At dusk.

When the sky gradually darkens, it is time for students and office workers to get off work and go home.


Jiangyang University, accompanied by the roar of the engine.

Qin Tian drove the motorcycle and sped away.

Passing through the streets, Qin Tian soon returned to his home. After parking the motorcycle in the garage, Qin Tian went out again and walked towards a direction like a walk.

First, he went to buy some seasonings and side dishes.

Then, Qin Tian leisurely went to the location of the most important ingredients for his dinner this time.

The area where a decades-old store is located.

On the way, he passed by the railway tracks where the battle took place in the morning.

The traces of the battle can be clearly seen.

Whether it is the charred ground or the pits formed by the skull of the Kamen Rider smashing into the ground during the battle, it has now returned to normal.

As if no battle had ever happened.

This is the credit of the Knight Special Response Team and its logistics department.

In just one afternoon, the battle scene was repaired!

It can be said that this efficiency is a bit exaggerated.

After a casual glance, Qin Tian retracted his gaze and continued walking, and soon came to the door of a small store.

And this is Qin Tian’s destination.

A tofu shop!

He was planning to make himself a delicious tofu dish for dinner.

Looking at the entire Jiangyang City, Qin Tian thought that the best tofu was sold in this decades-old shop with the signboard”Fujiwara Tofu Shop”.

Outside the door, there was an old AE86 that looked like it had been modified.

On the door, there was the logo of Fujiwara Tofu Shop (for home use) printed on it.

“”Boss Takumi, give me a piece of tofu.”

As Qin Tian stepped into the store, the environment inside the store was simple and rustic. A TV series was playing hot news at the moment.

After a glance, Qin Tian looked at the counter and said.

Listening to the familiar voice.

Behind the counter, a middle-aged man nodded at Qin Tian with a gentle smile:”Brother Qin Tian, are you going to make another tofu feast?”

As he spoke, the boss named Takumi was already quick and put a piece of tofu into a round bowl filled with water.

He handed it to Qin Tian.


“Speaking of which, ever since you, Qin Tian, broke the record of the overall rally competition, both the veterans and the up-and-coming players are far inferior to you.”

“If we have a chance, let’s go up the mountain and race for a while, so that I can look back on my youth.”

“no problem”

“Okay, I’ve been waiting for you to say this. Walk slowly.”

After a short conversation, Qin Tian slowly left Fujiwara Tofu Shop, holding the bowl of tofu in his hand.

“”Emergency communication!”

Just as he walked to the door of the store, a hurried voice suddenly came from the store behind him.

This voice came from the TV that was broadcasting the news.

Qin Tian paused.

The next moment, the solemn and hurried voice sounded again:”A strange man appeared in the central street shopping mall area. It has caused certain casualties. The Knights Special Response Team has rushed to deal with it.”

“”Please people nearby, stay away quickly and evacuate immediately!!”

When the voice fell, there was a noticeable silence in Fujiwara Tofu Shop. Behind the counter, the boss named Takumi’s face changed slightly, just because the location mentioned in the emergency news was nearby!

Surprisingly, a weirdo appeared?

Will it affect this place?

The thought flashed through his mind.

After a moment, Boss Takumi suddenly came back to his senses and looked at the entrance of the store.

“Brother Qin Tian, please be careful not to pass through the central street….”

He opened his mouth to shout, wanting to remind Qin Tian who had just left the store.

But his words suddenly stopped, because… Qin Tian’s figure was no longer in his sight.

He had already left!…

The central street mall area.

The originally bustling streets with people coming and going became even more noisy.

However, this noise was panic.

And… screams!!


“There’s a weirdo, run!”

“What kind of weirdo is this? Why is he different from the green Zerg we see on TV?”

“Fuck! Why do you care about those weirdos? Several people have been killed. If those weirdos want to kill us, it’s easy. Let’s run!”


Chaotic shouts resounded through the sky!

Among the noisy and fleeing crowd, some police officers had arrived to evacuate in an orderly manner to avoid the tragedy of crowding and trampling. On the central street, where everyone was scrambling to escape, armed vehicles parked one after another.

Dozens of fully armed armed policemen with guns formed an attack line, their eyes locked with great vigilance on the three terrifying figures of strange people hundreds of meters away!!

“Damn, there are already seven casualties!”

“It’s too chaotic to suppress with gunfire!”

“What kind of weirdo is this? When did we have weirdos other than alien insects in Jiangyang City? How long will it take for the Knights Special Forces to arrive?”

In a solemn atmosphere, dozens of armed police officers who arrived tried to find a chance to shoot and suppress them.

However, the three-headed monsters almost overlapped with the positions of some pedestrians who could not escape.

There was no chance to shoot at all!

It seemed that there was no other way except to wait and wait for the Knights Special Forces to arrive and deal with it.

All they could do was to seal off the scene and prevent the three-headed monsters from escaping.

On the side of the armed police formation, in front of the armed vehicle, a woman was frowning and holding a communicator to confirm the arrival time of the Knights Special Forces. At the same time, her eyes were fixed on the three monsters that caused the killing. Puzzled eyes flashed.


Why did Gurongi appear in Jiangyang City?!


At this moment, a clear and urgent voice sounded.

The woman was stunned for a moment.

Then she turned around suddenly.

She saw a figure rushing through the blockade and running in.

It was the knight’s wife named Tian Wuwu!


“”Why are you here?”

The woman asked immediately when she saw the girl running to her side.

But Tian Wuwu did not answer.

Instead, she stared at the front, where the monsters were, and said,”Aunt, let me deal with those monsters.”

While speaking, white light suddenly appeared around Tian Wuwu, as if it was pulling the knight’s essence to transform. However

, Tian Wuwu’s action was suddenly interrupted by the woman who grabbed his arm.


“You have only awakened your knight essence for a few days, and you haven’t even received basic combat training. It’s impossible for you to deal with one, let alone three!!”

“You are going to die!”

Hearing the woman’s serious words,

Tian Wuwu looked a little anxious:”Aunt, it was you who recommended me to join the Knights Special Forces, and now I am a member of the Knights Special Forces.”

“It’s my duty to destroy monsters!”

“”Let me go.”

However, no matter how Tian Wuwu spoke, the woman called aunt looked solemn and had no intention of letting go. She just said in a deep voice:”No!! The rest of the Knights’ special response team will arrive soon.”

“Before you grow up like your sister”

“I must ensure your safety!”

As soon as the words came out, Tian Wuwu’s expression was slightly stunned.

It seemed that because her sister was mentioned, her expression became a little complicated.


Looking at the three-headed monster killing people indiscriminately not far away and the screams of passers-by

, Tian Wuwu’s eyes gradually became extremely firm, and the white light emanating from his body emerged again, and he actually broke free from the woman’s hand that was tightly holding her.

“Auntie, just watching other people die like this”

“I can not do it!!”

“So, even if I am not the opponent, I will still fight!”


As the girl spoke firmly, a white light formed a knight pattern! Then the pure white knight light armor covered the girl’s body!

It was Kugga!

The newborn form!

The next moment, Tian Wuwu pulled Kugga’s knight essence and transformed into a knight girl.

Then he rushed towards the battlefield ahead.

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