Galaxy Shattering Blade

Galaxy Shattering Blade Chapter 77: Be careful

  Jiaoyang Primary School of Genetics.

   "Hey!" A3 sweaty BMW made a strong squeal, and the electromagnetic resistance suddenly stopped the fast-paced body suddenly.

   There are many heads in the college building, with a deep curiosity. The loose crowd at the gate kept walking, staring dumbfounded at the red silky body, which had a fascinating super charm.

   "A3, sweating BMW!?"

   "I'm not blinded, it's the real thing, wow!"

   "I see the mark on the front of the car, this is a high value, a high value worth 300 gold coins!!"



   In the sun zone, this is basically the highest class car you can see.

   The students were shocked.

   "Wow~" Lin Feng opened the door and jumped.

  Tread! Lightly landing, Lin Feng pressed the crystal watch, and immediately put away the A3 sweaty BMW. The surrounding eyes looked at him with a blank expression, but Lin Feng was already used to it. The two random steps in the walkway came out and disappeared into everyone's vision. .


   Tutor Center.

   "Have you heard, there is a big man in our college!"


   "I don't know, I heard the students say that it seems to be a handsome young man who came with a high-end BMW A3 sweat-blood!"


   "The more and more outrageous, there are so many rich second generations, right, like frost?" A blue man sneered.

   "Yeah." Yin Rushuang smiled lightly.

   "It's really exaggerated." The man in blue puckered his lips and smiled humorously, "By Rushuang, the day after tomorrow is your birthday. How about I help you organize a large party?"

   "No need, thank you." Yin Rushuang refused.

   The man in blue looked disappointed, "That's better... tell me what gift do you want?"

"I said Wang Jun, didn't you ask?" Yin Rushuang smiled next to a beautiful woman. "Everyone knows that Sister Rusong has been saving money in order to buy a high-grade'magnesium heart'. If you really want to It’s better to be chasing after others? Maybe...I can impress Sister Rushuang’s heart."

   "Okay, Caixia, don't talk nonsense." Yin Rushuang reprimanded.

   Blue man Wang Jun chuckled, but his smile was a bit unnatural.

  Joke, D-level magnesium heart? The cheapest D9 costs 10 gold coins, and he wants to buy...

   still to be a tutor?


  College dormitory.

   "Brother, what happened?" Lin Yuer said nervously.

   "It's okay, just to help you change the college." Lin Feng smiled lightly, "Is everything taken?"

"Well, it's all here." Lin Yu'er looked at Lin Feng as if remembering something, and asked, "By the way, when you came, you could see a very handsome young man, who came from the BMW A3 with a high-profile sweat. ?"

   Lin Feng was slightly startled.

   "What's wrong?" Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

   "People want to see what it looks like." Lin Yuer pouted her mouth, held her hands in both hands, her eyes were heart-shaped. "Brother, you don't know, many girls have gone outside the college."

   "Is it?" Lin Feng said casually.

   "Yes!" Lin Yuer looked out of the courtyard from time to time, expecting: "Maybe it is a Prince Charming."

   Prince Charming?

   Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "Then you may be very disappointed."

   "Ah?" Lin Yuer opened his eyes wide, "Brother have you seen it?"

   "Did I say?"

   "Brother, you lied to Yuer!"


   Tutor Center.

   Lin Feng took his sister Yuer and entered it.

   spent six full years in the academy, he was more familiar than his sister. But it was also a coincidence that Yu'er was just six years apart from himself, and the one who brought Yuer this time was still Yin Tutor.

   "Lin Feng?" Yin Rushuang couldn't help but be surprised.

   "Hello, Instructor Yin." Lin Feng bowed his head slightly. Although his strength has already exceeded that of Instructor Yin, he still respects him.

   There is no mentor Yin, how can there be him now?

   "Okay." Yin Rushuang smiled with a smile, "Aren't you Lin Feng at the War College? How come you come today?"

   "It is such a Yin tutor, I want to go through the transfer procedures for Yuer." Lin Feng said.

   "Transfer?" All the tutors' ears stood upright.

   "Hey, little guy, where are you going to turn?" Yin Rushuang, a beautiful woman beside her, said curiously.

   After all, there is only one junior genomics academy in Jiaoyang District,

   "Sunset City Junior Gene Academy." Lin Feng did not conceal.

   "Ah?" "Oh, not bad~"...... There was a heated discussion around the same elementary genetics school, the sunset city is much stronger than the sun zone. Yin Rushuang's eyes flashed, curiously, "should it be troublesome to enter the shift?"

   Lin Feng nodded, "Fortunately, Senior Jiuhu Senior agreed to do me a favor."

   Old hip flask senior?

  All the mentors stared at their eyes, but they were the characters in the legend of the sunset city.

   "I said little guy, do you know the senior of the old hip flask?" The beautiful woman ‘Caixia’ covered her mouth in shock.

   "Bragging doesn't make a draft." Wang Jun, a man in blue, scoffed. "Others are the masters of the sunset martial arts hall. Everyone can take care of this kind of trivial thing."

   Lin Feng smiled.

   didn't explain too much, "Could you please go through the procedures for me, Instructor Yin?"

   "Well, wait a moment." Yin Rushuang smiled lightly.


   "Lin Feng, the competition in the War College is fierce?" Cai Xia is familiar.

   "Well, it's okay."

   "Is World of Warfare fun? Do you have Battlestar 2?"

"have it."

   "Oh, yes, yes, how did you know the seniors of the old hip flask?" Cai Xia asked curiously.

   "He asked me... something happened."

Here, Yin Rushuang quickly went through the formalities and smiled: "Okay Caixia, so gossip, frightened Lin Feng." Then, he handed over a sorted information, Yin Rushuang looked at Lin Feng, With a smile, "Remember, you must work as hard as before in the War College. I believe that setbacks and failures are only temporary for you."

   Lin Feng felt warm.

   He knew what Master Yin was referring to, even in the period when his brain was the most decadent, Master Yin never gave up on himself.

"Thank you, Instructor Yin." Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then raised his left hand, the gorgeous crystal pattern like a piece of art crystal table suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, even with the right-hand sister Yu'er Unbelievable eyes.

   "Wow~" flashed lightly, Lin Feng took out a box and handed it out.

"Instructor Yin, listen to Yu'er saying that the day after tomorrow is your birthday. It is a little care for the students to take care of these six years." Lin Feng bowed slightly to the indifferent Yin instructor. "I will go if there is nothing wrong." , Goodbye Yin tutor."

   "Teachers, goodbye."

  With Yu'er, Lin Feng waved goodbye with the mentors.

   left afterwards, leaving a group of stunned mentors who hadn't recovered in a long time.

   "I'm not wrong, sweaty BMW A3 high match?" Cai Xia said in surprise.

"Fake, how could he be bought by a student." Wang Jun frowned and sneered, "That's the car with a market price of 300 gold coins, that is, 3000 silver coins. Even if we are a senior genetic warrior like us, every Earn 100 silver coins a month, and can’t afford to eat or drink for 20 years. He is just a student..."

   It's a pity that no one listened to him, everyone's eyes were focused on the box in Yin Rushuang's hands.

   "Rushen, open it and see, what is the birthday gift? I really want..." Cai Xia touched her cheek, like a girl who opened her mouth.

   "Yes, like frost, let us open our eyes."

   "What a surprise?"

  The mentors around him couldn't help but coax, Yin Rushuang smiled and said, "In fact, if you have the heart, it is already the best gift."

   "Heartful and precious, it would be better." Caixia smiled.

"What a small box, what can it hold?" Wang Jun's mouth was full of sourness, and his lips whispered: "It's nothing more than some small jewels..." Wang Jun has been stunned, including opening. Jin Ru's Yin Rushuang, her hands shaking like white jade, her eyes were completely covered by the white light in front of her eyes.

  哗~~ Beautiful white light illuminates the whole tutor center.

   It is a crystal-clear white heart-shaped crystal, perfect and flawless, exuding rich and extreme light energy.

  D4 photonucleus system, the heart of magnesium!

   market price, 40 gold coins.


   "Brother, is this true?" sister Lin Yu'er asked, pointing at the crystal watch.

   "Of course it is true." Lin Feng smiled.

   "Sweat blood BMW A3, high-end?" Lin Yuer said word by word, looking closely at Lin Feng, "The man they it you?"

   "Not me." Lin Feng shook his head.

   Lin Yuer looked disappointed.

   "I'm not as handsome as they said, like a Prince Charming..." Lin Fengsa smiled.

   "Brother, you laugh at others!" Lin Yu'er was very charming.


   "咻~~" Lin Feng took his sister Lin Yu'er and flew away.

   surrounded by envious eyes, the whole entrance of the college was full of people, men and women, people like mountains and seas, the eyes of the boys were worshipped and admired, and the eyes of the girls were admired.

   "If only I had such a boyfriend..."

   "Don't dream about it, the sweat-blooded BMW A3 is highly equipped, what identity do you have, super rich second generation?"

"No, if I didn't admit it wrong, he should have graduated four months ago... Senior At that time, he created the unprecedented name of "ten geniuses". I didn't expect this to blink. , Senior Lin Feng is already a dragon among adults."

   "Tenth-class genius? Ah, you mean the senior Lin Feng who has a backward brain width?"

"No way?"


   Midair, sweating BMW A3 crossed the red afterimage.

   The speed is extremely fast.

   "Wow, it's a genuine product, and it feels so good." Lin Yu'er jumped around alive and couldn't stop for a moment. It felt exciting here and there.

   Lin Feng smiled.

  Sister is lively by nature, and has a special liking for the car. For her...this is like a beloved toy.

   "By brother, what did you just send instructor Yin?"

   "D4 magnesium heart." Lin Feng said.

  This D4 magnesium heart is a special welfare gift from the War College. You can’t use it and you can’t sell it.

  Furthermore, I knew that Master Yin had been saving money in order to purchase the high-grade magnesium heart.

   is also a little careful.

   "Brother, did you pick up a big treasure..." Lin Yuer's eyes widened.

   "It's true." Lin Feng smiled, "Go back and tell you that Mom is already preparing meals and waiting for us."

   "Really, great!"


   (Seeking recommendation ticket^^)

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