Knight with Wand

Chapter 101: Fighting on Wheels

Looking at the blond young man wearing the Uriah scale armor, impatiently picking up a blunt-headed spear from the shelf, Leon sighed in his heart.

This young man from the Pletton Village team has a good figure and a much fuller complexion than ordinary farmers. Obviously, he is not from the bottom of the tenant family.

I don’t know if he is one of the rich young men who can ride horses that Azerian mentioned.

To be honest, looking at this body foundation, if he can get long-term training and cultivation, Leon is also optimistic about his future potential.

It’s a pity.

Perhaps this blond young man is too eager for the huge annual salary of forty-eight gold crowns, too confident, or too underestimated himself, a young knight with a tender face.

Leon’s eyes looked through the vision of the mask grid. When he saw that the other party chose the spear with the greatest offensive efficiency, he had already foreseen the other party’s end.

The so-called five moves before the defeat, hit his vital point, not only can become a guard but also double the salary. It is just a pretext to stimulate everyone, not to be timid because of the status of the lord.

In this test, holding the shield and dealing with his five attacks with all their strength is the best choice for them to try to survive the test and get an annual salary of 24 gold coins. There is no need to dream about more.

The magic element in his body boiled instantly.

Leon felt the familiar sense of power overflowing his body.

Raising the long sword, he pulled the hilt horizontally with both hands and placed it in front of him. With the nameless sword technique that Olivia realized by herself, he used this unique key-style sword stand to aim at the young man Plyton who was holding the spear steadily.

Leon once gave the girl's nameless sword technique a rather middle school name on a whim, which was called-

Spear Breaking Style.

Facing the spear head that was stabbing straight at him, Leon pushed his feet on the ground, stepped diagonally with his lower body, and rushed out in an instant.

The weak sword body rubbed against the attacking spear shaft and slid under. The sword guard deflected the spear head and hit the spear body with a bang to set it up. The spear head, which was still stabbing, barely passed the gap of Leon's right body, which had already moved along the big triangle with his steps.

The yellow-haired young man in the helmet wanted to step back and put away the spear, but found that Leon raised his shoulders and exerted force on his waist, causing the cross sword guard to rotate to the right. The L angle formed by the long sword and the hand guard pressed the spear, and the whole person was approaching like a ghost.

Leon had deeply understood the most important spirit of the "Olivia School" swordsmanship in the long beating.

Attack, attack, and attack.

Every move, every style, whether it is swordsmanship, steps, physical skills, blocking, all actions and combination moves, must be aimed at completing a set of attacks.

After the back foot provided the power for the body to move forward at a high speed, the moment it floated in the air, Leon's front toes had already stepped firmly on the ground.

The cat-spinning step in the middle of the journey led to a sideways twist, and the long sword was pulled up while exerting strength, and the strong sword body slashed at the enemy's neck at a close distance.

The yellow-haired young man could not retreat at such a close position, and the long gun body had already fallen down and could not be retracted. He could only barely raise the pole with his back hand to block the blade.

The gun body between his hands barely held the long sword diagonally.

Bang! !

The yellow-haired young man was frightened and worried about the force that made his palms shake painfully.

Leon knew that he could completely rely on the inhuman strength at this moment to overwhelm the opponent.

But his purpose was not only to defeat the opponent, but also to test the skills of the candidates.

Turning to the right, the shoulder and hand turned together to drive the long sword to dance vertically in a narrow V-shaped trajectory, hitting Olivia's proud close double slash.

Leon also gave the girl's move a middle school name.

——Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest Style

The blade that disappeared in the blink of an eye suddenly appeared on the other side of the body, and chopped down along a beautiful geometric trajectory, leaving the yellow-haired young man's mind blank. His right hand instinctively tried to follow the turn, but his right hand left his right body exposed.

The blunt blade chopped between the opponent's right shoulder and right neck. Leon turned the handle in time to retract the force, turning the chop into a slap, and used enough force to press the neck armor of the man in front of him, knocking him to the ground.

The young man wearing thick armor fell hard with a clang.

After a short three-move confrontation,

the originally excited and expectant crowd looked at the challenger who was chopped to the ground in less than three seconds on the field, as if they were suddenly splashed with a layer of cold water.

Most people didn't even see how many times the young knight swung the sword.

They only saw that the fully armed young man, even holding a long weapon, was "beheaded" by Lord Pendragon with a single sword and a gun despite having such a great weapon advantage.

If it weren't for the solid neck armor provided by the lord, if he was hit like this in actual combat, everyone knew what a miserable end it would be.

The young man Plyton turned over on the ground, staring at the sky, his mind still confused.

"Unfortunately, you didn't pass the test. Go to the side and take off your armor and give it to someone else," Leon sighed.

Not to mention the young men from various villages in front of him, even Olivia.

If he wants to defeat himself who has the strength close to that of a knight under the blessing of the treasure card in just five moves, the success rate is probably only half and half after fighting ten games in a row.

As long as he defends with all his strength, it is not impossible to survive six or seven swords of Olivia in the state of boiling heart.

Olivia can't guarantee that she can defeat herself within five moves every time she practices.

What about others?

Besides, if there is really a martial arts genius stronger than the blonde girl among these villagers

Let alone an annual salary of 48 gold crowns, even if you sell everything you have, paying such a god an annual salary of 148 gold crowns, you will make a fortune.

However, in the land of Kosos County, it is impossible for another "Olivia" to emerge.

And being able to survive five moves without being defeated in your own cheating state is already the most appropriate standard that Leon has considered for these conscripts.

The various training weapons on the weapon rack are the first test. Choosing long weapons instead of shields is enough to screen out some people who have no combat wisdom.

Leon also does not think that those who have no self-awareness and have unrealistic fantasies about the double treatment, or those who are impatient, can take on the responsibility of protecting their own safety in the future.

".Lord Pendragon! Please give me another chance!" The yellow-haired young man took off his helmet, turned over with an unwilling face, and knelt on one knee to beg.

Leon waved his hand: "Everyone has only one chance today, and I have already understood your level in the fight. Even if you fight again, you have no chance of winning. Practice more for the future."

After speaking, Leon looked at the remaining candidates who were wearing armor and waiting outside the venue: "Who will come next?"

The candidates holding helmets swallowed their shock at the young knight.

You look at me, I look at you.

Several people were originally glad that they got the first chance to be selected before others, but now, all of them regretted their impatience in their hearts.

The contempt buried in their hearts had long disappeared. If they had known that this young lord really had such martial arts, they would try their best to hide behind and wait until the challenger in front of them consumed the physical strength and energy of Lord Pendragon as much as possible before trying on the field.

But at this point, several people obviously can no longer take off their armor and ask the lord to change people.

Looking at the silent and hesitant candidates, just as Leon was about to raise his hand and point someone forward, a slightly older man took the initiative to say, "Let me do it, sir."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned around and signaled to his eldest son who was also nervous behind him to wait patiently. Then he put the sickle spear he had just picked back on the shelf, took down an infantry kite shield, and picked up a one-handed blunt sword, and stepped forward to explore the way for his son's subsequent challenges.

Leon saw that the middle-aged man changed his weapon to a sword and shield, and nodded silently in his heart.

This is a wise choice.

There is no need to think about defeating himself. If these rural conscripts who have not left their jobs can survive five attacks in front of real knights, it can prove that they are talents worth cultivating.

Raising the long sword again, Leon looked at the middle-aged man with satisfaction as he hid his body behind the shield and held the sword sideways.

This uncle is at least a warrior who knows how to protect his body.

But his requirements are far more than that. An annual salary of 24 gold coins is not so easy to get!

With a fixed look in his eyes, Leon ran towards the old soldier walking along the edge of the field.

He used his left hand to counterweight the tail of the sword, and chopped it down with a fake move that looked like a noblewoman.

The middle-aged man looked at the undisguised furious attack and did not dare to neglect it. He raised his shield to protect himself and cunningly used the huge shield to block the counterattack trajectory of his right hand blade.

The one-handed sword stabbed the exposed waist of the young knight from the bottom to the top of the shield.

As expected, Leon held the tail of the sword firmly, turned sideways and slashed with his hands crossed. The blade bypassed the edge of the shield and chopped on the opponent's empty blade, bringing his attack closer.

The middle-aged man was shocked and did not understand why the opponent was so close that he allowed the long sword to be restricted by the length.

But the veteran soldier still turned around and pressed the shield according to his instinct in surprise, and fiercely hit the shield to block Leon's vision, waiting to block the opponent's eyes and then stab the next second.

However, the person who lost his vision in front of him was also the middle-aged man himself.

The soldier who had no deep understanding of full-armor swordsmanship was pried off the edge of the shield by the front sword body that attacked from the left bottom with Leon's half-gripped sword blade the next moment.

Even if Leon did not bully others with force, the original arm strength of both hands was still much stronger than that of the middle-aged man holding the shield with one hand.

And the opponent's hasty counterattack in astonishment was also opened by Leon's half-sword body that was grasped vertically like a stick.

This is not Olivia's swift and deadly nameless swordsmanship, but Leon's favorite half-swordsmanship in his previous life, which belongs to the full-armor martial arts of the knight.

Raising his right arm that was tightly grasping the hilt of the sword, Leon pulled the horizontal sword blade forward and hit the opponent's neck armor and chin, directly and rudely pressing the opponent in front of him to fall on his back.

Lying on his back with a bang, the middle-aged man in the squire's armor didn't remember how to breathe until he fell to the ground.

Only those who have faced the shock of being suppressed by a fierce attack can understand what it means to be able to suffocate the opponent with momentum alone.

No more pursuit.

Leon knew that the victory was decided.

If the fourth blow just now was a real fight, his blow would not be a throat-pushing knockdown.

Instead, he inserted the blade into the gap of the opponent's helmet with his backhand.

"How is it, can you still stand up?" Leon squatted down with regret, leaning on the sword and lowering his head.

To be honest, the level of this middle-aged man is not bad. If he tries harder, he may really pass the test.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." The middle-aged man took off his helmet, turned over and climbed up, but his expression was a little reluctant.

"If you feel dizzy later, go to my squire to help you. He knows some "medical skills" and can treat some minor injuries." Leon nodded.

Although he held back, he didn't want to leave any injuries on this old soldier who knew some basic fighting techniques for the sake of safety.

Even if he didn't reach the level of guards he required, this man's skills were enough to be a captain among ordinary soldiers.

The crowd watching the battle looked at each other, especially the villagers of Pleton.

Because the defeated middle-aged man was actually the leader of their group of villagers in the army when they enlisted.

However, his failure was not completely unexpected by the crowd.

After seeing the young knight knock down the first challenger neatly, the young and strong men from the three territories understood.

Why the seemingly simple selection conditions would be accompanied by generous and high treatment.

This young lord with a young face was a real military knight with serious martial arts. Now, the urge of the conscripts who were originally vying to try it out began to die down.

Most people had given up the idea of ​​challenging at this time.

Among the hundreds of people, except for a few militiamen who were still thinking about turning the tables, many were just farmers who had temporarily trained in the fortress. At most, they could only stand in line and fight two or three ordinary farm skills.

It would be fine if they followed their fellow villagers to form a formation and stab and chop people. If they were to duel with a serious knight, the old farmers would not feel that they had gotten up early and slept too much.

"If you don't have the courage to challenge me, then take off your armor and go down to change people!" Looking at the hesitant candidates, Leon frowned and shouted.

The time he could bear the effect of the boiling heart was not infinite, and the magic in his body was constantly being consumed.

Although Corvis had recovered his magic power in advance for today and could restore his vitality at any time, Leon still wanted to try to end today's round selection within one cycle.

Looking at the candidates who were already in a state of hesitation due to the threat of force, Leon didn't waste any more time and pointed at a tall man casually: "It's you, either go forward or take off your armor and return to the team."

The candidate who was pointed out wanted to continue waiting for the knight to be exhausted by others like the others, but now he had to admit that he was unlucky.

After all, since he was here, he couldn't waste this opportunity to turn things around and change his fate by taking a gamble.

Learning from the experience of the two people before, he also changed to a sword and shield. At least the shield can help him hold on for a while.

Walking to the middle of the field, he saw the young knight wearing a face-covering helmet rushing over. He concentrated all his attention, put up his shield and stepped back a few steps to try to shrink and block.

However, the completely passive and negative defensive posture only lasted three times before it was pried open by Leon's sword at an extremely tricky angle, and the one-handed sword that he fought back in vain was knocked out of his hand.

Even in this round, the son of the veteran who was mentally prepared and came on stage last, could not survive Leon's fourth sword strike.

In this way, one candidate after another came on stage, and one after another was defeated in the boos of the crowd.

But soon, the original test process of selecting guards gradually evolved into a wonderful competition celebration in the eyes of everyone.

New challengers continued to replace the previous loser to put on armor, pick up their own weapons, and face Leon's test.

And such a wonderful duel in which one person defends the ring and faces continuous challenges without restrictions is really rare in the eyes of the villagers.

Appreciating these duels, a group of young and strong people unconsciously became excited.

Seeing Leon swinging his sword continuously and slashing down the challengers who came forward without any delay, the occasional sounds of the spears hitting the ground unconsciously made by the people who were just watching the battle began to become more and more continuous.

The team of more than 100 people seemed to have gradually developed a tacit understanding. Whenever a new challenger came to face Leon, people all celebrated and cheered, banging the ground, creating a deafening momentum.

From the time the tenth challenger fell, no one knew who took the lead, and when they saw the lord fiercely defeating one person, the young and strong began to shout Leon's name, as if cheering for the champion in the celebration arena.


Leon! . Leon!!


Hearing the increasingly loud shouts resounding over Selva, Leon, hiding under his helmet, with a trace of heat and sweat on his face, showed a faint sense of shame.

After all, this shout was not obtained through a fair fight.

In order to personally select the guards, the knight's reaction and extraordinary physical fitness that he had obtained through cheating were not entirely his own.

So he felt that he could not bear the admiration of the crowd.


Leon turned around and looked at his companions standing in front of the soldiers, cheering together, and he was even more embarrassed.

Others don't know that he used magic to cheat.

What are you guys who know everything about it shouting?

He found that even Olivia smiled and raised her hand to her mouth, using her clear and pleasant girl's voice to cheer for herself among the shouts of a group of men.

Leon wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it. I don't know what the little girl who beat him up in the backyard every day is doing here.

Is this a public execution?

But the crowd's reaction is a good thing.

After today, he has established enough prestige in the hearts of these territory conscripts.

How can the soldiers be convinced of themselves as quickly as possible?

Giving favors is a means.

But using force to overthrow all of his soldiers is also a quick and easy way.

The fights went on in an orderly manner as expected.

It was not until the eighteenth challenger that a strong man finally blocked Leon's fifth sword attack.

The crowd who had been counting the moves silently burst into warm cheers. They finally saw someone pass the test of the Knight!

The man who was concentrating on holding the sword and shield was surprised to hear the young voice of the lord through the visor.

"Put down the shield. You have passed the test. You don't need to take off the armor. From today on, it belongs to you."

Leon stepped back a few steps and looked at the first warrior who passed the test in front of him with approval in his helmet: "What's your name?"

After receiving the approval of the Knight himself, the man's nerves that were about to break finally relaxed.

He suppressed his excitement and put down his weapon. He immediately knelt on one knee, took off his helmet and tucked it under his armpit. He lowered his forehead full of cold sweat and answered in a trembling voice:

"My name is Zabron! Sir."

"I remember you came from Longka's team. Have you done anything in the army before?" Leon asked curiously.

"Yes, sir, I am a hunter from Longka, but I was just an archer in Sir Elliver's army before." Zabron answered with difficulty hiding his joy.

Leon nodded suddenly.

A hunter, a skilled archer, no wonder he is tall, with good reaction ability and force skills.

"From today on, you are my first guard, retreat first."

After saying that, Leon raised his sword again and pointed to the next candidate.

However, looking at the young and strong men in the territory who were ready to come up and ask for a few tricks, Leon couldn't help but feel helpless.

What he said before, that everyone has a fair chance, is really asking for trouble.

Perhaps these people have watched many fierce fights in a row, and their emotions have been mobilized from the initial frustration of feeling unable to pass the test to "high morale" again.

Many people saw that the challenger who was knocked down by the lord's blunt sword was wearing armor and was not injured, so they couldn't help but line up to challenge.

Their purpose is no longer to pass the test, but to join in the fun, as if they regarded this selection as a carnival.

However, seeing the enthusiastic look of these young and strong people, Leon had to bear it silently.

If he changed his words at this time and screened out those challengers who were obviously mediocre, it would really destroy the atmosphere of "fighting" with himself and the people at the moment.

Forget it

Leon shook his head.

Anyway, for him, swinging swords and fighting is also a kind of pleasure for men. Hmm? Thinking that Olivia also likes this, he had to change his way. It belongs to the fun of martial artists.

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