This is a mysterious place called the Temple of Desire, which is also the base of the Desire Grand Prix.

The teleportation technology just now is the technology of future people.

Future people who come from the future will naturally possess technologies that are not comparable to today's technologies.

Lu Li was not the first person to come here.

When he appeared here, many people had already appeared around him.

There are white-collar workers, housewives, workers, elderly people...all kinds of people.

At this moment, a faint light flickered around him, and then another figure appeared.

When Lu Li saw the person who was teleported clearly, he immediately knew who this kid was.

Sakurai Keikazu!

Second male lead in the play

A good old man, he was also a military general in the later period.

Originally, after becoming black, his performance was quite stable and his strength was quite good.

It's a pity that it was whitewashed in the end. As a result, the strength retreated again and again, and the crotch was stretched directly.

Just when he opened his eyes, Sakurai Keikazu suddenly found that he was standing at a very high place, and he was standing right on the edge.

"Ah Yiyi! He's going to fall!"

Suddenly appearing in such a place, Sakurai Keikazu was startled and quickly stabilized his body to prevent himself from falling.

Suddenly there was a force behind him, and Sakurai Kagewa was pulled back directly.


The butt fell to the ground.

Sakurai Keiwa finally felt that he was sitting on the ground and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the person who had just pulled him aside. He was a young man who looked handsome and elegant.

"That. Thank you very much."

The person who helped Sakurai Kagewa just now was naturally Lu Li.

Although Sakurai Kagehe turned dark in the later period, Lu Li didn't think there was anything wrong with his turning dark.

His only relatives are dead, so it is reasonable for him to want to resurrect his relatives:

Of course, maybe it was because he was portrayed too righteously in the early stage, which caused him to look a bit nondescript in the later stage.

But that’s what people are.

This is a person with flesh and blood and thoughts.

Humans are very complex animals, especially emotionally.

It is normal for you to change yourself because of certain special emotions.

If it remained the same, it would no longer be human.

But a machine.

Quickly standing up from the ground, Sakurai Keikazu introduced himself with a grateful look on his face.

"Hello, my name is Sakurai Keikazu, thank you very much for your help.

As he spoke, he glanced at the edge with lingering fear.

It almost ended before it even started, which was so embarrassing.

"Hello, I'm Lu Li."

Nodding lightly, Lu Li knew that even if Lu Li hadn't taken action just now, Sakurai Keihe would have relied on his own strength to pull him back.

What's more, the official will not make such a mistake.

If the game hasn't started yet and the contestants are eliminated, wouldn't it be a joke?

"Lu Li? Hello, hello!"

Sakurai Keikazu is very enthusiastic. After all, this guy is set up as a peace-loving good old man.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of exclamation.

"Wow! It's Lord Hidetoshi!"

"That's right! I didn't expect to see a real person!"

(ceaj) “Awesome!!”

When I hear this voice, I sound like a crazy fan.

Lu Li followed the sound and looked over, and happened to see Hidetoshi Ukiyo wearing a suit.

As expected of General Fu, he has a good aura as soon as he appears and looks so special among the crowd.

Obviously Hidetoshi Ukiyo's head shape looks quite similar to Neelam's.

It's just that one bang is on the left and the other is on the right. However, Neelam is called the hair-washing brother.

But Hidetoshi Ukiyo was called General Uki.

This can only be said that the treatment of the protagonist is better, and the nicknames are much better.

In this small place, nearly thirty contestants gathered at once.

There were constant noises and uneasy sounds in my ears.

Most people have never participated in the Desire Grand Prix, and many of them are doing it for the first time, so they are inevitably a little panicked.

Lu Li ignored these people and kept scanning the surroundings.

He could feel that there were a lot of special equipment hidden around him.

You don't need to think about it to know that these special devices must be electronic eyes made by people in the future to broadcast live events.

At this time, in many unknown spaces.

In the future, people will watch the live broadcast through electronic eyes.

They all discovered that Lu Li's gaze had just glanced at the electronic eye.

It feels like discovering the existence of electronic eyes.

This discovery made everyone very excited and started discussing unconsciously.

"Did you see it just now? That person is obviously a newcomer who has never participated in the Desire Grand Prix, but he behaved very calmly. The most important thing is, I feel like he

Did you discover our existence? "

"That's probably not the case. The electronic eyes are hidden and cannot be discovered."

"It's hard to say, but some people who are naturally very sensitive are said to be able to feel other people's eyes."

"Really or not, were there such powerful people in the past? We are the electronic eyes of the future. It should be impossible to detect our gazes."

"You know what, this guy is quite handsome and has a good temperament. He is not inferior to the previous God of Desire Ukiyo Hidetoshi. I wonder who is better between the two of them?"

Lu Li did not take the discussion about the future man to heart.

This is a reality show in itself. The future man hidden behind the scenes is naturally paying attention to this game all the time.

Suddenly, because a black and white figure suddenly appeared in the middle, it was Tsumuri.

"Hello everyone!"

The sudden voice directly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone focused their eyes on Tsumuri.

They have all seen Tsumuri. After all, the Desire Driver and Knight Core D in their hands were given by Tsumuri personally.

"I am the game guide, Tsumuri, welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!"

She is beautiful and sweet, and Tsumuri is worthy of being the guide of the Desire Grand Prix.

The future created by setting can be set as you want.

Afterwards, Tsumuri began to do her job and introduced the Desire Grand Prix.

"Our world is now in crisis because of the evil demons. Where did they come from? What is their purpose? Everything is unclear now.

This Desire Grand Prix was born to protect this city from the evil demons.

After saying this, except for a few people who were not participating in the Desire Grand Prix for the first time, everyone else showed puzzled expressions.

After all, for ordinary people, protecting the world is too far away from them.

They are usually just ordinary workers, doing ordinary jobs, where do they have the opportunity to come into contact with these.

Then, Tsumeli began to explain why they forgot about the evil demons.

Anyway, the final sentence is that those who get the Desire Driver and Knight Core D must participate in the Desire Grand Prix and fight against the evil demons."

Chapter 674 starts with a rare buckle? Beloba's attention!

At the end of the conversation, Tsumeli finally said what the winner of the Desire Grand Prix can get.

"The person who wins in the end will become the God of Desire, and can realize the ideal world he wants in his heart.

In short, any wish can be realized.

At the beginning, everyone was not particularly interested. After all, saving the world is too far away for them.

But when they heard that they could realize their wishes, their eyes suddenly lit up and they all became interested.

People are so realistic.

When this matter is related to oneself, especially when there is a direct interest relationship, naturally they will not be indifferent.

Everyone has desires in their hearts and has their own world they want to realize.

If they can achieve their wishes through a game and realize the world they want.

You don't have to think about it. Know what choice they will make.

Noticing that the expressions on everyone's faces are finally not as full of doubts as before, but are quite interested, Tsumuri smiled slightly and continued to strike while the iron is hot.

"Then everyone, write your wishes on the desire cards in your hands now. "

As Tsumuri's voice fell, a wish card and a pen appeared in everyone's hands.

Looking at the wish card in his hand, Lu Li tried to write down the four words "Power of Creation".

But after he wrote these four words, before he wrote any other words, these four words disappeared.

Obviously, the Desire Grand Prix could not fulfill Lu Li's wish.

After all, the foundation of the Desire Grand Prix is ​​the Goddess of Creation.

How could the power of creation be given to other people?

Seeing that the wish could not be fulfilled, Lu Li wrote down a wish at random.

Soon, everyone had written their wishes on the wish cards and submitted them to Tsumuri.

At this time, they were looking forward to this Desire Grand Prix, and they all wanted to realize the world in their wishes.

After everyone put their wishes on the wish cards, they all wanted to realize the world in their wishes. After the card is submitted, it means that the Desire Grand Prix officially begins.

Under the influence of a magical force, everyone was directly teleported to a mountain area.

A red force directly enveloped the area completely, forming a game barrier.

People inside could not go out, and people outside could not come in.

When everyone reacted, they found themselves in a strange place.

Some were in the dense forest, and some were by the stream. They also wore the corresponding clothes for the Desire Grand Prix.

The clothes on their bodies can also be regarded as a method of identification, which can determine who is the contestant.

After teleporting all the contestants away, Tsumuri immediately announced the official start of the Desire Grand Prix.

"Then, the Desire Grand Prix officially begins, the first battle of fate, the first task... treasure hunt game!

The content of the game is to take back the treasure chest from the evil demons and obtain the props in it."

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