"Haha... Sister Ke Er, I was just joking.……"

"But I'm not kidding!"

Cornelia interrupted Chu Yufan directly, then grabbed Chu Yufan's shoulders with both hands and said seriously again

"I said, I like you, did you hear me clearly?"

At this time, there was no shyness or nervousness on Cornelia's face. Now her little universe has completely exploded. She must make things clear tonight, regardless of whether Chu Yufan knew about her previous confession.

"……"Looking at Cornelia's serious face, Chu Yufan knew she was not joking.

""I'm sorry, Sister Cole. I have always regarded you as a friend, without any romantic feelings." Seeing this, Chu Yufan also answered seriously. In this kind of thing, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. You must never take an ambiguous attitude to delay others. Hearing Chu Yufan

's answer, Cornelia was not surprised. Because she felt from the beginning that Chu Yufan treated her only as a friend.

But feelings are so strange. Even if you know that the other party will refuse in the end, you will still choose to move forward.

"……Is that so...Haha, actually I already knew it...Chu Yufan, am I the first girl to confess to you?" Cornelia looked at Chu Yufan and asked


"So you don’t have a girl you like right now." Cornelia asked again


"Then, I am the first girl who confessed to you, you must not forget this!"After saying this, Cornelia turned and left.

Although the result was certain, Cornelia was not discouraged. If this step was not taken, the relationship between the two would not change in their lifetime.

At least, now there can be a little change.

"I said it! I really said it! Although he rejected me, he doesn't like anyone yet, which means I still have a chance!"Cornelia's face was flushed at this time. Thinking back to her performance just now, she was so shy that she wanted to find a place where no one was around and dig a hole to crawl into.

"call……"Chu Yufan on the other side also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that Cornelia would confess to him. He really felt very nervous just now.

"Huh... Let's go back first." Chu Yufan let out a long sigh again, thinking to himself


After knowing that Cornelia was following him, Chu Yufan stopped following Goziqi. Instead, he planned to change his mind and start the investigation from the ruins mission he had done before.

The reason was very simple. At that time, the content of the mission was not only to eliminate the gravekeeper and obtain the treasure of the ruins, but also to rescue the three people with black pupils who were captured alive by the gravekeeper.

Then there should be archives for this mission. Of course, there may be no information left during the execution of the mission, but there is one thing that must be recorded in writing until now.

That is the specific whereabouts of the treasure dug out from the ruins. If you look for it from this clue, you may get something.

Soon, Chu Yufan found the final destination of the treasure from a financial official in the imperial capital. All the treasures without exception became the spoils of the officials, and every penny obtained was not used to improve people's livelihood.

Then Chu Yufan followed the clues and found all the information about the ruins. The so-called attack on the empire's investigators and the theft of the empire's property and imperial tools were all fabricated by the empire. The empire's goal is to eliminate the gravekeepers and get all the treasures inside.

The initial intelligence provider was an official named Bill, whose specific position is unknown.

"Bill……"Chu Yufan looked at the name and silently memorized it in his heart.

Next, he had to find this guy named Bill.

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