
Emerald green lightning enveloped the entire place, destroying everything in all directions!

Deafening explosions rose.

In the blazing flames


It seemed that several screams could be heard.

Except for the roar of the explosion, there was no other sound in the surrounding area at this moment.

Until the flames gradually dimmed and slowly dissipated, the scene in this battlefield area was revealed.

The bloodthirsty Gurongi transformed from dead humans and the few remaining Kamen Riders of Bincheng Special Response Team had disappeared!!

Those Gurongi were directly turned into ashes and killed under the raging of terrifying thunder!

The three Kamen Riders were protected by the knight armor and survived.

They did not turn into ashes.

However, at this moment, they were also severely injured and their transformation was cancelled.

They lay on the charred and hot ground in a human posture with wounds all over their bodies, opening their mouths and closing their eyes in extreme pain.


Painful sounds came out of the three people’s mouths.

They wanted to stand up.

However, after enduring the extremely terrifying thunder attack, it was extremely difficult for them to even move a finger.

Their eyes were fixed on the only figure in front of them that was intact and exuding a terrifying aura in such a terrifying explosion. Wolf King Gurongi

“So weak”

“I have absolutely no interest in them. What about those so-called Kamen Riders who have awakened to a level 5 or above? Let them come out so I can have some fun.”

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, the wolf king Gurongi’s grim smile echoed in all directions.

However, no one could respond to it.

Its ferocious pupils were locked on the three transformers on the ground who were defeated and had their transformations cancelled.

It immediately raised its arm slowly and clenched it in the air!

It was not the emerald green lightning, but the telekinesis it controlled, sweeping and surging, as if an invisible big hand suddenly grabbed the necks of the three transformers.


With the sound of bones breaking in the air, the necks of the three people were directly broken.

They completely lost their lives and died.

At this point, the battlefield was shrouded in silence, with only the figure of Wolf King Gurongi standing there. But after a moment, with the continuous sound of piercing and noisy roars, a large number of Gurongi surged in like a surging tide and gathered beside Wolf King Gurongi.

The dense number was extremely terrifying.

A rough count showed that the number was even more terrifying than the number of Kamen Riders who had just besieged the Bincheng Special Response Team, reaching at least thousands of them.


The noisy roar was extremely creepy.

The wolf king Gurongi, who was surrounded by the stars, was now the king surrounded by these Gurongi. The corner of his mouth raised a cold and sinister smile.

He suddenly waved his hand and issued an order.

“Go ahead”

“Continue killing and destroying, and turn all the humans in this city into Gurongi!!”

With the issuance of such an order

, the dense Gurongi roared again, and then all rushed forward to the front of their location. The terrifying movement was like a zombie siege, which made people tremble.

At least, at the Bincheng Special Forces Base, the intelligence personnel who were watching the real-time images through satellite monitoring were all filled with fear at this moment.

There were even flashes of despair in some people’s eyes.

After the loss of control of the Kugga Knight Niang Tian Lili, the powerful fighting force was almost killed.

The only remaining knight team was completely wiped out at this moment.

Bincheng, at this moment, no longer has any fighting power to fight against these Gurongi!

Of course, the special forces branch bases in each city are equipped with heavy firepower and other hot weapons.

If those Gurongi rush to the outside of the base, they can effectively intercept and attack.

But what can they do? Facing the terrifying wolf king Gurongi, these hot weapons are simply paper-made.

They can be destroyed with a wave of their hands.

Destroyed everything.

Not to mention.

There is no fighting force that can stop those Gurongis now.

It can be expected that more and more people in the entire Bincheng will be transformed into Gurongis!

Millions of people, if they all become Gurongis, what a terrifying scale it will be? It is almost impossible to imagine the doomsday-like scene.

Now, the situation has been reported to the Knight General Administration.

All they can do is pray that the powerful knight fighting force of the Knight General Administration will arrive soon, otherwise it will be too late when the entire Bincheng is completely destroyed and everyone is transformed into Gurongis by the terrifying black fog.

That number is almost beyond the scope of what Kamen Rider can deal with.

Even with a strong fighting force, casual attacks can easily kill Gurongis.

But how can it be? Millions of terrifying numbers, let alone killing them one by one, even if they continue to use special moves to kill them on a large scale, I am afraid that they will not be able to kill all the Gurongis in the scale of millions even if they are exhausted!

“”Has the Knight General Administration replied?”

In the dead silence and desperate atmosphere, an intelligence officer asked with a trembling voice.

After hearing the words

, an intelligence officer checked and looked more desperate:”The Knight General Administration responded that they can currently dispatch the Kamen Riders who have the final form of power in the surrounding area….”

“The quantity is zero!”

“If we send someone from other places, it will take at least ten hours!”

“According to the speed at which these black mists corrode humans and transform into Gurongi..”

“Ten hours”

“I am afraid that half of the people in the city will become Gurongi!!”

At the end of the speech, the faces of every intelligence officer in the combat meeting room were filled with despair.

This answer almost cut off their hope!!

Bincheng seemed to be completely destroyed by the impact of these Gurongi. By the time the powerful knights of the Knight General Administration arrived, it would be too late. Even if it was not completely destroyed, only half of the people in the city would be transformed into Gurongi. But

…That is at least a million-level scale.

Sending a few, or even a dozen Kamen Riders with a combat power of more than 5 levels of final form danger, would probably be useless.

At the same time, the Knight General Administration has already known about Bincheng’s situation.

A large number of members affiliated with the General Administration were shocked by this situation!

After all, since the chaotic period a hundred years ago, there has not been such a large-scale terrorist crisis that can be called the level of destroying the city for a long time.

As those intelligence personnel in Bincheng had expected, the relevant members of the Knight General Administration, through satellite monitoring, predicted the speed at which the black fog would continuously transform humans into Gurongi, and finally obtained a very terrible result.

That is, after thirty-seven hours, Bincheng, which has a population of millions, is afraid that all humans will die completely, and thus be eroded by the black fog and transformed into Gurongi!

And this is the result of the current temporary prediction.

As the number of Gurongi transforms, the speed of attacking the remaining humans will become faster and faster!

Then, the result of thirty-seven hours obtained from this preliminary estimate will be reduced again!!

Instantly, the entire Knight General Administration held a meeting regarding this situation.

Many high-level people discussed this situation quickly, and dispatched powerful Kamen Riders who could rush to Bincheng as quickly as possible and had reached at least Danger Level 5.

As the meeting unfolded, in the Knight General Administration, a meeting room that seemed to be vacant appeared with flickering light.

None of these projections could show any faces.

It seemed that their identities were hidden.

Surprisingly, a meeting was held in secret regarding the current situation in Bincheng.

(To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) It was also shown in the eyes of these projections whose identities were unknown.

After a moment of silence, a voice that was obviously processed by technology slowly sounded.

“Let’s come to a conclusion on the current situation in Bincheng as soon as possible.”

“Humph! Wasn’t the wolf king of the Gurongi clan sealed by the gga we assigned a hundred years ago? How could he suddenly appear now?”

“Damn, that Black Mist’s ability to transform into Gurongi is really tricky”

“The speed of transformation is good, but the transformed Gurongi are too weak to be easily killed, so there is no need to worry.”

“What to do next?”

“Should we use the Super Chrysis Fortress?”

A voice made a suggestion as a discussion sounded.

In the slight silence

, a voice slowly sounded:”No, although the Super Chrysis Fortress can easily solve the problem even if Bincheng is completely occupied and transformed into millions of Gurongi”

“But there is a risk of exposure”

“It cannot be used lightly.”

As the words fell, another projection spoke up

“Since our research power cannot be used”

“Then send a large number of Kamen Riders above Danger Level 5. Even if all the humans in the city become Gurongi by then, it will only take a long time to kill them.”[]

“No…if other monster groups riot after I dispatch the strongest knights”

“That’s hard to handle.”

“Humph! This won’t work, and that won’t work either. I don’t think we need to think about this, Dr. Death. With our current power, we can completely wipe out all the monster tribes, rule over mankind, and become the king of the world.”

“Just do it without hiding.”

“Do it? Don’t forget the incarnation of the power of darkness. We are unable to deal with that power now, so we are hiding it with all our strength.”

“Only when the power of the World Tree is completely seized”

“Only after we have mastered the power to fight against the dark forces, or even to destroy them, can we take action, wipe out all the remaining monster tribes, rule over humanity, and let the glory of Shocker shine throughout the world!!”

“So, what do you think we should do now?”


The discussion, which was almost like a quarrel, echoed in the dark conference room.

The projections flickered.

And the words they said almost revealed their true identities.

It was exactly what Qin Tian had guessed.

These people lurking in the upper echelons of the Knights General Administration and conducting inhumane experiments were the Shocker monsters who were active in the history of the entire Knights!!

After a moment of silence, the projection named Dr. Death slowly spoke out.

“According to the estimate of the seal a hundred years ago”

“It is basically impossible for Wolf King Gulang to be unsealed. I think that Daguba from the Gulangji clan must have taken action to remove the seal in advance.”

As soon as the words came out, the dark conference room was filled with voices.


“Damn it, just send the troops to kill it”

“Humph! Not long ago, there was intelligence that the sarcophagus that sealed that guy’s power was destroyed. This guy must have taken back all his power. How can we kill him without using our strongest power?”

“The ultimate darkness… this power is also very tricky.”

Amidst the chaotic discussion

, a projection looked at one of the projections that had remained silent and spoke.

“”Chief, you make the decision.”

As the words fell, the projections all turned their eyes to the projection that had never spoken and whose specific appearance could not be seen.

And this projection.

Its identity was surprisingly the Chief Shocker!

“Can’t be exposed yet”

“The powerful knights who suppress the rest of the monster tribes cannot be dispatched at will, so…Just abandon that city.”

“The open meeting���superior”

“Direct vote, proposal for total nuclear destruction”

“Just destroy those Gurongis.”

As the words fell, the projections seemed to look at each other.

Then they all nodded and agreed with this statement.

The next moment, all the projections dissipated.

The entire conference room fell into darkness again.

And the meeting on the surface soon…ignoring the casualties and using nuclear weapons to prevent those Gurongis from invading other cities and destroying the entire Bincheng before the situation becomes more serious came up.

And in this discussion, it was suddenly proposed… to pause!

Just because there was a knock on the door, an assistant to the director of the intelligence department quickly ran in.


“There is a serious situation. The Gurongis in Bincheng were suddenly intercepted by an unknown space force, and two people appeared out of thin air!”

As the situation was reported, the real-time picture of the scene was quickly projected.

It came into everyone’s eyes.

The moment they saw the picture clearly, among the senior officials of the Knight General Administration in the conference room, compared to the unfamiliarity of the others with the gray-white curtain in the picture, there were several figures who were not aware of it. The light in their eyes flickered slightly, as if they saw something surprising.

That was the dimensional wall!!

At this moment, in the special response team base in Bincheng.

In the atmosphere of despair.

The eyes of several intelligence members suddenly flickered with the light of hope, just because the Gurongis that were about to disperse in an exaggerated number under their close attention were unexpectedly blocked by a gray-white space curtain that appeared out of thin air!

Among them… there were two figures, not monsters or Kamen Riders, but humans!

At this moment, a large number of Gurongis gathered and the location where the Wolf King Gurongi was located


As the noisy roars sounded, the densely packed Gurongi, after receiving the order from the Wolf King Gurongi to destroy and kill, roared and rushed towards the front of the street. However, the moment these Gurongi, like surging waves, rushed out a distance,


The air suddenly fluctuated violently.

The space seemed to be distorted.

Then a gray-white curtain wall suddenly appeared, completely isolating the entire street.


The Gurongis at the front were intercepted directly.

The invisible force shook and knocked them away!


“The ability of space”


This scene fell into the eyes of Wolf King Gulongji.

His ferocious eyes flickered.

As if he had discovered something interesting, his eyes were fixed on the two vague figures that could be vaguely seen in the curtain of space.

It was not just this space curtain.

Wolf King Gulongji felt a very strong breath coming from behind this space curtain.

This made him feel a little excited.

Finally, a decent guy came.


The next moment, in the locked eyes of Wolf King Gulongji,���A figure walked out of the distorted space, and then the space curtain slowly dissipated.

“It seems that I came at the right time.”

Accompanied by a plain voice, two figures slowly walked out.

One man and one woman.

The young man’s eyes swept through the many Gurongis and finally locked onto the Wolf King Gurongi.

It was Qin Tianxiao!

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