Fang Yuan followed the boy calmly and used the magic seed on him. This time, the system did not pop up a different prompt, but gave another prompt!

Fang Yuan’s eyes lit up! There’s a play!

As for the script of creating enough darkness! Fang Yuan has already thought of it!

Fang Yuan immediately turned his eyes to the boy’s sister, the girl who also had long red hair and a smile full of warmth and sunshine.

A gentle big sister must be delicious.

Fang Yuan immediately showed an expectant smile

“Katrin, there’s life. Call all the goblins here. The Demon King has just fallen. It’s normal for low-level monsters to go berserk.

Katrin, who was wearing a hood and following Fang Yuan silently, was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently, also showing an excited smile.

Katrin, who has merged with the blood of the succubus, looks like a charming human magician on the outside, but in fact she is already a high-level demon, full of expectations for killing and destruction!


The night falls in a small village with a population of only about twenty people.

The young boy, Sike, smells the fragrance of food coming from the kitchen, and his heart is filled with satisfaction.

Sike is already 7 years old and depends on his sister. In his mind, his sister is everything. He once had a playmate, but she moved away from the village not long ago. It is said that she went to another city and opened a farm with her father. The young Sike is actually very precocious. He knows what love is. He likes his sister and wants to be with his sister forever.

He hates the boys in the village who are about the same age as his sister because they always want to marry his sister.

Although his sister has rejected them many times, those people still don’t give in, so Sike often curses them to death.

“”Sike, it’s time to eat. I heard that the Demon King is dead, so the meat in the butcher’s shop is on sale today. You should eat more so that you can grow up quickly.”

Just when Sike’s mind was full of random thoughts, his sister had already walked up to him with a delicious dinner and looked at him lovingly.

Sike didn’t know what the Demon King was. He only knew that many people were saying today that the Demon King was dead and it was a day worth remembering.

For civilians like them, the only good thing about the Demon King’s death was that the king ordered that many foods were discounted. It was indeed a good day, as he couldn’t eat meat normally!

Eating the delicious meat, with his sister’s warm smile, everything seemed so beautiful.

But for some reason, Sike always felt that something was peeping at him in his heart. The night tonight was also particularly dark, which made him feel vaguely uneasy.

“Ah!!! Monsters! Monsters are coming! Goblins! So many goblins!”

Suddenly, a shrill scream broke the calm night sky! Then there were more screams, and the squeaking sound became clearer and clearer. It was the unique laughter of goblins, just like a mouse grinding its teeth!

“How could it be! Sk! Hide quickly! Remember! No matter what you hear or see, don’t make any sound! Just hide there! I’ll go out and see what’s going on!”

The sister’s face changed drastically, and she immediately asked Sk to hide in the secret compartment in the corner of the room. This secret compartment was embedded in the wall. The space was not large, and it could only hide a child of Sk’s size. There was a breathing hole at the bottom, and the situation outside could also be seen from the hole.

Whether looking from inside or outside the house, it was just a wall. Unless the wall was destroyed, it would be impossible to find this secret compartment.

Sk, who was hiding in the secret compartment, shivered. He soon heard the increasingly violent screams and roars of monsters coming from the village!

From the breathing hole, he saw his sister holding a steel fork for work, standing at the door trembling all over, as if to reassure himself. His sister also looked at Sk. A smile appeared on the spot.

This smile will be the most beautiful smile in Sk’s life.

The smile of his sister made Sk feel a little more at ease.

But the next moment, their wooden door was suddenly kicked open! Then Sk saw countless grinning goblins from the broken wooden door!

Sk’s heart immediately began to tremble. The biggest threat to ordinary villagers like them is the goblins. Although these goblins are not strong, there are many of them, and they often attack the village in groups. They are not strong in combat, but they always sneak attack in the dark, and every time they bring heavy casualties and losses to the villagers.

Sk has seen too many corpses of villagers killed by goblins. body!

This time, these goblins, who were Sk’s nightmare, did not rush into the cabin, but wandered at the door, grinning, as if they were waiting for something.

Soon, Sk knew what they were waiting for.

A young man dressed as an adventurer strode into the cabin, and her sister immediately stabbed the other party with the steel fork in her hand.

But the other party easily dodged the steel fork!

And he grabbed the steel fork with agility, pulled and pulled, hugged his sister in his arms, and easily took the steel fork away.

Immediately, Sk covered his mouth and became nervous! Although Sk did not know the boy dressed as an adventurer, since he could move freely among a group of goblins and hugged him No matter how you look at it, your sister is not a good person! The one who appeared in this village was naturally Fang Yuan.

After Fang Yuan confirmed the identity of the Goblin Slayer, he naturally made a plan.

According to the plot of the original work, Goblin Slayer was once a carefree, sunny and happy boy, but after the goblins attacked the village where he lived, killed the woman in front of him, and ate her sister, Goblin Slayer completely hated the goblin race.

And then he also had an adventure and met a master who looked like a goblin. He learned a lot of skills from him, including the habits and survival rules of the goblins. This is how the Goblin Slayer, who made the goblins terrified in later generations, came into being.

And what Fang Yuan had to do was naturally to create this tragedy.

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