Seeing Jiuyue trying to commit suicide, Su Ye patted his shoulder: "Don't cry, I'll treat you later!"

When he heard that Su Ye wanted to treat him, Jiuyue turned around immediately: "Really? Then I won't be polite!"

Su Ye shook his head indifferently.

This time, he won more than 50,000 yuan in prize money for being the top 123.

No matter how Jiuyue eats, he will not suffer a loss.


In a high-end residential area in Shanghai.

Tianyun lay on the bed and saw that there was no message on VX, and he couldn't help complaining:

"What is Su Ye doing? It's been half a month and he hasn't agreed!"

"I won't eat him, is it so difficult to add a friend?"

At this moment, Tianyun was very angry. He scanned Su Ye's VX QR code at the selection competition half a month ago.

I thought Su Ye would agree that day, but he didn't wait.

The second day, the third day... even half a month, he still didn't agree!

Tianyun realized that he was rejected by Su Ye.

This method of scanning the code for others but not passing it.

Tianyun often uses it when rejecting a chat.

I didn't expect that I would encounter it today.

Tianyun clenched his fists and said firmly: "I must have forgotten. I will remind you when we meet tomorrow."


The next morning, the brothers all put on suits.

Rushed to the Magic City E-sports Center to participate in the World Championship group stage group draw ceremony!

The 12 teams in this World Championship group stage will be divided into two groups A/B by drawing lots, with 6 teams in each group.

The group will conduct a BO5 single round-robin system (global BP+loser side selection+4 ban positions for each side).

Each team will play against other teams in the group once;

After the group stage, the top four teams in each group will advance to the quarterfinals, and the fifth and sixth teams in the group will be eliminated.

So this draw ceremony is still very important, which determines who the opponent in the group stage is.

If you are grouped with a weak team.

Then the chance of advancing to the finals will definitely be much greater.

On the contrary, if all teams in the group are strong, the difficulty of qualifying will be greatly increased.

On the XYG minibus.

Only the six younger brothers and Coach Glucose were seen wearing formal suits at the moment.

Everyone was looking at each other's formal suits.

This suit was specially made for the younger brothers by Daxian.

All five of them were wearing black suits.

Su Ye's suit was very slim after he put it on.

Just sitting by the window, I felt that the whole person had an extraordinary temperament, a feeling of not eating worldly fireworks.

In addition to Su Ye, Ling Meng's suit was also very fitting, which made him look like a nobleman in the dark night.

Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, very gentle.

Although Jiuyue Xiudou's clothes were also very fitting.

But I don't know why, there is always a sense of disobedience.

Xiudou looked like the stupid son of a landlord, while Jiuyue looked a bit like a nouveau riche.

Jiuyue tugged at his tie and muttered, "Why do I always feel that Brother Ye's suit looks better than mine?"

Xiudou on the side laughed and teased, "Although it is said that clothes make the man, and saddles make the horse!"

"But it also depends on who is wearing it? Even if Brother Ye doesn't wear a suit, he is still handsome and good-looking."

Hearing Xiudou's truth, Jiuyue curled his lips: "Yes, yes, yes! You, the stupid son of a landlord, are not much better!"

Xiudou retorted: "Clown! Clown!"

Jiuyue and Xiudou kept bickering along the way.

Su Ye and Lingmeng rested their chins by the window and looked at the scenery outside the window quietly.

The whole carriage was like two worlds.

After sitting in the car for nearly two hours, we finally arrived at the Magic City KPL E-sports Center.

The scene of the World Championship draw ceremony.

Just after getting off the car, there were already crowds of people outside the venue.

The fans of each team are looking forward to the arrival of their favorite team players.

As the minibus stopped, Su Ye was the first to get off.

After seeing Su Ye in formal attire, the crowd around him instantly became excited!

Cheers and screams were heard continuously.

Then the younger brothers got off one by one, and the cheers became more and more enthusiastic.

Su Ye greeted the fans very politely, waving as he walked towards the venue.

After all the members of XYG arrived at the venue.

The other 11 teams were all present.

All 12 teams attended the draw ceremony in formal attire.

Su Ye looked around.

Many of the teams present were old friends, and all 10 teams played well together.

After everyone was dressed in formal attire, there were really a lot of handsome guys.

Wuwei, Yinuo, and FLY after losing weight... all looked good.

Of course, with the appearance of Su Ye, several peopleThe brilliance dimmed instantly.

The whole venue was very lively.

Coach Lin of QG grabbed Qingqing's wrist, and the two were competing with each other in physical contact.

Coach SK, Yaodao and Xiaopang were all holding their bellies, trying to see whose belly was bigger.

Huahai, Qingrong and Yizheng were chatting happily together.

Wuwei was discussing something with Yinuo.

With the appearance of the seven people from XYG, there was a moment of silence in the venue.

All the coaches and players of the teams stopped their actions.

They looked towards the younger brothers.

After noticing everyone's gaze, Coach Glucose smiled and walked forward and waved to everyone.

But no one responded to Coach Glucose.

Even the QG members who often took care of XYG and played training games with the younger brothers acted as if they didn't see the younger brothers.

After a short silence, everyone started talking and laughing again.

Only Coach Glucose was left with an awkward look.

Jiuyue said angrily: "No, what does that mean?"

"No one responded when I greeted them?"

Xiudou also nodded: "After all, we are all professional players, it's too disrespectful, isn't it?"

Hearing Jiuyue and Xiudou's complaints, Su Ye chuckled:

"They are all old friends and acquaintances, we are all newcomers, and it's our first time here."

"It's normal that no one pays attention to us. It will be fine when we enter KPL in the future and everyone is familiar with us."

Hearing Su Ye's words, Coach Glucose rolled his eyes and said unhappily:

"Are you sure it's not because you provoked them in the post-match interview that no one paid attention to us?"

After being pointed out by Coach Glucose, Su Ye smiled awkwardly.

It seems that the last post-match interview helped XYG to pull up all the hatred.

Then Su Ye and the others chatted with each other in the corner of the venue.

The draw ceremony was broadcast live throughout the whole process.

As it concerns the younger brothers' journey to the World Championship, Daxian was also watching the draw ceremony in the live broadcast room.

After seeing the younger brothers coming, the venue was briefly silent.

Daxian frowned involuntarily and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

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