Knight with Wand

Chapter 167 Encounter (Thanks for the monthly ticket)

"Let's go and have a look. The last time I saw a tamed griffon was when I went to the Northern Fortress." Inis excitedly urged her mount and walked down the hillside.

Agatha flicked the reins, kept up the pace, and said noncommittally: "Maybe it's a rumor. Some people can brag about slaying a dragon by beheading a wild boar. Besides, I doubt whether the farmers in the countryside can tell the difference between lions." The difference between a vulture and a hippogriff.”

Agatha's traveling career as a mercenary made it very clear to Agatha that although they were both flying rare beasts and looked very similar, their size and ferocity were very different.

The Hippogriff can only be said to be as dangerous as a flying tiger or lion, and is only slightly more difficult for a fully armed knight to deal with.

But the griffin, that noble creature, is no less powerful than the various dragon beasts in the Bone Burial Wasteland.

She looked at the serving lord with some confusion: "Your Highness, if you want to see that knight, just send an envoy to summon him to the camp. Why do you have to sneak over here quietly? Your Excellency Rahman is also visiting here. Why don’t we go to the banquet together?”

Agatha estimated in her mind that the gentlemen of the Sea Eagle Knights would go crazy if they found out that His Highness was traveling alone.

"Come here secretly? Don't say it in such a bad way~ At least you should say that you are visiting the wise in disguise~"

Inis smiled and shook her fan: "If you come here with great fanfare, or summon the other party directly, I'm afraid I can only see an appearance as perfect as possible. How boring is this? Remember, Agatha, if To evaluate a person, the first way is not to look at him himself, but to look at the people around him~"

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked around at the small but still bustling and vibrant village in front of her.

Regardless of whether the rumors of raising griffins are true or false, at least in General Trossa's letter, there is probably nothing wrong with the knight's record of defeating the strong by the weak.

Since it is rare to get to this place, she is always willing to explore the details of such talents.

If there is an opportunity in the future, why not dig into the corner of the Thorn Flower family and add another outstanding member to the knights under his command?

"Relax like this, move with your whole body, not just your feet, and feel the structure of the bones and flesh beneath the skin."

In the backyard, Olivia slowly and lightly demonstrated the steps of forward, backward and turning to Treya, who had just completed physical training.

The figure was obviously moving on the bumpy ground, but it was as dexterous as if it were moving on a smooth floor, like a smooth dance.

Sweat dripped from Treya's forehead. Although the blond girl acted so relaxed, when she was learning to walk in Handan, she could feel that her whole body seemed so stupid and slow, as if every joint in her body was not functioning properly.

For a month, she felt like she had become a baby, relearning how to walk and run under Olivia's guidance.

"Hmm~, that's right, that's it. Take your time and don't rush. You are making rapid progress. Is it because you have learned to dance?" Olivia crossed her waist and nodded to encourage Treya.

But what she said was indeed not to comfort the other party, but the truth. Regardless of swordsmanship and only footwork, Treya did progress much faster than Zabroun and the others. It seems that Leon was right. People with basic knowledge of dance can learn the cat spin method more quickly.

After a long moment or two of repetition, when Treya was sweating profusely and had completed enough sets of training and her breath became disordered, Olivia handed over a steel sword.

"You can't rest yet, it's just right now. A little fatigue can make you feel the difference in the strength of controlling the weapons in your hands.

But remember, at your current stage, don’t practice like this when practicing alone, as it is easy to distort your habits. Today, it is just because I am helping you correct your mistakes alone, so you can use this trick to speed up your progress. "The girl warned.

After hearing Olivia's reminder, Treya nodded silently. To be honest, under the condition of continuous physical exertion, she also had to perform concentrated posture training. Even if she wanted to do it without permission, she would have to have great perseverance to restrain fatigue and fatigue. Constantly thwarting the inner boredom.

Taking the long sword, the knight's daughter raised the sword in a decent manner, and then started to practice every move in the basic routine according to the basic sword skills she was taught.

The sword moves with the movement of chopping, chopping, slashing and stabbing, and the sword falls with every step.

Olivia would make corrections from time to time and intervene to adjust the opponent's posture.

Thereya firmly remembered and appreciated the other person's guidance with gratitude in her heart.

She cherishes such one-on-one time every day. On weekdays, this is probably a "privilege" that no one else can enjoy except Master Leon.

After all, Azarian and Lord Rohark are busy with their affairs and often travel between territories, and warriors such as Zabroun and Hawke have many other daily military training and tasks.

At the moment, only she, a useless idle maid, can spend enough time to receive step-by-step instruction from Miss Olivia.

Because of this, the expressionless Treya became increasingly anxious.

Although she understood that practicing martial arts did not happen overnight, the fact that she seemed to be the only one with no other use still burned her heart like a flame.

Olivia on the side saw that Treya was slowly entering the state and there was nothing special that needed to be corrected at this stage, so she raised the long sword in her hand and started practicing with her sword dance like the wind.

Another moment or two passed. Olivia raised her sword and stopped. She looked sideways at Treya, who was soaked in sweat and her arms were shaking more and more obviously. She quickly spoke out to stop.

"That's about it for now. Let's rest for now. In the evening, you can practice a set of moves with Hawke and the others according to your usual schedule. I think I can teach you the 'Gun Slash' style tomorrow."

Treya felt relieved. After training for a long time, she only felt that the steel sword she lifted easily in her hand was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Putting down her training weapons, she walked aside, sat down with a sore body, and picked up a towel to wipe away the sweat.

After holding up the kettle to quench her thirst, Treya looked towards the courtyard, looking at the blond girl with envy and reverence. Her sword was as light as a flying swallow and as fierce as a raptor.

She heard from Hawke that since the girl in front of her was eleven years old, even her father, Sir Brian, could not teach her anything except some advice on pole weapons.

Miss Olivia's martial arts is completely based on her own love, and it is like a gift from heaven.

This terrifying talent, the more she practiced martial arts, the more Treya felt how extraordinary this girl who was two years younger than herself was.

She suddenly couldn't help but asked expectantly to the girl who was practicing her sword: "Miss Olivia, what kind of move is the 'Spear Slash'?"

Using a stroke to stop the whirling sword wind, Olivia sheathed her sword, turned around and said with a smile: "That was the name given by Leon. His naming is always very poetic. In fact, it is the defense you have practiced in the basics." A sexual slash, then a thrust to counterattack and pursue the enemy, and finally a slight drag cut at different angles, and finally it can be converted into other offensive moves."

Olivia felt funny when she thought of the dazzling names of moves in the sword manual compiled by her lover.

But she also admitted that she had no talent for naming.

With a poetic name like "Flying Swallow Returns to the Nest", if you were to name it yourself, you would probably call it "Cut it to the left, chop it to the right".

There was also a move where she jumped over the enemy's head in desperation and flipped over and hit hard. After racking her brains, she could only call that move "jump up and smash people's heads", but Leon chose a "gryphon" for it. A nice name for "Zhan".

Olivia was about to perform the "gun chop" for Treya when she suddenly stopped and looked at the gate of the backyard.

She could hear the conversation of the guards standing guard outside.

"Honorable lady, if you want to visit the lord, please go through the main entrance of the mansion. The housekeeper will receive you two. In addition, the lord is not in the mansion today, so you may not be able to see him." The guard suggested with some embarrassment.

Seeing the beautiful girl smiling in front of them, the two Selva soldiers guarding the backyard did not dare to neglect or embarrass her. They tried to be as respectful as possible and did not shout to expel the other party.

It's not that they are very civilized and courteous, it's just that during this period of time, there is an endless stream of nobles coming to Selva. The beautiful girl holding the tall horse behind her is obviously not a commoner. Who knows which lord's daughter she is.

Besides, there was a female warrior with a sword who was as tall as the man next to him. That serious woman with scars on her face looked like she was someone who was not easy to mess with.

"The villagers told me that the griffon was kept in the lord's backyard, so I came here to open my eyes. However, the lord is not here, and the gryphon is not here either~?" Inis blinked regretfully, feeling slightly disappointed. He glanced at the courtyard wall behind the guard.

She had seen Earl North's griffin at the Warlock Fortress in the north. Although it was not as huge as the king's flying dragon, it was still astonishing in size. Unless it was completely lying down, a giant beast of that size would not be protected by a wall of this height. The face covers the figure.

The young guard felt flustered by the noble and moving beauty of the blonde girl, and couldn't help but look away in shame.

"Unfortunately, you came at the wrong time. That big guy only flies to Selva every four days or so. The gryphon just came yesterday." The guard explained in a gentle tone that was instinctively flattering. This was also a passerby from Kossos County. As everyone knows, a lot of noble people have come to see the strange beast recently. After all, with such a big monster flying to Selva every day, no one is blind or deaf.

While talking, the guard secretly glanced at the other party's appearance, feeling that this girl was so beautiful that it made people's hearts tremble.

Especially that golden hair, it is really as dazzling as Olivia.

However, unlike the girl from the village he had grown up with, she was much softer and sweeter than the ferocious golden lion in the yard behind him.

The fat beatings he had received since childhood made this Selva young man's impression of Olivia's equal beauty.

After all, he had never heard Golden Lion speak with such a sweet voice that was so soft and soft that it sounded bone-chilling.

Suddenly, the courtyard gate opened behind the guard.

The two guards suddenly stood up straight, raised their heads and stopped talking.

"Uncle Roma, Brother Langdon? Are there any guests visiting?" Olivia walked out from behind the door and asked the fellow guards outside.

As she spoke, her green eyes glanced at the visitors in front of the backyard door.

At first glance, the girl instinctively looked at the tall female warrior who felt quite a threat.

But seeing that the scarred lady was wary and not malicious, Olivia turned to look at the girl who was wearing a robe and cloak and was slightly younger than herself.

As her eyes slid over the other person's face, Olivia couldn't help but pause for a moment at the blond hair that was quite similar to her own.

Although Selva was surrounded by many people of the same age and with the same hair color, the girl in front of her made Olivia feel inexplicably familiar.

Seeing the blond girl walking out of the courtyard with a sword on her waist, Inis's thin eyebrows slightly raised.

"Guian, I am the niece of Count Trossa. You can call me 'Lenice'. Please forgive me for visiting." Inis made up her identity with a warm smile. Grandpa Trossa would definitely not mind anyway. Let her borrow her name.

Olivia suddenly came back to her senses from that wonderful sense of familiarity: "Ah, hello, it's an honor to meet you, Miss Lenise, my name is Olivia."

Although she is used to getting along with the three Leons at home without any barriers of status, the girl has not forgotten to remain polite to the nobles outside.

She held on to the hilt of the sword and stepped back, bending her knees and lowering her head slightly. This was just because she was wearing trousers for sword practice and did not have a skirt to hold up.

"Are you looking for Leon?" Olivia raised her head and reminded: "He was not at home at the banquet to welcome Earl Rahman. The banquet was probably just held at this time. I think with your distinguished status, it is enough to If you are invited, how about I send someone to escort you to the banquet?”

Inis shook her head, with helplessness on her pretty face: "No need, Miss Olivia, I just listened to the rumors around me and came here specifically to see the gryphon, but I was unlucky and seemed to have arrived too late."

See the gryphon? Olivia didn't find it strange.

For more than half a month, leading nobles and knights who heard the news often came to see the legendary beast. Leon joked with her at night, saying that it would be better to just charge some admission money.

Thinking of Leon's strange idea, Olivia said with a smile: "It's indeed an unlucky time for you to come, but if you stay longer, you should still be able to see it."

Inis nodded her forehead with a fan and looked troubled: "It's a pity that I can only stay in your place for two days before I have to lead the army south to the front line."

Olivia was a little surprised when she heard this: "Miss Lenis, a girl like you also needs to lead an army on an expedition?"

"Huh? This is strange? But a girl like you, isn't she also wielding a sword?" Inis glanced at the long sword at the opponent's waist, winked and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look down on you, I was just a little impressed and surprised."

Olivia waved her hands repeatedly and apologized hurriedly.

As a woman, she has experienced fighting and battlefields herself, so of course she will not look down on the other person because of the same gender.

However, Olivia could also completely see that this "Miss Lenis" really had no martial arts skills. The opponent's figure was so light and frail that it would be extremely dangerous to enter the battlefield with such a weak body.

Lenis could see the other party's doubts, spread her fan to cover her mouth and chuckled: "I don't want to charge into battle with the soldiers. Sometimes, staying in the military tent and moving my head may be more useful than swords and spears~ "

It’s such a risk, phew~, it’s almost a dead end. Also, thanks to all the big guys for your monthly tickets, I’m really touched that I can be on the top of the fantasy bestseller and monthly ticket lists in my lifetime. Although I only stayed at the top of the category for one day, I was knocked out by the big guys again. But I, a little Karami who is writing a book for the first time, can blow the big man’s ass once, and I will have no regrets in this life.

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