"It's really surprising that the young lady found three country folks at once."

"And he's going to do it so soon, that's really abnormal"

"It seems that the reason why the young lady is jealous is because the girl has long black hair."

"If they didn't give me too much, I really wouldn't want to do these things"

"Okay, shut up! These three are very powerful. Although they put drugs in the food, we should keep quiet."

Outside the door of Tatsumi and the other two, a group of guards were talking quietly. They were waiting for Tatsumi and the other two to fall asleep before taking action. After a while, they used the spare key to open the door.

"Tsk! What a pretty girl, but it's a pity that she has to be handed over to the eldest lady."A guard looked at the sleeping Shayou and couldn't help but said with pity.

"The corpse is also good." said another guard.

"MD! Only you would think so."

The three sleeping people were soon moved to a warehouse by the guards. The warehouse was full of stench and wailing sounds. If you look closely, you will find that the attic of the warehouse is full of cells, where many unrecognizable people are imprisoned.

Various torture tools are placed on the ground floor, and each tool is full of blood. There are also many corpses hanging above it, and the execution platforms below are also filled with corpses tortured to death.

The guards laid Sayu alone on an execution platform and tied her hands and feet on it. As for Tatsumi and Iyeas, they were thrown into a cell.

After the guards did this, they left the warehouse one after another. Soon, another person walked in from outside. It was Arya. As soon as she entered the door, she came to Sayu and reached out to touch Sayu's long hair again, feeling the smoothness and softness of her hair. Arya's expression gradually became hideous, and she kept saying

"It's obviously just livestock! It's obviously just livestock! How can it have such smooth hair! What a joke! I don't even have such hair! It's obviously just livestock! Too arrogant! It's really too arrogant! When you wake up! I will torture you to death! I will………"Huh?!"

Arya's neck was suddenly grabbed by someone. She looked closely and saw that it was Shayu who should still be unconscious. Shayu's arms were clearly handcuffed, but she broke free and grabbed Arya's neck with one hand.

"I'm just an animal, I'm so embarrassed." Shayou said with a smile, but her eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

"Why……?"Arya asked in confusion.

"Please, the rotten stench coming from your family makes me want to vomit, you know? Originally, the three of us were only planning to stay for one night and then leave, but you insisted on committing suicide."Shayou looked at the environment of the warehouse and her face became gloomy.


"Oh, are you asking if we took drugs? We did, but it was useless. After all, the three of us have learned the full concentration."When Shayu attacked, Tatsumi and Iyeas also opened the cell door and walked out and said

""Oh, what bad luck. I just came to the capital and I met this perverted family." Shayou said helplessly, and then looked at Arya with murderous eyes.

"Don't... kill me... please... let me go……"No matter how perverted she is, she is just a spoiled young lady. Feeling the murderous aura from Shayou, Arya peed herself instantly

"Every corpse in this warehouse should have said the same thing to you before they died. But you didn't let them go, did you?"Shayou looked at Arya, who was shameless, and said sarcastically.

"Obviously... just... livestock……"Arya saw this and stopped pretending, and cursed at Shayu again. Shayu narrowed her eyes, pinched Arya's hand slightly, and Arya's sinful life ended just like that.

"Tsk, this guy got away with it."

Shayou threw Arya's body aside with disdain, but she felt an inexplicable sense of relief in her heart.

"What should we do now? Should we just kill them?"Iyeas asked

"Hmm...if we just kill them like this, we will be wanted later, right? What bad luck." Tatsumi said helplessly

"Humph! I don't think there is a good person in this family. I might as well go all the way.……"Sau made a gesture of wiping her neck with her hand, which made Tatsumi and Iyeas feel a little embarrassed. Looking at this situation, Sau might have a hard time getting married in the future.

""Murderous aura!!"

Tatsumi and the other two suddenly reacted and looked towards the closed warehouse door. They could feel a bloody storm outside the door, but the murderous aura was not directed at the three of them.

"Is there anyone else planning to kill this family?" Shayou said

"No matter what is going on, we should leave here while the chaos is going on." Tatsumi said, and the other two nodded in agreement.


As early as when Tatsumi and the other two were halfway to the imperial capital, Akahime and the others accepted the assassination plan against Arya. The time of the operation was exactly when Tatsumi and the other two were taken home by Arya, so the murderous aura that Tatsumi and the other two felt now was emitted by Akahime and the others.

"I found the three guards... They are my target, Akame." Leone said


The murderous aura emanating from Chi Tong made the three guards aware of it. Two of the guards were killed by Chi Tong before they could even raise their guns.

"Everyone, disperse and find your own targets!"

At this time, the Night Raid has two new members, Maine and Hill.

Maine, who has pink twin ponytails, uses the Imperial Tool Romantic Turret [Pumpkin]. Since Nadezhda was seriously injured and could not bring out the true power of the pumpkin, she gave it to Maine to use.

Hill, another natural-looking girl with purple long hair and glasses, uses the Imperial Tool All Things Cut in Two [Soul-Eliminating], a large scissors Imperial Tool. No matter what it is, it can cut through it, even Brand's armor Imperial Tool can easily break through it.

With Nadezhda, Lubbock and Brand, the Night Raid now has seven members.

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