Lavelle was lying on the ground, looking at the sun in the sky through the forest. This scene reminded him of the past. Several years ago, he had also been lying on the ground looking at the sun like this. The only difference was that he survived at that time, but now he is doomed to die.

After opening Panlong Ridge, the Tailan people have always maintained a balanced and peaceful relationship with the empire.

Until a few years ago, when Minister Ernest took control of the imperial capital, the relationship between the Tailan people and the empire completely deteriorated.

At the beginning, the empire sent many troops to encircle the Tailan people, but relying on the Tailan people's control over dangerous species and their ability to transform into dragons, they easily defeated the corrupt imperial army.

It was not until the empire sent that army that the Tailan people were finally destroyed.

"Why... don't you kill me?"

"Because I want you to look carefully at everything in front of you, remember the killing of your people and the destruction of your home, and then work hard to take revenge on me. I will appreciate the efforts of the weak, hahahaha……"

Lavelle looked to the side and saw a tall woman with long blue hair and a white military uniform. She was looking at him with a provocative and enjoyable expression. He knew who she was. The most powerful general in the empire, Esdeath


"I never thought... that someone like you existed in the Empire... It's really unfortunate.……"Lavelle looked at Chu Yufan in front of him and said slowly

"Really?" Chu Yufan said

"I never expected that my ultimate goal would be ended by you kids before it even started.……"

"It seems that you also have a story, but it is none of my business. After all, you are planning to take our lives, so no matter what tragic story you have, I will kill you without hesitation."Chu Yufan looked at Lavelle and said lightly

"That's how pitiful...……"Ravel suddenly looked at Chu Yufan with pity, and then died.

"……"Chu Yufan looked at Ravel silently. What did his last expression want to express?

"Chu Yufan! Chu Yufan! Are you okay?"Cornelia gently pushed Chu Yufan's shoulder and asked.

After Ravel died, Taiga Guruta also regained consciousness and left quickly. The other Tailan people also fled after seeing their leader was defeated. Nahaxiu and others did not continue to pursue them, after all, everyone's physical strength was greatly consumed.

"I'm fine, Sister Ke Er, are you all okay too?"Chu Yufan shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"Phew! It's okay, we just used up a lot of energy." Nahaxiu said while panting. Using his ability twice in a short period of time caused his energy to drop significantly.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's leave here first"


Everyone quickly returned to the top of the mountain and began to rest. They thought it was just an ordinary holiday, but they had to fight all day before the holiday started.

Because of the fighting, the houses they lived in were not built yet, so it seemed that they would have to sleep outdoors for the night. As for food, everyone cut some iron armored dragon meat before leaving to see if it tasted good.……

"Wow, it's so hard that my teeth are about to break."

"It’s been cooked for so long but I still can’t bite it. Isn’t that too exaggerated?"

"Is it really hard to chew? I see Akahide is having a great time eating it."

"I sometimes wonder if her teeth are natural weapons? They can bite through any food, no matter how hard it is."

"Born to be a foodie."

The result was that except for Akame who successfully filled her stomach, everyone else was more or less hungry.

"I hope I can find good prey tomorrow."


After three days of rest, everyone finally recovered their status and started their own training.

This battle with the Tailan tribe gave everyone a clearer understanding of their own strength. At the same time, Nahaxiu and others also discovered one thing, that is, Chu Yufan seemed to be a little too strong.

Especially the last knife used in the battle with Lavelle, the power was too strong. Everyone was shocked, so after the rest, Nahaxiu and others began to pester Chu Yufan to practice with them.

Originally, Chu Yufan was going to refuse, but when he saw several beautiful girls in the team looking at him with shining eyes, Chu Yufan finally agreed. In fact, the problem of Nahaxiu and others is that their physical fitness is not strong enough, and Chenju just requires extremely high physical fitness. Therefore, if you want to exert the power of Chenju, you still have to improve your basic physical fitness. So

, the three-month training officially began.

The first is to run in the mountains. Because the air in Panlongling is thin, the effect of running in the mountains is quite good. Then it is actual combat practice, and Chu Yufan will conduct actual combat training with Nahaxiu and others one-on-one.

"Ding ding ding ding……"

Nahaxiu launched a fierce attack on Chu Yufan holding the Water Dragon Sword, but no matter how he attacked, he was blocked by Chu Yufan.

"The attack speed is too slow, and the sword techniques are not tricky enough. If you encounter an expert, it is easy to be seen through. The power of the Water Dragon Sword only lasts for three minutes, so you can't rely solely on this power to defeat the opponent."Chu Yufan said while dodging Nahaxiu's attack.


Chu Yufan quickly approached and directly knocked the weapon in Nahasu's hand away with a knife.

"Oh, I lost again. How did you train to be so strong?……"Nahasu, whose weapon was knocked away, spread his hands and said helplessly

"I don't know either. After all, I have no other memories except the fighting method."Chu Yufan shook his head and said.

Chu Yufan has not revealed that he can use the breathing method. After all, through observation over the past few years, he found that he seemed to be the only one in the empire who possessed such a special skill.

Therefore, he didn't know what would happen if he told Nahaxiu and the others about this. Would he be caught by the empire and dissected?

In this way, three months passed quickly, and everyone���New tasks will come.

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