
Tsukushi stared at this scene blankly, and slowly walked to the body of Goziqi.

"Chikushi......I gotta go......"Akahime looked at Tsukushi and didn't explain much, but was ready to pick up Kurohime and leave.


"......Tsukushi!"Tsukushi quickly pulled out his gun and fired, but Akame blocked the bullet with the blade of her sword.

"Even if you think differently from your father, he is still your father. Just follow him. I said I would do it......."With tears in her eyes, Tsukushi said to Akame word by word.

"I will never again be in league with the Empire." Just as Akahime finished speaking, she noticed someone coming into the forest behind Tsukushi.

"......Pursuers! There are other soldiers mixed in besides the special forces!"Akagi picked up Hei Tong again and started to flee.

"Hey! Is this possible?"Tsukushi was stunned when he heard Akahime's answer, and was pushed by other soldiers before he came to his senses.

"If I hold Kuroneko all the time, I will never be able to run away."Tsukushi thought to herself, and then looked at Goziqi's body.

Tsukushi, who had no father or mother since childhood, was given the greatest fatherly love, care and care by Goziqi. For Tsukushi, following Goziqi's footsteps and moving forward is her only goal in this life. Even if Goziqi is dead now, she will only follow Goziqi's footsteps and move forward.

"I will never forgive Akahide-chan......But we are best friends after all, so......I want to kill her myself!"

On the other side, Chi Tong came to a cliff just like Chu Yufan did. But unlike Chu Yufan, this cliff was a river.

"Hoo! Hoo! Just hold on a little longer......"


"Woo ah......"

A gunshot rang out, hitting Akado's waist very accurately. Akado fell to the ground instantly, and even Hei Tong, who was in his hand, fell to the ground with him. At this time, a large number of pursuers also swarmed and rushed towards Akado. Seeing this, Akado stood up with difficulty and got ready, killing all the approaching pursuers.


The moment the pursuer fell, a black gun muzzle was revealed behind him. Tsukushi followed behind the pursuer and planned to shoot Akame at close range.

"If you get hit at this distance, you'll die!"

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, looking at Tsukushi who was ready to shoot her without hesitation.......

""I'll destroy you!"

After saying this, Akame seemed to have switched on a switch. The moment she lowered her head, she slashed at Tsukushi without hesitation.


"She has Murasame in her hand! Stop her with a gun!!"The pursuers recognized Akahime's weapon and started shooting at her. Akahime kept swinging her sword to block the attack, but she was forced to retreat.



Akato was retreating, and before he knew it, he was at the edge of the cliff. Soon, one of his feet missed the target.......

"I also have a younger sister——"


Akagomi didn't take her sister with her in the end. After falling into the river, she was quickly rescued by Leona who heard the noise and rushed over, and brought back to the revolutionary army.

At dawn, Bonnie, who participated in the action, saw only the bodies of Gozi and Tsukushi, and fell into confusion. However, the person who was in charge of leading the assassination team didn't care about that. Seeing Bonnie in such a miserable state, he planned to execute Bonnie directly, but Bonnie was not executed in the end, but disappeared for some reason.


Chi Tong opened his eyes, and after a moment of stunned silence, he quickly sat up from the bed.

"I fell off the cliff. This is......"While Akame was thinking, Leona opened the door and walked in.

"Oh! Are you awake? Chitong, that's great!"


"You've been comatose for days."


Leona sat on the bed and said to Akame

"You fainted by the river and I found you and carried you back. You should thank me. Because I have the imperial tool that strengthens the five senses, I can easily rescue you before the empire."

"Leonie, my sister……"

"Calm down and listen to me carefully, Akame. This cabin is far away from the imperial capital, so you don't have to worry about being found by the empire. Your wound has been treated, you just need to rest for a while."Leone said

"Sorry to trouble you."Akagi said

"Haha, next time just buy me a drink... Next, let me tell you about the empire's later intelligence. Because our spies are quite deep, we can get this intelligence."

"First, a person named Bonnie from your army is missing, and even the Empire can't find her."

"Missing? Was she disposed of? No, if she was disposed of, the Empire wouldn't have spent the effort to find her... I hope Bonnie is okay." Akahime thought to herself.

"Then about your sister, her whereabouts are currently unknown. She should have been taken to the Imperial Assassination Corps for treatment. It is expected that she will continue to work in the Assassination Corps."

"……Black pupil." Chi Tong felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

"In the end... I still didn't have time to bring my sister here.……"

"There is no way, we have tried our best."Leone said

"Oh yeah...I...I……"

Akahime's pupils gradually widened, and the scenes that happened before she fell off the cliff began to echo in her mind. She killed Tsukushi without hesitation, and the scenes from being adopted by Godzi to meeting Tsukushi and becoming good friends.

"……I killed my friend...……"

""Cry if you want, Akahime." Leone said to Akahime

"No...I...I chose this path voluntarily, I have no right to cry.……"Before Akahima could finish her words, Leona hugged her without saying anything. Feeling Leona's warmth, Akahima couldn't help crying.

"Thank you, Leona."

"Don't say that, we are friends."

"I'm fine now"

"Then, let's go take a bath first!" Leone said


The two came to the bath and made a pleasant sound.

"It feels like the tiredness has disappeared all of a sudden." Leone said

"I am really sorry to trouble you."Akagami said

"Then, I will repay you with my body."Leone joked.

Akado's eyes flashed, and she approached Leone and started to touch her. At this time, Akado realized that Leone's figure was a little better than Tsukushi's. Well, all my friends are older than me.

"How come you are so skilled!" Leone said

"Don't underestimate the ability of assassins."Akagi said as she came out of the bath.

""Oh, your old clothes are already tattered. The boss specially prepared new clothes for you, which are light and strong. Try them on." Leona said.

Soon, Akame put on the new clothes. It was a black top and skirt, with red armor protecting the arms and waist.

"Really good, black born from shadows." Leone said

"I will thoroughly carry out my beliefs and join the revolutionary army for the sake of the people."Akagi said


"We, the assassination corps, will fight for this mission to complete the revolution with the least sacrifice. When the revolutionary army rises, we will take advantage of the chaos to attack Minister Ernest and others who have caused the empire to fall into corruption."

"Our base will be located in the suburbs of the empire. In order to successfully carry out the assassination, we must have a deep understanding of the imperial capital."Najta said to Brand, Akame, Leone and Lubbock in front of her.

"However, the imperial capital is now ruled by evil people. Before the revolution succeeds, the people will suffer a lot more."Leone said

"Just execute them. The new country after the revolution doesn't need these rubbish. Those who make people suffer should all disappear." Nadezhda said

"Understood."Akagami said

"Why don't we give us a name? Nadezhda."Lubbock said. Nadezhda smiled and said

"Let's call it Night Raid——"

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