Knight with Wand

Chapter 128 Battle of Longka III (Fighting)

Through the remains of the wooden wall where the embers had not yet been extinguished, Canis squinted his eyes at the distant Lonka line.

The narrow and long queue of the enemy, which could be seen through at a glance, exposed Lonka's dwarfed military strength.

Although the rugged battlefield created by the enemy has effectively restricted the deployment of his troops during the attack, the far greater number of troops than the enemy can still make his military formation longer, thicker, and tighter than the enemy.

He scanned the terrain inside the wooden wall and considered the woodland on the south side.

He looked at the river bank on the north side.

On the northeast bank, he could see from afar that the two hundred people led by the old knight Heinkel had begun to command the militia to cut wood and were building a pontoon bridge to try to cross the river.

From the south? Or the north?

Canis retracted his gaze, made a decision, and gave orders to the herald behind him.

The attendant took note carefully, and immediately rode out of the team, and blew the military whistle until he was close to the target flag.

The infantry sergeant who was walking leisurely heard the whistle coming quickly to the side of the swallowtail flag of the army formation, and hurriedly turned his head to look.

The knight attendant in charge of the message slowed down his pace and shouted the military order: "Sergeant Rosen! Lord Canis ordered your troops to go to the left wing as soon as possible to assist Sergeant Askof's phalanx, and flank the enemy's northernmost end after the attack. The archer squad will accompany you to cover you."

"Yes!" The sergeant shouted in response, and immediately turned around and shouted to order his troops to turn.

The soldiers of Wolfenhall slowed down their pace, turned their formation, and trotted to the left wing of the army formation, parallel to Askof's phalanx, and the archers of the Wolf family followed closely.

Canis looked at the overall situation from the back row. The first row of the army formation was led by Rosen and Askof. The two Wolfenhall infantry phalanxes were on the left wing as the first wave of attack.

To the right of the central army were three phalanxes of conscripts with different numbers of people. They avoided the enemy's arrow towers and were used to contain and consume the enemy's southern front. The extra people could also complete the encirclement.

Behind the conscript line, the second row separated by the gap between the march and the march was the two phalanxes of Wofnhall soldiers commanded by Knight Yom. They would choose to support other phalanxes or outflank the enemy line after the battle, depending on the situation.

When the attendants completed their tasks and returned to the queue, the entire wolf-led army finished the last battle adjustment.

Canis drew out his long sword and raised it in the direction of Longka: "Wolf pack, attack."

The trumpet roared.

The dry ground just after winter trembled slightly under the footsteps of thousands of people.

The army formation with a length of hundreds of meters slowly advanced like a rising tide, and the upright spears and halberds were like moving iron forests.

The armored soldiers of Wofnhall raised their shields and crossed the filled trenches and the embers that had not yet been extinguished on the ground amid the sporadic arrows.

The heavily armored cavalry, led by the young master of the Wolf family, slowly moved forward with the army in front.

"The right team shrinks the formation! Re-arrange into four rows!"

Looking at the enemy's main force that crossed the wreckage of the wooden wall and slowly advanced to the right wing, Old Brian immediately ordered the Pleton phalanx spearmen behind him to thicken the army.

He came to Leon's warhorse and shouted loudly: "The right wing can't stop the enemy's elite twice as many as its own with only the Pleton squad. Please give the order as soon as possible."

Leon nodded on horseback and looked at the heavy armored guard beside him: "No need to wait, order the reserve squad to support the right wing as soon as possible."

Pavel of the guards received the order from the lord and immediately blew the horn in his hand.

After a while, the response horn came from the east of the Longka camp behind the army.

The muzzles of the war dogs were taken off one after another. The hidden Duwana halberd soldiers followed the direction represented by the pause rhythm and frequency signals of the trumpet sounds, and under the leadership of the officers, they trotted along the north side of the camp and accelerated to the front line.

The iron chain led the giant dogs, and Longka's only elite infantry crossed the narrow space between the camp and the river in the north.

On the other side, the wolf-led militia who were cutting wood and building a bridge immediately discovered the large group of armored soldiers who came out from the dark side of the camp.

However, the Duwana sergeant who led the team was not worried about being exposed at this moment.

Looking at the front battlefield that was about to meet the enemy, the time difference was just right. The main enemy column that was approaching with shields in the distance had no possibility of changing the formation and changing the direction of attack.

As for the other side, those militias could not build a floating bridge to cross the river without one or two quarters of an hour.

Listening to the neat rumbling footsteps behind him and the frantic barking of the Duwana warhounds, Leon turned his horse and led the guards to the rear of the Pletton detachment, making way for the battle line.

"Form a formation!!"

The Duwana sergeant stopped in front of the battle line and turned back to shout.

The halberd soldiers, whose formation was slightly messy after trotting, immediately reorganized their formation in a well-trained manner.

The halberd soldiers in the front row raised their long shields, and their comrades behind them raised their long poles diagonally, and the halberds were closely arranged in turn to form a dense forest of sharp blades.

The ten dog trainers on the right loosened the iron chains on their right arms.

The roaring giant dog felt the relaxation of its neck, and instinctively ran towards the figure attacking from afar in front, dragging the soldiers who were almost unable to stand, but then they were pulled back to the team by their masters shouting.

Leon pulled the reins slightly to keep the warhorse under him slightly away from the roaring beast.

The barking of the giant dog was not only terrifying, but also made the warhorse under him feel a little uneasy and agitated.

After the wolf led the army, Canis bypassed the barricades and obstacles removed by the soldiers and looked at the changes on the north side of the Longka line.

Although he was surprised that the other side still had a team of elite soldiers who seemed to be well-equipped, he thought it was harmless.

Obviously, the military strength of Rosen and Ascofo still had a huge advantage over the enemy's formation of halberdiers and armed militia in the northern section.

Besides, behind the front line, I still have the two main teams of Yom Knight.

Kanis looked at the left wing, and he nodded with satisfaction. His archers finally reached within range of the counterattack.

From the highland arrow tower on the Longka side, bursts of arrows flew towards the rear of the Lang family's military formation.

But this time, the wolf-led archers who did not give in anymore went straight against Longka's superior range arrows. After paying the price of several archer casualties, they rushed into the shooting range with the army formation, and then mercilessly pulled out the bow strings and fired at them. The enemy's fortifications, which they hated so much, fought back.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Messy flying arrows rained down on Lonka's archer's work.

Just hearing the sound of squeezing into flesh, a Longka archer was hit by an arrow in the face and fell down whimpering.

He was quickly pulled away from the window by his comrades, and he couldn't help but cover the wound that penetrated his jaw. He struggled in pain, but couldn't speak.

puff! Another archer who was half a beat slower to react was hit by an arrow in the chest. He didn't even have the energy to scream. He only twisted and twitched a few times on the floor at the top of the tower before losing all movement.

Casualties continued to mount.

After several teammates were killed and injured in succession, and faced with more than twice the arrow suppression, the Longka archers finally hid in the bunker and did not dare to show their heads again.

Looking up at the top of the arrow tower, there were no more arrows flying out. Leon did not criticize the archers under his command.

Once the enemy is determined to suppress the arrow tower, the numerical gap will eventually be difficult to make up.

His eyes fell back to the front, where the enemy had moved less than a hundred meters away.

The formation of archers behind him could not be seen, but Leon knew that after suppressing his own archers, the arrows thrown by the enemy would reach the front of the formation before the infantry attack.

Calm old Brian gave the order calmly.

The soldiers in the first row of all the military formations set up large shields and spears. The soldiers in the back row stacked up the wall shields to protect their heads side by side. The sharp spearheads and long poles stretched out from the gaps to the front of the formation like hedgehogs.

Almost within a few breaths after the defensive formation was set up, Pleyton's phalanx was baptized by a wave of arrows, but the jingling arrows hit outside the shield wall, and the soldiers who had been prepared were not ready for the time being. What casualties occurred.

Old Brian did not dare to delay and quickly rushed from behind the line to the Selva infantry formation in the center.

Seeing that the enemy's sparse arrow rain could only suppress the right wing, he shouted and ordered the soldiers in the two rows behind Selva to use the cover of the soldiers in the front row to quietly pick up the throwing spears on the ground.

Using the high field of vision from riding a horse, Brian's eyes were fixed on the enemies who were walking straight to the south of the central army's formation. Although they were huge in number, they only held spears and swords and were in scattered formations.

Eighty meters.

Seventy meters.

Sixty meters.

Leon lowered the lance in his right hand and held the rein with his left hand holding the kite shield, looking at the wolf-led troops that were advancing slowly, as if they were close at hand, but still had not launched a charge.

Fifty meters.

Forty meters.

The eyes with extraordinary vision have allowed Leon to clearly see the ferocious expressions under the helmets of the Wolfenhall soldiers.

And the enemy's military formation finally erupted with the sound of horns.

"Kill them all——!!!" The wolf leader sergeant beside the battle flag raised his sword high and roared.

The upright spears and spears collided with each other, falling to the front row like raindrops. The soldiers of the Lang family stepped on the ground with dense rumbling steps, shouting war cries of slaughter and threatening howls, and charged towards the enemy like waves. The front line rushed forward.

Although the large group of levies on their right wing were a little slow, they all, led by the governor's sergeants, rushed towards the enemy with weapons raised and roaring strangely.

Thirty meters.

Twenty meters.

Enough, within twenty meters, this is the maximum range that the Selva people can reach under short-term training.

"Selva! Throw the spear!!!"

Old Brian roared with a loud voice.

The Selva infantrymen who had been prepared in the back row of the central army, according to past training, kicked off the gently sloping ground under their feet, turned their waists, and threw their weapons diagonally upwards.

Like a gust of wind, it blew over the front row of shield soldiers.

More than forty densely packed spears roared past the front of the formation, and then fell with gravity, like a heavy rain, dropping death among the charging levies.

Without even reacting to the coming terror, the sharp iron spears penetrated the running militiamen with a bang.

Some had their bodies pierced, disemboweled, and died on the spot.

Some were stabbed and rolled upside down, holding their hideous wounds and crying and screaming. They felt cramps all over their bodies and endured huge pain, struggling to die.

"No, no, no." The choked conscript's eyes were blurry, as if he was trying to wake up from a nightmare.

"Ahhhhh. Mother! Ahhhh. It hurts." The militiaman who was forcibly pulled away covered the spear that penetrated his abdomen and cried to himself with tears streaming down his face.

Blood spurted uncontrollably from his hideous wound, and the iron smell instantly overflowed the ground beneath his feet.

Penetrated limbs, broken heads, and bursts of shrill cries. When the wolf leader's soldiers saw more than twenty people in the front line, they fell under the unexpected spear attack.

It seemed that a gap had been cleared in the queue, and the fastest people in the charge were lucky enough to escape.

But facing the wall of spears that rose and fell one after another in the front, they listened to the terrifying screams behind them and felt the hair on their backs stand on end. In an instant, they completely lost the courage that had erupted after the previous howl.

Stopping ten meters before the Selva army formation, these conscripts hesitated and looked back at the team that had not caught up. Without their companions behind them, they dared not move forward.

The conscripts in the same team in the rear queue slowed down their pace in front of the dead and wounded.

Some militiamen who had been frightened by the Longka archers in the previous filling operation no longer dared to face the horrific battlefield scene. They turned around and fled from the side of the team, running towards the woods in the south.

The leading deserter immediately caused a chain of morale collapse.

"Kill all those who flee! Kill all those who flee!" But no matter how the leader of the warlord roared, he still couldn't stop the conscripts from fleeing.

Killing two fleeers in succession was still in vain. Seeing that the team's defeat was irreversible, and even suffered a cold knife counterattack from several deserters, the wolf-led soldiers of the warlord had to withdraw to the infantry camp of the Yom Knights in the rear.

The Wolfenhall platoon, which was holding the line in the rear, did not care about the defeat of the militia platoon in front.

They charged with their spears raised and their footsteps rumbled almost at the same time. Countless boots trampled directly over the dead and wounded, completely filling the battle line left by the fleeing soldiers.

The Selva line, which had no chance to throw a second round of spears, had to collide with the enemy's real main force.

The fierce Wolfenhall soldiers had no fear of the spear formation in front of them. Relying on shields and armor, they formed a neat formation and directly engaged the enemy's long weapons, and the forest of spears collided with each other.

The deafening shouts of killing followed, and the two armies kept hitting and stabbing the spears.

From time to time, long blades penetrated the gaps in the shield wall and stabbed into the formation, bringing out scarlet blood.

Scattered Wolf Leader soldiers and Selva soldiers fell down with countless screams of pain.

The thick-armored sword and shield soldiers on standby on both sides of the third row of Wolfenhall marched around the crowd, looking for opportunities to get close to the shield wall from the dense spear fighting in front of the formation, attacking and testing any possible flaws in the enemy formation.

On both sides of the fiercely fighting central army, the left and right wings that had contacted them before had already fallen into a cruel and bloody fight amid roars and screams, and soldiers from both sides kept falling down

In the far south woods, crows stood on branches and shook their heads, their eyes silently reflecting the humans intertwined like ants in the distance.

The ominous bird waited happily.

Waiting for the group of brutal creatures to finish playing this beautiful music.

According to the vague memory of experience, whenever it encounters such a beautiful thing, it will have an endless feast afterwards.

Suddenly, there was a vibration from the woods below, and the crow was startled and flapped its wings from the branches and flew up.

Then, under the cover of the forest, Sir Redo, who had circled to the woodland at the southern end, stopped his horse and looked at the battlefield through the dense treetops with solemn eyes.

A squad of Wolf Leader's conscripted spearmen was trying to outflank the left wing of their own army.

And behind them, another well-equipped squadron of Wofnhall soldiers also began to move south.

This was a good opportunity.

Redo believed that if he had a cavalry squad of even thirty or forty people, he would definitely rush out of the forest and attack the enemy's flank at this moment.

But looking back, he looked at the ten cavalrymen who were gathered together behind him.

Sir Redo turned his head again and looked far to the northwest, where there were more than fifty Wolf Leader heavy cavalry phalanxes waiting behind the formation with wolf flags flying.

He couldn't help but sigh with a heavy heart.

Including himself, there were only eleven cavalrymen, and there was even a delicate little girl. Although after observation, he knew that the girl's martial arts were indeed very good.

But the difference in numbers was too great. The Wolf Leader's heavy cavalry was not fake. Once exposed, the ten or so of them would be completely overwhelmed by the enemy's iron hoofs. Ten people were too few to confront an army fifteen times larger than their own. Even if they wanted to fight with fewer troops, they could not be directly targeted by the enemy's cavalry, which would be a dead end.

The right opportunity for battle was far from appearing.

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