But now, the other party appeared here.

It is enough to show that the other party must have a certain connection with Gaia's memory.

"Long time no see, why didn't I see your uncle?"

If seeing the people coming from Sonozaki just now is not enough to determine whether it is the starting night.

Then seeing Shotaro Sa now, there is no doubt that tonight is the starting night.

As soon as Lu Li's voice fell, there was a sudden explosion next to him.


Then, a black figure rushed out from the wall.

Black armor, white gentleman's hat, skull-like head.

All of them show that he is Skull.

"Detective Ming Hai, I was just asking you where you are, but I didn't expect that the devil would appear as soon as I mentioned him."

This time, Lu Li clearly felt that Skull had some subtle differences from the last time.

It was as if his heart became more determined.

When Skull has a firm idea in his heart, he will have stronger strength.

Once there is a wavering in his heart, his combat effectiveness will also decline.

Skull, who had just rushed out, had already seen Lu Li, and also noticed Sonozaki Raito who was imprisoned in Gaia Tower.

He was of course very happy to find the person he was asked to rescue, but his mood was very solemn.

Just because he saw Lu Li.

The last battle between the two ended with his failure.

At that time, although Lu Li did not use the power of Gaia Memory.

But he did not deny that he was from the museum. Ming Hai Shouji thought at that time whether the two would have another battle in the future.

It has only been half a month, and he did not expect that his idea would come true so soon.

Skull took a deep breath, and his black eyes were full of solemnity.

"Shotaro, go and rescue him, he... leave it to me."

He didn't particularly want to fight Lu Li, especially at this time.

There was another pursuer behind him, and that guy would come in a while, and then the situation of two against one would be even more disadvantageous to him.

Now he can only act according to circumstances and let Zuo Shotaro rescue Sonozaki Raito first.


Zuo Xiangtaro was full of worry and regret.

He knew that it was because of his disobedience that he ended up like this.

But Skull didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he yelled.

"This is an order!"

The word "order" made Zuo Xiangtaro sober up instantly.

It was because he didn't execute the order well before that the current situation occurred.

The same problem can't happen again now.

Gritting his teeth, Zuo Xiangtaro immediately turned and rushed towards Gaia Tower.

He can't make the same mistake again!

After confirming that Zuo Xiangtaro had started to act, Skull looked at Lu Li.

"I had a little fantasy in my heart that you might not be from the museum, but it seems that I thought too much.

Okay, let's count your sins."

Lu Li slowly walked towards Skull, and seeing that the other party let him suffer sins, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If I want to count my sins, then the whole human race... is sinful!"

Lu Li is the winner of the Extreme War and the ancestor of mankind.

If he really has sins, they are also the sins of mankind.

However, different worldviews are naturally different.

An awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist.

He casually took out the awakening card with the red heart ace and gently swiped it across the awakening device on his waist.

The strange power instantly wrapped around Lu Li and surrounded him.

When he took a step forward, bright and handsome armor appeared on his body.

The scarlet eye armor lit up slightly, as if it was a bloodthirsty gaze, giving people a chilling feeling. .

Kamen Rider Kalis!

"Ming Hai Shouji, let me see how different you are now from half a month ago."

In the current environment, Skull can easily stimulate his potential and burst out with more powerful power.

This is what Lu Li wants.

As long as Skull is determined to leave Shotaro and Sonosaki, a deadly battle is inevitable.

At that time, the combat effectiveness will be further improved.

At this time, the forbidden hybrid that was originally chasing Skull also appeared with the group of miscellaneous soldiers.

When the forbidden hybrid saw Lu Li, she knew that there was almost no suspense in this battle.

She knew very well what kind of strength Lu Li had, and a dead skull must be able to deal with it easily.

Looking up at the forbidden hybrid floating in the air, Lu Li said lightly.

"Don't interfere with my battle casually."

Hearing this, the forbidden hybrid nodded.

Immediately stopped the makeup hybrids behind that were about to take action.

"I know, if you like, then you can fight. If you don't let me do it, I will definitely not move."

Unconsciously, the forbidden hybrid now seems to be dominated by Lu Li.

"Now, can you fight with me with peace of mind?"

Lu Li looked at Skull again and made a fighting posture.

And Skull didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

A strong momentum burst out from the two.

The next second, the two people had collided with each other.

Compared to the last time, the power on Skull's fist was obviously stronger this time.

Although it's just a little bit, it's not much, but it's still an improvement.

Between the two of you, you punch me and I punch each other, punching to the flesh.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Regardless of whether they were taboo dopers or cosmetic dopers, they couldn't help but feel their blood boiling when they saw such a fierce close combat.

Lu Li punched Skull in the chest, and a powerful force hit him, knocking Skull away immediately.

With the help of this force, Skull somersaulted and landed on the ground, barely able to stand firm.

His chest had been hit from the front just now, and for a moment he felt his blood surge.

PS: Thank you————Longxiang Jiutian? for your monthly ticket!

The update starts today! Some of the flowers are gone ^_^.

Chapter 38 Firm Will (Additional update!)

Lu Li asked boredly when he saw Skull retreating a few meters away.

"What? Narumi Shokichi, is this all you have? If that's the case, then I'm so disappointed.

If you can't tie me or even defeat me, you won't have a chance to get out, even the two of them...the same goes for you.

Have you considered? If I give you another chance, you... must seize it. "

Although this battle was more enjoyable than the previous one, it was still not satisfactory to Lu Li.

Skull still has a certain upper limit and can continue to become stronger.

Hearing Lu Li's threat, Skull's black eyes were full of solemnity.

He clenched his fists tightly with both hands. At this moment, he had a firm goal and strong hope in his heart.

He must take these two people out alive, and he cannot let these two people have accidents because of him.

Even if it means risking his own life, he won't hesitate.

With firm thoughts and ideas, and a strong desire to protect them, Skull launched another fierce attack.

The speed...is faster.

Compared to the previous battle, Skull is now stronger and faster.

The power of each punch was actually much greater than before.

Feeling the power coming from his fist, Lu Li finally felt a bit of excitement and joy under his scarlet eyepatch.

"Well done!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

The fist-to-flesh fight made the taboo doping body on the side feel numb.

Although the Forbidden Dopant is modified using golden advanced memory and Gaia drive, its ability is relatively simple.

In addition to being able to float, almost all attacks use energy balls.

Not to mention the melee combat ability, it's not good at all.

"Lu Li hasn't used all his strength yet?"

The Taboo Dopant gained a new understanding of Lu Li's strength.

He is worthy of being the man he recognizes, someone who can rival his father.

This strength gave her hope of escaping from her father's control.

Although Skull's combat power had been improved, he still couldn't gain any advantage against Lu Li.

It seems that due to his strong belief, Skull's willingness to fight has become stronger.

At this moment, the Skull felt like a fighting machine, its deep black eyes like abyss, choosing people to eat.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

That is to get these two children out safely!

Under the influence of this belief, Skull also gave him crazy power.

Constantly strengthening his physical functions and fighting abilities, his strength has been rapidly improved.

The one who could intuitively feel his rapid improvement in strength was Lu Li who was fighting him.

It can be clearly felt that Skull's fists are getting heavier and heavier, and the frequency of attacks is getting faster and faster.

But even so, Skull still couldn't hurt Lu Li.

Although he could sometimes hit Lu Li with one punch, he could not cause much damage to Lu Li.

In Lu Li's words, it was just scratching an itch.

"That's right! Narumi Shokichi! That's it! Your thoughts, your beliefs, and your strength are constantly increasing!" Lu Li said excitedly while fighting.

Fighting at will, he is still at ease.

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