Knight with Wand

Chapter 42 Avengers

"Olivia, a good name."

The blood-thirsty face showed a hideous smile, and the red knight Cantadar raised his halberd and axe while pacing alternately and accelerating.

"Remember the one who crushed you, Baron Redingburg, Doson Casoles."

The clanging greaves and iron feet stepped on the ground, like thunder exploding in the air, the heavy metal steps stepped out concave cracks, and the steaming naked red shadow flew up.

The girl dragged the long sword, clenched her hands, and stared at the attacking enemy with her green eyes.

Gods, please bring me victory--

Bending her knees and leaning forward, the petite figure turned into a blurred stream of light at the moment of taking a step.

Gold and scarlet collided with a bang.

Swinging horizontally and slashing straight.

Rubbing like thunder and lightning, the sword blade rubbed against the axe blade, bursting out shining sparks.

Olivia gave up trying to close the distance after her eyes swept over the axe blade that was falling so close.

Her left foot immediately stepped forward and sent her body to the side.


The heavy blow of the long halberd that hit the air raised a cloud of flying dust.


Unable to finish off the opponent with one move, Duosen picked up the tip of the halberd head while laughing, and stepped forward without stopping to pierce the girl.

Olivia turned her waist to the right to avoid the attack, and raised her sword with both hands to try to block the halberd blade.

But the unstoppable force suddenly changed her moves, and Duosen's right arm veins bulged, and he turned the axe blade with one hand, turning the stab into a fierce horizontal slash.

A strong wind rolled up.

The roaring sound of breaking wind swept over the girl's head.

She bent her knees nimbly to avoid the fierce slash, and a few strands of golden hair fell from the air before they could fall.

The heavy axe blade was still swinging with the remaining force. Taking advantage of the inertia, the baron grinned and turned his waist, kicking out with his left shin like a war hammer.


There was no way to avoid it. The girl had to bear the enemy's force head-on by using the strong sword body and hand guard to block the iron foot that was smashing down.

The blade curved inward with great resilience, and the impact hit Olivia in front of her.

"Ugh!" The girl frowned in pain and clenched her teeth. She only had time to lift her feet.

With a whoosh, the girl coughed up blood, and her light body was kicked into the air.

"Die for me!!!" Dason shouted with red eyes, grabbed the end of the halberd with his left hand, pulled back the weapon with both arms, and stepped towards the direction where the girl landed.

The axe blade slashed out like a whirlwind.

The terrifying power had beaten the heavily armored Orland warriors into twisted pieces of meat more than once.

The long skirt flew high, and the girl pursed her pale lips in the air, twisting her waist quickly and turning her body like a falling cat.

The spinning white skirt was like a blooming lily.

The girl's body did not fall as Duosen expected.

The sharp blade of the halberd axe almost touched the girl's shoulder.

The metal blade tore off a large piece of cuffs, rubbing the snow-white and delicate skin with a shocking blood red.


Duosen widened his eyes and watched his sure-fire horizontal slash suddenly swing into the air.

And the girl, who was like a falling maple leaf, just rotated half a circle in front of the enemy along the force of the slash.

The long sword held tightly in both hands had already turned from the waist of the horizontal body to the sky, and the shining silver light fell on the enemy's head, slashing towards the enemy's neck!

Damn it!

Duosen knew that he could no longer pull back the halberd axe that had slashed too far.

He let go of the long handle with his right hand, raised his forearm, and tried his best to deflect his upper body to avoid the fatal blow.


Blood splattered, and the sharp blade that fell and slashed cut into the red muscles that were as tight and solid as leather armor.

Dosen's forearm and shoulder shared the force of the cut at the same time.

Olivia only felt a difficult and dull cutting feeling.

Even with the blessing of gravity, rotational inertia and weight falling, the sword in the girl's hand was still stuck by the enemy's extremely tough bones and could not move forward.

Even the cut muscles were tightly biting the blade.

As soon as her feet landed, the girl endured the burning pain of the left shoulder abrasion and pressed down the blade, trying to cause a bigger wound.

"- Hey!" Dosen screamed and pulled his left arm, and the halberd blade on the back of the halberd was smashed towards the girl in front of him.

Olivia had to drag and cut back the long sword and jump back to avoid the halberd tip that was swinging.

After forcing the girl back, Duosen also took a few steps back before raising his hand to hold the halberd handle firmly again.

"My lord! Are you okay?"

The attendants led by Luke and the attendants who surrounded him from the other side finally ran to Baron Duosen's side.

Guarding the feudal lord, he looked at the wounds on Duosen's arms and shoulders that were slowly tightening, and couldn't help being shocked.

"Forgive me for interrupting your duel, but this little girl is not a real knight. Killing her anyway has nothing to do with honor."

After hearing what his subordinates said, Duosen's eyelids trembled, and the hot blood made him feel a rage that he had nowhere to vent.

Obviously, as long as he touched the other party, he could easily tear her fragile body into pieces.

But he was repeatedly defeated by the girl's superb martial arts.

Although he felt that he still had a sure win, Duosen raised his hand and gently stroked the gem that pierced his chest, and his mind calmed down a little.

Yes, it's not a real duel, why are you so excited, hurry up and end this farce.

".Let's go together and kill her as soon as possible."

After receiving the Lord's approval, Luke immediately raised his sword and shouted to the soldiers: "Raise your spears!"

Several attendants were trained on both sides to level their spears.

A group of people roared shamelessly and rushed towards the girl in front like a pack of wolves.


The heavy halberd was swung at high speed with an unimaginable lightness.

The blade was knocked out of hand, and the long knife spun like a fan and flew up into the sky without disappearing.

Leon hurriedly retreated, dodging the attack of the enemy's heavy weapons with great difficulty.

But even so, he still couldn't fight against the tall and battle-hardened knight in front of him.

Unable to dodge the extremely fast attack, Leon received a sharp blow on his breastplate.

His body was knocked backwards like a cannonball, and he fell heavily against the wall behind him.

It fell to the ground in the rumbling smoke and dust, and Leon almost couldn't lift it up in one breath and struggled to carry it on his back.

Long Kong's chest armor had been smashed with holes. If it weren't for the hollow structure and the inner armor protection, he might have died.

He stood up slowly with his back against the earth wall on both hands and feet, looked up at the iron tower-like turtle can, and behaved calmly, Leon was stunned.

Olivia defeated such an opponent?

Fighting against such a powerful enemy for the first time, Leon felt more clearly than before how strong the girl was.

I really don’t know what the human beings in this world are made of. Can you become a superman just by practicing martial arts?

Apart from magic, he didn't see any fighting spirit or gas along the way.

Thinking again of the nameless ghoul knight who almost strangled the half-demon Rohark alive.

As a lesson from heaven and earth, Leon originally thought that the knight who turned into an undead was more powerful than he was in life. Now it seems that the knight who turned into a living corpse may not be as good at fighting as he was in life.

The tall Kantadar knight knocked Leon away and glanced at the fierce battle on the lord's side in a leisurely manner.

He admired the girl who was being besieged in his heart. The victory was determined. Then he turned back to look at the opponent with mediocre martial arts in front of him. His eyes behind the thick mask couldn't help but be dull.

Otherwise, he would not have sent his attendants to support Lord Duoson.

He thought he could defeat dozens of opponents disguised as mercenary cavalry in front of him.

The other party has integrated into his identity very thoroughly, and he is as good as those mercenaries who are greedy for money.

(Faru language) "Compared to that girl, you are really weak." The knight shook his head.

Leon laughed angrily, and simply lifted up his suffocated visor, breathing in fresh air: "Haha, you can't compare with that little lion, but when you were as old as me, you might not be as capable as me."

His contempt for his enemies was unyielding.

Weapons and armor are useless, and he still uses the hardware of a teenage boy, relying solely on the experience of his previous life to receive so many moves.

As a result, you beat the children and pretended to be cool.


If you beat a sixteen-year-old boy, will your face be bright?

I'm not praising the quality of you Kantadar humanoid beasts.

He cursed the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart, although Leon actually knew it.

Even if he changed the physique of his previous body and put on the same heavy armor, he still wouldn't be able to survive a few rounds in the opponent's hands.

The multi-dimensional gap in martial arts, strength and actual combat experience cannot be filled with anger.

After seeing clearly the young face behind the young man's mask, the knight was slightly stunned as he walked towards him.

"Okay, let me correct it. At your age, you can barely get started with swordsmanship." The tall knight nodded carelessly, and he continued to walk towards Leon unhurriedly.

"Then feel honored, my boy. There is no shame in dying at the hands of a knight."

Leon stared at the heavily armored knight approaching in the distance with his halberd raised high, silently counting down in his heart.

From the beginning, he never expected that he could defeat the opponent head-on with this ability.

Arch your waist.

Leon raised his hands in front of him, pretending to be on guard as if he was going to fight to the death.

However, the ring finger and middle finger of both hands were slightly bent, while the index finger and middle finger were raised individually.

It's not just your lord who has special tricks, I also have them.

"Help me, Miss Laura." Leon Ang silently asked for help from the last savior.

Soon, that familiar feeling came to my mind.

The flowing feeling in the body is slowly gathering towards the fingertips of both hands.

You only get one chance.

Miss Laura said that coma was just an accident, but before ruling out that unexpected situation, she also reminded herself that she only had one chance.

In other words, once the shot is missed, no matter whether it is unconscious or not, there is no way to fire a second shot of Isa's Arrow.

The heart beats faster like a pump.

This blow must not be avoided by the opponent.

Leon didn't dare to bet on whether the opponent's heavy armor could block the attack. There was no second chance. He had to trick the opponent into getting close enough to ensure that he could shoot the light arrow directly into the gap in his face armor!

Come on, come on, come closer

"Suffer death!!"

Amid the familiar roar, rumble of horse hooves galloped towards them.

The sound that was so close at hand made Leon look sideways in surprise.

The knight, whose head was buried in his helmet, could barely hear the movement around him.

But in his haste, it was too late to turn around.

Turning his head, the halberd-wielding knight with limited vision in the fully enclosed helmet could only see the armor robe on the chest of the war horse getting bigger and bigger.

The sound of trumpets sounded in the village, which was the signal to gather.

The plundering and looting had just ended, and the scattered mercenary cavalry and attendant cavalry had to get up from their beds in a hurry, run out of the farmhouses, and get on their horses.

A Kantadar cavalry kicked open the house where his companions were, shouting orders to assemble.

(Uriah) "What's wrong? What's wrong? Are the Orlande pursuers coming?"

The mercenary who hadn't buckled his leg armor asked him in panic while putting on his armor.

"Not the pursuers! The messenger said that the baron was kidnapped. Hurry up. If the sponsor dies, who can we ask for money?" The cavalry replied hurriedly.


The mercenary hurriedly put on his armor and ran out of the yard. Before he could climb on his horse, he suddenly saw a mercenary accomplice galloping through the alley on a fast horse. He hurriedly dodged.

"Fuck you! Which team! You almost killed me if you didn't watch out." The mercenary was shocked and cursed.

Lohak turned a deaf ear to the incomprehensible shouting behind him, and just shouted at the warhorse to speed up.

Not knowing how Leon and Azerien's plans were going, Lohak was anxious.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky.

A small black shadow passed through the clouds.

There was no time to think about it. Lohak retracted his gaze, urged his horse to rush through the farmhouses, and entered the alley leading to the south.

Finally, he saw Leon's figure at the end.

His companion had been forced into a corner by a tall knight, and there was no place to hide.

Lohak pulled the reins hard and launched a final sprint.

The horse galloped until it was close.

The boy shouted for a long time: "Kantadar bastard! Die!"

Lohak did not use the weapon in his hand at all. He directly urged the warhorse to face the enemy head-on.

The heavy armored knight who failed to detect the sneak attack in advance was caught off guard and only had time to turn his head, but he could no longer dodge.

The surging horsepower knocked the knight with the halberd off the ground.

His body fell to the ground with a bang like a dog eating shit, and the halberd in his hand slipped out.

The back was crushed by the galloping horse's hooves.

If it weren't for the heavy armor on his body, he would have been seriously injured.

He watched his partner riding the horse like a mud truck and crushing the enemy.

Leon's eyes fixed, without a moment's hesitation, he rushed forward almost immediately after his friend's charge.

He skillfully made the gestures he had made countless times when he was free.

He braked and slid a step away from the opponent, half squatted down, and knelt on one knee.

The seal in his hand was aimed at the head of the heavily armored knight.

The knight was a little confused by the collision and was not seriously injured.

He gritted his teeth and propped up his upper body, angrily trying to find the weapon that had slipped out of his hand.

But just as he raised his head, the knight saw a dazzling white light through the narrow field of vision of the helmet.

"Surprise mother fucker!"

The approaching dazzling glare suddenly burst out at Leon's fingertips.

The speed of the magic was unstoppable at such a distance.

The light arrow that burst out almost instantly dragged out a dazzling tail light and blasted into the knight's visor.

Bang --! ! !

The metal parts collapsed from the inside out under the heavy pressure of the explosion.

Blood, brain matter, eyeballs, skull fragments, the whole head exploded like a watermelon in an instant.

A large mass of indescribable red and white knight's helmet flew from the neck of the body, swirling high and splashing the red and white "tofu brain" all over the ground.

Successfully guided the wizard lady in the body to smash the enemy's head.

Leon felt a flash in front of his eyes, his body softened, and he almost fell to the ground.

He quickly supported the ground with both hands.

The sweat had wet the skin inside the armor.

No wonder there was only one chance. Although he was not unconscious now, he almost had no strength to lift his feet at this moment.

Hearing the loud noise behind him, Lohak grabbed his warhorse and turned back to shout: "Leon!"

".I'm fine! Go save Azerien! He's fallen on the opposite side!" Leon struggled to stand up with his knees, looked up and shouted to his companions on horseback.

One of his companions has lost the ability to move, and now it is far from being out of danger.

Enduring dizziness and fatigue, Leon turned around and drew his sword from the waist of the heavy armored knight.

He could hear the sound of horses' hooves getting closer and closer.

At this moment, it's probably not just Lohak who is riding horses.

The enemies of the whole village have been completely alarmed.

What should I do next?

"Miss Lola, do you have any special moves that I can use?" Leon asked in his heart with a wry smile.

What responded to him was endless silence.

And the huge shadow that shrouded everyone's heads.

Leon raised his sword.

"Death Claw!?"

I never thought I would see it again.

No sound, no roar.

The god of death fell from the sky, swooping silently down from the sky over the heads of the Kantardars.

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