Qiqi also exclaimed: "A team fight lasted more than a minute!"

"Dawn's three combo punches all worked wonders!!"

"The first punch grabbed the red buff, the second punch killed Zhao Yun, and the third punch saved teammates!"

"The operation was perfect! Dawn can even continue to counter-jungle!!"

As Qiqi exclaimed, it fell.

I only saw Su Ye Lian Po directly clear the second wave of soldiers in the top lane.

After clearing, he entered the TTG red zone and counterattacked the three pigs!

Otherwise, this side was afraid that the blue buff would be stolen by Jiuyue Yunying, so after resurrection, he went straight to the blue zone and didn't care about the red zone at all!

In the TTG voice channel.

Looking at the Lian Po who was dominating in his own jungle.

Otherwise, his face would turn green with anger: "Fuck! This Lian Po is just not a human being?!"

"Why is he so disgusting? He made me feel so uncomfortable!"

"Half of the jungle area was taken by him!"

Qingqing also frowned, with a headache: "This blood and red were taken by him."

"I am useless on the line, I can only develop in a sneaky way!"

Bingchen shook his head and sighed: "There is no way... The opposite Mengqi grabbed the line too quickly!"

"We can only grab the middle lane later, and there is no way to support."

Qingqing took a deep breath: "Let's play steadily! Don't let this Lian Po develop again."

At this moment, all the TTG members were playing very uncomfortably. This is the first time they have seen Su Ye Lian Po's style of play!

In the KPL arena before, which player didn't start the game steadily and cautiously for fear of making mistakes?

As a result, Su Ye rushed to the red zone alone and messed around, and directly stunned several TTG players!

The game on the field is still going on.

Su Ye Lian Po used normal attacks to counter the three pigs.

Then he countered the bird.

After clearing the upper lane soldiers, Qing Qing Meng Qi wanted to fight for the bird.

However, Su Ye Lian Po used the second skill to punish, and still killed the bird monster instantly with a super high kill line.

After killing, 121 rushed towards Qing Qing Meng Qi.

A set of combos directly knocked off half of Qing Qing Meng Qi's blood.

At this time, the red BUFF on Lian Po had not disappeared.

Although Qing Qing Meng Qi was beaten fiercely by Lian Po, she could only admit her defeat and turn around and retreat.

Pingzi couldn't help but sigh again: "Dawn!"

"This Lian Po is really a little tyrant! Otherwise, the entire red zone would have been eaten up by him alone!"

Qiqi nodded: "Yes! Qingqing is very uncomfortable now!"

"Dawn Lian Po is far ahead of him in economy and experience!"

"Qingqing and Mengqi will be suppressed next. If they can't play Mengqi's early line advantage... they are half useless!"

As Qiqi's voice fell.

Su Ye took the river crab on the top lane and directly reached level 4.

On the other hand, Qingqing's Mengqi was just reaching level 3 by clearing soldiers under the tower!

The river crab in the middle lane was also taken by Jiuyue Yunying.

At the beginning of the game, XYG was ahead by nearly a thousand economy.

Pingzi: "I can only say that XYG's opening deployment is too good!"

"Coach Glucose... is really something!"

In the XYG lounge.

Listening to Pingzi's praise.

Although Su Ye made the early deployment, he was praised like this.

Coach Glucose still couldn't stop laughing: "Ye Bao... Really C!"

"Just hold on tight! Hehe!"

On the field, Su Ye's side directly blocked the line of soldiers after reaching level 4, and pressed Qingqing under the tower.

Whenever Qingqing wanted to use Mengqi's second skill to clear the line, he was greeted with a set of combo punches.

After two consecutive waves, Qingqing and Mengqi were only half-blood left.

There was a risk of being killed by the tower at any time.

Looking at Yunying who had brushed the jungle and brushed to the bottom lane, Su Ye began to command:

"Jiuyue, don't worry about the bottom lane this time, just buy sprint shoes and go around!"

"This Zhao Yun must go to the middle line before coming up."

"I'll play more aggressively to seduce, you just help me counter-camp!"

In this game, TTG didn't have much hard control, only Guiguzi and Wang Zhaojun had it.

Yun Ying has a two-second dominance with her ultimate, and can almost ignore the opponent's control.

Hearing Su Ye's command, Jiu Yue nodded excitedly: "Come on!"

As he said that, Jiu Yue directly took out a pair of sprint shoes.

He rushed to the top lane.

The game time came to 1 minute and 50 seconds.

The second river crab on the top lane refreshed, and Su Ye directly pushed the line of soldiers under the tower to fight the river crab.

At this time, Bu Er's Zhao Yun really showed up in the top lane.

After rubbing the middle line and the top line, Bu Er finally raised his level to level 4!

Seeing Su Ye Lian Po fighting the river crab.

Bu Er Zhao Yun did not hesitate, and rushed up with Qing Qing.

He rushed towards Su Ye with a big move, knocking Lian Po away.

Qingqing Mengqi also threw out her ultimate move Dream Tour and rushed up!

The two chased Su Ye and beat him violently!

After a set of combos, Su Ye and Lian Po were directly knocked off half of their health!

Su Ye used a 121 combo to retreat to the bush on the top lane.

And seeing that Su Ye's half-blood Lian Po did not retreat to the tower, but retreated to the bush on the top lane?

Both Er Nuo and Qing Qing were surprised!

Isn't this courting death?

At this time, Yun Ying had just finished brushing the red zone and couldn't come up for a while.

XYG's mid-range shooters and assistants also showed up in the middle lane.

Only Su Ye and Lian Po were in the top lane, and the Nine-tailed Wang Zhaojun was about to arrive.

This wave of three people encircling a half-blood person, he won't be killed again, right? !

Qingqing Mengqi threw out her second skill, constantly slowing down Su Ye.

Otherwise, Zhao Yun's first skill slows down and his second skill consumes health.

The two chased all the way and chased from the bushes on the top lane to the Primordial Array!

Seeing Su Ye running into a dead end.

Otherwise and Qingqing became more and more excited!

Qingqing: "Damn it! Kill him!"

Otherwise: "Hahaha! Now let's see where you can run!"

However, as the game time came to two minutes, the Primordial Array appeared.

The laughter of the two stopped abruptly.

Su Ye Lian Po directly clicked on the teleport, and the purple light of the Primordial Breath lit up on his body, and he was about to teleport to the bottom lane!

At this moment, Zhao Yun and Meng Qi's ultimate skills were both on cooldown, and no control skills could interrupt Su Ye's teleport.

Just when the two were anxious.

The light on Su Ye Lian Po suddenly disappeared!

The audience off the court exclaimed!

Pingzi: "Poxiao was being chased, and came to the top lane to teleport away..."

"Zhao Yunmeng Qi didn't have a big move, so he should be unstoppable... huh? Cancelled?!"

"Poxiao canceled the teleport!!"

Qiqi: "Wait?! This wave of Jiuyue Yunying rushed to the top lane!"

"Does Poxiao want to counterattack? But Jiuwei Wang Zhaojun is here too!"

On the big screen.

Only Jiuyue Yunying was seen rushing all the way, running from the bottom lane to the top lane bush position on the sprint shoes.

But at this moment, Jiuwei Wang Zhaojun on TTG's side also touched the top lane.

Even if Jiuyue joined the battlefield, two against three couldn't win!

Seeing the teleportation light on Lian Po disappear, Qingqing and the other two were overjoyed!

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