"Even if you don't want to know the truth, someone will take the initiative to show you the truth in order to gain your trust." Chu Yufan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"……"Dream again?" Chu Yufan murmured.

Two months have passed since the last time the rebel stronghold was destroyed.

During these two months, Chu Yufan would recall the words that Otto said before he died from time to time.

The main reason for this situation is that the impression that Otto left on Chu Yufan is completely different from Chu Yufan's previous impression of the rebels.

Because when Otto was fighting with Abbot and the other four, he had no intention of killing them.

Especially the three injured people, they didn't even suffer irreversible serious injuries.

This situation is obviously completely different from the group of rebels who massacred the village.

Although according to Scott, the rebels planned to capture several people as hostages. But this can't explain why Otto held back. After all, wouldn't it be safer to have several hostages who couldn't resist at all?

And something happened in the past two months. Orrick and Scott sent the children from other groups out on missions, but no one has come back so far.

Chu Yufan, who had no results to think about, could only lie back on the bed and plan to sleep for a while.


"Lord Orrick, the other children have been"properly settled". In Orrick's room, Scott was reporting on the situation of the children from the same village as Chu Yufan.

"Good job, Scott. Just this kid is enough. He alone is enough to stop thousands of troops. As for the other garbage, we don't need it."Orik said to Scott after reading the report.

"But I don't know what the rebel leader said to him before he died. This child obviously began to distrust us.……"

"No problem, just use this on him." As Orrick said this, he took out a bottle of pills from the desk drawer.

"This is the same potion used by the Empire's assassination forces. It can make people dependent and can also enhance their strength in a short period of time."

"The other four members of the boy's group have already taken the drug and will only obey the orders of the two of us. If we let them secretly give him the drug, he will soon become our slave too."

"Humph, if this potion wasn't so difficult to make, we would be able to rival the Empire's assassination forces." Orrick said indignantly.

"So that's how it is. Even if that kid sees through our intentions, he will definitely hold back when facing the attacks launched by his own team members, and we can take the opportunity to kill him."Scott added

"Of course, such talents can be retained if possible, but if they cannot be retained, then... Scott, this matter is still left to you."

"Understood, Lord Orrick"


""How pitiful!"

In a forest a little further away from the city, a girl with short light brown hair was standing in a clearing in the forest and whispering softly.

A closer look revealed a pile of corpses in the middle of the clearing. It looked like a group of children in uniform, and their deaths were very tragic.

"Yes... they were deceived and killed. The person who brought them here was obviously trusted.……"Not far away, a man wearing glasses said

"It seems that the information from"father" is correct. Orrick originally planned to use these ignorant children to do some bad things, and then kill all the children who are no longer useful."said the short-haired girl


Five figures emerged from the bushes, but the two people in the open space were not surprised. It seemed that both sides knew each other.

"Father has given the order, Tsukushi. You are responsible for taking care of Orrick, and we will help you divert the guards' attention."The short-haired man in the lead said to the girl with short light brown hair.

"Got it!"Tsukushi saluted the man playfully and said

"Orrick's strongest fighter, Scott's words. The father will solve the problem himself, and the rest of the people will be responsible for attracting the guards and rescuing the remaining five children."

"Alas, I have to be a babysitter. I can't do this kind of thing, Nahashu, I will be responsible for attracting the guards."A man in strange clothes said helplessly

"Yes, as a small fry, you are indeed suitable for this job. Bonnie and Akahime, you should also go with Guy, and be careful not to let Guy be killed by the guards."Nahash said

"Are you kidding me? How could I be killed by a mere guard?" Guy said disdainfully.

"Got it!"Unlike Guy, the two beautiful girls, Bonnie and Akame, did not object to Nahashu's arrangement.

"I, Cornelia and Green will be responsible for dealing with the five children. The five children may have taken Orrick's strengthening medicine, and their strength should not be underestimated. We will try to capture them alive if we can."Nahash turned to the man with glasses and the other long-haired girl and said

"Got it." The long-haired girl Cornelia, who was wearing a boxing glove on her right hand, replied.

"Got it!" Green adjusted his glasses and replied in the same tone.

"Okay, then, let’s go!"


"Da da……"

In the mansion late at night, Scott was walking in the corridor, preparing to go back to his room to rest. The corridor was very quiet, with only the sound of Scott's footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Suddenly, Scott stopped. His brows slowly frowned, and then he slowly spoke

"Everyone who comes is a guest, so why hide anything? Don't you think so?……"

"Haha, you are indeed a man from the Royal Fist Temple like me, your skills are still as good as ever!"

A figure jumped in from the window.���A man with a long knife hanging from his waist rushed in. He was the"father" of the seven elite assassination troops of the Empire, Gozizi.

"You took away the King of Crush, didn't you?"

"That's right, after all, my lovely daughter just happened to need it, so I went to pick it up."Goziqi said indifferently

"So, what is your purpose here?"

"Oh, I was just praising you, and you actually asked me what I was doing here?"

"……Interesting, did you notice our movements from the beginning?"Scott asked

"That's right, I originally just wanted you to train the assassination team for my children to practice, but I didn't expect you to find such a talented killer."Goziqi replied.

Scott's face suddenly darkened after hearing what Goziqi said.

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