
A giant centipede with a pair of wings suddenly emerged from the soil, which really scared Tatsumi and the other two.

"It's a flying centipede! Everyone be careful!" Shayou said hurriedly, and then drew her bow and shot an arrow at the centipede, but it was deflected by the centipede's hard shell.


The flying centipede turned its head towards where Shayou was and rushed towards her. Seeing this, Shayou turned pale and kept backing away.


Tatsumi and Iyeas saw this and stood in front of Saya, trying to withstand the impact of the flying centipede.

"I said, don't be so nervous."

Chu Yufan found the three people's expressions quite funny, and then quickly came to the front of the flying centipede, took out the Water Dragon Sword and directly chopped off the centipede's big head.

Such a smooth operation stunned Tatsumi and the other two. Because even Instructor Long, who taught them how to fight, couldn't get rid of the flying centipede so easily. What's more, Chu Yufan was about the same age as them, which was really frustrating.

Next, Chu Yufan took the lead in solving the dangerous species that blocked the road, Shayou was responsible for looking at the map and commanding which road to take, while Tatsumi and Iyeas were responsible for following behind and shouting six six six.

Soon the four of them came to a cave covered with weeds.

"Is this the place? Sau, it looks like no one lives here?" Tatsumi asked, looking at the cave entrance.

"If the map is correct, the marked location is indeed here."Shayou looked at the map carefully again and then replied

"But it doesn't look like anyone lives here, does it?" Iyeas said

"……No, the cave entrance is just hidden. You see, although the cave entrance is overgrown with weeds, there is a path in the middle without weeds, which means someone has used this path to enter and exit."Chu Yufan gently pushed aside the weeds, and there was a path about the width of a foot in the middle of the weeds. Obviously someone used this path to enter and exit the cave.

"Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"No, let's wait here for a while. After all, we need help from others, so it's not good to just go in casually."Chu Yufan thought for a while and said

"That's right, let's rest here for a while."

The four of them found a relatively clean place near the cave entrance and sat down.

"By the way, what did Instructor Long say yesterday about going to the imperial capital to make a name for yourself? Are you three going to live in the imperial capital in the future?"Chu Yufan remembered something and asked Tatsumi and the other two.

"Yes, Chu Yufan, you just arrived so you don't know. In fact, there are many people in the village who are hungry and some people starve to death every year. In order to change this situation, the three of us plan to learn some skills from Instructor Long and then go to the imperial capital to find new opportunities!"Tatsumi's eyes sparkled. For him, the imperial capital is like a holy place.

"So that's it, so you want to save your village. However, the imperial capital is not a good place. At least someone like you, Tatsumi, can be easily deceived."Chu Yufan looked at Tatsumi and said

"Chu Yufan, judging from your tone, have you ever been to the imperial capital?" Shayou asked curiously.

"Of course, I am a traveler after all. How could I not have been to a place like the Imperial Capital?……"

"There are countless poor people in the imperial capital who starve to death on the streets. They may even be worse off than the poor villagers in your village, so the imperial capital is not as beautiful as you imagine."Chu Yufan explained.

"Well... but Instructor Long also said that there are no opportunities to succeed in other places except the imperial capital. I think we probably have no choice."Iyeas said

"Instructor Long is right, but if you want to go to the imperial capital, you three will only be cannon fodder with your current strength. You must at least become stronger than you are now before you can go to the imperial capital."Chu Yufan said

"Ah! Chu Yufan, can you teach us some skills? Because I feel that you are much stronger than Instructor Long."Shayou looked at Chu Yufan with shining eyes and asked

"Shayou, this is not a good idea. If Chu Yufan has other things to do……"


Chu Yufan agreed before Tatsumi finished speaking.

"It just so happens that Sister Ke Er needs to rest for a while, and I don't plan to leave here during this period, so I can use this time to improve your"

""Great!" After hearing Chu Yufan's agreement, Shayou couldn't help but say excitedly. Tatsumi and Iyeas also laughed happily.

Looking at the smiles of the three people in front of him, Chu Yufan couldn't help but recall the scene when he went to the city with the children in the village.

They... are very similar, so Chu Yufan didn't want to see the three people repeat the same mistakes, which is why Chu Yufan agreed to teach Tatsumi and the other two.


The location is Baima Town at the foot of Baima Mountain.

After waiting for no news about the actions of the imperial assassination forces, Moody and others chose to take the initiative. All the imperial spies in the towns around Baima Mountain were killed by them.

Therefore, Chitong and others also began to take action and started to fight back against the rebel spies. A battle was about to begin.

Chitong followed Goziqi, and after assassinating the rebel spies in Baima Town, Goziqi asked Chitong to take a break and eat something. This also led to Chitong meeting a pair of siblings.

"Delicious white horse clams, maha chestnuts and ramil clams!!"

"Delicious... White Horse Clams?" Hearing that there was delicious food, Chi Tong quickly looked in the direction of the sound. A pair of siblings were pulling a cart and selling things.

"Sister, do you want to try it?"The young man noticed Chi Tong's gaze and hurriedly greeted her.

"The combination of white horse clams and Xiao Jin’s secret seasoning makes the taste even more delicious than you can imagine!"

"Come on!"

The young man took out a white horse shell and poured a thin layer of seasoning on it. A strange aroma instantly began to spread.

"Hmm... Hmm... Good, so delicious!!"After eating a piece, Chi Tong's eyes lit up instantly.

"Right? Xiao Jin uses wild fruits and wild grass to make this seasoning. You can’t eat this kind of delicious food anywhere else!" The boy saw that Chi Tong was very satisfied with the food, so he promoted it.

"I want all these shells!!" Chi Tong took out his purse, and the golden coins instantly appeared. The boy looked at the gold coins and kept sweating. This much money was enough to buy the brother and sister home, let alone buy the white horse shells.

After a while,……

""Wow! It's so delicious." After finishing the last white horse clam, Chi Tong said happily while sitting on the steps.

""Sister, you look amazing when you eat. I feel full just by looking at you." The young man said admiringly.

"All the shells are sold out! Dad will definitely praise us!"The boy's sister Xiao Jin also said happily

"Yes, thank you very much, sister."The boy thanked

"I should be the one saying thank you for the hospitality." Akame replied

"Sister, you are not from Baimashan, right?"

"I am a traveler, my name is Chi Tong"

"My name is A Tie."The boy said

"My name is Xiao Jin"

""White Horse Town is such a vibrant town." Chi Tong sighed as he looked at the sky. As soon as he arrived here, he felt that the residents of this town were different from those in other places.

Unlike the lifeless towns he had encountered before, this town was full of vitality, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces, which made Chi Tong feel a little warm.

"Not long ago, this place was occupied by some annoying officials."A Tie said with his head down

"However, this bastard has been kicked out now!"

"Yes! So happy!"Xiao Jin said with a smile.

Chi Tong turned his head slightly and looked at the smiles of the brother and sister. I don't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Sister Chitong, are you leaving soon?"

"I don't know, but I'll probably stay here for a few days."

"Then please come back again. We will make different flavors of delicious seasonings every day."A Tie said

"Really? You are good at business."Akagami said

"This was Xiao Jin's idea. If Sister Chi Tong could come, I could sell out the items earlier, and then I would have more time to train and become stronger!" Ah Tie explained.

"Are you exercising?"

"Yes! Although Bai Ma is peaceful now, there are still people who hate me. I need to train hard to become stronger and protect the people I want to protect. And Xiao Jin is so cute. When she grows up, there will be many people who will harass her. I need to train hard so that I can protect her!"

"That's amazing... If I could,���Let me help you practice, Xiaotie."Akagami said

"Huh?! Is this really possible? Sister Akahime!"

"Well, I can do it when I'm resting."

On the other side, Green, Bonnie, Kuroyori, and Tsukushi formed a team and were also looking for the rebels' spies in the town.

"Hmm... Secret detective... Secret detective... Where is he... Hmm?!"When Bonnie was looking around for any suspicious persons, he suddenly saw an impossible figure in the crowd.

Because the figure was wearing the Chenju Thousand Layer Clothes.

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