“The demons couldn’t sit still anymore, and high-level demons came out.”

“Finally, we can have a good fight. I’m tired of killing goblins!”

However, the appearance of these high-level monsters not only did not make the heroes angry, but excited them. Delon was the first to rush out of the holy light shield, howling and knocking away the surrounding earth bears weighing more than several tons!

Prince Allen and Dragon Priest Fent followed closely behind.

Elf Princess Nina and Magician Sam also began to pour arrows and magic!


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion on the Holy Light Shield!

The white Holy Light Shield began to shake violently!

“It’s the Demon Insect Envoy!”

The Elf Princess spotted the Demon Insect Envoy in the distance immediately. This time everyone was sure it was real! The densely packed insects were not something that anyone else could disguise!

“”Hehehe! Your Highness, let me show you my new servants. Come out!”

The Demon Insect Envoy stood at the entrance of a passage and gave a disgusting smile. The next moment, he waved his hand, and a group of adventurers with stiff movements rushed out from the passage behind him!

These adventurers were all killed by monsters before. They should have been corpses, but at this moment, there was a blood-red worm lying on their foreheads. This was the corpse-controlling worm of the Demon Insect Envoy, which could control the corpses to attack.

This ability was actually useless. The corpses controlled by the worms could only exert a small amount of their abilities before death, and once the worm on the forehead died, the corpse would become a corpse again. However, the corpse-controlling worm had a characteristic, which was to read the last memory of the corpse before its death, and then make a sound by controlling the central nervous system.

At this moment, the corpses of these adventurers were all making dying wails and roars!

“Captain! Save me!””Woo woo woo! I don’t want to die yet! My daughter was just born!””Kill kill kill! You disgusting monsters!”

Seeing this scene, all the heroes couldn’t stand it anymore!

Especially the Shield Guard Deron, he is the head of the Adventurer’s Guild, and the adventurers here are basically recruited by him. He can accept the death of adventurers, but he can’t accept that the bodies of adventurers will be desecrated after their death!

Especially these adventurers are still wailing and wailing vividly!

“You! Damn it!”

Shield Guard Deron’s eyes immediately turned red!

“”Londe! You stay! Fent, follow me! We must kill this guy!”

Before he could rush out to fight the demon worm master, Prince Allen, with a gloomy face, had already passed by him, greeted the dragon man Fent, and rushed towards the demon worm master!

The dragon priest Fent also looked at the demon worm master who was still laughing disgustingly with a cold expression, put the battle staff on his back, took out the three-headed flail and an arm shield, and followed Prince Allen. After knocking away a violent earth bear, he rushed directly towards the demon worm master.

“”Hehehe, it’s not that easy to kill me! Go! My army of servants! Kill your heroes! Hehehe!!!”

The Demon Insect Envoy had no intention of fighting head-on. He retreated into the dark passage behind him while commanding more adventurers to rush out of the passage behind him and rush towards the two heroes who were rushing over!

Prince Allen and the dragon man Fent killed the corpses of the adventurers who blocked their way with expressionless faces, their eyes fixed on the Demon Insect Envoy!

“Tsk tsk tsk, you really have no regrets, even killing your former companions so ruthlessly, I really feel it is not worth it for these adventurers who come to be cannon fodder for you and make you famous.”

The magic insect master saw the appearance of the two and laughed a mocking laugh again.

“”Shut up!”

Prince Allen finally couldn’t hold back his anger any longer, and suddenly burst out with powerful strength. He instantly appeared in front of the Demon Insect Envoy, and the long sword immediately cut the Demon Insect Envoy in half, but the Demon Insect Envoy’s body quickly turned into a demon insect, and re-condensed in the deeper part of the passage.

“As expected, what I said was right, so you are angry and embarrassed? All these adventurers are dead, are you still afraid that this kind of thing will spread?……”

“I want to see how you can be resurrected after I kill all your bugs!”

The Demon Insect Envoy was still mocking, and Prince Allen kept rushing forward to kill it again, but the Demon Insect Envoy reunited in the blink of an eye in a farther distance.

Prince Allen was also extremely angry at this moment. As the future heir of the king, he could not tolerate the Demon Insect Envoy’s behavior of desecrating the warrior’s corpse, and he could not tolerate his words slandering the brave’s behavior!

The dragon man Fent silently protected Prince Allen from behind to prevent sneak attacks from behind. The two cooperated very well.

In this way, the three-person battle group gradually went away amid the mockery of the Demon Insect Envoy.

Just when all the brave men realized that something was wrong, it was too late.


A roar suddenly came from the entrance of the passage that the Demon Insect Envoy, Prince Allen, and Dragon Man Fent had entered!

The ground suddenly collapsed, and the building at the entrance of the passage collapsed, completely blocking the passage for everyone to leave!

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