On the battlefield.

The flames of the explosion were still burning, making the air seem a little distorted.

It was even hotter!

As the battle ended, the scarlet knight in the light of the fire slowly took out the Faiz mobile phone from his belt, and the red light of photon blood flashed.

The knight’s armor dissipated.

Two figures were revealed.

They were Qin Tian and Xu Qiaoqiao, the knight’s wife.

“Very strong..!”

After the transformation was lifted, Xu Qiaoqiao looked closely at Qin Tian who was so close to her.

Her expression was filled with shock.

Originally, even though she had witnessed Qin Tian’s several battles and knew how powerful he was, after she contracted with Qin Tian and transformed into Faiz to fight, Xu Qiaoqiao had a deeper understanding of Qin Tian’s strength!


indescribably strong.

Whether it was the two superiors, Orphino, who made it difficult for her to deal with them, or the special warriors of the Blood Dead Society that suddenly appeared, Night Tyrant, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid, and a group of defender mechanical soldiers, Qin Tian was at ease from beginning to end, defeating and solving them all.

Even such an exaggerated lineup seemed not enough to force Qin Tian to use his full strength.

While being shocked by Qin Tian’s strength, Xu Qiaoqiao’s face immediately showed a touch of joy, and her eyes were fixed on her hands.

At this moment, she could clearly feel that after awakening the power of Faiz, she had become Orphino.

Signs of graying.


That’s right, the graying sign that appeared on Xu Qiaoqiao, which was the biggest weakness of Orpheino, was not alleviated or contained.

Instead, it stopped graying!

And such a change.

Shockingly, it was brought about by the contract with Qin Tian.

What kind of magic power does the man in front of him have? While he is extremely powerful, he can not only do the very rare contract with multiple knight girls!

Even after the contract with him, he can directly remove the signs of graying of Orpheino

“That’s right!” Xu Qiaoqiao stared at Qin Tian closely. At this moment, she was almost sinking into it. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and quickly came to her senses, and then her expression became serious:”Qin Tian, about the members of the Blood Society appearing in our Jiangyang City

“I have to report back immediately.”

“At the battle scene, the logistics department will come to handle it….”

As Xu Qiaoqiao spoke quickly,

Qin Tian stopped where he was, as if thinking about something, and suddenly said slowly,”What do you think is the purpose of the blood of death appearing here?”

“When Night Tyrant appears”

“You should have heard that we have reached a cooperation with Aofienno.”

“Cooperation between monsters and human evil organizations…”


Qin Tian smiled as he spoke.

Jiangyang City now undoubtedly felt like a storm was coming.

First, there were the alien insects in the city.

Then, it was Orpheus….Gurunji…The Blood of Death Society’s defender mechanical soldiers, the technology of transforming into a doped monster with Gaia’s memory, and the special warrior Night Tyrant who is comparable to Kamen Rider.

And Qin Tian.

For some reason, he has become the center of the storm.

The several battles that are happening now.

Almost all revolve around him!

To be precise, it revolves around the knight girl he has contracted.

Qin Tian has no fear at all.

He is even very much looking forward to it.

When Xu Qiaoqiao heard Qin Tian’s question, she was slightly stunned.

Her brows were furrowed on her serious face, as if she was thinking.

After a moment.

She shook her head, saying that she didn’t know the purpose of the Blood of Death appearing in Jiangyang City, and what kind of cooperation the other party had reached with the Orphino monster.

After a short conversation.

Xu Qiaoqiao also drove the mobile Pegasus away quickly, and Qin Tian watched Xu Qiaoqiao’s back until she disappeared before retracting his gaze.

Then, he slowly stretched out his hand and looked at the back of his hand.

He could clearly see.

The back of his hand.

At this moment, there are three knight marks.

They are Kabuto!



Among these three knight marks, the knight mark representing Kugga is actually fluctuating faintly at this moment, and it seems that golden energy like an arc can be seen flashing.

Qin Tian can clearly feel that Kugga’s knight origin has awakened a more powerful power!

The biggest gain from this continuous battle is undoubtedly the slightly flickering golden arc on Kugga’s mark.

It is called the power of gold!!

In this way, when using Kugga’s power, it can be transformed into a sublimated form!

And awakening the sublimated power means that the subsequent amazing power and the ultimate power representing the ultimate darkness are not far away.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he slowly turned around and left.

And the direction he left was the direction of the East Suburbs Factory District when he came here!

At this moment, the East Suburbs Factory District.

The current time period.

The factory, which should have been busy, was strangely quiet at the moment.

Men and women in factory uniforms gathered together.

In the dead silence, a man held a black communicator in his hand.

A green light flashed in his eyes.

A dull voice slowly sounded:”Leader, the two superiors, Ophiino, have been killed by the target Qin Tian.

The East Suburbs base is suspected to have been exposed.

We are preparing to move immediately.


“Failed again?!”

“Humph! Orphino is really a bunch of trash!!”

When the words fell, a cold snort of anger came from the communicator.

At the same time, there was also a very noisy sound.

It seemed like screaming… wailing!

The chaotic sound lasted for dozens of seconds.


Suddenly, a loud explosion broke the dead silence in the factory. After the report of the situation, the many alien insects in the mimic state did not move or make any sound. They were all silent, waiting for the transmission of the order in the communicator.

As the noisy and chaotic sound came out, it echoed throughout the factory.

In addition to the screams and wails, you can even hear the roars and roars like wild beasts, and the violent roars of explosions. It seems that a huge battle is breaking out on the other side of the communicator! At this moment, in a secluded wooded area in Jiangyang City

“Boom… Boom.”

In this deserted area, there was not even a breeze, but the branches and leaves of the trees were swaying suddenly, and even the ground was shaking slightly.

It was like an earthquake.

If you lie on the ground and listen carefully, you can find the source of the noise.

It is underground!!


In the underground space, a dazzling purple energy arc cut through the air and spread out in a fan shape.

Wherever it passed, some petri dishes or precision mechanical instruments and other surrounding things were all destroyed, and at the same time, a series of explosions were triggered!

Among them, there were bloated green monsters.

The moment they were covered by the arc, they only had time to let out a painful wail and scream before their bodies exploded!

The source of the purple energy arc was a worm that exuded a very terrifying and powerful aura and was covered with purple armor!

And it was the leader of the worms.

The horseshoe crab worm!

It was blatantly killing the surrounding bloated green monsters that could be seen. It seemed that the worms were fighting and killing each other.

However, it was a little different!

Just because these monsters that looked like juvenile worms were slightly different from the worms.

Their heads had extremely long tentacles that the worms did not have!

They were not worms.



One after another, the protozoa were crushed to death without any resistance. In the wide underground space, in a corner, a protozoa that mimicked human appearance ran towards an instrument with an anxious and panicked look on its face, as if trying to get something.

When it rushed to the instrument, it saw that the metallic object placed in the instrument was still intact. He suddenly felt relieved. Then, he stretched out his hand to take out the metal object in the instrument and quickly fled. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) But the moment his arm stretched out…


A sharp blade suddenly ripped through the body.

Intense pain surged into the brain of the mimic protozoan.[]

In his horrified eyes, he only saw that his abdomen was pierced directly by a sword blade that looked like a poisonous needle.

Behind him, the horseshoe crab appeared at some point.

He swung his left hand violently

, smashing the glass cover of the instrument, and then took out the contents and held them tightly in his hand. His ferocious eyes swept over the mimic protozoan that was pierced by it.

With disdain, a cold voice slowly sounded and echoed throughout the underground space.

“Hum, this is what you protozoa developed”

“Something to use against me?”

Looking at the metallic mechanical object in his hand, the horseshoe crab said disdainfully.

“You…don’t even think about it!”

Amidst the painful sound, the mimicking protozoan stretched out its hand as if trying to take back the mechanical creature.

In response, the horseshoe crab smiled grimly.


“It’s mine!”

As he spoke, he swung the poisonous sword blade that pierced the mimic protozoan fiercely.


The flames exploded, and the mimic protozoan returned to its original form.

The whole body exploded instantly.

The flames swept across. After easily killing the mimic protozoan, the horseshoe crab alien insect slowly raised the communicator in his hand for communication, and said casually:”We will talk about those useless Orphinos later. The small base has been exposed, as long as the location of the base camp is safe!”

“Let’s evacuate now.”

After saying that, the horseshoe crab alien insect put away the communicator and scanned the remaining protozoa in the underground space.

He laughed grimly.

Then, he started killing again!

At the same time, in the factory, as the horseshoe crab alien insect evacuated, many mimic alien insects gathered.

They immediately took action.

They did not change into their original alien insect appearance, but maintained their mimic human appearance and walked towards a very hidden secret door on the side of the factory.

However, when the mimic alien insects were about to walk to the secret door,


An invisible wave suddenly spread out.

It was like a drop of water falling into the air, creating ripples!

Then, a halo of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


The next moment, a sharp edge suddenly cut through the air.

In the ripples that appeared out of thin air , a red light and shadow shuttled out!

The trembling colorful wings of light blocked the retreating position of the mimics like a sharp blade, and drew a straight line of light in the air.

Wherever it passed, several mimics in the front row had their bodies torn open.

With a roar, the emerald green light flashed.

The mimics whose bodies were torn open suddenly instinctively turned into their original bodies and retreated several steps!

This sudden situation made the mimics change their expressions drastically.

Just because…

What caught their eyes and blocked their escape was a mechanical object suspended in the air!

It was red in appearance. It looked like a mechanical insect.

It was the Kabuto Insect Detector!


In an instant, several insects that were torn by the light wings let out a rapid hissing sound, as if they had seen something extremely horrifying.

The appearance of the Kabuto Insect Meter in front of them.

This also means…


At this time, as if responding to the thoughts of many alien insects, a footstep sounded in the silent factory.

At this moment, it seemed to be amplified, and suddenly sounded from the position behind him, and it seemed to be slowly approaching and constantly reaching the ears of many alien insects!

In an instant, many mimicry alien insects turned around almost synchronously.

Some had already transformed into their original bodies.

Or they were still mimicking.

But those pairs of empty eyes with green light had already locked onto the figure slowly walking from the main entrance of the factory!

The tall figure, the black hair fluttering slightly.

The eyes were as bright as agate.

At this moment, his expression was calm, and he walked over with his hands in his pockets.

It was Qin Tian!


In an instant, the mimic insects seemed to be stimulated by something as if they were facing a great enemy. When they recognized that the person who suddenly appeared at this moment was Qin Tian,

dazzling green light surged and enveloped the body.

The next moment, the human appearance of the mimic had all changed into the ferocious posture of the original body.

The scene in front of them seemed to be that light bulbs were lit up at the same time.

Among these many green lights, there were even two completely different gray and blue lights!

When the young insects appeared! (Li Haozhao )

Among the bloated green bodies, two alien insects stood out from the crowd.

Blue armor with black dots.

The top of their heads seemed to be like mushrooms.

The claws on their left and right arms flashed with cold light and looked very sharp!

Ladybug alien insects!

Dark gray, with a large area of sharp spikes all over the armored body, a pair of light yellow thin wings on the back, and a pair of abrupt red eyes protruding from the head!

It looked very scary!

Fly alien insects!

Mixed in a large number of larval alien insects, there were two molting adults!

“Grandma said… As long as I hope, fate will be on my side”

“It seems that I was right.”

“Zerg Base…”

“Right here.”

Accompanied by the whispering words, Qin Tian’s eyes swept across the front, and the alien insects that had already removed their mimicry and revealed their true forms.

There were so many of them.

One, seven, fifteen, twenty-three…

Qin Tian took a quick look.

There were at least thirty-five of them!!

Two adult insects and thirty-three larval alien insects.

Such a number was already exaggerated!

Just standing there, the oppressive feeling brought by it might scare some timid people to death. Even Kamen Riders could not deal with it with their own strength!

However, facing such an exaggerated number of alien insects, the footsteps stopped.

Standing still, Qin Tian raised a smile on his face.

There was no fear or terror.

There was only the joy and expectation of hunters seeing groups of prey.

At this moment, it should have been a frightening scene, but it looked weird!

Qin Tian, who was alone and weak, glanced at the alien insect monsters in his sight with a smile on his face, and the numerous alien insects trembled when they were swept by his eyes.

It seemed that they were a little frightened!

It seemed that it was not the dense alien insects that surrounded Qin Tian,

but Qin Tian.

I blocked the Zerg base all by myself!

I surrounded the Zerg..!

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