Knight with Wand

Chapter 125 The Wolf Leader Attacks

The black and silver Neti cards were flying between the fingers of his left hand, turning over and over like being cut by a magician's dexterous flowers.

Leon unconsciously played with the magic card in his hand as if decompressing, and stared at the terrain and fortification plan he had drawn in front of the table.

Repeatedly deducing different tactics in his mind and how to mobilize the power in his hands, he kept pushing the few simple wooden blocks that symbolized the soldiers under his command.

The four squares represent the three local levy infantry and the elite "Duwana Halberdiers".

The wooden bar placed at the position of the wooden tower in the picture is the only archer unit in hand.

The triangle represents the army led by "Sir Ledo" himself, consisting of three knight attendants including Olivia, Rohark, Azerion, and Filippo, and four Platon cavalry, a total of eleven people. Heavy cavalry squad.

Although Uncle Brian is old and strong, he still has qualified riding skills and horse fighting capabilities, but as the real tactical commander who dispatches four infantry detachments, Leon cannot place him in the cavalry team.

The same is true for him. He and Corvis will decide whether to join the cavalry formation depending on the battle situation.

Not only considering the big flag that symbolizes his existence, if he moves freely with the cavalry troops and disappears from the sight of the infantry front, it will seriously affect the morale of those conscripts, and more importantly.

Leon stopped cutting flowers with his left hand and pinched these two "trunk cards" in the literal sense.

If used properly, the Neti card combo between him and Corvis is enough to allow his guards to play a very important role and act as a reserve team for fighting fires on the battlefield.

Thinking about putting out the fire, Leon pinched his eyebrows regretfully. He had already asked local farmers about the weather. This season here is far from a rainy season.

If there can be a few more heavy rains this month, all the wooden walls of Longka will be wet, and the land outside the stronghold will turn into mud that is difficult to walk on, it will be extremely beneficial to Longka's defense.

Of course, although there is no rain, the wind direction is suitable at the moment. As long as the enemy does not take a long way to bypass the pass and attack from the east, the spring breeze blowing in this area is actually one of the defense methods for Longka facing the east.

Leon leaned back on his chair and thought about what he would do if the enemy really took the risk of choosing the "lowest strategy" and bypassing the pass to attack Lonca from the east. How much would it take to notify our own reinforcements in the north and east to encircle the enemy? time.

Since he appointed the other party as a centurion, during this period, he and his companions have learned a lot from this old knight who has lived in seclusion in Selva for many years.

The guarantee of food, grass and water sources, the marching methods of different soldiers, the selection of battlefields and camps, the advantages and disadvantages of the terrain, how to lay out fortifications, how to set up sentries, how to deliver military orders, weather and wind direction.

Among what I have learned and known, it is precisely the preparation and construction content other than these battles that far exceeds the content of actual combat.

Different from the hearty battles in the game where thousands of troops are massacred in all directions, the outcome of a real battle is often decided days or even months before the battle, ranging from a few hours to a day.

Leon considers himself neither a military genius nor Zhuge Liang who knows all his plans. He has never been a soldier in his previous life.

The experience most related to war, apart from the hobby of horseback riding and archery with cold weapons, is to face the computer screen and use the mouse to frame the soldiers' formations in the game from A to A. However, playing the game on paper is obviously not enough to truly command a battle. battle.

This is why he delegated command to professional officers like Brian Sr.

But that doesn’t mean that as a general, you will do nothing.

How to maximize the use of the resources at hand, constantly add favorable bargaining chips and battlefield conditions to one's own side, take into account all possible accidents as much as possible, and make plans for various accidents. This is how he, as an ordinary person, tries to win basic means.

Even though the battle may not necessarily take place in Lonca, the weakest stronghold in the western part of the barony, Leon did not dare to expect the enemy to make stupid mistakes and could only rack his brains in order to prepare for the battle without making fewer mistakes.

Hearing the familiar footsteps coming downstairs behind him, Leon's eyebrows relaxed and stretched.

The sense of pleasure and wonderful memories instantly dissipated the mental stress.

He turned back from his high-backed chair.

When Olivia walked down the stairs, the tips of her hair were slightly damp, as if she had just finished washing.

The wet cheeks looked rosy and attractive.

But the girl pursed her lips and her cheeks were cute and slightly bulging, as if she was still secretly angry because she was caught off guard and choked last night.

"I woke up very late today. I didn't get up early to practice swordsmanship. It's not like my habit to suddenly lose my swordsmanship." Leon was serious about concern, but he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at his lover, revealing his true feelings. To tease.

When Olivia heard the other party's greetings, her beautiful green eyes gave a rare hard look at Leon, who was still causing trouble.

What sword practice? This guy!

And "sword skills"! ?

It's all his fault

Whenever I pick up a sword now, I will start thinking about the suddenly unfamiliar shape of the hilt.

Olivia unconsciously touched the sword hanging at her waist, feeling that the hilt suddenly became extremely hot to the touch.

The ordinary appearance made the girl who bowed her head to "learn the sword" last night to eat the marrow and taste it, felt a sense of shame in her heart that she was ashamed to express.

"My lord, lunch is here." Corvis knocked on the door.

"Oh, bring it in."

Leon responded, then stood up and took Olivia's little hand, sitting at the table: "Don't be angry, let's have lunch together, just in time for you to wake up. If there is not enough food, I will ask someone to get it."

The girl closed her eyes, turned away her pretty face, and sat down as if she was still angry, but the hand holding the other person's hand revealed the intimacy hidden under this little shame.

Corvis walked into the big room carrying a basket and a dinner plate, put down the food without knowing why, and looked curiously at the girl who was pretending to be angry, and Leon with a flattering expression on his face.

The young couple who are clingy every day are actually having conflicts? This is really rare.

"I'm going to feed the griffins, my lord."

"Well, you should eat early too." Leon warned.

Corvis nodded and walked up the stairs carrying the raw meat in the small basket.

Olivia, who was still a little sulky, smelled the aroma of lunch on the table.

Hungry, she secretly swallowed her throat, and a strong appetite came over her. The girl had to decide to forgive Leon for his bad and rude behavior last night.

The sky is huge and the food is the biggest~!

Looking back, Olivia picked up the tableware without saying a word, gathered herself and prepared to eat.

Leon on the side saw a thick sausage that had not been sliced ​​on the plate, and became very playful.

He stabbed the sausage with a fork and handed it to Olivia very shamelessly.

"Try this. It's a specialty stocked in Platon. It's so delicious. I can't eat without it." Leon deliberately recommended with a mean and condescending smile.

! ! ?

I saw that somewhat "familiar" look reaching towards my mouth.

Olivia's brows instantly twisted into the character "Chuan".

There was a click in the palm of my hand! The girl was so angry that she almost crushed the wooden handle of the table knife in her hand.

"Bad guy! The rude and rude villain!" The girl turned her head and stepped forward. She raised her hands angrily and grabbed Leon's cheeks from left to right.

She pinched and pulled a little harder, pulling her lover's face into a ridiculous frog shape, rubbing it up and down: "You're still teasing me outside in broad daylight. Do you plan to make it impossible for me to eat sausages again? Damn it~!"

Words that were originally normal seemed to be given evil connotations. Olivia couldn't help but blush when she said the word.

".Hahaha, I was wrong. I was wrong, oh, it hurts, it hurts a little, forget it, if you don't want to eat it, I'll eat it, spare your life, hahahaha." Leon was rubbed so hard that he could not speak clearly, and he laughed while saying something Apologize for my bad food joke.

Olivia snorted softly, loosened her hands, and stopped punishing the evil-minded guy.

But looking at the sausage that was indeed fragrant, the girl's heart moved, and she picked it up instead, staring at Leon fiercely with her beautiful eyes: "If you bully me outside again, I will..."

"?" Hissed and rubbed his sore cheek, Leon blinked, not knowing why.

Then he saw Olivia opening her lips towards him, showing off her cute little tiger teeth, and biting down on the smoked sausage.

Crunch——! !

The girl had a fierce look on her face and nibbled off the front end of a piece of smoked sausage with her teeth.

Then he puffed up his cheeks, cut and chewed it vigorously in his mouth.

I have to say that this threat was very effective. Leon shrank his neck and felt chills all over his body.

He sneered awkwardly, clasped his hands together, and was about to apologize to his lovely lover for being so complacent just now.

". Sir!! Sir! Report from the Sentinel Cavalry! There is a large army in the west marching towards Longka!! They are flying the wolf flag of the Gunnar family, and there are nearly a thousand people! There are many knights, and our people dare not approach!!"

The soldiers outside the door knocked on the door and shouted loudly.

Leon and Olivia's expressions instantly lost their playful look.

An army of thousands? ? ?

How is this possible?

The main force of the Lang family is on the Mamor front line. Where did they pull out such a large army? !

Hearing that the invading force was four times his own, Leon lost the mood to eat. He stood up, grabbed the sword beside him, and called his attendants upstairs in a solemn voice: "Corvis! Come down and wear armor for me!"

As the sentry cavalry who had escaped from the wild conveyed the general information to the Longka camp, a loud and deep war horn sounded immediately within the wooden wall, and the messenger to contact the reinforcements also rode a horse and rushed to the rear.

The huge army marched eastwards along the dirt road.

The numerous banners with the running wolf heraldry fluttered in the wind, full of murderous intent.

The rapid sound of horse hooves rushed through the team, and the noble knights in strong armor led a large group of Wolf family cavalry onto the wilderness hills.

Canisler stopped the restless war horse under his crotch, and looked at the small pass between the forest and the river in the distance, separated by a wooden wall with a fierce gaze like a wolf and a tiger.

The elderly knight next to the young master of the Wolf family tried his best to look at the wooden outer wall that blocked the view, as well as the arrow tower on the high slope behind it, and the vague outline of the wooden wall camp at the end of the view.

"Lord Canis, as the spies reported, there is a complete stronghold here, and the Faloris have been prepared in advance." The older knight advised Canis in a thoughtful tone.

"You haven't said enough? It's just one or two simple 'fences'. If I don't attack here, why don't I bang my teeth on the high wall of Fort Wachter?"

Lord Heinkel, have you rested too long in Wolfenhall over the years and lost the cunning and courage of the wolf pack? "Kanis turned around and asked unceremoniously.

Knight Heinkel frowned tightly when he heard this.

"Sir, I just suggest not to launch an attack so hastily. The enemy's fortifications seem to be designed with experience. A rash attack will inevitably result in heavy losses. We should let the craftsmen build battering rams and shield carts and advance slowly."

"What a joke! A small village with only a hundred people. I have several times more troops than it. Do I have to drag it out and turn it into a siege?"

Canis sneered and shook his head: "Knight Heinkel, don't think of me as the wolf cub who was still wet behind the ears. I have killed more Kantadars and captured more enemy camps than you."

The wolf master stopped talking and sighed, raised his hand and pointed to the surroundings: "Wachterburg is only half a day's journey away from here, and Faroris is half a day more. If we don't quickly attack the Thorn Flower Territory through this weak point and wait for the enemy army to come to support, this The land is backed by mountains in the north and Nightmare Forest in the south, just like a gate. If we delay for too long, how can we break in if we miss the opportunity?

This trip is to take revenge on those despicable weeds, looting and burning, not to capture cities. For such a small village, it doesn't matter if those refugees and soldiers pile up and die a few more people. We will quickly attack and attack it later.

Using this as a fulcrum, let the nearby villages and towns turn into scorched earth, and we can retreat calmly from then on. If we stop now and fight slowly as you said, and wait for the enemy reinforcements to arrive, we will be stuck here and confront the enemy. Do we have to go back home in disgrace? "

After speaking, Canis held his sword and looked at the small camp in the distance with contempt. Even with the same force, he has captured countless villages like this in Mamor County.

Although more than half of the 700 troops he led were a mob that had been temporarily recruited, there was a way to use a mob, and at least they would not feel bad if they died.

Now that Ledingburg has been taken, the Wolf Lord is not short of these hundreds of men.

And if he could provoke an overreaction from the Thorn Flower Family, and then incite His Majesty and the royal party to arbitrate and seize the territory of Eliver, these lives would be insignificant.

"Knight Yom, take your detachment and go along the woodland to scout the forest south of Longka. I don't want an unexpected ambush to appear after the battle begins." Canis turned back and ordered.

"Yes! Sir."

"Askof, lead your squad and archers to hold the line, and let the four militia squads in the front row use fire cans to burn that ridiculous wooden wall for me.

After those militias break through the low wall and attract the enemy's attention, you will follow the order from the left wing to flank and attack."

After a series of orders were issued skillfully, Canis looked back at the old knight with a somewhat lonely expression, and couldn't bear to hurt this loyal but elderly family vassal too much, so he softened his tone.

"Since you want to play it safe, then Sir Henkel, I order you to take the two reserve teams, cross the river from the shallows just now, along the opposite bank on the north, bypass the wooden wall, and after the battle starts, build a floating bridge across the river as soon as possible to reach the battlefield and attack the enemy's flank and rear."

Henkel's old face was hesitant to speak, but he still closed his mouth and held his chest to listen to the order.

Indeed, the young master has grown up. With the other party's record in Kantadar, I, an old wolf who has been stationed in Wolfenhall for many years, should no longer regard him as the reckless child of the past.

Canis led the wolf family cavalry with flying flags behind him, ran down the hill, and continued to advance rapidly with the infantry team.

He would not simply sit in the center. If the thorns and weeds in the camp huddled behind the high walls of the inner camp, it would be fine.

But if he dared to step into the battlefield between the two walls, Canis swore to avenge Sir Gabe with his own hands.

Following the family's knight team, Henkel slowly let the warhorse fall behind the team, and then approached the northern warlock sitting on horseback.

"Master Mette, can't you even use your eagle eyes to look at the battlefield?" Henkel lowered his posture and asked the warlock.

"No, according to the anti-witchcraft decree, the will of His Majesty the King is supreme. The internal disputes of the Lords of Orland, the Northern Warlocks can only serve as observers and witnesses." Mette, holding the spear blade wand, did not give in at all. He shook his head.

This is the treaty signed with His Majesty the King so that the Northern Association can continue to exist after the Orland Civil War. This "tacit understanding" cannot be broken.

At least, for the time being.

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