In the first extreme battle he participated in, Lu Li had fought with most types of Kig.

Except for Shima Noboru's Wolf Spider Undead, Lu Li had seen all three other types of Kig, and even fought with two of them. decisive battle.

At this stage, only the King category can be regarded as somewhat powerful in Lu Li's eyes.

Hearing this, Shima Noboru shook his head slightly.

"No! I don't like fighting, and I don't want to fight, so forget it."

Shima Sheng, who has always had an attitude of being aloof from the world, doesn't even have the slightest desire to fight.

Even though he knows that Lu Li is a powerful anomaly, he has no intention of fighting.

He shrugged helplessly, and Lu Li said to Shisho didn't have much interest if he had a desire to fight.

However, if he didn't have a desire to fight, he would be unable to resist fighting himself.

Lu Li completely ignored the mess around him and left. As if nothing happened.

The surroundings were destroyed like this, as if it had nothing to do with him.

When he returned to Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, Chengguang had recovered, but Yoshinaga Miyuki was no different. It was a little different before.

There was a hint of fear in her eyes, as if she was very afraid of Lu Li's power.

Lu Li patted Yoshinaga Miyuki's little head and said with a smile.

"Great, this time you didn't show any intention to escape, so you won't be punished."

I don't know why, Lu Li's smile doesn't look dangerous. Ordinary people might think it's just an ordinary smile.

But in Miyuki Yoshinaga's eyes, Lu Li's smile is like a devil's smile, very (Li Qianhao) oppressive.


Yoshinaga Miyuki nodded repeatedly. She had already given up on escaping. She followed Lu Li honestly. She might be able to fish in troubled waters if she chose to run away and wait for her end. It would be as simple as turning into a card.

Then, The figures of the three people gradually faded away.

Seeing the three people leaving, Shima Noboru sighed slightly.

He originally thought that the combined strength of the four knights should be able to cope with Lu Li. Thinking about it, he still lost so miserably.

Of course, Shima Noboru's purpose of coming here this time was not to watch the battle between Lu Li and the four knights.

He mainly wanted to find out whether Kamijo Mutsuki was corrupted by the evil will of the spider undead creature. To what extent.

It hasn't been long since he gained his power, but the evil of the spider undead has already eroded deeply.

The reason for this is entirely because there is a dark side in Kamijo Mutsuki's heart. The lingering shadow!

It is precisely because of the existence of this shadow that Uejo Mutsuki has a very cowardly character and weak mental will at certain times.

Facing such Uejo Mutsuki, the evil will of the spider undead creature wants to escape. The invasion became very easy.

The spider undead creature had already thought about it. He wanted to wake up

Mutsuki. It is free from the control of the evil will of the spider undead......It's not easy.

A strong-willed person would be easy to deal with, but the target is not strong-willed and is completely manipulated by the undead spider creatures.

At this time, Kamijo Mutsuki, who had been in a coma, woke up in a daze.

When he saw the mess around him, he was startled.

He just sat down on the ground, his eyes full of confusion.

"What's going on here?!"

He had no memory of what happened just now. He only knew that he was confused.

Chapter 422: Corrosion and Wildness, Sister Tiger: Is there another world?

At this time, Kazuma Kenzaki suddenly walked over regardless of the pain in his body. Pulled Kamijo Mutsuki up from the ground

"Hello! What the hell are you doing?! Do you know what you just did?!

You attacked me and unleashed the undead!

Do you know how dangerous this is?!"


He wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain at all.

I'm afraid I was controlled by that guy again, so I did this series of things.

Even if I didn't do it myself, there is my own reason for it.

My willpower is too weak, so now I can't control the power of Ace at all.

At this time, Tachibana Shuo also dragged his tired body over and put his hand on Kenzaki Kazuma's shoulder.

"Kenzaki, please don't be so excited. His transformation this time was allowed by Mr. Naru and I."

"What?! Tachibana-senpai, did you and Mr. Shima allow this?"

His brows knitted together.

Kenzaki Kazuma really couldn't figure out why the two of them allowed Mutsuki Kamijo to transform.

He himself was not strong-willed, and he had just started training, so it was not very dangerous to start fighting directly. Fortunately, there was no big trouble, otherwise things would have gone crazy.

"Don't be so excited. Let him go first. He is not to blame for this matter."

Now that Tachibana Saku has said so, Kenzaki Kazuma did not continue to hold on to this matter and let go of Uejo Mutsuki.

After losing control, he fell to the ground. Uejo Mutsuki held his head with both hands. , scratched his hair hard, with a look of distress on his face.

After transforming, he unknowingly hurt other people. Is this still considered a Kamen Rider?

"Mr. Shima wanted to see how far Mutsuki had been eroded by the evil of Category Ac, so that he could train him or help him control Category


, so he allowed Mutsuki to transform. I don't blame him."

After listening to Tachibana Sakuya's explanation of the situation, Kenzaki Kazuma also understood what was going on.

He had already explained it clearly before, and he did not criticize Kamijo Mutsuki too much.

In the end, the other party was just a high school student, and they are different

"That’s right, Hajime!"

Suddenly, Kenzaki Kazuma thought of Hajime Aikawa who was also injured just now, and quickly looked for the other person's figure.

Only to find that a figure in the distance was gradually moving away. Although the pace was a little heavy, wasn't it Hajime Aikawa?

See him There was nothing wrong with him, and Kenzaki Kazuma felt relieved.

"Through this battle just now, I have understood the extent to which Category Ace's evil will controls Mutsuki.

Although it didn't last long, that guy has already fixed his eyes on Mutsuki, and it may not be easy to completely defeat his evil will.

At this stage, he still needs to intensify his training to make him a little stronger as much as possible. 583

Once you become strong and continue to become stronger, you will naturally be able to resist the will of category Ac."

At present, Shima Noboru can't find any way to eliminate the evil will of the spider undead creature.

To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell needs to be tied.

This matter must also rely on Kamijo Mutsuki himself.

After hearing everyone's conversation, Kamijo Mutsuki lowered his head deeply, feeling sad: he finally had the opportunity to become a Kamen Rider, but he couldn't control this power.

Looking at the Ace card in his hand, his eyes became a little dull unconsciously. He looked dazed.

He was constantly being eroded by the spirit of the undead spiders. With his strong will, he managed to return to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop. As soon as he walked in from the outside, Hajime Aikawa fell into a coma. On the ground. This shocked the mother and daughter in the coffee shop.


"Brother Shi!"

The two people hurriedly ran over to check on Hajime Aikawa, but found that he seemed to be in pain. They quickly helped him to the room below, and after helping him to the bed, he still looked in pain, as if he was in pain. Having a nightmare.

Kurihara Haruka, who was confused about the situation, immediately called her brother Shirai Torataro.

They didn't know what happened or what the situation was.

After a while, Kenzaki Kazuma and I had no idea. Shirai Torataro rushed over immediately.

Maybe when someone like Aikawa Hajime came out of the room, his eyes widened and he held Kurihara Amane's hand with a ferocious expression. , like a man-eating beast.

Seeing this, Torataro Shirai and Kazuma Kenzaki rushed forward, one pulled Kurihara Amane away, and the other held Hajime Aikawa tightly, perhaps because he was too energetic. Due to the nervousness, Aikawa Hajime soon passed out.

Everyone was frightened by this sudden situation.

Even if it was possible, Kurihara Amane did not mean to blame Aikawa Hajime, although he had been taking good care of him just now. Nothing dangerous happened, but it made Shirai Torataro even more vigilant.

After all, there was always a difference between humans and undead creatures.

It was always a very dangerous thing for him to live with his sister and niece. But the problem is that he can't drive him away. Whenever he thinks about this, he feels like his head is going to explode! He is obviously a very dangerous guy, but his niece and sister are very protective of him.

Kenzaki Kazuma left the room. Shirai Torataro's sorrow was on his face.

Kenzaki Kazuma quickly enlightened him.

"Torataro, don't think so much. Hajime didn't mean it just now. It was like we were having a nightmare."

Kazaki Kazuma still believes in Hajime Aikawa in his heart. In any case, at least this guy has not attacked ordinary people.

And he is also willing to protect Kurihara Amane and Kurihara Haruka. This is a good thing.

Although there may be no way Compared with peace-loving undead creatures like Mr. Jiu, but still much better than murderous undead creatures,

Shirai Torataro still had a sad look on his face as he scratched his hair vigorously.

"But this guy is always too dangerous! Let him stay with his sister and the others, I'm worried about the future...."

"Do not worry! You should have seen Aikawa Hajime's attitude. It is absolutely impossible for him to hurt Amane and the others."

Kazaki Kazuma has such a character.

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