is a Kamen Rider at first glance!

This must be used!

Lu Zheng immediately reached out his hand, and the remaining two light balls were guided and merged into the statue of the Mantis Undead Beast one after another.

However, when Lu Zheng tried to move the statue to the center of the altar with his mind, he found that the statue did not move at all.

What happened?

Is there not enough energy?

Lu Zheng touched his chin and thought.

The previous taboo doping body was also like this, but the taboo doping body also only needs two light balls to open.

It seems that the Mantis Undead Beast needs more energy than the taboo doping body!

It can be seen but not used, which makes Lu Zheng feel very itchy.

But he was helpless because he could not turn into a light ball. He could only wait until he killed another monster before a new light ball would be added to his account.

The next day was still the weekend.

Lu Zheng, like yesterday, secretly followed his sister Lu Xuewei early in the morning, hoping to pick up a few monsters behind her.

Unfortunately, today, I don’t know what happened, and the monsters seemed to be much less.

After working all day, Lu Zheng didn’t get any monsters.

In fact, even Lu Xuewei herself only encountered two monsters.

One Orphino and one Tooth Blood Vampire.

Basically, as soon as they were discovered, they were killed by her and her two teammates, leaving Lu Zheng no chance to attack.

Fortunately, in the evening, Lu Xuewei finally caught a big fish.

"Are you sure it's them?"

Lu Xuewei looked at the man and woman in front of her with some doubt.

No matter how you look at it, these two people look like ordinary lovers.

"Yes, it's them!"

A young man in plain clothes behind him said with certainty.

His name is Shen Yan, and he is the information collector of the second team.

On weekdays, most of the information Zhao Jiang obtained was collected by him.

He Liping on the side also echoed: "Captain Chen, don't worry! Shen Yan won't make a mistake!"

Lu Xuewei nodded and said nothing, just from a distance

Follow the couple in front.

When they walked to a place far away from the crowd, Lu Xuewei immediately ordered: "Go!"

The three people jumped out instantly and rushed towards the couple.

"Transform!" ×3

When the couple saw the three people, they seemed to know that their identities were exposed.

Gray and white light patterns appeared on their faces, and in the blink of an eye they turned into the appearance of Orphino.

Coincidentally, these two people are worthy of being a couple, and even the form of Orphino is the same species.

Both of them are cat-shaped!

After turning into Orphino, the two relied on the speed of cats to flexibly avoid the attacks of Lu Xuewei and the other three.

However, they were only inferior Orphinos after all. Facing the siege of three people, they were defeated after a while.


Lu Xuewei shouted coldly and was about to release a big move.

However, at this time, the male Orphino projected a human appearance on the ground with a disdainful expression.

"You've fallen into a trap!"

As soon as the words fell, five big men in black suddenly jumped out from the surroundings.

With a flash of light and shadow, the five people turned into Orpheino at the same time.

Lu Xuewei and the others who had just surrounded others were instantly surrounded by others.

The situation immediately reversed!

He Liping whispered: "Captain Lu, the situation is not good!"

Lu Xuewei gritted her teeth and said: "I know! Find a chance to break through!"

After that, she immediately raised the Yalan military knife and stabbed the nearest Orpheino.

On the other side, Lu Zheng, who was in the sky, also discovered the battle here.

Originally, he was planning to go back because it was getting late, but he didn't expect to see his sister in danger in a blink of an eye.

There was no choice but to help her again!

However, Lu Zheng did not intend to use the image of the forbidden doping body.

Because he found that there were actually two Orpheinos who could attack from a distance.

One of them looked like a pea and could launch a kind of explosive seed with great power.

The other one sprayed a kind of corrosive mucus, which was also a big threat to him.

After all, although the forbidden doping body can fly, its flying speed is really not fast, and it is very likely to be hit by long-range attacks.

And its defense is low, so it is not a good choice.

After landing on the ground, Lu Zheng changed his form instantly.

When it comes to being tough and strong, and being able to withstand and fight, it has to be me, the crocodile Ophiino!

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