The Tiangang layer within the scope of the Northern God Territory.

Wu Tao was flying slowly on the Tiangang layer alone, without Ning Qiudao around him. This was the second day after his breakthrough, and he came to the Tiangang layer to practice the divine body realm.

The Tiangang Qi in the Tiangang layer scraped across his body and had no effect on his star body, and could not invade it at all.

After flying for a moment, Wu Tao stopped and looked around. Seeing that the Tiangang Qi here was relatively stable and not chaotic, he planned to cultivate the realm of the divine body here.

Sitting cross-legged on the Tiangang floor, Wu Tao reached out and touched the storage bag at his waist, and a stream of stars flew out of his storage bag and floated in front of him.

The star streamer was born in the Tiangang layer, so as soon as the star streamer arrived at the Tiangang layer, it wanted to escape, but Wu Tao was faster, and the divine magic power had swept and shrouded it, making it unable to break free.

"You still want to run, please help me in my cultivation!" With a whisper, Wu Tao immediately started the Zhoutian Star Body Training Divine Body Chapter. As the body training skills were running, the star stream wrapped in his god transformation power was immediately Refining slowly.

This was the first time Wu Tao practiced with the star streamer after breaking through to the realm of the divine body, and he practiced in a place with environmental benefits like the Tiangang layer. But even so, Wu Tao could clearly sense in an instant that the speed was much slower.

However, Wu Tao has already been mentally prepared, knowing that as he breaks through the realm of the divine body and uses the fifth-level star streamer to practice, his cultivation speed will definitely slow down.

However, with the benefit of the sub-professional physical training, no matter how slow his cultivation speed is, it will not be slower than the cultivation of law. The reason why his realm of law cultivation can advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, reaching the fourth level of spiritual transformation, is because of the Western Mysterious Realm. the reason.

There is also the Yuanling Secret Realm that he entered at the Yuanying level. Without these two secret realms, Wu Tao's Dharma cultivation realm might still be at the Nascent Soul realm now, and he would never break through faster than the physical cultivation realm.

Calming his mind, Wu Tao slowly and unhurriedly ran the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique and Divine Body Chapter, refining the star stream in front of him.

Three hours later, Wu Tao stopped practicing the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique and Divine Body Chapter, slowly opened his eyes, and put the unfinished star streamer in front of him back into his storage bag, waiting for use in the next practice.

Standing up slowly from the Tiangang level, Wu Tao glanced around and thought to himself: "You haven't explored the Tiangang level of the Tailing Immortal Realm yet? The Tailing Immortal Realm is a level higher than the Three Realms. There should be more stars and streams, right?”

Wu Tao's cultivation of the realm of the divine body requires the light of the stars. In the past, he used his military merits to redeem them in the War Merits Hall. The required military merits were quite high. Now, there is no friction with the Eastern God Territory and the Western God Territory, so there is no chance to kill the East God Territory. Immortal cultivators in the Western Divine Realm earn military merits.

Therefore, Wu Tao plans to try to find the star streamer in this Tiangang layer, and searching for the star streamer here can also be regarded as practicing the divine power escape technique, the Divine Light Escape.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao immediately used Divine Light Extreme Escape, and while practicing Divine Light Extreme Escape, he flew in the Tiangang layer within the Northern God Territory. Although there is no friction with the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm now, if you enter the Tiangang layer within the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm, and encounter a person who is a higher realm than him, he will not mind killing them.

From a standpoint, the immortal cultivators in the Tailing Immortal Realm and the demons outside the realm are still fighting to the death, and each wants to kill the other if there is a chance.

It is very convenient to practice magical escape skills in the Tiangang layer. After all, this place is very vast. You can fly wherever you want, as long as you don't fly outside the scope of the Northern God Territory.

Wu Tao used all his strength to operate the magical method of extremely escaping divine light, and his body was like a divine light, traveling through the Tiangang layer. But when he encountered a place where the Tiangang Qi was chaotic, he deliberately avoided it and would not dive headlong into it.

Although he has reached both the realm of spiritual transformation and the realm of divine body, with his current divine body realm and the dual protection of the fifth-level low-level defense robe on his body, he will not put himself in danger. This is what he has always done. Prudent behavioral habits.

Two quarters of an hour later, while Wu Tao was flying, he sensed the aura of starry light in front of him. His face was filled with joy, and he instantly used all his strength to use Divine Light Escape and flew towards the aura of starry light in front of him.

The streamers of stars are not stationary in the Tiangang layer. They are flowing, so they are called streamers of stars, and the speed of flow is not slow.

Ordinary first-level immortal cultivators cannot catch up with some star streamers with relatively strong auras.

It would be easier for a well-established and well-established God-Transforming God Lord like Ning Qiudao to collect star streamers at the Tiangang layer. However, Ning Qiu Dao does not need the light of stars to practice, and will not waste time by collecting the light of stars in the Tiangang layer for no reason.

As for Ning Qiudao, he also wanted to practice. Wu Tao couldn't ask Ning Qiudao to help him collect star streamers and provide him with the realm of physical cultivation. The other party had no such obligation.

This star streamer did not flow very fast. Wu Tao quickly caught up with the star streamer, wrapped it with the power of transformation, and successfully put it into the storage bag.

After staying in the Tiangang layer for another hour and collecting two star streams again, Wu Tao returned to the War Merit Hall to practice other things.

Because he not only wants to practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique and the Divine Body Chapter, he also needs to practice the fire source nerve and various magical powers, and he also needs to understand the knowledge of the fifth-level low-level weapon refining method.

The time was fully arranged by Wu Tao.

He also has spiritual fruits and various chance spiritual objects collected from the Western Mystic Realm. He must refine them all and use them to transform them into his own cultivation.

Time goes by like this, day by day, there are no years of cultivation, and two years have passed by in a hurry.

Two years of training in a 10x accelerated training room means 30 years.

On this day, Wu Tao was on the Tiangang level. He had just finished practicing the Zhoutian Star Body Refining Technique and the Divine Body Chapter. He felt the slight improvement in his cultivation brought by the star streamer he had just refined.

Then he opened his personal information and checked his progress in various aspects over the past two years.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 130/2859】

[Realm: Fourth Level of Transformation into Gods]

[Kung Fu: Transformation of Spirits: Fire Source into Nerves·Fourth Level (40%)]

[Spell: Omitted]

[Supernatural power: Burning Sky Magical Power·Small Success (99%), Endless Fire Screen·Introduction (99%), Divine Light Escape·Introduction (99%)]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Master of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (100%), Ninth Level of Nascent Soul Level Artifact Refining and Fighting Way (100%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Advanced Divine Restriction (100%), Level 4 Advanced Luobao Money (100%)]

[Sub-career·Physical Training: Zhou Tianxing Body Training·Divinity Chapter: First Level (20%), Witch Dao War Technique Galaxy Starfall·Introduction (10%), omitted]

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the progress of the fourth level of the Divine Realm. In the past two years, he used the training resources obtained from the Western Mysterious Realm to practice. In two years, he accelerated the training environment created by the training room and the Fire Yuan Pearl by 10 times. The practice has reached 40% progress.

According to this progress, as long as there are enough resources, he will be able to break through to the fifth level of God Transformation in another three years.

This kind of cultivation speed can be described as amazing speed.

After all, this is the training in the middle stage of becoming a god.

In the past two years, Wu Tao has not slacked off at all in the cultivation of magical powers. The Burning Heaven Magic Power that he first cultivated has reached 99% of the Xiaocheng realm, and is only 1% short of entering the Dacheng realm.

The Endless Fire Screen and Divine Light Escape practiced behind the other two doors have also reached 99% of the entry-level progress.

They are only one step away from entering the realm of Xiaocheng.

As for the knowledge of fifth-level low-level weapon refining, Wu Tao has made progress in the past two years, but he has not been able to thoroughly understand it and record it on his personal information. He always feels that something is missing.

Maybe it's just a little bit different, and it takes a flash of inspiration to step into this ranks.

Finally, Wu Tao's eyes fell on the physical training column. After two years of training, he had reached 20% progress. This was not slow at all. This meant that he could break through to the second level of the divine body in 10 years. realm.

After cultivating to the realm of the divine body, Wu Tao also began to practice the witchcraft and combat methods corresponding to the realm of the divine body. This witchcraft and combat method was also included in the Zhoutianxingxing body training technique given to him by Wang Jing.

From the Real Body Realm, the Yuan Ti Realm to the Divine Body Realm, each major realm comes with a shamanistic fighting method. Once you learn the method, you can control a major realm.

The shamanic combat method of the divine body realm is called Galaxy Starfall, which sounds very majestic and majestic, and it was also practiced by Wu Tao to the entry level.

However, because there was no friction with the Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm during this period, Wu Tao's cultivation level steadily improved, but he never had any fighting skills with the higher-level God Transformation Lord.

But according to Wu Tao's own estimation, his current level of legal cultivation is the fourth level of spiritual transformation, and his spiritual thoughts have reached 82,000 miles, which is equivalent to the intensity of spiritual thoughts at the seventh level of spiritual transformation.

But his magic power is estimated to be only equivalent to the fifth level of God Transformation.

But even so, he still has the assistance of the first level of the divine body. He can't beat the 7th level of the divine body, but at least he can easily beat the 6th level of the divine body.

Of course, the specific strength is only a rough guess. It takes practice to prove the specific level of your strength.

Although each of the God-Transforming God Lords is in the same realm, their strength will also vary depending on the magic weapons they hold, the magical weapons they practice, and the defensive magic weapons they have. It is not the combat power of the God-Transforming God Lord at each level. All dead.

Wu Tao still understands this, and must allow immortal cultivators of his type to exist in every world of immortal cultivators.

After checking the personal information, Wu Tao closed it, then left the Tiangang layer and returned to his training residence of the Three Realms Alliance Sect. He inspired the mark of the War Merit Palace and returned to the 10x acceleration training room of the War Merit Palace.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the 10x acceleration training room, Wu Tao took out a jade slip and put it on his forehead.

This jade slip is not the new martial arts and magical powers he redeemed in the War Merit Hall, but a Taoist cultivation jade slip.

Two years ago, Wu Tao's Taoist skills had reached 2,900, which was still 100 short of 3,000.

Therefore, during the past two years, Wu Tao has been practicing Taoism every day and learning the pronunciation of each Taoism. Now there is only one Taoism that he has not learned.

Wu Tao has been studying this last Taoist language for nearly three months and has not yet learned it. Logically speaking, the more you learn Taoist language, the easier it will be to master the pronunciation skills of Taoist language.

Such difficulty made Wu Tao increasingly believe that there would be surprises when he learned the last Taoist saying.

Without thinking too much, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts entered the Taoist practice jade slips, and his spiritual thoughts began to emerge. One by one, the Taoist words clearly exuded golden light. There were 2999 in total, but the last Taoist words were flickering and not stable. Come down.

As long as he learns this last Taoist saying, all 3,000 Taoist sayings will be reflected in his spiritual thoughts, all of them will emit golden light and be very clear.

Wu Tao opened and closed his mouth, and a mysterious sound wave came out of his mouth. The sound wave emitted every time he opened and closed his mouth was different and there was no repetition.

This is because he is changing. The structure of his mana and his spiritual thoughts are different every time he sends out the last words. They are all making progress and moving on the right track.

Over and over again, in just two hours, Wu Tao didn't know how many times he uttered it, and his magic power and divine thoughts were also severely consumed.

At this time, there was an urgent need to replenish the magic power and spiritual thoughts of transforming gods, so Wu Tao stopped.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This last Taoist saying is really difficult to learn, it is the most mysterious one! Master has only learned 2,000 Taoist sayings now, and there are still 1,000 Taoist sayings away from 3,000."

When Wu Tao thought about this, there was no one he could ask for advice. As for the nail in the coffin that gave him this slang, he was currently sleeping in the Sea of ​​Divine Mind and would not teach him.

Giving him the Daoyu cultivation method was already a great gift, and teaching him step by step was completely impossible to waste. His time would have been better off not giving Wu Tao the Daoyu cultivation method.

Considering that Master Coffin Nailer must have this idea, Wu Tao would not ask Coffin Nailer for advice.

Wu Tao took out the elixir and swallowed it, and started to use the fire source nerves to restore the mana and spiritual energy consumed in practicing the Taoist language just now.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao replenished all his consumption and his condition had returned to its peak.

Seizing the time, he started practicing the last Tao idiom again. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the correct pronunciation of the last Tao idiom, so he had to learn the last Tao idiom in one go.

Don't do it over and over again, and you will fail to seize the inspiration and opportunity to learn this last saying.

Time passed unconsciously, Wu Tao opened and closed his mouth, and waves of mysterious sound came out from his mouth one after another, impacting on the wall of the 10x acceleration training room.

Then it echoed back and brushed against Wu Tao's body.

Finally, at a certain moment, Wu Tao opened and closed his mouth and made a mysterious and mysterious sound. This sound overflowed and combined his divine transformation power and divine thoughts. The moment the sound came out, he felt happy and had an understanding. , because he finally learned the last Taoist saying.

Behind the 2999 bright and clear golden sayings reflected in his spiritual thoughts, the 3000th saying brightened and emitted light in a state of brightness and extinction.

"Finally learned all these Taoist sayings!"

A feeling of joy arises spontaneously.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the 3,000 golden words reflected in his spiritual thoughts suddenly took off along his spiritual thoughts and flew directly into the sea of ​​his spiritual thoughts, laying out in his divine thoughts. Think of the sea.

The golden light of the Divine Mind Sea shined brightly, Wu Tao was extremely surprised, but in the next moment, it was too late to be surprised, because he entered a mysterious realm.

Various magical powers and spells, the sky-burning magical power, the endless fire curtain, the divine light escape, the shamanic combat method of the divine body realm, Galaxy Starfall, and the knowledge of fifth-level low-level weapon refining methods...etc., among the 3,000 Taoist sayings Symphonies emerge back and forth.

On presentation.

Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts surged, and each spiritual thought transformed into a human form and jumped among 3,000 Taoist sayings. Each spiritual thought human form was in the process of cultivation.

Some Divine Thought humanoids practice the Burning Heaven Magical Power, some Divine Thought Humanoids practice the Endless Fire Screen Magical Power, and some Divine Thought Humanoids practice the Divine Light Escape, a magical escape technique.

Some people with spiritual thoughts are walking in the Milky Way using witchcraft and fighting methods. Stars are falling around them, and the Milky Way appears.

Some of the divine humanoids were sitting in a circle, talking to each other, and the voices they exchanged were composed of fifth-level low-level weapon refining knowledge and weapon refining battles to advance to the level of gods. The Way of War.

These three thousand golden lights of Taoism surround these countless divine human figures, reflecting them.

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