Knight with Wand

Chapter 80 The Mage Attacks!

Corvis felt relieved when he saw that the sound of hooves outside the forest did not come from the eagle mounted by Master Artias.

But the two familiar figures chasing him outside also surprised him.

Leon dismounted and asked Azarian to help look after the mount. He quickly walked into the forest and found the blond boy squatting on the ground ready to dig a hole.

"What you call important things, don't you mean some treasure buried in the woods on the roadside?" Leon asked doubtfully.

"Why are you guys following me?" Corvis asked awkwardly.

"Because there seems to be a fool who wants to sacrifice himself to attract the enemy's pursuit." Leon directly pointed out his guess and joked.

".It's not as noble as you say."

Seeing that his little excuse was seen through, the blond boy smiled helplessly, looked at the shovel and crystal in his hand, raised his head and said: "It's just that I made a miscalculation, but that guy is targeting me, and I don't want to go in vain. You will be involved in this unrelated conflict."

"So my guess is correct. The runes on your back can track your location?"

The association just now was verified, but Leon really couldn't be happy.

Exposing the direction of escape is an extremely difficult problem.

Originally, he did not hesitate to waste horsepower and travel such a long distance overnight, but Leon felt that it was safe enough.

Waiting for Falcon's men to find out where they went north, a few of them had already taken a detour and fled to the border.

In this era of scarcity of means, the pursuers followed them aimlessly and blindly, not even getting flattery.

But now.

"Who placed the tracking rune on you? Is it Pirieno or another mage? Will that person be chasing you soon?" Leon urgently needs to know the enemy's intelligence.

Corvis glanced behind him, pushed his shoulder with the handle of the shovel, and speculated: "This positioning magic technique is very subtle, otherwise I would not have noticed anything strange about myself, but this level of magic is impossible. It persists even after the death of the caster.

Besides Pirieno, the only one who had the opportunity to secretly manipulate me in the past was probably his disciple and confidant, a guy named Eamon, an upright mage. I remember that he will indeed be there. Return to the embassy within a few days. "

After saying that, the blond boy once again tried to persuade this friend who had met him briefly: "Eamon has a hippogriff, which is a winged riding beast with the head of a hippogriff and the body of a horse. It is slightly larger than a horse. It won't take long to ride on it. You can catch up.

Please leave quickly, you still have to escort Ms. Elena back to Orland. The personal grudge between Eamon and I has nothing to do with you."

Leon interrupted his speech: "Tell me honestly, do you have the confidence to defeat that person by yourself or even escape from that person's pursuit?"

Corvis pursed his lips to stop his words and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He can only be regarded as half a mage apprentice, and Pirieno's purpose of training him is just to make him a usable external source of magic power.

If you don't even know a decent battle magic, how can you defeat a real mage who has been taught to give him a full title?

"Sure enough, what should I say about you? I thought you were quite smart before, but why did you act stupid at the critical moment?"

Leon shook his head and sighed: "Do you think that the mage named Emon, after killing you, will not care about us who are still at large?

Have you forgotten who really killed Pirieno? "

Corvis raised his eyebrows helplessly. It was not that the young man didn't know what the other party was referring to.

However, his chances of winning against Eamon were already slim, so why should he care about what happened after his death.

Leon shook his head: "If we go our separate ways from the beginning and he pursues you in different directions and the route is completely different, then it really has nothing to do with us.

But now, since Eamon already knows your location, isn't our escape direction also exposed? It was impossible for him not to inform the Kantadars of our whereabouts.

Moreover, you also said that you don't know how to attack with spells, but the traces of Isa's Arrow I played are so obvious.

Even if you were willing to take the blame for killing Pirieno, would the other party be stupid enough to believe that you could unleash such attack magic?

If he is determined to avenge his mentor, the next person he will look for is me. "

Having said this, the situation has become clear and the trouble is big.

Leon said no more, grabbed Corvis's arm and pulled him out of the forest.

"Since you can't defeat that guy, wait until Eamon kills you and then chase you. How can our horses outrun that 'Hipeagle' flying in the sky?

If you can't live with this rune, then what's the point of attracting our attention? "

The blond boy was slightly startled and staggered by this tough attitude, so he had to quickly pick up his luggage and run out of the forest.

Leon knew that they had actually fallen into a crisis without knowing it.

There was no time to discuss, an idea flashed in his mind, a possibly feasible idea came to his mind, and he made a decision immediately.

"Azerion! You go back and meet Rohark, change the route, and take him and Ms. Elena to run east. We can't go in the same direction."

Letting go of Corvis, Leon came to his mount and got on his horse, then urged the blond boy who was still standing there: "Why are you standing there? If you want to live, get on your horse and follow me. , said while running, I have something else to ask you. "

Perhaps suffocated by the other party's confident attitude, Corvis no longer hesitated, turned around and stuffed the things in his hand back into his bag, stepped on the stirrups and climbed onto the horse's back again.

If there was really a glimmer of hope and he finally regained his freedom, how could the young man want to die in vain?

"Separate?" Azarian, who didn't understand the situation, suddenly learned that they had to split up and was a little confused.

"Well, our traces have been exposed. Corvis has a magic mark set by the mage. The enemy will catch up soon. Someone must divert the attention of the mage and the following pursuers.

But that boy from Lohak's Uriya language is a mess. He asked him to escort Ms. Elena around Kantadar. I'm not worried. You take him east and find a new way north to return to Orland. "

Pulling the reins to turn the horse's head, Leon asked his partner again: "How much money do we have left?"

"Only about fifty gold coins left."

"Give me half and keep the rest for you."

Leon put away the purse containing gold coins, turned around and called for Corvis, who was silent behind him, to follow him.

"Are you going to go with him to distract the pursuing mage? This is too dangerous!"

Azarian realized his partner's plan and frowned.

Knowing that his partner was unwilling to leave him alone to take risks, Leon urged his horse to pass by him and reached out to pat his shoulder: "It's an emergency, so don't argue. Just take care of Lohak and the others and escape. Don't Worry, I have a way to escape, see you in Selva."

Without further ado, Leon immediately swung the reins and led Corvis to gallop down this road.

Azarian grabbed the horse's head and paced helplessly.

The noble boy looked at the direction in which Leon and Corvis were leaving.

Then he looked at the path that the other companion and Ms. Irina were walking on.

There was no room for entanglement. Now that the partners had made up their minds to separate and lead away the pursuers, it was true that Lohark, who did not understand the language, needed his help more.

"You must come back alive."

Azarian gritted his teeth, turned around and urged his horse to chase Elena and his brother.

The hooves of the galloping horses jumped over the bumpy path, raising a cloud of dust.

Two horses galloping past, one behind the other.

"Can you unlock the tracking magic behind you?" Leon endured fatigue, turned around on horseback, and asked loudly to the blond boy who was following him.

"It's difficult! It will take me a long time to use magic power to dilute the structure of the mark bit by bit, at least twenty or thirty days." Corvis said, becoming increasingly annoyed.

He had not discovered the spell that Eamon quietly left on his body in the past. This magic should only outline part of the strokes at a time, and was definitely not completed overnight.

"It's okay, as long as it can be untied." Leon breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask: "Are there any other towns nearby?"

"I remember this road on the map leads to a nearby small village." Corvis replied while recalling the information in the embassy, ​​but after speaking, the boy became even more confused.

"Leon, where are you taking me?"

"When you get into the town, I'll buy you two more horses. When your horse can't run anymore, I'll replace it with another one immediately. If I encounter a settlement on the road, I'll buy another one.

I had to keep up with my horse at full speed as we headed north until we entered the Forest of Penros! "

Leon looked forward again and informed the blond boy of his destination.

"Panglos Forest? Penlos. You mean, the largest spirit-like field in Kantadar in the north of the map?" Corvis shouted in shock.

"Huh? You also call that a 'spirit-like field'?"

Hearing that the young man behind him actually said an ancient word with almost the same pronunciation as Miss Laura, Leon turned around in surprise.

The blond boy on the horse shook his head: "It's not me, it's Master Artias who calls that dangerous realm. Wait. Are you going to enter a spirit-like field? Are you crazy?"

"What? Is it dangerous?"

Leon saw Corvis's reaction, but he only felt relieved.


The blond boy's eyes seemed to be looking at a desperate kid at this moment: "Without the guidance of a great magician like the ruler of the empire with the title of "magic guide", what is the difference between us two ordinary mortals entering a spirit-like field and committing suicide?! Don’t you have the legend of the Cursed Land in your Western Continent?”

"Haha, it's okay if you think it's dangerous. It's dangerous! According to what you said, the guy chasing you will definitely not dare to go in with us, so I'm relieved."

Leon said happily from the front: "Speed ​​up, as long as you escape into the Penros Forest, I will take you across the cursed land!"


Corvis opened his golden eyes wide, listening to the other party's fantastic words, not knowing how he should react.

Keep your head on the road.

Sure enough, soon after turning north onto the highway, Leon saw the small town of Kantadar ahead.

He found the market and asked Corvis, who was proficient in Uriya, to buy a spare horse without haggling.

Although the inner thighs of the two were sore from the long journey, they still did not dare to stop and rest at this moment, and embarked on the journey to escape north again.

It was several hours of desperate running along the way.

As dusk approached, Leon could almost no longer feel the skin on the inside of his legs.

If Corvis hadn't stepped forward to cast healing magic on him halfway to boost his spirits, Leon would have almost fallen off his horse from exhaustion.

In the middle of the journey, Corvis had changed his mount several times.

The good Uriah horse bought from the Western Port at a large price was also abandoned because it was exhausted and could no longer move.

Three ordinary horses purchased in different towns along the way were run down and paralyzed one after another.

Even the powerful noble war horse under Leon was panting now, and he could hardly move his hooves due to visible physical weakness.

Even if this powerful black horse is lucky enough to return to Selva alive this time, it may not be able to recover from the lost fat and hidden injuries in its body without more than two or three months of recuperation.

After finding a water source, the two stopped in the wilderness and let the horse rest.

Leon asked Corvis, who was also exhausted, about the landmarks along the way he noticed during this trip.

After a rough calculation, after this trip, from last night to now, the two have been away from the Western Port for nearly 400 kilometers, and should be not far from the range of the Pangloss Forest.

When Leon calculated this, he couldn't help but look at the top warhorse lying on the ground panting, and he also exclaimed in his heart.

This horsepower, it has caught up with the Red Hare in the previous life, right?

If it runs a little more, it will really achieve the achievement of traveling a thousand miles a day.

No wonder the price is so expensive.

If we can return safely this time, give it a name, Red Hare Black Hare?

No, Black Hare is too funny, so let's call it Black Hare.

Sitting on the ground and thinking about random things, Leon took the food and water bag handed by the blond boy.

"Do you want to rest here for a night?" Corvis asked as he sat beside him.

"No, we will continue to lead the horse and cannot stop." Leon shook his head. How could he dare to rest without taking him into the spiritual field.

After the two of them had eaten and drunk enough, and patiently fed the rested horses with fine feed, Leon coaxed and pulled the stubborn and naughty mount from the ground.

Before the night fell, they continued to move towards the big forest in the north.

Leon took out the torch in advance and prepared to light it after nightfall.

He led the horse and walked deep and shallow in this rugged wilderness.


Suddenly, Corvis behind him screamed in pain, and Leon quickly turned his head.

I saw that the boy reached his shoulder with his hand, as if he was enduring the sudden pain.

"What's wrong?"

"The runes on my back are burning painfully. The magic in my body is reacting. Oh no, Amon may be nearby! Get on the horse!" Cold sweat broke out on Corvis's smooth forehead.

Of course, he didn't dare to be arrogant. Leon immediately stepped on the stirrups and climbed onto the horse's back. As soon as he sat firmly, he looked sideways and saw that the blond boy also climbed onto the mount with pain. He then forcefully called the horse to run away.


Leon shouted loudly to urge the tired warhorse to speed up.

Corvis behind him was also desperately waving the whip.

The whistling sound of the wind was faintly audible. Leon looked up to find the source of the sound in the sky, and finally saw the wings flying over the fiery red clouds.

His good eyesight allowed him to recognize that on the back of the flying beast that looked like a miniature griffin, a man with a black robe fluttering in the wind raised the magic wand in his hand with a bright red light.

(Lorelite) ".Snake that devours the body, scorching fire! Capture my enemy!!"

The eagle swooped down from the sky under the control of its master.

Amon's eyes were filled with surging and fiery light.

He waved his staff, and the gem on the top seemed to spurt out circles of magma.

The molten ring composed of magma spiraled, and the solid flaming snake head shot towards Corvis who was locked by the spell!

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