He couldn't believe what kind of consequences it would have when Kuzu Ye Hongtai knew this fact.

The current Kureshima Mitsumi has not completely darkened in his heart.

Although he resented Lu Li's appearance in his heart, he was still very kind to the people in the armor team.

After Ge Yehongtai separated from Gao Siwu, he still didn't know where he was going.

Walking aimlessly on a deserted road.

At this time, he didn't know what he was going to do, or what else he could do.

He watched Ryoji Hatsase turn into a foreigner before his eyes, and he couldn't even save him: this made him feel deeply shocked.

Especially after witnessing the Pixiu Stranger being killed by Lu Li, he suddenly became very confused.

If Lu Li hadn't stopped the Pixiu Stranger, more people would have been injured.

When he thought of those people in the hospital, he felt very uncomfortable.

But he always believed that the person from the foreign land of Pixiu was Hatsuse Ryoji, and he could not get over this hurdle in his heart.

But at this moment, a burst of playing sounds suddenly came from the side

"Oh! I see you are very distressed now.

Hearing the slightly familiar voice, Ge Ye Hongtai immediately turned around.

Then he saw West Germany, with a black round hat 307 on his head, walking towards him with a leisurely expression.

"West Germany?!"

He doesn't know why West Germany appears at this time.

But what he can be sure of is that West Germany is definitely a person from World Tree.

Since he is a person from World Tree, in Kuzuye Hongtao's view, he will not be a good person..Ge

Ye Hongtai suddenly became very vigilant.

"Okay, cute little guinea pig, the game is over now, come with me.

If you take the initiative, you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood, otherwise....Don't blame me for being rude."

Pressing the black round hat on his head with his hand, West's face turned slightly cold.

He is not that easy to talk to. He will only say this once at most, and never a second time.

If Kuzuye Hongtai cooperates with him, then Forget it, but if he doesn't cooperate, don't blame him for being rude.

Although it's not clear why West Germany wants to take him back, Kuzuye Hongtai is not someone who can be taken lightly.

"Don't even think about it! I will never go back with you!"

The eyes are very firm. Kuzuye Hongtai doesn't think Yggdrasil is a good person. The other party must be doing something ulterior.

Moreover, these things cannot be made public to the public.

I have already guessed that this will be the case. As a result, West Germany shrugged helplessly, with a sneer on his face.

"You're such an annoying kid, but it's just what I wanted. You're the right person to test the power of the Genesis Drive."

While speaking, West Germany had already taken out the Genesis Drive, and there was also an energy lock seed in his hand.

When he saw the Genesis Drive, Kuzuye Hongtai's expression changed instantly.

When he faced the white knight before, he I have deeply realized the power of this new drive

"I don't like disobedient children. Since they are disobedient, don't blame me for being rude."

Said, Sid pressed the cherry energy lock seed in his hand.



"Lock.On! Soda! Cherrr.Energy.Arms!"

The red cherry energy armor fell from above, covering West Germany.

Kamen Rider Sigurd (Sigurd)!

And in West Germany.

Since this battle is unavoidable, Kuzuye Kota also knows that if West Germany cannot be solved, Gede, I'm afraid there's no way for me to escape.



"Lock.On! Soiya! Orange.Arms! Flower arrangement0n.Stage!"

Seeing the armor, Sigurd sneered in his heart.

(cgeg) is just a prototype Zhan Ji driver, but it wants to deal with myself who owns the Genesis driver. This is simply a joke.

"You disobedient kid should be punished a little.

Sigurd clenched the sonic arrow in his hand and rushed towards Kaiwu quickly.

"West Germany!!"

At this time, Kaiwu's heart was filled with anger.

In his opinion, the reason why all this happened was all because of the World Tree, and also because of West Germany.

It was because of West Germany that this guy spread lock seeds and... Zhan Ji Drive, things will become as out of control as they are now.

Yggdrasil is the culprit, and West Germany is the accomplice!

In Kaiwu's view, West Germany is completely responsible for the death of Hatsuse Ryoji!


The big orange pill and the sonic arrow collided together, and there was a very obvious gap in power between the two sides.

With just one contact, Kaiwu became easily suppressed

"Hahaha! Since you want to deal with me, then show some strength and don't be incompetent and angry here. This will only make you look....Very incompetent."

Sigurd kept sneering in his mouth, and Sigurd completely looked down on Kaiwu who was using the battle pole driver at this time.

In his eyes, this was just a game for his entertainment.

The repulsed Kaiwu immediately drew out Wushuang The saber merges with the big orange pill in the hand and becomes a naginata.

"Don't be happy too early!"

Kaiwu took off the orange lock on the drive and installed it directly on the slot of the Wushuang Saber.

"-.Ten, hundreds, thousands, thousands! Orange.Charge!"

With a burst of sound, the naginata in Kaiwu's hand released an orange-shaped energy light ball and rushed towards Sigurd.

The energy light ball directly enveloped Sigurd in it, as if he had been restrained.

Seize this opportunity , Kaiwu suddenly jumped up and struck Sigurd from top to bottom.

At this time, Sigurd, who was restrained by the orange energy light ball, let out a sneer.

"Hahaha! You are such an innocent kid, drink!"

With his fierce shouts, Sigurd slashed towards the orange-shaped energy light ball.

Like a bubble bursting, the orange-shaped energy light ball shattered in an instant.


The armor was being used from top to bottom, and Sigurd was shocked when he felt that he had broken free from the restraints.

However, what greeted the armor in the next second was Sigurd's counterattack.

Sigurd was in The moment he cut through the energy light ball, he immediately jumped up and faced Kaiwu directly.


The collision between the weapons burst out real energy, spreading to the surroundings.

The stalemate between the two sides did not exceed three seconds, and Kaiwu was obviously unable to follow up.


The naginata in his hand was knocked out by Sigurd. At the same time, Kaiwu was kicked in the neck by Sigurd.


Along with a burst of screams, Kaiwu fell directly to the ground.

After rolling on the ground a few times, he immediately released the transformation state, looking very embarrassed.

Compared to Kuzuye Hongtai, who was in such a state of embarrassment, Sigurd landed very smoothly, with no traces of battle left on his body.

"I've already said that you don't understand the gap between us at all, now you understand."

As Sigurd's voice fell, the transformation was released at the same time.

At this time, several shadow guards suddenly rushed out from the side and lifted up Kuzu Ye Hongtai who was lying on the ground.

"hateful! West Germany, you...ugh!"

Before he could finish his words, the black shadow guard knocked him out with a punch.

Looking at the hat pressed on the head of Kuzuyeh Hongtai, who had fainted, he shrugged helplessly.

"I've already said it, wouldn't it be good to just be obedient? If you insist on being stubborn with me, you will be beaten severely. Why is this?"

The capture of Kuzuba Kotai is completed!

The reason why the capture plan is implemented is because Kurejima Takatora is not worried about them using experimental works such as Zhan Ji Drive.

One is worried that they will cause trouble, and the other is worried that they will cause trouble." It will be affected by the power of the Forest of Helheim, and any changes will cause unnecessary trouble.

In any case, the Zhanji Drive is always a prototype, and if there is any accident, it is normal.

Measures for resurrection have been prepared, but he is not in a hurry to tell Bai Ya about it.

Anyway, it will take some time. The golden fruit is not mature yet, so there is no need to rush. , just finish all this before the golden fruit matures.

The reason why it is so troublesome is of course because Lu Li has his own purpose. In terms of strength, Lu Li's strength is completely superior to Bai Ya's.

Lu Li was very sure that he would win, but it didn't make much sense. On the contrary, it would lead to another problem.

Once the golden fruit was used, it meant that Lu Li would also become the leader of this forest like Bai Ya. Master.

Lu Li's killing of Bai Ya means that he will become the only owner of this forest.

If this forest is not managed, it will definitely invade more worlds, which will be very troublesome for

Lu Li. Naturally, I don't mind doing this.

But if it is unnecessary, the random invasion of Helheim Forest will only cause some trouble.

Anyway, as long as this guy has the princess, he will not do it. She doesn't care about the forest.

Moreover, the princess is kind-hearted and will not watch the Helheim Forest invade other worlds.

It is indeed a mistake to let Bai Ya and the princess take care of the Helheim Forest for her.

This is a feasible thing.

To put it bluntly, he wants Bai Ya and Princess to do long-term work for him, and control the Helheim Forest to invade a certain world.

When he doesn't need it, he can manage this forest well and prevent it from invading other worlds at will.

As for whether Bai Ya will agree to his question, Lu Li doesn't consider it at all.

The princess is the biggest one in his heart, and he can give up for her. everything

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