Inside the factory, the flames of the explosion gradually died down, and the high temperature made the air distorted and blurry.

A golden light suddenly appeared in the factory, as if it had appeared out of nowhere.


In the silence, Wang Xin’s transformed Kamen Rider Gatack noticed it keenly, and immediately scanned the place and locked his eyes. He saw a vague figure in the dark shadow in the corner. With his strong fighting skills, Wang Xin almost immediately judged that the other party was most likely an enemy. Without any nonsense, he pushed the two horns of Gatack’s insect instrument.


Amidst the mechanical sound effects, the heavy armor equipped with the Vulcan cannon was re-covered


The next moment, several plasma flame bombs whizzed out, aiming at that direction and launching an attack!


Such a tentative attack, under the gaze of Kamen Rider Gatack, the plasma flame bombs seemed to be torn apart and suddenly exploded.

The reflection of the fire made the golden light more conspicuous, until the blurred figure standing in the corner slowly stepped out.

Its figure was completely revealed in Wang Xin’s eyes!

The armor that looked like gold and the shoulder armor like insect horns flashed with sharp cold light.

Under the head armor like a trident.

The azure armor compound eyes flashed with fluorescence.

Unlike Kamen Rider Gatack, the insect instrument embedded in the belt, the insect instrument of the golden figure in front of him was actually embedded in the knight’s bracelet on his right hand!

And the most conspicuous.

But on the side of his belt, there was a metallic silver-red unicorn-style insect instrument!

This figure was a Kamen Rider!

“This is…”

“Kamen Rider Caucasus (Golden Fighter)?!”

When Wang Xin saw the figure of the knight clearly, his eyes widened slightly under the mask.

He recognized the other party’s identity in an instant!

Kamen Rider Caucasus!

Known as the Golden Knight.

Like himself, he is a Kamen Rider with the ability of ClockUp to accelerate the insect system.

The Dragon Kingdom database records that there are 05 information about this knight.

And Wang Xin, the information about Kamen Rider Caucasus that he knows so far is that a knight girl who awakened the power of the knight’s origin was killed by alien insects.

The knight’s origin was seized!

This means that the Kamen Rider Caucasus in front of him is the insect instrument that solidified the knight’s origin.

After the transformation.

Alien insects!!

Almost instantly, Wang Xin’s heart became heavy.

Alien insects can actually use the insect instrument to transform into a Kamen Rider?!

So far, the alien insects have captured the power of the Insect Instrument Knight’s origin, reaching a total of 8!

If the alien insects can use the solidified insect instrument to transform into a Kamen Rider, then they surprisingly have eight powerful knights who can use the ability of time-up. Could this be the purpose of the alien insects to kill the Insect Instrument Knight Girl?

Thinking of this, Wang Xin’s heart was already extremely heavy.

This sudden discovery undoubtedly brought variables to the subsequent encirclement and suppression of alien insects.

But thinking that by then, the people sent by the headquarters are most likely knights who have mastered the power of the final form, which made Wang Xin feel a little relieved.

After all..Even though the ability of the time-rise is very strong, the knight who has mastered the final form has already undergone a qualitative change in terms of strength level!

Even though he has extremely strong combat power, he cannot fight against those Kamen Riders who can transform into the final form.

Thoughts surged in his mind.

After a moment, Wang Xin suppressed all his thoughts.

In the current situation, he had no time to think.

The most important thing was to defeat the opponent quickly!

Even though he was extremely surprised that the alien insects could use the insect instrument to transform into Kamen Rider, Wang Xin was not at all panicked or afraid.

Just because, as a Kamen Rider of the same insect instrument system, except for the outrageous existence of Qin Tian, he can defeat anyone!

This is the strength and confidence of Kamen Rider Gatack, who has the title of God of War.


His palm slapped the side of the belt quickly.

With the sound of mechanical sound effects, there was no nonsense.

The battle started instantly!

Everything around him seemed to suddenly become extremely slow. Superluminal particles leaped and covered the body of Kamen Rider Gatack, making him enter the state of time-up.

Immediately, Wang Xin disappeared from the original position.

He turned into a blue phantom.

At a speed that was almost impossible to catch, he rushed towards the golden knight figure in front.


Almost instantly, Wang Xin appeared in front of Kamen Rider Caucasus. The moment his figure appeared, a long and blurred mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

【One, Two, Three!】

【RiderKick! 】

Powerful energy fluctuations surged and exploded at this moment.

Golden blue arcs covered the knight armor on the feet. With Wang Xin’s movements at such a close distance, a gorgeous arc was drawn in the air and he kicked Kamen Rider Caucasus hard!

He actually used the knight kick directly. He planned to defeat the opponent at the fastest speed!

“Humph.” Just as the Knight Kick was about to hit Kamen Rider Caucasus, a disdainful snort suddenly sounded!

The azure armored compound eyes flashed a fluorescent light, watching the powerful and powerful kick coming towards him, and a cold voice slowly sounded without any panic.

“This level of speed”

“Too slow.”

As the words fell, Kamen Rider Caucasus’s palm fell slowly, and then suddenly slapped the side of the belt!

At this moment, Wang Xin’s fatal knight kick had arrived! It was about to kick Kamen Rider Caucasus’s head armor and give him a blow that was enough to seriously injure him!

【HyperClockup! 】

Suddenly, a vague mechanical sound flashed by.

The surrounding space.

At this moment, it seemed to suddenly blur.

“call out——!”

At the original position, Kamen Rider Caucasus seemed to move suddenly, and a large number of extremely blurred afterimages appeared, flashing continuously.

But it seemed that he had never moved.

Standing at the original position, Wang Xin’s fatal knight kick carried a powerful force and kicked the knight armor on his head!


In the reality outside the time-increasing field,

Wang Xin was delighted to see Kamen Rider Caucasus seemed to be stunned, allowing his knight’s kick to hit the armor on his head.

He was very confident that after receiving this fatal blow, the opponent would definitely be seriously injured or even directly cancel the transformation.

But at the same time as being happy, he couldn’t help but flash a little doubt and surprise in his heart.

Just because…

He suddenly heard Kamen Rider Caucasus say that this speed is too slow.

The speed of time-up is slow?

You must be kidding.

This kind of exaggerated speed is unique among all Kamen Rider’s powers and is almost impossible to catch and fight against.

How can it be related to the word”slow”?

In addition to this sentence, (For exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Kamen Rider Caucasus’ voice sounds very similar to his own voice for some reason!


However, the doubts vanished in the next moment.[]

Instead, there was extreme horror.


Under Wang Xin’s gaze, his Knight Kick that hit Kamen Rider Caucasus’s head armor did not give the feeling of hitting an object at all.

Instead, it went straight through!

In the air, a dazzling arc formed by energy passed through, as if it had directly penetrated Kamen Rider Caucasus’s head.

However, only Wang Xin knew that his Knight Kick had missed!!

It seemed to have hit Kamen Rider Caucasus, but it was like kicking in the air.

At the moment when the horrified thought emerged, there was a sharp pain.

It was as if the impact from all directions suddenly descended on him.


As if appearing out of thin air, large pieces of metal sparks exploded from Wang Xin’s transformed Kamen Rider Gatack’s body.

It was as if the whole person suddenly caught fire in an instant.

The violent force acted on the whole body.

In the air, there seemed to be a faint mechanical sound flashing by.

【Maximum Rider Power!】


With only a painful sound, Wang Xin’s knight kick suddenly changed shape.

It was as if countless invisible attacks were constantly coming!

With large pieces of metal sparks splashing, his body kept changing directions in the air, but he was always in the same area!

Until a dull bang, he fell heavily to the ground.

Only to see that the blue knight armor on Wang Xin’s body had a large area of dents, the most obvious of which was the charred dent on the breastplate that was already severely damaged and emitting arcs.

He fell to the ground.

At this moment, Wang Xin felt that his whole body was in severe pain.

In his sight, the figure of Kamen Rider Caucasus, who was kicked by his knight, disappeared like an illusory bubble!

It was just an illusion!

Wang Xin couldn’t believe it.

Why did Kamen Rider Caucasus, who was about to be kicked by him, suddenly disappear? Suddenly, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

Wang Xin, who was in severe pain, subconsciously closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes , In an instant, a scene that shocked him so much that he doubted whether he was dazzled appeared!

He saw that the place where the figure of Kamen Rider Caucasus disappeared appeared again at some point, standing in the same position as before.

The azure armored compound eyes seemed to be looking at a tiny ant.

Staring at him.

At this moment, the severe pain in his body seemed to be forgotten, and Wang Xin’s heart was already filled with deep horror and confusion, as if his cognition was shocked!

How could it be…

In just a moment!

He was severely injured!

And the opponent was even more strange, like a phantom, making his knight kick miss, but in the next second, he reappeared in the same posture as before.

This weird situation almost exceeded Wang Xin’s cognition.

You know, the knight kick he just made was in the state of rising time.

Does the opponent have some kind of ability to disappear and reappear? No, the opponent is obviously the same as himself.

It is an insect instrument-type Kamen Rider.

The most powerful and special thing is the speed of rising time called ClockUp!



Suddenly, Wang Xin’s eyes widened under the visor.

He seemed to have thought of something.

The fear in his heart became more and more intense! Was the knight’s kick that suddenly ignored him like a ghost and appeared again related to speed?

Then did this mean that the opponent’s time-up was faster than his own ?…Faster?!

But how is this possible?

The speed of the time-up is the same regardless of strength!

However, the current situation seems to be explained by this possibility.

Thinking of this,

Wang Xin’s eyes subconsciously looked towards the belt of Kamen Rider Caucasus.

“That is…?!”

In an instant, as if he saw something incredible, Wang Xin’s heart was like a storm.

He only saw that there was an insect instrument-like thing hanging on the left side of Kamen Rider Caucasus’s belt!

Kamen Riders of the same insect instrument series.

What is the difference between them?

Without a doubt, it must be this unknown and extremely strange mechanical insect instrument. There is no information about its figure in the information about insect instruments that Wang Xin knows!

He can’t detect it at all.

It hit him hard in an instant, like a phantom with an exaggerated speed faster than the rise time. It is very likely this���Brought by the Insect Instrument!

At this moment, Wang Xin undoubtedly guessed the truth.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, the red armored compound eyes stared at Kamen Rider Caucasus, trying to support his severely injured and somewhat weak body to get up and continue fighting!

However, at the speed of HyperClockup, which is faster than ClockUp.

At that moment.

I don’t know how many attacks he received and how badly he was injured.

Even getting up seemed difficult.


Suddenly, a sharp sound that seemed to cut through the air was heard.

In the sight, the figure of the golden knight who seemed to have never moved from beginning to end, slowly took steps and walked towards Wang Xin’s position step by step.

In his hand, there was a weapon that was exactly the same as Kabuto’s kunai gun except for the color.

ZECT Kunai Gun!

As his figure slowly approached, a cold voice sounded synchronously:”As expected of the God of War, the defense is quite good. He can maintain the transformation after enduring the kick of the Hyper Knight.”

“But… that’s it.”

“Your insect meter is mine!”

As he spoke, under Wang Xin’s gaze, Kamen Rider Caucasus slowly pressed the horn of the insect meter on the side of his belt, and a mechanical sound filled with a unique rhythm slowly sounded!

【Maximum Rider Power! 】

The violent superluminal particles suddenly boiled and gathered on the Zect Kunai Gun, forming a force different from the Rider Kick….Knight Slash!

The terrifying wave it emitted far exceeded all the killing moves that Wang Xin transformed into Kamen Rider Gatack could unleash!

“Hepa… Is this a power stronger than the rise time transformation?”

When Wang Xin heard the words of Kamen Rider Caucasus, the thought just flashed through his mind, and the golden knight in front of him had already raised the kunai spear in his hand, which was surging with energy, and slashed down.


A violent explosion rose up with a bang!

There was a violent movement.

The flames swept across.

Almost, the entire space in the factory was completely covered.

It was enough to see the power of such an explosion.

How powerful it was.

Outside the factory, in the reflection of the explosion fire, a figure walked out of the factory gate, holding a special frequency communicator in his hand and said:”The alien insect stronghold on my side has been cleared.”

“”Received, Captain Wang!”

A voice responded from the communicator.

The figure put away the communicator.

A subtle gleam flashed in his eyes. He seemed to ignore the explosion behind him and slowly walked forward. His face was Wang Xin, the captain of the Knights’ special response team!

In his hand

, a blue insect instrument was shaking constantly.

It seemed to be resisting and struggling!

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