Knight with Wand

Chapter 149: Revenge

Canis's heavy sword slashed down, and Mette turned around and swung his spear staff. Taking advantage of the length of the staff, the spear blade was launched first and stabbed the middle of the wolf family's young master.

The long sword slashed down, and the two blades intersected.


With the sound of golden ringing, the two steel blades touched slightly, and Canis's sword instantly changed its direction and changed to a horizontal slash.

Mettes was not inferior to the knight. She raised her magic wand sideways and blocked the opponent's swift beheading with a bang.

The explosive air lifted the sleeves of the warlock's half-body armor.

However, Canis's powerful slash failed to shake the all-steel magic wand in the warlock's hand.

Mette's lower body was like a root, and he steadily endured the brute force of the Knight of Arms.

Canis was not surprised by the martial arts of the wizard in front of him.

As early as the battlefield of Mamor, he had seen how the opponent fought in the Kantadar army.

Warlocks are not the weak beings who can only perform magic tricks in folk tales.

The spellcasters of the Northern Fortress not only know spells, but also have a long life span as long as they are willing to improve their self-protection ability. Even if they only spend part of their life studying martial arts, no matter how talented they are, they will have melee abilities far beyond ordinary people.

Two or three moves were exchanged in an instant.

In the reaction that seemed to slow down time, Mette looked around at the group of knights of military honors who attacked.

If it comes to fighting alone, except for the great knights under the earl, he is not afraid of anyone present.

But ants bite elephants to death, and he is outnumbered by martial arts alone.

Mette suddenly smashed the end of the magic wand and blasted a hasty magic shock to the ground.

The released cyclone exploded, and Canis's cloak flew off, and the wolf-patterned armor lit up slightly, which offset the elemental reaction in front of him.

But Mette's action was not to knock away the young master of the Wolf family who was entangled in front of him, but to knock himself away!

Standing stupidly on the ground and being besieged by this group of knights, he had no chance to fight to the death.

Without resisting the shock, Mette flew up into the air.

He turned the magic wand with one hand, and the tip of the spear was like a pen tip, shaking out a string of magic patterns smoothly. While chanting the spell at a high speed, his eyes swept over the crowd under his feet.

Mette only paid attention to Hilgard.

The biggest threat to his spell at this moment was his old friend who was also a master sorcerer.

He couldn't expect his old friend to stand by and watch his violent behavior.

But in an instant, seeing Hilgard just holding the magic wand to protect Count Trosa in front, seemingly working hard to smash the hammer head and start the magic spell to protect the nobles behind, Mette felt a little relieved.

The old friend finally let him go. Even if he couldn't help him, he didn't really interrupt him.

Obviously, as long as he didn't threaten General Trosa, Hilgard wouldn't kill him.

The old friend also hoped that he could escape.

While the warlock was thinking, the spellcasting process in his hand did not slow down at all.

A hurricane condensed and formed under Mette's feet, and Mette's body briefly stepped into the air.


The knight of the Stag family shouted to the archers and crossbowmen who came behind him.

The sound of the strings hummed!

The dense arrows like a rainstorm swarmed towards Mette.

The warlock's heart tightened, and he had to interrupt the spellcasting and activate the defensive spell in the magic wand.

The tip of the spear struck in the air, and the purple magic patterns that were intertwined formed in front of Mette, and the translucent magic barrier blocked all the attacks shot at him.

The arrows bounced off the surface of the barrier with a ping-pong sound, scattering everywhere.

Hilgard below, symbolically used the magic wand to throw a few magic tricks with sound, light and movement, his eyes flickered slightly, but he had never seen the defensive spell that Mette cast at this moment.

Looking at the warlock in the air from a distance, Leon on the periphery frowned slightly and threw away the stone he picked up from the ground.

He recognized it, this familiar defensive spell that gave him a headache.

That floating barrier seemed to be the magic used by the Atias wizard who chased him and Corvis.

This magic couldn't even penetrate the arrows of Isha, let alone ordinary arrows.

Of course, Leon was not too worried.

Unlike the tragic experience of fighting alone at the beginning, there were so many knights fighting the warlock on the scene. If he offended the group of knights of Orland, he didn't need a small knight to take action. He just needed to fish outside the field.

Looking at the Orland soldiers who surrounded him in front, he felt that the big guys were enough to deal with the warlock. Leon did not intervene in the fight. He picked up the winged helmet on the ground and buckled it, and came to the side of Baron Elliver to guard the lord.

In the chaos, the revengeful Canis grabbed the spear of a soldier beside him, held it upside down and shouted: "Ha-ah--!"

He threw out a backstab through the air, and threw the weapon in his hand like a cannonball.

The terrifying whistling sound of breaking through the air came in an instant.

Met reacted in time and dragged the barrier to barely block the spear.

The spear hit the surface of the barrier, the shaft burst, and the warlock's body retreated slightly due to the force.

With the first one, there will naturally be a second one. I don't know which knights followed suit, and several weapons were thrown, even mixed with a few rotating flying axes.

This time, there was no time to deal with the dense attacks from all directions. Cold sweat oozed from Met's forehead, and he could only spread the magic from the Atias in his hand.

The purple semicircular magic pattern barrier extended like a sphere and immediately covered the warlock's whole body.

As the spell was adjusted, the magic barrier covering Mette dimmed the light visible to the naked eye, and the incoming arrows were still blocked, and the flying axes and daggers were bounced away as usual.

But the knights' spears, thrown with amazing force, suddenly penetrated the weakened defense at this moment.


Another spiraling spear pierced half of the barrier, and directly engulfed the stagnant air that seemed to be pulled and sunken, and penetrated the knee bend in the gap of Mette's armor.

Damn it!

After decades, Mette felt the pain of physical injury for the first time in a long time. He was mentally unstable in the pain and could no longer maintain the barrier, hovering, and the high-level spell that was taking shape.

He made a decision in an instant and gave up the hovering hurricane among the three spells.

"That wizard's life is mine!" Seeing Mette falling, Canis roared and rushed up with the Wolf Knight beside him.

Gathering the magic barrier, half-kneeling and falling back to the ground, Mette reluctantly pulled out the spear blade on his leg and threw it away, gathering magic to seal the wound on his knee bend.

Without waiting to get up, he saw the weapons of the soldiers and knights around him. He simply fell back to the ground regardless of his embarrassment, and used his staff to cover the defensive magic in front of him like a lid.

Weapons smashed down one after another, but the warriors encountered the same embarrassment as Leon at that time. The sharp swords and spears were like stabbing on the surface of an iron wall, unable to move forward.

(Lorelit's words)


Met shouted a spell and blasted out a series of magic shocks, knocking away the kingdom soldiers who were trapped around him.

After a moment of respite, the warlock master pressed his left hand on the ground, and a thin snake wrapped around his arm loosened from his sleeve and drilled into the ground.

"Die!" Canis, wearing wolf-patterned armor, flew up against the magic explosion, leaped and slashed with his long sword, and smashed the surface of the enemy's magic barrier.


The defensive magic that had repeatedly endured so many heavy blows from the knights finally had cracks like broken glass.

Mette raised his wand to maintain the spell, his eyebrows trembling slightly.

He injected most of his magic power into the high-level spell that was about to take shape, and the energy in the wand to support the defense could not last long.

Crack! The young master of the Wolf family chopped again without stopping, and the cracks on the barrier that had been healed deepened again.

"What on earth are you? You are dead, you can't be alive." Mette looked at the dead man who was like a madman and roared incomprehensibly.

What was in front of him was not an illusion, nor a ghost. Could it be that Canis had a twin brother who had been separated for many years?

"I am an evil ghost looking for your life!" Canis roared and stabbed the long sword at the crack.

This blow became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

With a sizzling sound and a tooth-grinding friction, the sharp sword pierced through the barrier.

But at the same time, the ground under the feet of the young master of the Wolf family suddenly collapsed.

The cracks spread in circles, causing the earth and rocks on the ground to collapse suddenly. The knights who were surrounding them had to stop and retreat to avoid the sudden collapse.

The spell gradually took shape. Mette, who was overjoyed, opened his eyes and grinned, and let his body fall into the pit without struggling.

"I can't count the number of undead I have expelled. Evil ghosts? Then kill them again!"

The earth and rocks on both sides of the pit suddenly collapsed, and a pair of huge upper and lower jaws drilled out of the soil. The terrifying snake head opened its bloody mouth and seemed to swallow Mette and Canis together.

The young master of the Wolf family was caught off guard and raised the sword blade high in the fall, arching his waist to deal with the fishy wind that broke through the ground in front of him.

The huge snake mouth bit down with a bang, and the sharp sword pierced into the upper jaw of the monster. Canis was pressed by the terrifying force of the upper and lower jaws, and his body was bent, clenching his teeth to resist the closing of the huge jaws.

Amid the rumbling sound, a huge snake body that was as thick as several people hugging emerged from the ground, knocking all the surrounding knights away.

Dust continued to fall on the surface of the rising thick snake body, and the snake monster held Met and Canis in its mouth and raised its body high.

The knights of the Wolf family who climbed up with swords looked up and saw Canis stuck in the mouth of the snake monster. They were shocked: "What kind of monster is this?"

"Kill that monster!" Seeing his eldest son trapped, Baron Gunnar hurriedly waved his sword and shouted to the soldiers around him.

Fortunately, the sudden change did not panic the elite soldiers around, and longbows and crossbows immediately launched bursts of arrows.

With a puff sound, the flying arrows pierced into the scales of the giant snake, splashing bright red blood.

Although the body of the snake monster in front of them was amazing, its toughness was not as strong as the magic barrier.

But even so, the soldiers cut the snake's body into pieces, but they couldn't find the vital point to kill it. Instead, they were repelled by the snake's dancing in pain.

"What is this?" Trosa, who retreated to the periphery, was puzzled and looked at the warlock consultant in front of him with dissatisfaction and asked.

"Forgive me, I don't know, General, I have never seen the monster summoned by Mette." Hilgard frowned. He was not proficient in summoning magic, and he was telling the truth.

"Then Master, why don't you take action?" Trosa urged loudly.

Hearing the accusation of the Earl behind him, Hilgard knew that he could not continue to shirk his duties, and he was silent in his heart.

Mette, I can only help this much

"The dead should go to where the dead should go!"

Stepping on the giant snake's shaking mouth, Mette suddenly stabbed Canis in the face with a spear.

The young master of the Wolf family held the snake's mouth and dodged with his head turned sideways. The spear blade that passed by his face left a bloody wound on his face.

Mette immediately turned the handle and tried to change his tactics to cut the opponent's throat, but with a crisp sound, he found that the spear blade was blocked by the steel neck guard.

He was shocked to see that a white light flashed on Canis's head just now, and the wolf-head helmet appeared out of thin air, protecting his head tightly.

Canis's mind moved again in the blink of an eye, and this time it was the sword in his hand that flashed white light.

The noble sword turned into light particles and dissipated out of thin air. The giant snake's mouth loosened, and before it could bite, a long steel-forged lance stretched its upper and lower jaws wide open again.

"Fuck you, damn wizard!" While switching weapons, Canis's lower body got a chance to move because of the lance, and he kicked Mette in the crotch.

Mette hurriedly lowered his body and used his abdominal armor to replace his vital parts to withstand the kick, and was then kicked by the knight and fell to the giant snake's throat.

With the support of the lance, Canis let go of the lance, condensed a long sword with a wave of his hand, and immediately stepped on the slippery snake's mouth to crawl over and kill his enemy.

Mette stabilized his body and glanced at the long wand spear in his hand.

It was impossible to use long weapons in such a narrow space, and he was not fully covered with armor. He could not defeat the knight in front of him with the dagger on his waist. With little magic left, it was unwise to continue to entangle.

Thinking of this, Mette's eyes glowed purple, activating the final stage of the spell, and then he quickly drilled back, giving up his previous boast of sending the other party back to hell, and his body was swallowed down the giant snake's throat.

Canis, who was eager for revenge, was about to catch his enemy, but he saw Mette escape into the monster's belly and was slightly stunned.

He just hesitated whether to drill in, anyway, he was not afraid of dying again, but the snake's mouth under his feet shook, and then sank, and the whole person seemed to lose weight and hit the upper wall of the falling snake's mouth.

The snake's head is falling?

The periphery of the battlefield.

Leon, who looked like a bystander, had a quirky expression under his winged helmet. He looked at Master Hilgard who was wiping his sweat with his sleeves not far away, and sighed sincerely: "This move is really cool."

Just now, the giant python snake monster was cut across by the magic wind cyclone gathered by the warlock consultant

The huge snake head fell down, and the wound with a smooth cut surface, blood gushed out like rain, covering the warriors below.

The headless giant snake fell heavily, and with a loud bang, it seemed that the dust had settled.

Hilgard leaned on his magic wand, sighed a little tiredly, and his eyes were helpless.

On the field where the riot subsided

Under the fallen snake head, Canis pushed away the heavy flesh and blood, crawled out of the snake's mouth, lifted his mask and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and stood up to look around.

Seeing the seemingly dead snake body, he immediately picked up the long sword and tried to dig open the snake body to find Mette's trace.

If he didn't kill him with his own hands, the young master of the Wolf family would die with regret.

The knights covered in snake blood shook off the dirt on their bodies, surrounded him with a gloomy face, and searched for the figure of the crazy sorcerer.

Suddenly, something strange happened.

The wound on the decapitated snake body began to wriggle.

The knights stepped back half a step cautiously, wondering what other strange tricks the wizard had.

The bloody section of the snake body suddenly stretched out dense tentacles, which grew in a creepy and intertwined shape.

The huge snake body that was originally still seemed to be alive and raised high.

A half-human figure gradually took shape, and it grew rapidly on the cross section of the snake head. The flesh and blood half-body moved upwards, forming the waist, arms, and even the head.

"You are the only one. I will never let you go! You are a fool who is willing to be with ants! All my patience for so long has been ruined by you, a fool who is content with mediocrity!"

The huge half-snake figure made a thunderous voice, and the flesh-wrapped face opened its huge eyes with a purple glow.

The half-body could vaguely distinguish Mette's appearance, but the top of the other's head was now full of fine flesh and blood snakes.


Who will not be let go?

Leon, who had been watching the show, saw the half-human, half-snake monster and cast his resentful giant eyes far away.


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