It is hard to imagine that the millennial empire that could even create imperial tools still relied on horse-drawn carriages for land trade.

But this is the fact, and that is why Cornelia and her group can only stay in a village tonight.

After finding a hotel with hot springs, the four of them stayed there.

"Phew~ It would be great if it was always this kind of mission~" Natara was taking a bath in the men's bath of the hotel when he heard footsteps at the door.

"Is this Green? The hot spring here is great. Come in.……"Hearing the footsteps, Green turned his head and looked towards the door. But he found that the person who came was not Green but Silver who broke into the men's bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

"Silver?! This is a men's bath!" Natara was startled and said with a blushing face.

"……I know." Yin blushed slightly, and then calmly entered the hot spring.

"Then why did you come in?!"Natara turned her head away and said nervously

"What does it matter? The other guests have gone to bed anyway. Green has also lain down. I have something to say to you."Yin said calmly.

"Something? Here?" Natara still didn't turn around, and sweat began to break out on his face.

"……Actually, when I was captured in Putola, wasn't I almost insulted by the enemy?……"


"At that time, I could only struggle in fear... I was helpless and could do nothing."

"I think I should accumulate some experience first, so that if I get caught again, I can deal with it calmly and find ways to fight back."

"……Moreover, there may be various dangers in the future.……"As Yin spoke, he took off the towel wrapped around his head and body and stood up.

"……Yin?"Natara heard Yin standing up from the hot spring, but she didn't respond when she called her name. So she slowly opened her eyes and saw a shocking scene.

Yin was standing naked in front of Natara, and Natara, a pure boy, was stunned for a moment.

"I like you more among a bunch of idiots, I'll give it to you for the first time, come on……"Yin looked at Natara, his face was red, but he still faced it calmly.

In fact, Yin's idea was very simple. As a killer, he would face death at any time. In order to die without regrets, he should not hide his feelings from the person he likes, but should speak directly.

However, it was obvious that Yin still overestimated the ability of Natara, a pure boy.

"……What happened?" Yin looked at Natara and asked him when he saw that Natara had no reaction.

Then Natara had a nosebleed and sank directly into the hot spring.

"……You are too cowardly! Are you okay, you idiot?"Yin looked at Natara who sank into the hot spring without any reaction, and couldn't help but complain while pulling him up.

It was not only Natara who was frightened by Yin's operation.

"Silver... She's so brave.……"Cornelia, who was invited by Gin to the men's bath to watch her operate, only watched half of it and ran back to her bed with a blushing face.

"Can we take down Chu Yufan like this?" Cornelia couldn't help but think of a scene, Chu Yufan taking a bath and herself naked.

"Ahhhh... I can't do it……"Cornelia kept pounding the pillow with both hands and said shyly

"……But if I don't say anything, I won't be able to convey my feelings to the other person, right?" Cornelia thought.

"Ha ha……"Green was also shocked. He originally planned to take a bath, but he didn't expect to run into Yin confessing his love to Natara. Fortunately, Cornelia left early, otherwise it would be even more awkward when the two met.

"I was so scared... I just wanted to take a bath but I saw a confession." Green rolled back to his room and poured himself a glass of water to calm his shock.

"But, Gin is really brave... But then again, if I don't do this, my feelings won't be conveyed.……"

"I should give it a try too... to Akame!" After seeing Silver's confession, Green seemed to have awakened and his face became handsome.


The next day, Shuiyun Town.

Chi Tong and the other three have returned to Shuiyun Town and started selling the goods they got and exchanging them for other products.

"Hmm?! This person's walking posture... doesn't look like an ordinary businessman."Akagi and Bonnie were waiting in front of an oil store for Tsukushi and Kuroi to complete their mission. Suddenly, Akgi saw a man dressed as a businessman in the crowd, but from the way he walked, it was obvious that he was not just a businessman.

Akgi and the others returned to the base camp, and Cornelia and the others had already returned.

"Hmm?"When Akame and the other three entered the room, they felt that the atmosphere was not right. The expressions of Cornelia and the other four were not right.

Green and Cornelia seemed to be worried, Silver looked unhappy, and Natara beside him looked embarrassed.

""Father, I have something to report. I just ran into a strange businessman on the street." Although she was curious about what happened, Chi Tong still wanted to talk to Goziqi about business first.

"A strange businessman? It seems that he is right. Goziqi said with a frown.

"What happened?" Cornelia asked, looking at Gozizi's expression.

"……No, nothing. I will investigate this matter. You continue to work and wait for my news."Goziqi stood up and walked outside.

"Next, regroup!"As soon as Goziqi left, Yin said loudly

"It seems to feel quite bad.……"Natara thought awkwardly.

The regrouped Akahime, Green, Natara and Cornelia came to the small town downstream of the river.

"Then, I will go out and say hello and find out what the store owner has to say."As soon as we arrived at the place to stay, Natara put down his luggage and said

"I will also go to investigate the surrounding area and learn about the situation."Cornelia also said the same thing.

"We just arrived at the hotel, so it's okay to take a rest, right?" Chi Tong looked at the two of them and said

"……If I don't exercise, I always feel stuffy." Natara twisted his shoulders and said

"Yes, yes." Cornelia echoed

"We'll be back soon, you guys just take a good rest"

"Then, it's free action until tomorrow.……"After the two left the room, Green took out a model from his backpack and placed it on the table.

"I'll just go ahead and finish it. After taking the boat ride, I suddenly wanted to give it a try."

"Is this called a paper model?"Akagi asked curiously when she saw what Green took out.

"Yes, it's perfect for relaxing."

"Can I do it too?"

"Well, let me teach you."


Just as Green took out a knife and prepared to show Akame how to make a paper model, his body reacted as if he had received an electric shock.

"I almost have to make paper models for the rest of my life! Stupid, isn't this a good opportunity to confess to Akame?" Green gave himself two big slaps in his heart.

After a while,……

"How about this one?"Akagi picked up the paper model boat she made and asked Green confidently.

"That's right, you did a great job, Akagi." Green clapped his hands in praise.

"Green always praises me." Chi Tong said with a smile

"……, actually...well...when facing the person you like, it will happen naturally...haha"


"Are you... startled? I really like you, Akame." Green continued with a red face.

For a moment, both of them fell into silence.

"……Oh, I really can't say it. Actually, I already knew about this."Akagi thought to herself.

Indeed, in the previous conversation with the boys, Akagi already knew that Green liked her, and he liked her armpits.

"That is to say, Chi Tong, you still only treat me as a comrade, not as a man?" After a long silence, Green understood something, so he asked tentatively.

"……I'm sorry, that's it." Chi Tong said helplessly.


"I still have cute black pupils to take care of"

"Oh? Is that the reason?"

"I finally found my lovely sister. If you want to ask me who I like now, it’s my family."Akagi said tactfully.

"Hmm... I see. Then on the other hand, Akagi, you don’t have anyone you like right now, right?"


"All right! That's all right! As long as you never forget���I wish it was your candidate!"Green stood up and said excitedly

"……I am also very happy that it has come to this. But you said that you like me instead of Hei Tong, right?" Chi Tong asked

"Yeah! I think red eyes are the cutest……"

"Is... is that so?……"Akagi also blushed a little at Green's words.

"Then... please don't forget it!" Green said this and rushed out.

"Um……"Akame responded quietly

"I said it! I finally said it! Although I was rejected decisively...but it's not completely hopeless! Because I have found my life's goal!"

"I want to become a good man and impress Chi Tong! Okay! I will work hard!!"Green ran all the way to the river and determined his life goal in his heart.

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