Dead silence filled the entire Jiangyang Branch Base!

Only the sound of footsteps kept ringing!

In the blood-stained combat meeting room, a figure slowly walked out with a golden sheen under the light, and the blue armored compound eyes flickered. On the golden knight armor, you can vaguely see a little blood.

This figure was Kamen Rider Caucasus (Golden Fighter)!

Behind him, in the combat meeting room, all the members of the intelligence department had fallen in a pool of blood.

With deep fear on their faces, they lost their lives!

Those precision instruments used for detection or communication were all destroyed at this moment.

And in the entire base, all the monitoring and detection equipment at this moment, just as the intelligence personnel exclaimed before their death, had been destroyed by external forces.

At the same time, all the personnel in the base had been killed one after another!!

Almost, it all happened in an instant!

And all this was done by Kamen Rider Caucasus, the only life still alive in the base!!

After satellite detection, after learning of the appearance of the alien insects, all members of the Operations Department and Liu Liang, who was supporting the headquarters, were dispatched!

Wang Xin was left in charge!

Then, Wang Xin surprisingly began his plan.

Silently, he arrived at an unexplored location.

He transformed into Kamen Rider Caucasus.

He mimicked Wang Xin and possessed his memory.

With the power of HyperClockup, he destroyed all the monitoring and detection equipment in the base in an instant.

Then, he started to slaughter the base personnel!

And now, the entire Jiangyang Special Forces branch has been cleared!!

And this is just the first step in the alien insect clan’s plan!!

“Chief, everything has been resolved.”

“All humans in the base have been camouflaged by alien insects as”027″. After that, they can take care of the base. Next… I will immediately go to the location of those Kamen Riders and kill them all in one fell swoop.”

In the silent base, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a voice that was suppressed but still full of fanatical excitement slowly sounded!

The owner of the voice was none other than Wang Xin, the captain of the special response team.

At this moment

, he no longer hides his identity as a camouflaged alien insect!

He transformed into a Kamen Rider, holding a communicator in his hand, and spoke out.

And from the communicator, a cold voice sounded:”Very good, the fiddler crab has commanded all the cultivated alien insects to go to that location”

“This time, kill all those Kamen Riders and that damn traitor.”

“Take the last Kabuto insect meter”

“The entire Jiangyang City will completely become our alien insect territory!”


After a short conversation, the communication ended.

Kamen Rider Caucasus had already walked out of the building of the base.

He scanned the blood-stained and dead silent special response team base.

Under the mask, he showed a ferocious smile on his face.

The plan of the alien insect clan began!

First, he killed the Kamen Rider Scepter who came from the headquarters and put the blame on Kabuto to try to guide the Kamen Rider Geats sent by the Knight headquarters to master the final form of power.

Conflict with them and start a battle!

In this way, both sides will suffer losses! In the end, he will take action.

Kill all of them who were severely injured, and then the alien insect clan can start the comprehensive mimicry invasion plan, and completely turn the entire Jiangyang City into the territory of the alien insect clan.

But the plan changed.

Unexpectedly, the traitor Scorpion survived the attack of the leader by chance. Came down.

Appeared suddenly.

And, a group of knights from the special response team rushed over.

Wang Xin was surprised to find.

That Qin Tian!

Surprisingly, also appeared at that location.

He immediately contacted the alien insect leader.

Started the plan ahead of time!

Directly let the fiddler crab alien insect command all the currently cultivated alien insects to come out in full force, and he also killed all the people in the knight special response team base.

It is bound to be today.

Destroy all the knights.

The entire Jiangyang City is completely in the hands of the alien insect clan.

Slowly raised his head.

His eyes were fixed on the dazzling sun in the sky.

Wang Xin’s smile.

More and more ferocious.

From today on, there will be no more hiding in the past. The sky of this city will completely belong to the alien insects!

The next moment.

With his arm, he slapped the insect instrument on the side of his belt.

The golden knight figure.

Then directly disappeared from the original position

【HyperClockup! 】

Only the special mechanical sound effect flashed in the air!

At this moment, on the battlefield!

With the sound in the communicator.


The screams seemed to have rang in their ears at this moment, making Xu Qiaoqiao and the members of the Knights realize that something might have happened in the base!

The alien insects… attacked the base?!

Where is Captain Wang Xin?

Where did he go when he was in charge of the base?!

“what happened”

“Please reply immediately.”

Immediately, Xu Qiaoqiao shouted into the communicator again, trying to get a response.

However, the only response she got was a crackling sound.


At this time, the alien insects attracted by the terrifying noise caused by the knight’s kick seemed to come to their senses.

They immediately made sharp hisses and launched an attack!

Not only did they continue to attack the poisonous scorpion alien insects, but also many members of the knight’s team were within the attack range!

“Bang… Bang!” All of a sudden, the members of the Knights team came back to their senses from the shock of being surrounded by nearly 10,000 Zerg and the accident at the base. They had no time to think. Once again, they fought with the Zerg.


(accelerated form) frowned, realizing the extremely urgent situation at the moment. Xu Qiaoqiao immediately used the power of the accelerated form.

The red photon blood turned into silver.

His figure instantly disappeared from the spot, bursting out with a terrifying speed comparable to ClockUp. Then, a series of deep red energy cones fell from the top of his head and directly locked onto the alien insects.


Accompanied by the explosion, Xu Qiaoqiao’s figure reappeared.

Exit the accelerated form


The next moment, under her astonished gaze, she saw an alien insect in the explosion, which actually resisted the power of the Crimson Drill Knight’s kick in accelerated form, but was heavily thrown out by the violent explosion and fell to the ground!

It was the poisonous scorpion alien insect. After the blow, its body, the armor full of cracks, had become dull, and the shield on its left wrist disappeared, which was completely shattered just now in order to resist the Crimson Drill!

At this moment, its breath was extremely weak.

It seemed that a random attack could kill it!


Suddenly, only an extremely weak voice was heard.

The location of the poisonous scorpion alien insect.

Its figure was blurred.

Suddenly, it turned into its mimicking human appearance.

When its figure appeared. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Except for Tian Wuwu.

This newcomer who just joined the Jiangyang Branch Special Response Team.

The rest of the Knight Squadron members.

All widened their eyes!

Just because, the human appearance mimicked by the poisonous scorpion alien insect that came into view was actually the former captain of the Jiangyang Special Response Team Branch who was killed by the alien insect in an encirclement and suppression operation!!

After his death.

The Knight General Administration just sent Wang Xin to the Jiangyang City Branch to serve as the captain.

“Team Lee..”

Suddenly , a member of the Knights team cried out in surprise.[]

Realizing that the former captain Li Xiang, who had already died, had been mimicked by the damned alien insects!!

This was undoubtedly an insult to him. He was furious and wanted to attack immediately!

However, Li Xiang, the former captain of the Jiangyang branch, who had transformed into a poisonous scorpion alien insect mimicking a human, said quickly with a solemn expression:”It’s too late, can you still contact the Knights headquarters?”

“Please communicate quickly to inform us of the current situation.”

“The Zerg’s plan has begun!!”

“If we don’t stop it, Jiangyang City will completely fall and become a paradise for those damned Zerg tribes!” These words made everyone stunned….

Actually, they were cursing their own tribe for damnation?

Before they could come to their senses,

Li Xiang spoke again, revealing the plan of the alien insects:”The plan of the alien insects…It is to kill you and then replace you with a complete mimicry.”

“Until the entire Jiangyang City is completely eroded”

“Completely turned into the territory of the alien insects!”

As Li Xiang continued to narrate, everyone’s face showed horror and shock.

Alien insects… mimic them.

And then they can replace them.

Then they can slowly devour the humans in the entire Jiangyang City to mimic them without attracting the attention of the Knight Headquarters, and finally they can turn the entire Jiangyang City into the territory of the alien insects.

Complete control is in their hands!

The plan of the alien insects fell into their ears, making everyone present widen their eyes in horror.

And then.

Li Xiang spoke again:”In addition, there is the leader of the alien insects, the horseshoe crab alien insect, it keeps attacking and seizing the insect instrument in order to form an extremely powerful ultimate force!”

“From what I can tell, it looks like a weapon….”

“Now, the only thing it lacks is your captain Wang Xin’s Gatack insect instrument.”

“And…Kabuto insect detector!”

As the words fell, several members of the Knight Squad seemed to have thought of something.

Panic appeared on their faces.

They thought of the situation that Wang Xin was missing in the communicator.

Does this mean that

Captain Wang Xin…may have been killed by alien insects? After hearing the words,

Xu Qiaoqiao frowned and looked at Li Xiang and said slowly:”As an alien insect, why did you tell us this? And you seem to be hunted by other alien insects?”

Hearing this, Li Xiang’s weak face showed a complex expression….

The next moment, he said with great determination:”Perhaps the obsession of the person I mimic is too strong.”

“My parents and sister were killed by Zerg. As a Zerg, I have all his memories. This hatred and obsession inevitably affected me, who was originally planning to disguise myself as him and invade your human knight special forces.”

“Therefore, in order to destroy the Zerg leader’s plan to gain ultimate power,”

“Took away one of the insect instruments”

“And then he was hunted down until now, and the insect instrument has been taken back.”

As the words fell.

Everyone present had an incredible expression on their faces.

The poisonous scorpion insect camouflaged as Captain Li Xiang.

Were you affected by it?

Hearing this situation that undoubtedly seemed a bit far-fetched, Xu Qiaoqiao slowly said:”So, you defected from the alien insect clan, and were hunted down for destroying their plans?”

“That’s right.”

Li Xiang nodded, slowly raised his hand and said word by word:”I will kill all the alien insects, including myself.”

The firm words were filled with strong hatred and anger.

At this moment, the members of the Knight Squad all looked at each other, as if they didn’t know whether to attack the poisonous scorpion alien insect in front of them, which was disguised as the former captain Li Xiang.

After a moment of silence

, Xu Qiaoqiao quickly came back to her senses and withdrew her gaze from Li Xiang in front of her.

The current situation was undoubtedly more urgent with the nearly ten thousand alien insects surrounding them!! Realizing the seriousness of the situation, she immediately cast her eyes towards the battlefield where Qin Tian was. There was no doubt that the current situation could not be a civil war. They had to join forces to fight against the alien insects.

“”Qin Tian!!”

Xu Qiaoqiao just shouted, trying to stop the battle that had temporarily ended.

Suddenly, a low roar came!

It covered and interrupted her voice!

“Qin Tian!!”

At this moment, Liu Liang stared at Qin Tian and roared.

The expression under the mask was distorted and even more ferocious!

The continuous rubbing of hands can be said to be a crushing defeat in the hands of Qin Tian.

He couldn’t accept it in his heart. He almost wanted to go crazy!

What’s more, he was filled with incomparable anger.

Since even the combined power of the fanatic thrusters was not a match for Qin Tian in front of him!


He will use more powerful force!

【Set! 】

Resisting the numbness and severe pain in his arm, Liu Liang looked at the extremely tragic knight armor on his body and directly removed all the fanatic buckles and thruster buckles!

Then, he took out a metal buckle with a strong technological style!

Replace it!

Shockingly, it was the command jet buckle!


【Ready Fight! 】

Amid the sound effects, the severely damaged Thruster Knight armor on his body dissipated.

It turned into a pitch-black body.

With the flash of light, no new knight armor appeared. Instead, there was an additional eye mask armor on the head. And a sword… appeared out of thin air in the air, and a blade with a metal buckle of the same style on the hilt fell into his hand.

Leap up and cut the sword!

The moment the form changed, at the moment the 0.3 sound effect of preparing for battle fell.

Kamen Rider Geats rushed out suddenly!

And the reason why he did not use the strongest form power he mastered was because that form was powerful and consumed a lot of physical strength!

Liu Liang could not maintain that form for too long.

If it exceeded the time limit.

He would automatically cancel the transformation due to exhaustion of physical strength.

At the same time, he fell into a coma and sleep.

Therefore, even if he mastered the power of the strongest form of Kamen Rider Geats, he only used it as a means to suppress the bottom of the box.

The power of the fanatic thruster in the past battles was enough.

But now.

Facing Qin Tian, he can only use a stronger one than the fanatic thruster.

But it is one level weaker than the strongest form.

Leap Command Deduction.

As long as the energy of the Leap Slash Sword is full, he is confident that he can defeat it with the dual command forms at that time, using the cannon and jet modes!

Standing in place.

Looking at the front, the Kamen Rider Geats who switched forms and rushed again.

Qin Tian’s eyes flashed with boredom.

Don’t use the power of the strongest form? It can’t be that this Leap Command form is the strongest form he said, right? There is too much water in it!

Thinking of the Knight Kick with Hyper sound effect used in the fanatic thruster form.

Qin Tian smiled.


? In this case, let’s use the power of Hyper to give him strength.

He was too lazy to defeat the Kamen Rider Geats in front of him in different forms one by one.

Qin Tian was planning to use the power of Hyper’s transcendence to give the knight in the headquarters a little shock.

If he could force the other party to use the so-called strongest form, it would be the best.

If not.

Then, whether he will die in the next attack depends on his fate.

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