A parallel world.

The city buildings collapsed and were ruined.

Cracks stretched everywhere.

The flames were rolling, and there was despair and depression.

The wandering residents had empty eyes.

Occasionally, waves of fierce-looking”Jiachen” monsters could be seen nearby.

The lifeless residents hurriedly avoided them.

In the Baijie Research Laboratory, a group of members in white coats were buried in research.

Sparks flew everywhere.


The mechanical sound condensed.

The young man in the black coat sitting at the top immediately opened his eyes.

The research members raised the tray respectfully with both hands.

Two props were placed on the plane covered with red cloth: the time-space driver and the Balks driving dial

“very good!”

“Finally done.”

The young man in the black coat sneered sinisterly:”Kaguya, it’s time for you to pay the price.”

Official name: Crescent Moon.

One of the ‘Four’ members of the Hundred Worlds Organization.

Crescent Moon summoned the dimensional wall to descend on the world where the arrogant Kaguya was, and invited him to join the Hundred Worlds Organization that would rule all parallel worlds.

Who would have thought that the arrogant Kaguya refused on the spot. Unable to save face, Crescent Moon summoned the research members of the Hundred Worlds Organization to copy the time-space drive and the control dial, preparing to let the self-proclaimed gorgeous transformer see how powerful he is.

Crescent Moon, who looked at the transformation equipment carefully with ferocious eyes, was stunned:”What did you say? Other parallel worlds have discovered Kamen Rider Dark Legend?”

“Yes, Master Xianyue.”

The research member in the white coat said respectfully:”According to our research and analysis: Kamen Rider Dark Legend’s overall combat power is definitely stronger than Kamen Rider Legend”


Xianyue smiled when he heard that:”Tell me the coordinates of Kamen Rider Dark Legend.”

If we follow the timeline of the ‘Outsider Series’: Xianyue, one of the seemingly powerful ‘Four Hundreds’, was killed by Kamen Rider Legend as soon as he appeared on the stage, and the butterfly effect changed the plot of the Outsider, inadvertently making him live longer.


Gotchad City.

Lachesis knelt down obediently.

Her small white hands did not forget to pull the veil she was wearing to cover up her shameful and angry appearance.

All right.

Lin Feng was more and more amazed at the face-changing skills of the Dark Sister.

Chili Kemi failed to be infected with malice.

The God Extreme Alchemy Card Item was collected into the system space.

Kemi Sublimator sealed Chili Kemi

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Lin Feng asked with a smile:”Did you miss the master?”

Looking for Kemi is not as exciting as bullying the third sister of Minghei.

Just a few words immediately brought back the tragic memories of Lachesis who had been autistic for many days.

The pretty face covered by the veil was full of fear and anger.

“No idea——”

The cherry lips with dark lipstick immediately changed their words:”I thought about it”

“”So good.”

Lin Feng stepped into the room and patted her little head.

How to describe it: The feel of the alchemy doll is similar to that of the Xiumagia doll. It is not a real human, but it has a more comfortable touch than most humans.

“If there is no way out in the future……”

Lin Feng leaned over and whispered in her ear:”You are welcome to be loyal to the master at any time.”

The clear eyes in the veil glared angrily: She… these days of autism… She has thought about joining Lin Feng many times.

The reason is very straightforward: the villain organization headed by Gorion makes her very depressed, and she may lose her life at any time.

The life of the alchemy doll is also a life.

Especially the IQ of the three sisters of Minghei is no different from that of normal humans.

She stared at Lin Feng blankly for a while.

The kneeling girl in black silk hurriedly summoned the teleportation array to escape.

The seeds of betrayal have been quietly planted, and then, just wait quietly for them to blossom and bear fruit.

Look at the Kamimi card: the number 2 can form the best match with the Kamimi card number 8.

In this regard, the Kamen Rider Souki transformed by both props far crushes Kamen Rider Gochard.

Ichinose Takarataro requires a special model to be linked.

Kamen Rider Souki can be transformed into the best match or a scattered match. During the battle, you can link as conveniently as possible.


Yaz ran to the door in small steps:”What happened?”

“No.” Lin Feng casually put the Kemi card into his pocket. Before leaving, he pinched the secretary’s nose and said,”Call for help.”

The female worker who fainted straight was also a pitiful person.

Lin Feng casually threw a stack of Sakura national currency to her.

In a sense, she was partly responsible for the fall.


The secretary answered obediently.

Lin Feng went downstairs and frowned secretly. He glanced around with the corner of his eyes, but he could not see anything in the empty corners.

Who was observing him?

The eldest sister of the three sisters of Minghei who had not yet officially met?

Or the Hundred Worlds Organization that was monitoring the city of Gochad?

Thinking, Lin Feng took Yaz to continue wandering.

The street was blurred.

A blurred figure stood quietly.

Occasionally, passers-by directly penetrated the blurred space.

“Kamen Rider Dark Legend… There is no trace of you in the future timeline”

“Who the hell are you?”

The mysterious man quietly retreated.

The blurred light effect vaguely revealed a card-like object in his hand.

Lin Feng accompanied the secretary.

I thought Ichinose Taro could easily handle the warm plot, but unexpectedly, he was in a stalemate with the cold-blooded man Black Steel Spana.




Lao Gang said three times in a row:”Kami is just a tool of humans… How dare you dream of becoming their friend? Your behavior is totally against aesthetics!”

“Aesthetics?” Ichinose Tatarō said loudly:”Making friends with Kemi is my Gotcha! My U-meh! People like you don’t understand at all!”

“Understand you?” Looking at Cactus Kami, Lao Gang laughed out loud:”This is such a funny joke!”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Note: The identity of the mysterious man will be revealed soon, and the plot of the outsider is being designed. Are there any readers reading this? I don’t ask for rewards, but I can give a free flower to Huabei. Thank you very much!!!…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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