Killing System, the Ultimate Killer

Chapter 153: What a brave general, a blessing to the Wei Dynasty

Looking at Sheng Huaian's heroic and unrestrained appearance, he is truly a poet with unparalleled talent, red robe and silver armor, scholarly spirit, and powerful and resolute. Who can resist this?

Han Yanran was so confused that her eyes seemed to be full of stars, as if she had turned into a fangirl.

Not only Han Yanran, but also Xiao Chuyi, looked at Sheng Huaian with eyes that were almost threaded.

Heroic and heroic, scholarly spirit, fused in one person, this is simply poison.

Witnessing Sheng Huaian's heroic appearance of attacking the Martial Saint with his unparalleled spirit, and now watching Sheng Huaian's poetic talent burst out on the spot, in her eyes, no one in the world can compare to him.

None of the noble officials and royal princes in the capital can compare to Sheng Huaian.

Although Sheng Huaian didn't like her a little, he couldn't resist her admiration from the bottom of her heart.

In addition to her grandfather and father, she had a feeling of admiration for Sheng Huaian in her heart.

Han Yanran stood up immediately.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Chuyi asked as Han Yanran stood up.

"I'm going to dance for you."

Xiao Chuyi stared at Han Yanran blankly. What was this girl going to do?

Han Yanran came over and said, "General Sheng, generals, I am not talented, but I would like to dance for you. May I ask if you are willing?!"

Han Yanran smiled, like a beautiful flower, bright and charming.

"Okay, please let Miss Yanran dance for everyone, and everyone applaud and welcome." Sheng Huaian was stunned for a moment, and immediately smiled and applauded.


The soldiers shouted, each of them was excited.

If you can't drink grape wine or watch the Pipa Hu dance, then drink the strong west wind and enjoy the Central Plains dance music.

Han Yanran sang a ballad, her voice was clear and crisp, like the sound of nature, and she danced with her sleeves, and in an instant, she was as graceful as a startled swan and as graceful as a swimming dragon.

Under the moonlight, Han Yanran's dancing posture was beautiful and pleasing to the eyes, like a fairy dancing on the moonlit platform.

Coupled with Han Yanran's beautiful face, many soldiers were stunned.

"So beautiful!!" Tang Yunshan's saliva was almost flowing out.

"Too beautiful." Hai Dahe said infatuatedly.

After the dance, everyone slowly came back to their senses.

"As graceful as a startled swan, as gentle as a swimming dragon, everyone, do you think Yanran's dancing posture is beautiful!" Sheng Huaian laughed and said loudly.


In the military camp, cheers resounded through the night.

"Thank you General Sheng for your compliment." Han Yanran's flawless cheeks blushed slightly.

As graceful as a startled swan, as gentle as a swimming dragon, is this Sheng Huaian's praise for her?

After a night of revelry, the soldiers drank freely, and they were drunk one by one, and the sound of war drums and horses could still be heard vaguely in their ears.

Don't laugh at me sleeping drunk on the battlefield, how many people have returned from the battles since ancient times! !

Those who survived the war were all lucky. At this moment, they were extremely relaxed, lying on the ground one by one, sleeping soundly.

Sheng Huaian sat by the fire. He was not drunk. The wine could not make him drunk.

Many of his soldiers also died on the grassland during the northern expedition to Rongdi.

Those soldiers will never come back.

How could there be no deaths in war?

Tonight, let him keep watch for his soldiers, so that these soldiers who followed him to fight can have a good sleep.

Yinyue Goddess Zi Xi watched Sheng Huaian and his subordinates revel and drink. She didn't understand, is this the meaning of Sheng Huaian's life?

It was difficult for her to resonate with this kind of emotion. Perhaps it was because of the practice of the exercises that made her character particularly cold!

Yinyue Palace was cold and solemn. She had lived in Yinyue Palace for many years and seemed to have lost some emotions.

"Sheng Huaian, what are you pursuing?!" Yinyue Goddess asked.

In the camp, the firewood was crackling.

Sheng Huaian looked at the Yinyue Goddess: "Why is Fairy Zixi asking this?"

"I see you and your soldiers are very happy, so I asked this."

"My pursuit is to cultivate to the highest level and see the world." Sheng Huaian said.

"To cultivate to the highest level, shouldn't you practice hard in seclusion?" Yinyue Goddess looked at Sheng Huaian's handsome face.

"Practice is not just about practicing hard in seclusion. Pursuing breakthroughs in cultivation and pursuing higher realms can sometimes be counterproductive."

"Fairy Zixi, what are you pursuing?" Sheng Huaian asked back.

Yinyue Goddess was silent. What did she want in her heart?

She seemed to have never thought that since she was brought to the palace by her master to practice, she was required to practice continuously and must practice to the realm of martial saint.

Seeing that Yinyue Goddess didn't speak, Sheng Huaian didn't continue to speak. This pure and innocent goddess of ice and snow seemed to have few joys, sorrows, anger, and happiness.

It felt a bit like the feeling of practicing the ruthless way in the vernacular novels.

In the next few days, Sheng Huaian was busy. He designed the blueprint of Hexi County City and asked Wu Cheng to build the city according to the blueprint.

Then he asked the captive slaves to build cattle sheds and sheep sheds. He wanted to build a super-large cattle and sheep breeding base.

Now there are so many captive slaves, we must make good use of them and not let them idle.

Cows can be slaughtered for meat or sold to inland counties as oxen.

Sheep wool can be made into clothes and sold to the whole Wei Dynasty. These are all ways to make money.

After all, so many captive slaves need a lot of food to raise them, so we have to find ways to make money and get more money back.

While Sheng Huaian was busy building the Hexi grassland, Han Yanran's memorial was sent to the hands of the empress Han Jiangxue.

When the empress Han Jiangxue received the memorial and saw the content on it, she was stunned.

Sheng Huaian has apparently broken through the Martial Saint, led the army to the north, defeated the Rongdi, almost exterminated the Rongdi clan, killed countless enemies, captured countless prisoners, and fought all the way to Shelechuan.

He even forced the Rongdi to admit that the Moran grassland belonged to the territory of the Great Wei from now on.

The war in the three places of Yanzhou made her troubled mood instantly better.

"Good! This is my Great Wei general, attacking the Rongdi and expanding the territory." Han Jiangxue said happily.

The old eunuch Wei looked at the empress suddenly becoming happy, and didn't know what happened to make people happy.

"Eunuch Wei, go and ask the left prime minister Fu, Wang Shangshu, and Zuo Shangshu to come to Zhenghe Hall to see me."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Wei took the order and left Zhenghe Hall.

Looking at the contents of the memorial.

"General Sheng, you gave me a huge surprise."

"The credit for recovering Hexi County has not been rewarded yet, and now you have made such a great contribution." Han Yanran said to herself.

Compared with Li Hou, Sheng Huaian is the loyal minister and general of Wei.

Li Hou, the uncle of the second prince, fought against the Xiongnu in the north and deliberately retreated step by step. With 200,000 troops in hand, he refused to unite with the Zhenbei Army to completely drive the Xiongnu out of the three states.

He also used this as a threat to constantly ask the court for food and silver.

If she was not afraid that Li Hou would lead his troops to rebel and surrender to the Xiongnu, she would definitely deprive him of his title, arrest him, behead him, and kill his nine clans.

Soon, the left prime minister Fu Xiangru, the minister of the Ministry of War Wang Cheng, the minister of the Ministry of Revenue Zuo Jian and others entered the palace and came to the Zhenghe Hall.

"Your Majesty!" The left prime minister and others held hands and saluted.

"My dear ministers, there is no need to be polite. Take a look." Han Jiangxue handed the memorial sent by Yanran to the left prime minister.

The left prime minister and others read the contents of the memorial.

The expressions on their faces kept changing.

My goodness, Sheng Huaian is too fierce. He just conquered the Hexi grassland, and the court's reward has not come yet, but he has been fighting northward without stopping, almost annihilating the Rongdi tribe.

"What a fierce general, he is so fierce!" Wang Cheng, the Minister of War, couldn't help but exclaimed.

No one in the 800 years of Wei Dynasty has ever done it by leading troops to Shelechuan, the Rongdi tribe.

This will become a heavy stroke in the history of Wei Dynasty.

"This is the blessing of my Wei Dynasty. Once my Wei Dynasty has such a powerful general, it can suppress the surrounding foreign races and other countries." The left prime minister Fu Xiangru was full of joy.

If Wei Dynasty can have one more martial saint general, whether facing Dali or Dachu, it will be more calm than a hundred years ago.

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