Recently, a Kamen Rider has been active in the city. I hope you can help me solve this problem.

At least keep him from participating in our memory trading. ”

When he heard that there was a task and it was given to him, Sudo Kirihiko agreed without hesitation.

“Please rest assured, leave this matter to me, I will definitely handle it perfectly. ”

He certainly knew how much benefit he had received, and Sonosaki Ryubei would definitely assign him some tasks.

He had also heard something about the problem of Kamen Rider W.

In his opinion, the museum was building a better society, and those who used the memory were just adult scum, so there was nothing wrong with disappearing.

After a while, Sudo Kirihiko left.

He was not a member of the family, so he naturally would not stay here at night.

When he returned to the hall again, Lu Li had just finished dinner.

Sudo Kirihiko, who had already obtained the Gaia drive and the Nazca memory, felt that he had mastered a powerful force that was not inferior to that of other cadres.

In his opinion, Lu Li was just a cadre of the museum, and the two were now of equal status.

That is to say, he still had the opportunity to pursue Sonosaki Saeko.

"Ms. Saeko, Ms. Wakana, Mr. Lu Li, I'll leave first, bye! "

He was polite and gave people the impression that he was harmless.

He deliberately put the names of Sonosaki Saeko and Sonosaki Wakana in front, and Lu Li already felt the provocation of this guy.

Is he... saying that he is a gigolo?

Lu Li raised his eyebrows, but did not show any anger.

It was just a sentence, and he was not angry about it. He was just curious about who gave him the courage to take the initiative to provoke him.

Is it because he just got the Nazca memory?

Even if Lu Li did not go up to see it, he could probably guess that Sonosaki Ryubei must have He had given the Nazca memory to Sudo Kirihiko.

Otherwise, how could he have the courage to take the initiative to provoke him.

Lu Li didn't take such a childish provocation seriously at all.

What's wrong with being a gigolo? There's nothing wrong with being a gigolo!

Isn't it nice to eat gigolo?

Sudo Kirihiko, who took the initiative to provoke, didn't see the result he wanted. Lu Li had no intention of paying attention to him at all.

He could only leave with a stiff face.

After he left, Sonosaki Wakana winked at Lu Li.

"Lu Li, did you hear that guy just now seemed to be provoking you? What do you think? Do you want to teach him a lesson? I don't think he's happy either."

Sonosaki Wakana waved her little fist while saying that.

I don't know why, Sonosaki Wakana just hates Sudo Kirihiko. She always feels that this person is hypocritical.

Lu Li smiled calmly and asked back.

"Wakana, the dog bit you, do you want to... bite it back? "


This sentence instantly made Sonozaki Wakana emo.

That's right!

If a dog bites you, you can't bite it back, what's the difference between you and a dog?

But Sonozaki Wakana suddenly realized what this matter had to do with her.

It obviously had nothing to do with her, she was just helping Lu Li.

"You...! Lu Li, I'm speaking for you! How dare you say that! "

Staring at Lu Li angrily, Sonosaki Wakana felt that all her good intentions had gone to waste.


The next day.

Ming Hai Detective Agency.

Yesterday, ever since Tsumura Marina came here, Philip always felt that something was not right.

After sharing this matter with Shotaro Sa, Shotaro Sa felt that this incident was a little different, as if something was not right.

So he found the monitor early in the morning. This guy was an intelligence patient, and he was particularly interested in strange stories on the streets.

After getting the information he wanted, Shotaro Sa went to the crime scene that was destroyed by Togawa Yosuke at the beginning.

He wanted to find out if there were any clues here.

As a result, he was suddenly attacked, but he also found a crucial clue by accident.

Through Philip's keyword search, he finally identified another person who bought Gaia memory. , that is Marina Tsumura.

That is to say, from the beginning, Shotaro Sae was the one who was deceived.

Everything was sorted out clearly, and all of this was designed by Marina Tsumura.

Shotaro Sae felt very uncomfortable when he got such an answer.

He thought that the two were childhood sweethearts, and the other party came to ask for his help, and he would do his best to help the other party, but he didn't expect that he was just a fool who was deceived.


Lu Li did not go to the company as usual today, but came to his own laboratory.

After several hours of calibration, the eternal memory has been recalibrated.

In the laboratory, Lu Li took off the calibrated eternal memory.

The further improved eternal memory will have more stable power.

The time to become an awakening card will not be too far away.

At this time, a sound came from a strange device on the side.

"Beep beep!"

Lu Li, who heard this sound, immediately walked to the front of the device.

This is the memory production equipment made by Lu Li based on the memory production line of the museum.

It is more precise and more accurate.

Lu Li mainly inputs all the relevant information about the memory into the device.

After entering these relevant information, the corresponding Gaia memory can be automatically created.

The previous eternal memory was also completed in this way.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Luoyue Qiufeng! .

Chapter 60 The flag is really well set, the deep blue flame

In order to complete this set of equipment, Lu Li mainly focused on the research of this set of equipment in the second half of this year.

A few days ago, Lu Li input the new Gaia memory data and prepared to make a new memory.

It has been successfully completed in just a few days, and the speed is not slow.

This is a dark green Gaia memory with a weird ~ letter, U, in the middle.

Playing with the dark green memory in his hand, - Lu Li said lightly.

"Since it has been completed, it is a good time to test the new memory power."

Before leaving the laboratory, Lu Li input another memory data he prepared in advance into the device.

After the memory data was input, the equipment began to operate quickly to create a new Gaia memory.

There is no exact time for the whole process, and Lu Li is not sure how long it will take.

This mainly depends on how rich the earth memory in the Gaia memory is.

If it is a Gaia memory with more abilities and strength like Nazca or Weather, the earth memory it has is relatively large, and the difficulty of making it will naturally be greater, and the production time will be longer.

After doing all this, Lu Li left the laboratory again.

He is now going to try the power of the new memory.

As for who the target is, in this case, Lu Li can't think of anyone except W.

There was a battle with W yesterday, and Lu Li probably already understood how strong W is now.

Compared with the current Yongqi, there is still a big gap.

If it is the Fang Ace, it may be able to fight a few moves, but the current Philip cannot control the power of the Fang at will.

Only when Philip is threatened will the Fang memory appear actively and protect Philip by any means.


Here, Sudo Kirihiko, who sold the magma memory and Tyrannosaurus memory, had already promised Sonosaki Ryubei last night.

To protect the buyers who bought the memory, this is the after-sales service of Gaia Memory.

Doing so is also to help the museum obtain more memory data and information.

Then modify the existing memory to achieve a better level.

Sudo Kirihiko has been secretly following Tsumura Marina to prevent her from being eliminated by W.

Although the magma doping body was killed by Lu Li yesterday, W has always been eyeing the magma doping body anyway.

Then maybe the Tyrannosaurus memory may also be targeted, and this situation cannot be ruled out.

Sudo Kirihiko predicted this in advance, so he took the initiative to follow Tsumura Marina.

Don't say the result, he really waited for it.

Since Zuo Xiangtaro already knew that Tsumura Marina was another holder of Gaia Memory, he took the initiative to call her to ask her out.

He wanted to find out why Tsumura Marina deceived him.

I tried so hard to help her, but what I got was a lie!

After the meeting, Tsumura Marina naturally understood that she had been exposed and could not continue to deceive Shotaro Sa.

Since she had been exposed, there was no need to hide anymore.

Because she had used Gaia Memory many times, she had already been eroded by the power of Gaia Memory.

Once they had tried the powerful power, how many people would be willing to give up this hard-won powerful power?

What's more, Tsumura Marina had been eroded by the toxins of Gaia Memory and was on the verge of going berserk.

After being pointed out by Shotaro Sa, she felt that it didn't matter.

Let it be exposed, she was the user of Gaia Memory anyway, with powerful power, so who should she be afraid of?

She took out the Gaia Memory she had bought, which was a gray-black memory.

Press the button on the memory, and a memory interface appeared on her left shoulder.


Inserted the Tyrannosaurus memory into the interface without hesitation.


A deafening roar suddenly resounded through the world.

Marina Tsumura's figure suddenly rose under the influence of the Tyrannosaurus memory.

A hybrid with a huge Tyrannosaurus skull suddenly appeared in front of Shotaro Sa.


Shotaro Sa's eyes were full of helplessness.

He really couldn't understand why his childhood sweetheart was so immersed in the power of Gaia's memory.

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