What the hell?

Why are they still mother and son?

"Mother?! What's the meaning?!"

"Mizusawa? Who is this Amazon?"

In the face of doubts from senior executives and questions from his son, Mizusawa Linghua has already made a decision in his heart.

"Everyone, please stay calm first. I am very polite and did not explain to you immediately.

This is Amazon, the new addition to the exorcism squad. He is not an escaped experimental subject and will not harm us..""

After hearing this explanation, the originally very nervous senior executives turned from shock to confusion.

They didn't particularly understand what was going on here and what happened.

But Reika Mizusawa shouldn't be targeting without aim. Maybe this person who suddenly rushed into Amazon is really a new member of the extermination team?

Time goes back half an hour.

At this time, Kano Shogo had already received Lu Li and Hahara Lai.

From the first time he saw Lu Li, although his expression didn't change much, he felt a little weird in his heart.

Mainly because of the way Lu Li was dressed, he didn't look like someone from the company at all.

Dressed in comfortable casual clothes, I feel like a young man.

Even though he was confused, the other party had already revealed his identity, so he couldn't say much.

After that, he also saw the four memories placed in the suitcase, and the doubts in his heart disappeared.

Since the other party came with a memory, there is no doubt that he must be his target.

So he drove the vehicle and took Lu Li and Hahara Lai to the company immediately.

Lu Li, who was sitting in the car, quietly looked at the scenery outside the street.

Although he is not Amazon himself, he can feel that non-human smells appear on the streets from time to time.

With his extremely powerful perception, he could sense all of this clearly.

If there is no human aura in this city, then it can only be the so-called Amazon.

But the aura is not strong, it should be Amazon that has not awakened

"Secretary Ghana, it seems that this city is not particularly peaceful."

Lu Li leaned back on the leather seat with a faint smile on his face.

Shogo Kanana, who was driving the vehicle, was quite surprised, but he didn't show it on his face.

"How did Mr. Lu see it?

Of course he knew about Mizusawa Reika's previous purchase of memory, but it should be impossible for him to expose the issue about Amazon.

The fewer people who know about this, the better.

And how did Lu Li know about this? This made him very curious.

The officials and Nozama Pharmaceutical Company have been very careful to keep the news secret, so it should be impossible to spread it to other cities.

Seeing him playing riddles with him, Lu Li smiled

"As long as I want to know something, there is nothing I don't know.

Maybe you find it incredible and think I'm just joking, but... I'm just stating a fact."

Now that Lu Li is able to synchronize with the earth's memory data, it is difficult for him to know anything that happens on the earth.

Kano Shogo, who didn't know how to answer the conversation, became silent, and Lu Li did not continue to talk to him. Let’s continue chatting.

Kano Shogo is a conscientious secretary. Although he is a human being, he feels more like a robot.

After a while, the vehicle slowly slowed down and finally stopped in front of a high-rise building.

"Mr. Lu, we have arrived. This is the headquarters of Nozama Pharmaceutical Company."


Getting out of the car, Lu Li looked at the tall building in front of him, and then looked around the surrounding environment.

I have to say that it is indeed Nozama Pharmaceutical Company, one of the top companies in the country.

There is almost no building visible around it. , comparable to this tall building, it is like a landmark building in the city.

Hahara Lai followed Lu Li silently with his suitcase, looking like a dedicated bodyguard. The aura made Gan Shogo feel that something was wrong.

He even felt like he was facing a dead person. Of course, he could only think about it in his mind, and he didn't dare to say it directly in case he offended the other party.

, isn’t that just asking for trouble?

"Mr. Lu please."

Nodding, Lu Li followed Shogo Kano and walked upstairs to the company.

Habara followed closely.

Not long after, under the leadership of Shogo Kano, they arrived at the conference room where the meeting was being held.

This was also Mizusawa Reika. Arranged.

The purpose is to show the power of the memory as soon as possible and shut up these guys who only know the cost. There are still so many experimental subjects that have not been eliminated, but there is no time for them to discuss the cost issue here.

Once this incident comes to light, it is likely to cause great turmoil, and trouble is inevitable.

Once this incident cannot be concealed, it will inevitably lead to serious losses for the company and shrinkage of assets, but it is not just a matter of cost. As soon as he walked into the conference room, Lu Li naturally noticed Yu Mizusawa. The aura emanating from him was so obvious.

Immediately unhappy

"Hello! Ghana! Who are these two people? Why bring it into the conference room casually? Don’t you know this is a high-level meeting of ours?"

"that is! Everyone is so unruly!"

"Get out quickly! Don't delay our meeting here!"

Lu Li pretended not to hear what these guys said.

After taking a look at the projection of Tian Tiao, Lu Li nodded and casually found a seat to sit down.

Seeing Lu Li's casual look, this group of senior executives were even more furious. Not just treating them as nothing.

Mizusawa Linghua immediately came out to smooth things over and explained.

"Please be patient, this person is not just a casual person, he comes from the Fengdu Museum, and he is here to send us a memory this time."

When they heard about the Fengdu Museum, the originally restless senior officials calmed down.

Naturally, they knew the name of the Fengdu Museum. It was the biggest force in the Fengdu. Even the officials did not dare to provoke them. Compared with this kind of top pharmaceutical company, the museum in Fengdu is obviously more terrifying. The senior officials who were still shouting just now quickly retreated to the back, lowering their heads like quails.

She had just left Ghana. Does Sheng Wu know Lu Li's name?

"Mr. Lu Li, could you please take out the memory? We just happened to have something happen here that can be used to demonstrate the power of memory."

Just now, she had arranged for Mizusawa Yu to join the exorcism class.

But in his heart, he was still a little worried about Mizuzawa Yu's safety. It would be great if there were other people to help him.

He didn't expect that he would just get stuck at this point. Come on, Lu Li didn't care about this and raised his fingers at Hahara Lai behind him.


Habara immediately understood what Lu Li meant.

He placed the suitcase on the table and opened it. Four memory sticks were quietly placed inside.

"Minister Mizusawa, these are the four memories we traded. Now they are all handed over to you. You can do whatever you want with them."

As for whether he is worried that the memory will be studied by the other party, Lu Li has no worries at all.

Even if it is for the other party to study, can the other party study it?

And if he wants to create a memory, he must have the earth's memory data.

There is no need to worry about leakage. So far, there are only three people, one is Philip, the next is Sono Saki Wakana, and the last three are impossible for Noza. The pharmaceutical company provided earth memory data.

Even if they were to study it, they couldn't find anything at all. After all, Mizusawa Yuu was still here, and they couldn't find anything at all. He poked his head around the corner, wanting to see what the memory looked like.

"Minister Mizusawa, just like the mass-produced memory I gave you before, these memories can be used directly. However, I would like to remind you that the power of memory is quite special. Although it is very powerful, if the user is not firm, he will be susceptible to it. Influence.

After all, gaining great power often comes at a price, you said... right?"

While speaking, Lu Li turned his attention to Yu Mizuze next to him.

The meaning was self-evident.

Mizuzawa made Wharton confused. Could it be that Lu Li already knew Yu's identity?

She did not doubt whether it was Ghana. Shogo leaked this matter. She had absolute trust in Kano Shogo.

She had promoted him by herself. She knew exactly what kind of character he was, but it was definitely not Kanano Shogo. Who told Lu Li?

Mizusawa Linghua couldn't figure it out for a while, and she didn't continue to dwell on the issue.

Of course she agreed with what Lu Li had said just now

, how could she not pay a price for it.

"I understand, and I already have the right person."

The memories that Lu Li brought (Qian Zhao) are just those that have been eliminated and can be sold. The new version of pure memories can be used directly, but the power obtained is not strong, and there is no The dopant was so excessive.

Given the current situation Mizusawa Reihua was encountering, Lu Li felt that it would be more useful to give him a memory that could be turned into a dopant.

He had a plan. Memory, Mizusawa Reika put it in Mizusawa Yuu's hand

"Yuu! It doesn’t matter whether you are a human being or not, I don’t want you to live like a human being, but....You have to find your own way.

Garner, let Yu join the Exorcist class and he should be able to use the new equipment.

Hearing this, Governor Ghana respectfully asked

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, now.....This is the only way."

Mizusawa Reika has no choice now. If he wants to keep Mizusawa Yu, he must be like an M-class Amazon."

"Yuu, arrive at the scene and hand this thing to the leader of the task force, he knows how to use it."

While speaking, Mizusawa Reika put the memory in his hand into Mizusawa Yuu's hand.

Kanana Shogo immediately took Mizusawa Yuu to the location of the new equipment.

"Yuu, come with me, hurry up

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