Bonnie and Tsukushi were also looking for prey in the forest.

"When do you think Sister Cole will accept Guy?" Bonnie asked Tsukushi while keeping an eye on the surroundings.

"I guess Sister Cole has some feelings for him, but Guy is too lustful, which makes it difficult for Sister Cole to lose face and be with him."Tsukushi said, holding Prometheus in her hand

"Alas, if Guy keeps saying this, Miss Cole might be kidnapped by the newcomer. Bonnie said with regret.

"Hmm?" Tsukushi suddenly stopped and looked back.

"What's the matter?"

"It feels like... someone is following us." Tsukushi said uncertainly.

"Huh? No way, this is a habitat for dangerous species, there shouldn't be anyone living here, right?" Bonnie said in surprise.

"Well, I can't feel it now... Maybe I'm feeling it wrong……?!"

"Hey, don't scare me, let's go... Tsukushi?!" Bonnie said as he was about to move forward. Then he seemed to have discovered something, and when he looked back, he found that Tsukushi had disappeared.

"……"Tsukushi...Tsukushi!" Bonnie shouted loudly, but no one responded, and then he began to search nearby.


"It's strange, how come there is no prey to be found?" Cornelia said as she looked around.

"Not only prey, but even though this is the habitat of dangerous species, not a single one has appeared... It seems that this place is not as simple as imagined." Chu Yufan also found something wrong, and put one hand on the handle of the knife to guard the surroundings.

"We'll try to find it. If we still can't find it, we'll go back.……"


Before Cornelia finished her words, an unknown thing attacked her. Cornelia naturally felt it and tried to intercept the attack, but Chu Yufan was faster and chopped the thing with a knife.

"What is this?" Chu Yufan looked at what he had cut off and asked in confusion.

"……It looks like... the tongue of some animal?" Cornelia said uncertainly.


Before the two of them could come to a conclusion, the sound of moving objects began to be heard around them.

"It seems someone is controlling them." Chu Yufan looked at the dangerous species that suddenly appeared and said lightly

"Only imperial tools can control dangerous species, but as far as I know, the two imperial tools that can control dangerous species are in the hands of the empire and the rebels. How could it appear here?"Cornelia asked in confusion

"Anyway, let's break out and join the others, especially Bonnie and Tsukushi, who may be in danger now."Cornelia suggested.


"Water Breathing, Type 3, Flow Dance"

"Smash the King!"

The two of them started to break through in one direction, killing all the dangerous species that intercepted them.



"What's up? Guy"

"I seem to hear the attack of the Smash King……"Guy looked down the mountain and said uncertainly

"Maybe Sister Cole has started hunting. How did you hear it?"

"How did you hear that... Of course it's because of my love for Cornelia!"

"Stop, stop, stop, this is disgusting!"Green was disgusted by Guy's expression, so he decided to look at Chi Tong, who was also a beautiful girl, to soothe his wounded heart.

"Um... Chi Tong, what are you looking at?" The beautiful girl in his imagination did not see it. Instead, Chi Tong, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, was looking at the sky with shining eyes, so Green asked

"There are so many...foods...flying around." Akame replied.

"Food is flying? That should be a dangerous species. By the way...are they flying towards here?" Green looked up at the sky and saw a large group of flying creatures flying towards here.

"The intermediate dangerous species, the Sky-flying Dragon. They usually move in groups, using high-altitude swooping as their main attack method. Normally, this dangerous species should live in the middle of Panlong Ridge. It seems that this place is not as safe as we thought."Nahash came to the three people and said

"Take up your weapons, you small fry, if you don't want to become a dragon's meal"


""Chief, I have investigated. There are eight people in total, one of whom has been captured by us. The weapon she holds is a kind of servant weapon. It is obvious that these eight people belong to the assassination force of the empire." In the central area of Panlongling, a group of people were sitting here, listening to the report of their subordinates.

"I didn't expect that the Empire would notice it so quickly? But sending only eight people is underestimating us. What is the current situation?"

"Another captured companion has been sent to be captured. The other two have been completely surrounded by dangerous species, and the remaining four have been taken to the top of a mountain outside the city and have been entertained by the Sky Dragon Group."

"What to do next, Chief?"

"Keep the captured person first, and use him as a hostage when necessary. When you are no longer needed, kill him. As for the rest……"

"Everyone, go out and kill all the remaining enemies here. Let the lives of these eight people be the first shot of our Tailan tribe's revenge!" The leader stood up from his chair and said to everyone.

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!" Everyone shouted

"And... Esdeath. Just wait! The revenge for the extermination of my clan will be repaid a hundredfold!" The leader looked up in the direction of the imperial capital and thought to himself.

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