Half a month passed quickly.

After half a month of recovery, Cornelia could finally move freely. However, Chu Yufan still chose to carry Cornelia on his back so that Cornelia could recover faster.

This cliff is very long, and the two have been moving forward for half a month but still have not found the end. The cliff wall is also relatively smooth and there are not many footholds, so it is difficult to climb up directly.

However, this situation has changed today, because the two saw a peculiar landscape today.

This cliff is very deep, and even at the brightest time of the sun at noon, the sunlight shining on the bottom of the cliff will feel a bit dim. But the two found that there was a small place that could be directly illuminated by sunlight.

""Wow, what's going on?" Cornelia got off Chu Yufan's back and looked at the scene in front of her and said in surprise.

"It should be because of this reason."Chu Yufan looked up in the direction of the sunlight. The cliff above was a triangular structure, and lens-like crystals formed in between. Under the effect of the crystals, the sunlight was concentrated at one point and shone on the small area under the cliff.

"Sister Ke Er, maybe we can leave here. This place may be the closest place to the top, and this section of the cliff is completely suitable for us to climb up."Chu Yufan observed for a long time, and then excitedly said to Cornelia

"Well, but I……"Cornelia looked at her missing left arm and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Chu Yufan.

"It's okay, Sister Ke Er. I can carry you up, it's easy."Chu Yufan said with a smile

"……"Okay." Looking at Chu Yufan's face, Cornelia also agreed.

"Then we will... huh?"Chu Yufan's eyes were suddenly attracted to the place where the sun was shining.

"this is……"

There was a piece of ore in the sunlight. When Chu Yufan touched it, he could feel a burning sensation. More importantly, when he touched the ore, he could feel his blood boiling.

"Is this... ore?" Cornelia asked.

"It's probably something good, let's take it together." Chu Yufan said, and then he used the Water Dragon Sword to pry out the ore, and then put it in his arms.

After doing this, the two of them rested for a while, and then began to climb up the cliff along this triangular structure. It took about four hours to finally climb to the top of the cliff.

""Hu! Hu! Hu! We are finally back on the ground." Chu Yufan said as he lay on the ground, panting. Cornelia observed the surrounding environment and found that they were still in a forest.

After a short rest, the two set off again.


On the other hand, the Empire's assassination team also began reconstruction work.

"Baima Mountain?" Goziqi frowned and said

"That's right, there is a group of bandits hiding in Baima Mountain. Although they are called bandits, according to the investigation of the secret agents in the nearby towns, this group of so-called bandits should be composed of rebels."Said Bald Bill

"……Do the higher-ups want us to take action?"

"Yes, but it is obvious that we are short of manpower now. So the higher-ups decided to provide us with some weapons support and half a month of preparation time."Bill said as he took out two boxes. After opening the two boxes, one box contained something similar to a mask, and the other box contained a knife. As soon as

Goziqi saw the items in the box, he knew that these two things were not simple.

"The mask-type imperial weapon, Super Power Spray [Balzac], can bring out the wearer's potential 100%. It was originally used by the former general Nadezhda's adjutant, and was later successfully recovered after being killed by General Esdeath."

"Didn't the blond member of your team lose the Water Dragon Sword? This imperial weapon can be provided to him."Bill explained to Goziqi.

"Imperial weapon: March of the Dead [Eight Rooms], people or creatures killed by this sword can use the curse attached to the sword to turn their corpses into controllable puppets. There are eight controllable puppets, and the puppets' strength can be controlled freely as before. However, if the number of controlled corpses increases, the user's ability will be reduced."

"Let Hei Tong use this imperial weapon."

"We are required to familiarize ourselves with the use of the imperial tools within half a month. After half a month, we will all go out to attack. The rebels on Baima Mountain will be taken care of by our assassination team. As for the towns supporting the rebels at the foot of Baima Mountain, the Empire's incineration team will be responsible."

"There is only one requirement for this operation.……"Bill looked at Gozizi and said"

"Leave no one alive!"


The location is near Baima Mountain.

A man with a human skull hanging around his neck is walking slowly on the mountain road. Behind him are five people. There are four people wearing black cloaks, and a person with stiff steps walking at the end of the team.

If Akahime and others see this scene now, they will recognize that the man with the skull is a member of the group of gravekeepers they met in the ruins of [Putora Land] before. At the same time, this man is also the gravekeeper mentioned in the previous intelligence who survived because of going out on a mission.

The person at the end of the team is wearing the Chenju·Thousand Layer Clothes

"What a bad taste! He even plays with corpses like this." One of the people wearing a black cloak looked at the corpse puppet walking behind the team and said with disgust.

"You can't say that, facing the corpses of the enemies who killed my compatriots. I did this only to comfort their souls in heaven, and it is also a kind of mercy."The gravekeeper walked in front and said indifferently

"Indeed, if it were us, we wouldn’t know what this corpse would look like." Another cloaked man said

"In short, as long as revenge is successful, I will accept any means and use them against the enemy without hesitation."

"So, that's why you want to go to Baimashan to find those bandits?"

"After all, there is strength in numbers. We all have a common goal, so a little cooperation is not impossible."

While they were talking, they climbed to the top of a mountain along the mountain road. Looking at the White Horse Mountain in front of them, the gravekeeper thought to himself:

"Wait, you empire's trash. I will settle the blood debt of my dead compatriots with you!"

Time passed quickly, and another half a month passed. Chi Tong and others also ushered in the task of defeating the White Horse Mountain bandits, and this mission would become a major turning point in everyone's life.

On the other side, Chu Yufan and Cornelia traveled for half a month. Finally, they found a remote village and finally had a place to stay.

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