"Ha~ How long do we need to stay here~" Bonnie was lying on the table and said boredly at the place where Akahime and the others were staying.

"My father said that the enemy is looking for us all over the world, and we will be exposed if we go out." Cornelia said

"I know, I'm just complaining a little bit." Bonnie said embarrassedly


""Hello~ Good morning, Sister Cole, Bonnie." Tsukushi, who had just woken up, came in and greeted

"Hmm~ Tsukushi." Bonnie stared at a certain part of Tsukushi's body and suddenly asked

"Is it because you slept too late that the two balls became so big?"

"How is that possible!"Tsukushi held the dumpling in both hands and replied with a blushing face

"Otherwise, how can you have such a big ball that attracts men! Do you know how many men stop to peek at you when you walk on the street?"

"How can that be! Don't talk nonsense!"Tsukushi's face turned redder, and then he retorted.

Cornelia listened to the conversation between the two and unconsciously peeked at her own dumplings. Although they were not as plump as Tsukushi's, they were also at the passing line.

"Sister Ke Er, your Chu Yufan is not the kind of man who likes to look at dumplings, you don't have to worry."Boni saw Cornelia's little action from the corner of his eye, so he said with a smile



"Bonnie, you talk too much."Cornelia said to him with her fist raised.

Unlike the three people who were playing, Green was making paper models in the room on the second floor, while Natara was watching with interest.

As for Akame and Kurome, they were eating on the first floor, and Silver was watching them to prevent them from eating up all the food they had eaten in the past few days.

Everything seemed quiet and peaceful.……

"Enough, enough! You two can’t eat any more! If you keep eating, I’m afraid you’ll eat everything!" Yin looked at the two people who were getting more and more courageous, and couldn’t help but stop them.

"Uh-huh……"Hei Tong's mouth was full of food, and Yin didn't know what Hei Tong wanted to say.

"Could you please swallow your food before talking?……"Yin was helpless about this and said

"Ah~ Isn't this look cute~"

"That being said……?!"Yin was only halfway through her words when she suddenly felt something was wrong, because she didn't seem to have heard this voice before.

The three of them looked towards the source of the sound at the same time. A mature woman holding an umbrella was standing there.

"Who are you……?!"Just as Yin was about to say something, he suddenly felt a pain in his arm. An insect that looked like a bee stabbed him in the arm.

"Silver! Be careful!"Red Eye and Black Eye stepped forward at the same time and killed all the insects that approached Silver.

"Hehe~ You are more capable than I thought~"

"Who are you?" Chi Tong asked

"I am Maillard Oberg, and I have come here specially to invite you three to be my guests~" Maillard said with a smile

"Are you kidding me!"

""Wait a minute! Silver!"

Silver was hot-tempered and rushed to Maillard first and slashed at him, but Maillard easily blocked it with his umbrella.

"Bang, bang, bang.

Just as Akato and Hei Tong were about to step forward to help, many insects appeared around them again. These insects did not attack directly, but exploded before approaching the two. The explosion of the insects produced a large amount of smoke and blocked the vision of the two.

Daniel emerged from the smoke and knocked Hei Tong, who was unable to react, to the ground with a knife.

"Bury you!"When Chi Tong saw Hei Tong fall to the ground, he became anxious and slashed at Daniel's head, but Daniel blocked it with his arm.

Just as Chi Tong was about to turn around and continue attacking, another person appeared in the smoke behind him. It was Jill. Jill punched Chi Tong in the abdomen, and Chi Tong was knocked unconscious by this blow.

"He actually still has the strength to fight back. He is indeed the one who can kill Barbara."Daniel looked at the wound on his arm and said lightly

"I will deal with the people on the top floor, and Mr. Daniel will deal with the people on the second floor."After confirming that Chi Tong and the other two had fainted, Jill said to Daniel

"no problem"


""Tsk!" Yin on the other side found that the other party used insects to separate himself and Akame, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Two hostages are enough.……"Maillard, who was able to sense insects, knew that Akame and the other two had been subdued by Daniel, so he muttered to himself:


Hearing the other party's muttering, Yin suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Let's get out of here first." Yin quickly ran towards the door, but before she took two steps, Maillard blocked her way.

"Get out of the way!" Yin swung his sword again, but was still blocked by Maillard.

"What a pity... If we were not enemies, maybe we could fall in love. But now... we can only accept the fate of killing each other." As Maillard said this, tears actually flowed down his face.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Worried about the safety of his teammates, Yin could not help but roar and rush forward again.

"I am the Fang of the Death God Oberg, the Blade of Impermanence, and I will take you to the underworld to enjoy eternal peace."

Yin swung his sword again and slashed at Mailad, who had just raised his umbrella. However, Yin's sword path changed from the original vertical slash to a horizontal slash and slashed towards Mailad's abdomen.

"There is no real feeling of hitting!"When the knife in his hand hit Maillard's abdomen, Yin felt like he was hitting armor. Looking closely at Maillard's abdomen, there were some beetles on it protecting her.

"The reaction is good, but it's not enough." Maillard still smiled, and then a group of insects rushed towards Yin's position.

""It's just a little bug, I won't lose!" Yin waved the knife in his hand and cut down all the little bugs that came flying at him.

Melad took the opportunity to get close to him and���The umbrella stabbed at Yin like a sharp blade. Yin, who had just dodged the umbrella attack, saw that Maillard's right hand was quickly grabbing him. Yin instantly knocked the whole person down, then rolled on the ground with one hand to distance himself from Maillard.

"I didn't expect you to be able to dodge it." Maillard said

"After all, I am different from the guys you met before." Yin took out the antidote from his clothes and drank it."

"I didn't use any poison, and I rarely lie to girls."Malard looked at Yin's actions and couldn't help but explain.

"Ha, whatever you say." After doing all this, Yin raised her knife again and prepared to fight. However, what she didn't notice was that blood had begun to seep out of the corners of her eyes.

""Okay, get out of my way!" Yin attacked again, blood from the corner of his eye also flew out with the wind.

The outcome may have been decided long ago.

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