The future of this world has become vague and unobservable since Kiana came to this world, Su has observed that, but after observing Kiana for a period of time, Su began to fish.

He believed in Kiana's character and knew Kiana's kindness, so how could this world lose? If you can't even cross the end, then don't play at all!

What Su didn't know was that a pair of big blue eyes appeared in the air behind her, blinking at Su who was drinking tea with a comfortable face.

A spell card was attached to Su's back. After seeing the spell card merge into Su's body, he secretly changed the name of Su's tea bag to 'transgender tea', and then his eyes disappeared without even Su noticing.

Su closed his eyes and drank a cup of tea, then lay on the grass, looking at the eternal blue sky in the Sumeru mustard seed.

Just when he was most relaxed, the power of the spell card took effect and began to transform Su's body.

Su found that something was wrong with his body, so he sat up quickly and checked his body. Just after he touched a pair of soft breasts on his chest, he took out a mirror, opened his eyes wide, and looked at himself in the mirror.

His sight glanced at the tea bag again, and there were three big words written on it: Transgender tea.

Oh my god, she really became a fairy in the lake!

And why is this image so familiar? It looks like the appearance of a certain isotope she observed! There was even a period of time when she was hunted by this isotope, and her mental power far exceeded her own.

(Reference to Vita)

Su's eyes, which had not been opened for ten thousand years, opened twice in a short period of time.

Su looked at her changed appearance and twitched her lips slightly. If the former Kevin saw her like this, he would laugh at her.

But the current Kevin probably wouldn't even blink his eyes after seeing her...

And now Mei is gone, she has become like this again...then she and Kevin...

She suddenly shook off the abnormal thoughts in her mind. It should be that the Hengsha plan has been implemented for too long, and she has seen too many experiences of female counterparts. Now she is also affected. This must be the case.

In order to stop thinking about some messy things, Su closed her eyes lightly, emptied her brain, and fell into a state of no thoughts.


Kiana finally found Kevin this time. He was really eating instant noodles in a bubble in a certain world!

After locating Kevin's position, Kiana directly tore open the imaginary door and went in. Especially the smile on her face, both Sakura and Rin were scared.

They knew that every time Kiana showed a smirk, someone was going to get into trouble.

Sakura and Rin put their hands together and prayed in their hearts: I hope she is okay.

Kiana saw her mother's expression that she was going to go out and make trouble again, so she quickly jumped out of Xilin's arms and wanted to jump into Kiana's arms, because she also wanted to play!

Just when Kiana was about to jump, the imaginary door closed, leaving Kiana empty-handed.

Kiana sat on the ground angrily, and she decided not to pay attention to Kiana for the whole day!


On the other side, Kevin, who was eating instant noodles in a certain world, saw the imaginary door open to the side... and continued to eat noodles.

Kiana came out and sat opposite Kevin.

"Ancestor, do you have instant noodles? Give me a bucket too!"

Since Kevin didn't have much hostility towards Kiana, Kiana didn't be polite to him.

Kevin glanced at Kiana, then chose a bowl of instant noodles from the two buckets of instant noodles on the chair beside him and handed it to Kiana.

The reason why he had no hostility towards Kiana was that he had observed Kiana for a long time through Siegfried's eyes and concluded that she was the end of the flower of humanity.

Since the end is the descendant of Kaslana and has a kind humanity, then what is the point of the Stigmata Project? Let's tear up the Stigmata Project xx version.

And there are more human Herrs in this era than just Kiana. Through Siegfried's perspective, she saw the First Herrscher, Walter, who fought for humanity.

There is also the Second Herrscher, Sirin, who is trying to become a mother of a family.

Seeing so many possibilities, Kevin had the idea of ​​"taking a gamble on them".

As the executor of the Stigmata Project, he knew that the Stigmata Project was an inhumane plan. If there were other hopes, he would not have insisted on launching the Stigmata Project.

At that time, it was because there was a glimmer of hope in my heart that I sealed myself when Su

At that time, he did not choose to resist.

"Hey, Kevin, don't you have instant noodles with sister juice?"

"No... Shut up and eat noodles"

Even Kevin, who was an ice cube for ten thousand years, couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Emmmm... Slurp... Slurp"

"Slurp... Slurp..."

Kiana took a big mouthful of noodles and chewed them, while a glimmer of wisdom flashed in her big eyes.

Is she here to eat noodles? No matter, finish eating first!

In this silent space, there was only the sound of two people eating noodles.

Slowly, countless instant noodle boxes piled up around the two people, and the two people kept eating with eyes wide open, and Kiana even forgot the purpose of this trip.

"Why did you come to the Quantum Sea to find me?"

After eating almost everything, Kevin put down the empty instant noodle box in his hand and asked Kiana opposite him lightly.

"Oh! I remember! I almost forgot something important while slurping noodles!"

After swallowing the last mouthful of noodles, Kiana slapped her palms lightly, remembering that she was not here to slurp noodles!

Kevin's eyebrows twitched. Why were he and Mei so smart (they thought so), but their descendants were dumber than each other... Now he was really afraid that this stupid-looking End would destroy the world.

"Ancestor Kevin, give me the paradise of the past in your World Snake headquarters!"

Kiana looked at Kevin with little stars in her eyes.

Looking at Kiana's expectant look, he suddenly seemed to see the moment when Alicia fell into his arms and died.

"Okay, take the World Snake too. Now, I, a pioneer of the old era, are no longer needed."

Kevin agreed to Kiana's request, and he also wanted Alicia to meet Kiana, the ruler of humans in this era.

"World Serpent, you should be the host. If there is anything, just discuss it with Otto. Now, come with me!"

Kiana secretly put the gender-changing spell card in her palm, opened an imaginary door in front of her, pushed Kevin in from behind, and opened another door by herself.

Although they returned to reality together, Kiana didn't say it was a place to stay~

Kevin felt the changes in his body, and his iceberg face that had not changed for thousands of years changed.

"I was plotted against..."

Above the Sumeru Mustard Seed, Kevin fell after completing the transformation.

Seeing this familiar tree, Kevin also knew where it was. After Kong adjusted his body, he landed on his feet. After getting up, he saw a girl with a temperament similar to Su, looking at her...

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