"Well...I'm going to go over there and take a look……"

Chu Yufan and the other three waited at the cave entrance for about two hours, but no one came. At this time, Shayou suddenly stood up and said a little embarrassedly

"Can I go with you? It's too dangerous to walk around alone. Seeing this, Iyas stood up and said to Shayou.

"Ha, no, no, I can handle it alone!"Sayou quickly refused.

"How can it be okay? What if we encounter something dangerous? I'll go with you.……"

"She's fine on her own, Iyeas. Shayou, don't run too far, just shout if anything happens."Chu Yufan interrupted Iyeas, he roughly understood what Shayou wanted to do.

""Okay! I'll be back soon!" Shayou looked at Chu Yufan gratefully and then went into the bushes.

"Is Sauyu okay on her own?" Tatsumi said worriedly.

"Don't worry, there are no creatures or humans around here."Chu Yufan comforted

"Ah! Come quickly!" Shayou suddenly shouted

""Shayou! Let's go check it out!"

Chu Yufan and the other two quickly came to where Shayou was, but she was fine. She was just squatting on the ground. When Chu Yufan and the other two arrived, Shayou turned around and said to them,

"There is a person injured and lying on the ground!"

The three of them went forward to check and saw a man who looked quite old, lying on the ground with his eyes closed, motionless. However, after checking his breathing, they found that the man was still alive.

""Tatsumi, Iyeas, the three of us will carry him to the cave entrance. He is still alive!" Chu Yufan said hurriedly.

Soon, the man was moved to the cave entrance by the four of them and laid flat on the ground.

"Hmm... the wound is not serious. It seems that he was injured by a dangerous species. The reason why he can't wake up is probably because of anemia caused by excessive blood loss."Sayou said after checking the man's injured part

""Hmm...Sayu, you stay and observe this guy. Tatsumi and Iyeas, you two go get some firewood nearby and make a fire here. I'll go to the forest to look for any edible animals." Chu Yufan thought for a while and said to the other three.


Time passed quickly and it was dusk. Tatsumi and Iyeas successfully lit a fire, while Chu Yufan caught a creature that looked like a cow in the forest.

"Wow! Isn't this sweet grass beef? This is a great ingredient!"As locals, Tatsumi and the other two were surprised to see the beef in Chu Yufan's hand.

"Sweet grass cow? This name is weird, isn't it?" Chu Yufan said

"Because the meat of this kind of cattle tastes very similar to beets, the villagers call it sweet grass cattle. Unfortunately, this kind of cattle is usually found in the deep mountains, and it is rare to see it outside the mountains."Tatsumi explained

"Such good ingredients cannot be wasted, watch me make a delicious dish!"Sayu rolled up her sleeves and said she would cook the cow herself.

Then Sayu led Tatsumi and Iyeas to find seasonings nearby, and Chu Yufan took care of the fainted man. As night fell, the mountain fell into darkness. Only the fire at the entrance of the cave was left, shaking constantly, and bursts of fragrance came out from the entrance from time to time.

Chu Yufan, Tatsumi, Sayu and Iyeas each picked up a piece of meat and slowly put it into their mouths. The sweetness of the meat and the seasonings made by Sayu blended perfectly together. The moment it was put into the mouth, the taste buds exploded.

"Wow! This is so delicious!"

"Yeah! Great job, Sayo!"

"Yes, the combination of meat and condiments is just perfect!"

"Humph~ I told you, leave it to me!" Seeing this, Shayou looked proud, and the other three also gave her a thumbs up.

"Well……"The man lying on the ground seemed to smell the fragrance of food and began to wake up.

"Ah! He is about to wake up!"Sayou noticed the man's movement and said

"Could it be that the food that Sau made has the power to bring back the dead?" Tatsumi said

"No, no, no, he is not dead."Chu Yufan complained.

Soon, the man opened his eyes. When he saw Chu Yufan and the other four strangers, he was a little surprised at first, but then he remained calm.

""Did you... save me?" the man asked

"I thought you would yell."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"If you want to harm me, there is no need to wait until I wake up."The man replied

"I'll tell you the details after you've had a good meal." Chu Yufan said as he handed a bowl of broth to the man. The man was not polite and started eating after taking it.

"Delicious! Another bowl!"

"No problem!"

After a while, after eating five bowls of broth in a row, the man finally stopped with satisfaction.

"Are you here to find the legendary forging master?"

"That's right, but I think you should be the forging master."Chu Yufan said

"Good vision! My name is Bakewell. The person who made the imperial tool for the previous emperor was my ancestor. Later, for some reason, he hid here."Bakewell introduced himself.

"What's the reason?" Shayou asked curiously


Four hundred years after the Imperial Equipment was created, the emperor at that time wanted to create a weapon that surpassed the Imperial Equipment to show that his ability was not inferior to that of the previous emperor.

So he once again recruited us, the descendants of the Imperial Equipment makers, to go to the imperial capital to make weapons.

As a result, we only made inferior products like the Minister Equipment.

The emperor at that time was furious and wanted to carry out a purge.

My ancestors at that time successfully escaped and finally hid here.

"After Beckwell finished speaking, he said again

"Let me make it clear first, I am not a forger who can forge imperial tools or even ministerial tools! So if your forging requirements are too high, please go back."

"Why can't it be forged now?" Tatsumi asked curiously.

"Because the former emperor at that time already controlled nearly 60% of the world's wealth and resources. With such strong economic and resource strength, it is only natural that he could create imperial tools."Beckwell explained

"I see……"

"Okay, so what kind of weapons are you going to make? Don't worry, I won't charge you anything, but you need to collect the forging materials yourself, after all, I don't have much fighting power."

"I hope you can make a long sword. This is the ore I got. I would also like to trouble you to see if the special ability in this weapon can be transferred to it."Chu Yufan took out the ore and the Water Dragon Sword he got from the bottom of the cliff.

"This is... a minister's weapon, right?" Bakewell recognized the Water Dragon Sword the first time he saw it."

"Yes, this is the Water Dragon Sword"

"really……"Bakewell looked at Chu Yufan deeply, but did not ask any further questions.

"This ore... is Slika steel that can absorb sunlight. We should use this ore to make the blade, and then transfer the strengthening ability of the Water Dragon Sword to the blade, right?"


"……No, because Slider Steel is Fire, and the material of the Water Dragon Sword is Water. Therefore, water and fire are incompatible, and it is difficult to make a usable weapon, unless……"Bakewell said


"In this deep mountain, there is a legendary super dangerous species. The Cold Fire Cloud Dragon. As long as we get its biological materials to neutralize it, we can make this knife. If it is made properly, it may even exceed the category of a ministerial weapon and become a divine weapon under the divine weapon among ministerial weapons!" Beckwell said excitedly.

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