It was like an earthquake. From the open door, one could see dense crowds of monsters trying madly to rush in, but they were blocked by an invisible curtain of light!

“Don’t worry! There are many defensive barriers set up inside this palace, and the demons can’t attack from the outside! Everyone, ensure the supply of magic power! Just hold on for an hour!”

Prince Allen shouted loudly to everyone, and then he pressed the certificate of bravery in his hand into the stone pillar under his feet. Suddenly, the stone pillar under his feet began to light up with golden light from the bottom, extending all the way down!

Fang Yuan:”……”

After hearing what Prince Allen said, Fang Yuan, who had just walked to his own stone pillar, suddenly twitched his eyes.

Wait a minute, what did you just say? The demons can’t attack from the outside?

Then I have a question, I don’t know if I should ask it!

What if someone attacks from the inside?

The demon worm has come in!……


As if to answer Fang Yuan’s question, a violent roar sounded from inside the Demon King’s bedroom! The sudden explosion caused the entire Demon King’s bedroom to shake, and the explosion was located around the door of the Demon King’s bedroom! After the explosion, the complete magic arrays that originally blocked the monsters began to flicker and eventually went out, and the light curtain that prevented the monsters from entering was also shattered!

The next moment, the roaring monsters rushed in frantically!

“How is it possible?! Why was the magic circle broken? Quick! Embed the certificate of the hero into the magic circle!”

Prince Allen exclaimed after seeing this scene! He roared at everyone!

The seven heroes who were already in place, including Fang Yuan, the replacement, immediately pressed the certificates of the hero in their hands into the stone pillars under their feet! Each stone pillar had a gap, corresponding to the certificate of the hero in their hands.

As the certificates of the hero were embedded, the seven stone pillars immediately emitted a dazzling golden light, seven circular shields covered the top of the stone pillars, and seven chains extended to the body of the still sleeping Demon King, and began to strengthen his seal.

“”Hehehe! I have been waiting for this day for a long time! I will die here today! But you will also be buried with me! Secret Technique! Magic Insect Explosion Technique!”

At this time, the culprit, the Magic Insect Envoy, appeared again. He was suspended in the air above the gate, shouting with a crazy smile.

Before anyone could figure out what he wanted to do, suddenly! The Magic Insect Envoy’s body exploded with a”pop!”! It turned into countless magic insects the size of fingernails, flying everywhere, and sinking into the bodies of the monsters that were still madly pouring in!


The monster, which was already ferocious, let out a terrifying roar after the magic worm entered its body, and its body size expanded rapidly! It became even more terrifying than before!

Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that all the mad monsters had an additional buff in their status bar.

【Burning Soul: All attributes increased by 100%! Remaining time 2:59. The magic insect master uses his life to perform a secret technique. After the technique is performed, both the caster and the parasite will die.】

“” Hiss!”

After seeing this state clearly, Fang Yuan couldn’t help but gasp! It was so terrifying!

Although the effect of increasing all attributes by 100% was amazing, what really shocked Fang Yuan was the effect that the caster would die!

This meant that the magic insect master, who was like a cockroach and had a strong survivability, was now dead!

Isn’t it good to be alive? Why did he suddenly lose his mind?

This is just like in many anime, some supporting characters’ abilities are like an unsolvable bug, but they are killed by the plot. The magic insect master now gave Fang Yuan this feeling. Why did he suddenly commit suicide!

“Don’t worry! As long as you are within the range of the Hero’s Certificate, you will not be harmed! There is something wrong with the status of these monsters, they will not be able to hold on for long! As long as we reseal the Demon King! Then our mission is accomplished!”

More and more high-level monsters poured in, filling up the spacious Demon King’s bedroom in almost the blink of an eye, and these monsters also began to frantically attack the golden light shield where everyone was.

Prince Allen spoke loudly again, trying to stabilize everyone’s emotions.

But Fang Yuan turned his eyes to the prince speechlessly. Judging from his previous habits, this prince was a poisonous milk, and nothing good would happen once he opened his mouth!

And in fact, it was the same as Fang Yuan thought.

Although those monsters really couldn’t break through the light shield where everyone was, those monsters began to attack the Demon King!

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