Knight with Wand

Chapter 165 I miss you, foot man

"Just asking by the way, if we go to Dragonmaw City or the capital city in the future, we will ask the alchemists in other big cities." Leon said with a wry smile.

It was still Miss Lola's attitude when she copied the Neti card in the Mage Tower, which was too relaxed.

It gave Leon the illusion that this thing could be easily made.

That's right, the miracle thing that can almost completely revive the dead, even the three secondary Neti cards in the leather box on the waist at this moment, can be said to be three "artifacts".

According to the scarcity situation I have learned now. Even if there are magic materials for making Neti cards on the market, I am afraid their prices will be quite terrifying.

The materials used to make Neti cards are not much in stock in the Mage Tower.

The three cards in his hand, two black and one silver, are degraded replicas that Miss Lola has managed to collect based on Aphrodite's manuscript, after deconstructing the principle by herself, and using the remaining materials in the tower.

Because the only thing Ms. Aphrodite wanted to make during her lifetime was the golden magic card used to revive Miss Lola.

So of course, the tower never deliberately hoarded "low-level materials" that were not used in the first place.

Those used before were probably the scraps left over from Ms. Aphrodite's experiments.

This has led to the fact that now, in addition to the basic materials in stock and some common minerals that can be found on the market, if you want to continue to make the two low-level Neti cards, black and silver, you lack five core materials.

They are Spirit Vein Ore, Moon Meteor Silver, Molten Mountain Gold, Erosa Crystal, Isuya Soul Stone, etc.

"Spirit Vein Ore" is the simplest.

The city of Avalon was originally built on the earth vein. It should be easy to find the ore vein by searching in the nearby area with the earth vein spirit lamp.

Especially since the Nightmare Forest has been shrouded by the spirit field for so long, the huge magic power gathered in the special environment must have created a rich spirit vein deposit around Avalon.

As for "molten gold" and "moon meteorite silver", after the consumption of three Neti cards, there is still some left in the wizard tower, but the stock is only enough to make one or two more Neti cards, depending on whether you want to make silver cards or black cards.

Molten gold can only be found near large craters with extremely active elemental activities.

And moon meteorite silver can only be extracted from special meteorites that fell from the moon.

Although the two are named gold and silver respectively, moon meteorite silver is actually much more precious than molten gold.

Because the land under your feet will not produce the special products that come from the moon of this world.

Ordinary people have no choice but to try their luck in areas such as the "Star Meteoric Mountains" in the north of the continent where moon meteorites frequently fell in history.

Of course, when Miss Lola was alive, it would not be so troublesome when she urgently needed moon meteorite silver but did not have enough on hand.

She would go to the so-called "Moon Land" to dig in person.

Well, now that he has experienced all kinds of miracles created by mages, Leon is not surprised at all by the experience of his saintly little teacher's physical moon landing.

As expected of a magic king who can be worshipped as a god by word of mouth, he easily did what ordinary people dare not think of.

In fact, according to her, in the past and even longer ago, more than 90% of the moon meteorite silver circulated in the hands of the Lorelit magician was dug back from the moon by several magic kings who were able to travel through the star realm.

Now thinking about it, Leon couldn't help but feel ashamed. He still remembered that when he was short of money in the past, he had the idea of ​​taking the gold and silver ingots in the warehouse of the magician tower, and wanted to discuss with Laura to get some of her students' inheritance back for emergency.

Now I know that this is not a precious metal that ordinary people use for trading, but two exaggerated rare treasures. No wonder it looks much more beautiful than ordinary gold and silver.

Especially the moon meteorite silver, if he takes it and spends it as ordinary precious metals, it will be a real waste of heaven's resources.

With the current level of civilization in this world, it is unknown how many hundreds or thousands of years it will take for humans to take the "small step" that the ancient kings of magic have taken countless times.

In addition to the above three mineral materials, a special element crystal called "Elosa Crystal" is needed to make the main body of the Neti card.

Just as Azerien learned from Silver Mountain City on this trip, Elosa Crystal is a substance that looks like ice.

But it will not melt because of the surrounding temperature. Only by forcibly injecting magic power and destroying the elemental balance inside it can this permafrost melt.

Although this thing does not need to be found on the moon, it can only be born in an extremely low-temperature natural element environment.

It is reasonable that few people on the continent have heard of such a treasure that needs to be found on the dangerous polar ice field and has very limited uses.

Let alone the difficulty of collecting Elosa Crystal, if it can be found, it will be enough to make black cards.

And the last material is actually an advanced material for making relatively advanced "silver cards".

The so-called "Isua Soul Stone" is also known as the "Soul of the Elves".

The four rare materials before were at least natural substances, but the last thing was particularly special. It was not born under natural conditions.

It was a kind of artificial. Oh no, elf-made crystal stone that only grew near the magic furnace that powered the floating magic on the floating island and the big ark where the ancient "elves" lived.


When Leon heard from Miss Lola about this race that was older than the Lorelit civilization, he suddenly became energetic.

It turned out that the existence in the folk legends of the mainland was also a real intelligent race, not a fabricated myth.

Of course, the so-called "elf" title is also Leon's own understanding.

Pointed ears, handsome, and immortal. For Leon personally, there is no more appropriate title than "elf" in his previous life.

And the books in the library of the Mage Tower have special local titles for those handsome and pointed-eared immortals.

However, unlike the ancient language, "Heraen" and "shorty man", this kind of straightforward feature is even almost a slightly derogatory straightforward title.

The species similar to the elves in Leon's previous life is respected by the Lorelit people as "Isulan".

It means "elder" and "ancient", and also has the meaning of mentor.

In the history of Lorelit, the Isulan elves living on the Great Ark and the Floating Islands are said to have helped the ancestors of Lorelit explore the way of magic.

The two sides had close contacts until the Lorelit people completely surpassed the ancient elves in magic attainments, and the relationship between the two tribes gradually cooled down.

But Leon remembered that when Miss Lola was reciting the word "transcendence" on the throne, her beautiful face showed a sneer with obvious mockery.

When he wondered who Lola's attitude was directed at, she did not tell him everything as before, but just shook her head silently.

Seeing that she did not want to elaborate, Leon did not rush to ask.

After all, no matter what the relationship between the two ancient civilizations was, it was not important.

The Lorelit civilization has disappeared without a trace.

And the Isulan elf Lola said that as early as the ancient times when the Lorelit Kingdom still existed, the elves boarded the "Great Ark" and left this world.

On the continent now, only the floating islands left by the elves prove that this race once existed.

Good guy, the whole race traveled together? . Leon felt at the time that his identity as a traveler from Earth seemed to be nothing special.

I guess if he told Lola directly about his origins, she would not be surprised.

Feeling impressed by the mysterious elves who are older than the Lorelits, Leon also understood that if he wanted to get the "Isua Soul Stone" again, in addition to hoping that the elves had traded with the Lorelits in the past and that the soul stones might still exist in the world.

He had to go to the ruins of the floating island left by the elves to look for it.

The premise is that those floating magics are still working normally and the islands in the sky have not fallen.

Miss Lola said that she was sure of the existence of two floating islands in the world before her death.

One is located above the "Dragon Heart Peninsula".

The other is located above the ancient island of "Isulan", the elves' homeland.

In the tower, Leon carefully compared the ancient map with the general map of the Western Continent countries bought on the market today.

It was found that the so-called Dragon Heart Peninsula was already the eastern edge of the map of the Western Continent.

It is located in the center of the super-long strait inland sea called "Omulos's Wound", under the rule of the Kingdom of Aurelia, and is also the capital of its kingdom.

As for the "Isulan Island", it does not exist on the map of the Western Continent in Leon's hand.

According to the ancient map in the library of the Mage Tower, the location of the elves' former land is probably in the sea, quite a distance south of the Western Continent.

After comparing the difficulty of going to the two places, it is obvious that if the "Elf Soul" is really not available on the local market in Orland.

It is relatively simple to go to the Dragon Heart Peninsula of the Kingdom of Aurelia in the east.

Active volcano crater moon meteorite Far North frozen soil floating ruins

When Leon thought about the ways to obtain these materials, he felt a headache.

For an ancient magic king like Miss Laura who can go to the moon in the flesh, even for a great magician like Ms. Aphrodite, collecting these "heavenly materials and earth treasures" is not a difficult task.

But for a mortal like himself who has just studied apprentice magic.

He suspected that it would take many years to collect materials for making Neti cards from all over the world after embarking on a journey to search everywhere.

How could he have the time to run around the world? He had to fulfill his promise as soon as possible and take Laura back to the Great Temple of Rolandar.

Although Laura didn't seem so anxious, Leon didn't think that his young teacher was willing to wait for more than ten or twenty years.

It seems that spending money is the simplest way after all.

As long as there is enough wealth, whether it is directly purchasing from all over the continent, or posting a bounty and entrusting brave men to search all over the world.

Leon sighed, and at this time he regretted that there was no "Adventurer Guild" in the video games of his previous life.

If there were those hardworking tools, he would only need to issue a bounty task, which would be much easier.

Of course, when his wealth is increasing and his soldiers are becoming more and more reliable, assigning tasks to his subordinates to search separately is also a way. If there are no footmen, just create some footmen yourself.

After putting away the Silver Mountain Crossbow for trial use, Leon continued to check other weapons purchased in the armory, including light armor and heavy shields prepared for crossbowmen. At the same time, this time Azerian also bought enough soldier robes.

This is also an indispensable thing for building an army. Wearing these armor robes, the messy styles of helmets and armor can also be relatively uniform in appearance.

Uniform clothing can not only improve morale and military momentum, deter the enemy, but also make it easier to distinguish between enemies and friends on the battlefield, facilitate command and avoid accidental injuries.

Reality is not like a game. Friendly fire cannot be turned off. It is fine when the army formation is complete. Once it falls into a chaotic melee, if the enemy and the enemy have similar equipment, it will be ridiculous to stab one of our own people to death.

Of course, this batch of chainmail robes was not dyed and printed as luxuriously as the lord's guards.

There are only extremely simple sword-wing patterns on the gray rough robes.

This simple sword-wing emblem robe may be a bit monotonous, but when all the soldiers wear it together, it must look very impressive.

Leon only hopes that the company that made villains in Nottingham, an island country in his previous life, will not send him a lawyer's letter across time and space.

After going to the training ground, he and Old Brian told him to officially start the selection of crossbowmen tomorrow, and then take Azerian home to rest.

Because they didn't know whether the death claws at home were still basking in the sun in the backyard, Leon and Azerian didn't ride horses, but just strolled on the street.

While the two were chatting, they heard the rhythmic and cheerful sound of trumpets from the village head.

"Another wedding?" Azerien looked at the lively movement over there.

"Well, look at the previous application for the use of the vacant land in the old village. This time it's a girl from the village who brought a boy to Selva." Leon smiled.

Selva's population has increased by one, so of course he is happy.

These days, the most abundant thing in the territory is the weddings of the people held every now and then.

Earlier, Leon was quite interested in joining in the fun and attending the wedding banquets of the people to show his close attitude.

But he couldn't stand it because the number of times was too many. Going every time really delayed the current government affairs that were in full swing. So later, he gradually stopped appearing at the weddings in the territory, but he would also send Lina to send a gift to the wedding of his people and blessings to the newlyweds.

Now the men in Selva are the hot commodities in the eyes of widows and girls in the surrounding villages and towns.

Whether it is a middle-aged man who wants to leave his wife and son after losing his wife and children, or a young man who wants to get married as soon as possible before joining the army, it is easy to find a wife. After all, their current economic ability is here. With money, they can find a wife anywhere.

However, Leon pays special attention to avoiding population outflow. Young and strong men will naturally not leave Selva and abandon their property to marry into the family.

But there are also girls with huge sums of money in Selva. If these young rich women marry out according to convention, the village will lose one person and one rich family, which would be a big loss.

So Selva has long established relevant territory laws.

Local women are not allowed to move unless they marry residents of the village, or Longka or Pleton. The man must move to Selva to settle down.

This is certainly not easy. He does not want to lose population, and other lords of the Thorn Flower Territory naturally do not want to.

Generally speaking, except for relatively relaxed areas such as cities, in most territories, serf tenants are not allowed to move away without permission.

Even if the richer freemen want to relocate, they have to pay a heavy tax, which is not something that everyone can afford.

Under the constraints of various realistic conditions, there are naturally very few young and strong foreigners who can really pay the relocation tax and immigrate to Selva.

But even if there are few, it does not mean that there are none. Leon has also received young people from other places who applied to him and tried to marry Selva girls.

After weighing the benefits of population growth, Leon proposed another policy for this situation. He would personally write a letter to explain the situation to the male lord and subsidize part of the relocation tax paid by the other party to the original lord.

In the long run, the benefits of the growth of the young and strong population are undoubtedly far greater than the loss of money.

After the implementation of the territory policy, it was unexpectedly smoother than Leon thought.

In fact, for this little thing, all the lords of the Thorn Flower Territory were willing to give a face to the snake slayer of Selva, the griffin who swallowed the wolf in the battle of Longka, and the most promising square flag knight in the current family.

No Thorn Flower Knight would be unhappy to exchange a little favor and friendship from this legendary knight for just one or two males in the territory.

According to the last statistics for half a month, including the men and women who moved into Selvane due to marriage, the long-term artisans and laborers employed by the territory, the new residents from Aiken, etc., the registered resident population alone reached nearly 500, not counting the baggage camps of the Thorn Flower Family and Count Trosa in the east, and the traveling merchant teams around.

The number of mobile people continued to rise every month, almost approaching the current permanent population.

Now, not counting the people of Azerien and Lohak, Selva also has a floating population of thousands, and the liveliness of this place is different from the past.

According to the perspective of this era, the entire village has reached the standard of a developing town.

The rest is just that the infrastructure needs to keep up in time.

Walking through the streets and the people who kept saluting him and Azerien enthusiastically, Leon felt particularly satisfied.

He watched with his own eyes the small village that was on the verge of collapse after the disaster slowly develop into its current size under his hands.

This sense of accomplishment is better than starting a perfect management game.

Because unlike the game, everyone in front of him is a living individual who will express gratitude and respect to him because their lives are getting better and better.

Although most of the time, Azerien is in charge of the management and specific implementation of the livelihood issues of the three lords, he only provides general decisions.

Pushing the door open, Leon saw that in the lobby on the first floor, Ms. Elena was receiving a dusty messenger.

"Ah, Lord Leon, you are back just in time. This gentleman said that he is a messenger from the Great West Territory, Duwana County's 'Count Rahman', and he is just about to meet you." Elena introduced quickly.

"Count Rahman?" Leon was stunned for a moment. He remembered that Duwana County, the county that produced Duwana war dogs, was not the hometown of Lady Adelina?

Azerien reminded: "If I remember correctly, the Count Rahman should be Lady Adelina's father."

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