Knight with Wand

Chapter 113: Beast Summoning Horn

Picking up the griffon egg in the box, Leon rubbed its hard shell and asked Corvis: "How long will it take for it to break out of its shell and be born?"

"A month at most, maybe twenty days if it's faster."

Corvis recalled and replied: "According to the records in the book, it takes about four months for a griffon egg to hatch and break out of its shell. Counting the time it took Pirieno to bring it back, it is almost the same now."

"The days go by so fast."

Leon put down the griffin egg. He had been busy for a while, and he also thought about how to deal with this precious treasure.

Regarding the issue of whether griffins are easy to feed, he briefly consulted Miss Laura before leaving the dissipated spirit field. After returning, he also talked with Corvis about some of the knowledge he knew about griffons. discuss.

The answer I got was quite exciting.

Even as a newborn baby, this powerful creature is tough and tenacious.

Of course, it costs a lot to raise it.

It takes a full six years for a young griffon to break out of its shell and pass through its infancy to become a young griffon.

During these six years of growth, except for the first few months in the first three years, I basically had to eat six to ten pounds of meat every day.

In the next three years, as the body grows, he will eat ten to twenty kilograms of meat every day.

A rough calculation shows that a griffon cub has to eat a total of four hundred and dozens of fat sheep during its entire infancy, and occasionally has to get some horse meat for it as a supplement.

After six years of this, the average monthly expenditure on food alone is about three to four gold crowns.

With today's financial resources, it is not completely unaffordable. It is equivalent to paying about two guards' salary every month. Moreover, the cost in the first three years is far less than that in the next three years.

It's just that this free salary will last for six full years. Only when the griffin grows into a young man's body can he really get tangible rewards.

If it can grow up healthily and have such a powerful beast companion in the future, the cost of a few hundred gold coins will undoubtedly be worth it.

After all, if it weren't for this unexpected gain, even if you spend thousands of gold coins, you wouldn't be able to buy a powerful gryphon beast.

This noble and proud legendary creature is very rare, not to mention that they are extremely intelligent. It is almost impossible for wild adult griffins to be enslaved.

Although there are many heroic and powerful knights in Therian legends who found griffins and tamed them as mounts with their bravery, stories are still stories after all.

In reality, if you challenge a griffin like this, you will 99% end up being disembowelled.

Leon still remembers how his gryphon friend used his ferocious claws to crush the Cantadar knight into steel-clad flesh like he was squeezing a can.

Thinking of the death claw, Leon couldn't help but sigh.

I am not worried about the cost of raising a young griffon to grow up, but I am thinking about the relationship between this griffon egg and the adult griffin.

Until now, he still didn't dare to tell whether the griffon egg was the other party's child.

Judging from the time, this possibility is very high, unless the Artias mages attacked more than one griffon nest.

And it would be embarrassing if this egg was really the child of a Deathclaw.

According to Miss Laura, griffons, whether male or female, can identify their own bloodline through their instinctive magic perception no matter how old they are.

Leon was not sure whether Deathclaw would come to Selva in the future.

Once it passes by this place and discovers the griffon cub, it cannot stop it from taking it back to its lair and turn it against its friends.

However, if the cub is returned, the money spent on raising the gryphon will undoubtedly be wasted.

It's okay for a short time, just think of it as taking care of a friend's child, and it doesn't hurt to eat a few more meals.

But what if this happens after two or three years of raising it?

That really paid off the debt Deathclaw had saved their lives in Selva.

Fortunately, Leon also thought about how to deal with such a situation.

First of all, he would never stop his griffin friends from protecting their cubs.

In this case, instead of being a fool and worrying that your investment is in vain, it is better to return the child from the beginning, save money, and create a good relationship.

However, it is unknown whether the Deathclaws are still in the area.

If it has flown to the end of the world, then this worry is just asking for trouble.

The top priority right now is to confirm the whereabouts of the Death Claw as soon as possible.

But it was obviously too inefficient to foolishly send people to climb mountains to search.

Cowes had a better idea.

"How are the craftsmen progressing with your horn?" Leon asked Corvis.

"The broken roof of the windmill tower on the north slope has been removed. When the horn is completed in the next few days, I will ask the workers to hoist the things up." Corvis replied.

Leon was satisfied with the workers' rapid progress. After all, it was not a big project, it was just a renovation of the existing old windmill tower on the north slope.

The stone tower is located just on the top of the hillside in the north. It is surrounded by cliffs to the west and north, and faces the slopes to the east and south. The terrain is excellent. Taking advantage of the large number of craftsmen and laborers gathered in Selva, it is not possible to rebuild it into a tower. It's a pity for the observation tower.

As for the large-scale copper horn with horns that Corvis designed based on the knowledge he learned, although its original function is not to call griffins, the sound can spread far and wide, as long as the griffins pass nearby, with that kind of sound The creature's powerful hearing ability will inevitably fly in to check curiously.

In the future, at a fixed time, someone will go to the top of the North Slope Tower to blow the horn and call for the Death Claw, which will save you the trouble of looking for a needle in a haystack.

If it really doesn't live nearby, I can really raise the little griffin with peace of mind. The horn can also be used as a territory warning and timekeeping device in the future, equivalent to a clock tower, so it's not a waste of effort.

After talking about things, Leon said goodbye to Corvis for the time being, asked the servants to boil water, and went back to his room to wash off the dust of running around.

He took a short rest, then found the gifts he brought back, found Azerien and the little male servant at home one by one, and gave away the boots and shoes.

Before dinner, Olivia also came to the house and gave the hairband that almost made a joke and mess to each woman on his behalf.

Seeing little Lina so happy and eager to let Ms. Elena help her tie her hair and put on the hair accessories, Leon's eyes unconsciously looked at the blue hairband behind Olivia's head.

The change in the girl's hairstyle did not attract much attention.

The locals of Orland around him naturally thought that Olivia bought the hair accessories herself.

The shy girl was obviously not ready to announce the engagement to everyone. She was probably confused at this time.

Leon naturally wanted to take care of the other party's feelings, so he didn't rush to find Uncle Brian and mention the fact that he had a private engagement with his daughter.

However, if what the other party said that night was true, the father-in-law he had never met might be someone else.

Although Olivia herself didn't know the inside story.

After a long talk with old Brian that night, Leon already knew that although old Brian had treated the girl as his own for many years, he was not her biological father.

And the truth of Olivia's life experience Leon sighed helplessly in his heart.

It was even more difficult to say than he had guessed before, which made him sigh at the chaos of the royal family. If possible, Leon now felt that it would be better for the girl not to know the inside story for her whole life.

The next day.

The heads of all the existing Selva village households were privately summoned together.

After confirming the identities of each person and finding that no one had claimed the money again or falsely, Leon presided over and supervised the distribution of the ransom money to the remaining families in Selva.

Although it was a sum of money from the disaster, getting this money also meant that all the villagers in this small village had turned over and become wealthy overnight.

One by one, they lined up to register and took over the heavy money bags. The villagers watched the lord fulfill his promise, with a dream-like complex joy and excitement in their eyes.

In the nearly three months since the disaster, for these tenant farmers who were almost destined to struggle for food and clothing at the bottom forever, life will continue day after day, and no matter how much grief they have, it will not be able to withstand the erosion of time and hard work in the future.

And getting this huge sum of money also means that their lives will turn to a new starting point.

It can be predicted that whether they look for it in the village or outside the village, the men who lost their wives and children will soon use this money to marry again and have children and rebuild their families, and the same is true for the women who lost their husbands and children.

Selva will definitely usher in many small weddings in the future.

This is not the modern society on Earth, where one can live freely alone. Marriage and family have gradually become a heavy burden for everyone.

In the cruel social environment of the world now, which is like the ancient times in the past, being alone without relatives and offspring also means being helpless and weak, unable to protect oneself and property.

Leon is willing to encourage the people to remarry with people outside the village and bring more people back.

However, if women and girls with free status want to marry far away, he will not be a saint and be completely charitable. Unless the place of marriage is Pletton or Longka, he will not reduce the relocation tax that should be collected as usual.

But having said that, in fact, if there is no special situation, there must be no fool who will pay taxes to leave the hometown of generations and move to a foreign land where he does not know the depth when Selva is seeing the development getting better and better.

In this era, the danger of moving to a foreign land is extremely unpredictable.

Besides, there are only a handful of Buddhist lords like Leon who are light on taxes and levies, and who pay money and food to laborers in a proper manner, not only in Orland, but also in the entire Western Continent.

After distributing the money, Leon did not forget to take these wealthy people to hold a manor meeting and inform everyone in advance that the village will expand the construction of taverns, hotels and other facilities, and rebuild the market, and the villagers can seize the opportunity to join in and invest together.

Regardless of whether these farmers with little knowledge understand it or not, Leon hopes that some smart people among them can join the plan and turn the dead money in their hands into living money. Anyway, he will definitely not cheat them.

The camp construction team sent by the Farolis family is not far east of Selva and has been working for several days. People from all directions passing through Selva have come through several waves, and there are also soldiers and craftsmen from the eastern camp who come to find taverns and village markets.

Naturally, they can only return disappointed.

Signs of consumer demand and commercial development have already appeared. Leon knows that he can't delay any longer, even if it will slow down the progress of the barracks. Anyway, there are only 20 to 30 regular troops who are off duty, and the unfinished barracks can be used while they are being built.

This is just the beginning. When the supply camp is built and the road in the forest is opened, the flow of people will increase exponentially. It will be too late to do it then. If Selva doesn't act quickly, the naturally flowing traces of people and merchants will develop around the transit camp and form a new settlement.

How can we leave the opportunity to make money to others at such a close distance?

After disbanding the public meeting, the next day, Leon called several wealthy representatives from the Selva territory to go to the forest in the east of Selva to plan the construction of residential land for the future winery entertainment and commercial market.

The Nightmare Forest in the south is no longer a desperate situation. There will be almost inexhaustible forest resources for many, many years to come. Even if the forest in the east of Selva is cut down, Leon will not feel bad. Anyway, everything is lacking, except wood. Longka and the south of Selva can get as much as they want.

In the next few days, a team was separated from the barracks construction site and began to expand the east of Selva, making the already busy territory even busier.

The first to be completed was the sentry tower on the north slope.

The renovated stone tower not only re-cut windows on all four sides of the original third floor, but also built a fourth-floor observation tower on the top by taking advantage of the space vacated by the original windmill. The original windmill mill is no longer recognizable.

A flagpole was placed horizontally from the side of the tower, with a drooping black coarse cloth swallowtail flag hanging on it. The sword-wing emblem representing Pendragon on the flag swayed in the wind, so that every pedestrian passing by the slope could see clearly which lord this territory belonged to.

The huge beast-calling horn was placed on the top floor of the watchtower by a wheel frame. According to the timing of the sun corona and hourglass, the horn would be pushed out of the lookout by the sentinel on duty at dawn, noon, and dusk and blown vigorously.

At three moments every day, the copper machine echo amplification structure specially designed by Corvis and processed by goldsmiths would spread the loud and long sound to every corner of Selva.

According to Lohak, who often traveled back and forth between the territories, he could hear the faint horn sound in the wilderness halfway to Longka's patrol.

I think if the death claws are still active in this area, they will be attracted one day.

Day by day, he and his companions took turns to supervise the progress of construction in various places, and Leon did not fall behind in the magic training that he dared not stop at all.

February passed by quietly.

March came, and the winter in southern Orland was coming to an end. Although it had not ended yet, the weather had warmed up a little.

Enduring the heavy pressure of exhaustion, Leon sweated profusely as he accepted Olivia's sword skills day after day.

After being beaten by his lover, he used the martial arts that he had honed for years under the physical and mental torture to knock down all the increasingly powerful guards.

As expected, the one who stood in front of him in the end was still Zabron, the best martial artist among the guards.

Leon's breathing became heavier. He roared in a low voice, released the power of his body, and skillfully swung the horizontal slash that had been swung for more than ten thousand times.

Zabron bent down and stepped forward, trying to take the master's fierce attack as usual.

Bang! !

The collision was loud.

The thunderous sound of breaking through the air made the grass dance wildly.

Zabron, who was holding the shield, was shocked to find that he could not resist, and his feet were knocked off the ground by a huge force.

Behind the visor, Leon was also shocked by the sudden sense of release and stopped moving.

The big man covered in heavy armor was knocked several steps away like a puppet, and fell to the grass with a clang.

But Leon swore that with his dynamic vision, he could see clearly.

His sword.

He didn't touch the opponent's shield at all.

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