Knight with Wand

Chapter 159 Deathclaw Returns (Happy National Day! Please give me a monthly ticket)

Return of the 15th (Happy National Day! Please vote for me~)

At dawn, Leon woke up on time due to his regular biological clock.

Since he embarked on the path of practicing magic and martial arts, and gained the body of a knight that is far beyond ordinary people, he needs much less sleep.

As long as I didn't go through the special magic training that drained my energy, the situation where even ten hours of sleep was not enough in my previous life never happened again.

Now there are more than eight hours of ample rest time every day, of which three to four hours, Leon is lying in bed doing the magic book teachings, the kind of Lorelite that controls the mental state and regulates the activity of magic circulation. meditation.

He actually only needs four hours of real sleep each night to replenish his energy.

Of course, recently, sometimes the lack of sleep is not just because of "meditation".

Opening his eyes, Leon turned his cheek and gently rubbed Olivia's hair.

Sure enough, she still slept soundly holding her lover's soft body.

Last night, I carried the sleepy Lina back to the maids' big room.

When he returned to the bedroom and was racking his brains as to what story to tell Olivia, he saw the girl rolling up her sleeves, fetching a bucket of water and washing herself in the room.

"My father and the sisters should have gone to bed separately. I'm afraid that after listening to the story, I will go back and knock on the door to disturb everyone."

Hearing the girl's clumsy excuse, Leon didn't understand the underlying meaning.

But despite his joy, when he actually got into bed and held the girl in his arms, he didn't break his promise.

After thinking for a moment, Leon took into account the girl's interests and hobbies, and then seriously told Olivia a story that suited her interests.

Different from the imaginative and grotesque stitching when coaxing Lina.

Leon worked hard to translate the well-known historical legends from his previous life into the perception and context of Ferru culture for Olivia, and told this epic called "Three Kingdoms".

Although it is impossible to retell every plot, the classic plots are simply engraved in Leon's soul. Naturally, he will not make any big mistakes. He compiles and reorganizes it in this context, and a Three Kingdoms epic with a local cultural background unfolds.

Olivia originally thought that her lover would use the strange legend about coaxing children to deal with her.

But soon, she unexpectedly discovered that the story told by the other party was so exciting, and she almost instantly fell into the distant legend he told.

In the last years of the East Galik Empire, the emperor was corrupt and traitorous ministers were disrupting the government. The Yellow God Church raised an army to revolt, and troubled times came.

The three brothers in the Rose Garden are the generous and benevolent Knight Velty, the loyal and courageous Knight Bard, and the brave and heroic Knight Strong.

The 18th lords allied forces to defeat the traitor Knight Dimonbad, and beheaded the generals with warm wine.

After talking about it all the way, the battle of the river port between Prime Minister Majors and General Honor came to an end.

After hanging the seal and sealing the gold, Bader escorted the master's wife, passed through five forts, killed six generals, and left in search of the master.

Olivia's eyes lit up when she heard this, her fists clenched, and she was so excited at the thrilling moment that she wished she could enter the story and walk with her sword to escort the loyal Bard Knight.

But when it came to Bard finding his adoptive brother Strong in the country castle, a misunderstanding broke out.

Leon stopped talking and found helplessly that the girl lying on the side was holding her chin, listening to the story, her two little feet were unconsciously raised and dangling, and her energy level was obviously getting bigger and bigger.

He knew that if he continued talking, Olivia might not want to sleep all night.

Although with his and her physical strength, even if he stayed up all night, it wouldn't have much impact tomorrow.

But Leon had a second thought.

With the attraction of this story, wouldn't he be able to trick the girl into staying and warming his bed every day?

I finished talking in one breath, what should I do tomorrow? What to do the day after tomorrow?

I’ve never seen the Red Mansion.

With its own culture, Water Margin would definitely not be able to translate its literary qualities into Ferru stories. Besides, Olivia probably didn't like those "good guys" whose evil deeds were as bad as those of the Kantadar thugs.

It’s hard to say how attractive Journey to the West is to Olivia.

After waking up and holding the rare magic weapon in his hand, he immediately said that if he wanted to know what happened, please wait until next time.

Due to the late night, the chapter is broken here.

With Olivia sobbing full of resentment, this midnight storytelling session came to an end despite the girl's pleas and protests.

Feeling sentimental about the beautiful morning with his lover in his arms, Leon couldn't hold back his temper and started groping with his hands.

Soon, Olivia also slowly woke up due to the other party's "evil doings".

Leaning down and kissing the girl's forehead, Leon raised his eyebrows with a greasy expression and greeted: "~Good morning."


Olivia rubbed her sleepy eyes and arched her body upwards.

She opened her eyes, snuggled up and put her arms around her lover's neck, her voice soft but containing a bit of angrily complaining.

"You guys are trying to scare me even in my dreams."

"What do you mean?" Leon was confused.

Olivia muttered angrily: "I dreamed that I became Knight Bard, and I finally solved the misunderstanding with Knight Strong who had the face of Rohark, and together we found General Verti who had the face of you. But you suddenly came over and touched me, which scared me awake. "

ah? Have I become Uncle Liu Huang? Are you still hugging the second master and touching him? .The scene was indeed appalling.

Leon couldn't laugh or cry: "But it's obviously your dream, can you blame me?"

"Hmph! When you are pretending to be innocent, at least stop your hands. No wonder you have such a 'nightmare'." Olivia frowned and whispered: "No matter what, I must continue to talk tonight."

Looking forward to the story, the girl felt depressed as if she was scratched by a cat.

"Okay, okay, there's still a long way to go." Leon nodded with a smile, thanking Mr. Luo Guanzhong for his help across time and space.

It seems that Olivia was reluctant to go home and sleep before she finished listening to the Three Kingdoms.

But Leon was also worried that this little girl liked the second master so much, and she would not be angry and cry when she heard about the defeat in Maicheng in the future, right?

After being sick of each other for a while, the two got up and started a new day in Selva.

I don't know if it was because of the hatred of being cut off, in the morning sparring, Olivia's strength was much heavier than before, and Leon was exhausted from parrying.

The swords in the backyard clashed and the time passed very quickly during the martial arts practice.

Soon it was morning when the sun rose, and the melodious horn sounded on time from the north slope sentry tower.

After a few more rounds of fighting, the two put down their swords as usual and replaced them with long weapons.

Olivia was rarely playful while practicing martial arts, as if she was fascinated by the story of last night. She changed the spear she used to use in the past and took out a long-handled broadsword from the warehouse. Then she tried to use the long halberd to swing the weapon in her hand like a "Guan Dao" with great vigor.

Thinking about the moves suitable for the long-handled sword, she and Leon fought back and forth with the spear in their hands.

Unfortunately, after a few tries, Olivia put down this weapon with a rather regretful expression.

The girl who was proficient in all kinds of martial arts only tried it once and immediately found out the performance limit of the long-handled sword.

"What? Don't fight anymore?" Looking at the girl who stopped, Leon asked in confusion.

"This weapon is still usable in foot combat, but I think it will be far less effective than a spear if it is mounted on horseback."

Olivia said helplessly: "I really don't know how Knight Bard used the 'Green Dragon Crescent' to defeat the enemy in the army."

Leon laughed. After all, it was a novel. The second master in the previous life probably never saw a "Guan Dao" in his life. The opponent was on horseback, so he naturally used a cavalry spear like everyone else.

Olivia, who had had enough fun, put the long-handled knife aside and found the spear again.

Leon took a stance and prepared to continue to meet the opponent's attack.

But Olivia just raised her spear and bow, but her movements suddenly stopped, her eyes widened, and she looked at the distant sky.

"Is that... a bird? An eagle? No, it's a griffin!?"


Leon also looked along the girl's line of sight.

With his good eyesight, he could see a small outline passing by on the sky from a distance.

Although he couldn't distinguish the details, he could still estimate the body of the bird by visually measuring the height.

"Can you see it clearly?" Leon asked in surprise.

"Well, I can barely see that it has four limbs, big wings and a big tail. It should be the same creature as your 'friend' at the beginning."

Olivia said, recalling the illustrations of other similar monsters in Leon's magic book, but whether it was a hippogriff, a pegasus or a longhorn beetle, none of them were so huge.

Griffin, is it it? Leon's first reaction was the big guy that he named "Death Claw" without authorization.

But thinking about it carefully, he couldn't guarantee it. After all, there is more than one griffin in the world. Maybe it was just passing by and was attracted by the horn?

Fortunately, whether it is a death claw or not, at least repeated contacts have proved that the "griffin" in this world, under normal circumstances, will not actively attack humans.

And according to the records in the magic book.

This highly intelligent chimeric monster created by another Lorelit King - the creator "Holemund".

At least in the long era when Lorelit still existed, they were once raised in large numbers by the ancient wizard civilization as a companion species of humans.

Since they were born in the hands of the King of Magic, they have been engraved with the affinity for humans at the blood level.

This is probably why, after thousands of years of natural reproduction and wildness, this carnivorous giant beast, as a top predator, is still friendly to humans.

After all, even if the civilization of Lorelit on the earth has disappeared, other humans are still the same species as the Lorelit people.

Leon thought that these big fat chicks who had lost their past masters should instinctively still give face to the "relatives" of the former creator.

Stepping back a few steps, Leon tried to wave to the distant sky, and then shouted at the distance.

"-Hey-! Big guy-! Look here! Is it you?!!!"

Calling as loudly as possible to the sky, Leon was not worried that the griffin would not notice him.

This sky overlord created by the ancient magic civilization has terrible eyesight. Even at that height, it can see a green bean on the ground.

If the other party doesn't want to pay attention to him, it can only mean that the griffin that appeared is really not Deathclaw.

Soon after Leon made a call in the yard, the small outline flew over the clouds and gradually became bigger and bigger.

Leon knew that unless the passing griffin was too curious, this should be his friend!

As it gradually lowered its altitude, Leon also saw the color and pattern characteristics of the other party's feathers.

Especially seeing the scar left by the Atias magic crossbow under the other party's chest and abdomen, who else could it be but Deathclaw?

A joyful eagle cry came down from the sky, which further revealed the identity of the big guy.

After the separation, Leon felt a little excited when he didn't see this mighty "big fat chick" for several months.

However, he did not forget about the business and quickly turned around: "Olivia, go and ask Corvis to bring 'Little Goethe' down."

"Yes." The girl nodded, dropped the spear she was holding tightly, and ran back into the house quickly.

Not long after, the huge gryphon had already flown to low altitude.

On the village road in the early morning, the early-rising residents raised their heads due to the shadows and hawks' roars passing by in the sky. Following this, the villagers screamed in fright.

The women and girls who had been lucky enough to see the griffon were okay. Although they inevitably felt an instinctive chill down their spines and trembled with fear, they finally knew that this huge monster that had saved the village would not hurt anyone.

But those young men who were not in the village and had not witnessed the arrival of the gryphon were really frightened.

One by one, the men took their wives and neighbors and hid in their houses, locking the doors and windows for fear of being stared at by the terrifying monster they had never seen before.

Even after experiencing the bloody battle of Lonka, even veterans can hardly maintain their composure in the face of huge monsters that ordinary people cannot defeat.

Selva was suddenly startled early in the morning.

In the lord's house, the roaring wind made Leon's black hair fly.

The griffin flapped its giant wings and landed with a crash in the open space of the courtyard.

Dust rose, and the vibrations on the ground even knocked over the long-handled sword leaning against the wall.

The gryphon lowered its head and let out a series of crisp low whistles.

As if to say again, long time no see.

When they met again, Leon was no longer as cautious as he was the first time.

Looking at this cool fat chirp with shiny and smooth fur, he walked straight forward, hugged the other person's big head and ruthlessly said, "Haha~ I miss you so much! Big guy~"

The griffin's throat made a gentle tremble. It folded its giant wings, and the elegant and majestic huge beast lay down directly. The lion's tail flicked, its giant eyes narrowed, and the eagle's head pushed against the "friend" in front of him who had rescued him. ".

Although it was just a friendly greeting, the giant beast's head still pushed Leon back repeatedly before he could stabilize his body.

He had no choice but to let go of his arms. Leon rubbed the feathers of this big guy and said with emotion: "I don't know where you have been these days. You haven't come to see us for so long. I thought you were gone completely."

Of course, he was just talking to himself when he asked this question. He didn't expect the gryphon, which couldn't speak human words, to answer him.

Although the magic book says that griffins are so intelligent that they can fully understand human language and can communicate with people using the rhythm of their calls.

But that requires someone to teach it from an early age.

Just like you can't expect a wild man who has lived in the forest since birth to use standard language to communicate with people in a civilized society without learning.

".Sir? We."

Zabroun and others stood by with expressions of surprise and confusion, not knowing how to deal with this legendary beast.

When the guards noticed the griffin flying, they rushed to Leon's side extremely nervously. Although they were afraid, they loyally pulled out their weapons.

Fortunately, Hawke, who had seen this giant beast, stopped everyone's overreaction in time.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. Put your weapon away and keep it away. I'm not in danger. If you don't hurt it, this big guy will never hurt you."

Leon kept ruffling the gryphon's thick feathers while comforting the frightened guards.

At this time, Corvis's voice came from inside the mansion.

"My lord, here I come."

The blond boy carefully held the furry little Chubby and ran into the backyard.

The griffon cub curled up in Corvis's arms was obviously not awake yet, and it didn't want to open its eyes even though its head was shaking from the running.

Corvis looked at the staggeringly large beast in the courtyard. Even though he had seen a lot in the Eastern Continent, he instinctively slowed down his steps because he was close to this majestic beast.

And at the moment when the gryphon's eyes moved away from Leon and saw what was in the arms of the blond boy.

Its huge body lying on the ground suddenly stood up with a roar, and the violent reaction even caused the sharp claws to pierce into the ground.

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