The two fire crocodiles were extremely fast. When Wu Tao and Li Jingxing had just decided to kill the two fire crocodiles together, the two fire crocodiles were already attacking from the left and right directions.

Two pillars of hot magma fire shot toward Wu Tao and Li Jingxing.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing immediately moved to avoid the two hot magma fire pillars, but they were greeted by more magma fire pillars, as if the depths of the magma were filled with magma fire pillars everywhere.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing had no way to avoid such a dense pillar of magma and fire. They had not been promoted to the realm of divine transformation for a long time, and neither of them had practiced magical escape techniques, only attacking magical powers.

But the magical power is not enough, so talismans can be used to collect them. There are many talismans in the War Merit Hall, and you only need to use your war merits to redeem them. This time when they came to the mysterious Western Realm, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing naturally exchanged a lot of talismans.

Naturally, it also includes defensive talismans.

Wu Tao and Li Jingxing patted the storage bags on their waists, and a talisman appeared in their hands. As soon as the magic power of transformation was activated, the talisman turned into a ray of light and enveloped them, forming a more powerful defensive shield.

This defensive light shield is naturally more powerful than the defensive light shield formed by their magic power.

All that was seen was dense pillars of magma fire shooting at the light shield formed by the defensive talismans. They could not shake the defensive light shield at all, but they could not shake it, but they smashed the figures of Wu Tao and Li Jingxing back again and again.

For Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, retreating physically and emotionally is not a big deal.

These pillars of magma and fire are spit out from the mouth of the fire crocodile, which can be regarded as the natal magical power of the fifth-level monster fire crocodile.

Once a monster reaches the fifth level, it will awaken its natal magical powers. Different monsters will awaken their natal magical powers differently.

The magma fire pillar could not harm Wu Tao and Li Jingxing. The two anxious fire crocodiles were furious, but they did not stop attacking.

Because they have sensed the auras of these two human race god-transforming immortal cultivators, they have just advanced to the god-transforming realm and are not as powerful as them. What they have to do now is to trap these two human race god-transforming immortal cultivators here. After their talismans are consumed, they can kill these two human race immortal cultivators to avenge their children.

Looking at the two angry fire crocodiles, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing looked at each other, and Li Jingxing said: "Junior Brother Li, you and I have one."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay, Senior Brother Li!"

After saying that, Wu Tao and Li Jingxing separated, and one of them attacked a fire crocodile.

Wu Tao used the Burning Sky Magical Power. The Burning Sky Magical Power fell on the female Fire Crocodile, but it did not cause much damage to it. He immediately understood that the Fire Crocodile was a fire-attributed monster, and he attacked it with the Fire-attributed Magical Power. , naturally can reduce some.

But Wu Tao's current magical power is only the Burning Sky Magical Power, and he has not learned any other magical powers. Moreover, his magic weapon Sun Yao Baojian is also a magic weapon with natural attributes. I don't know if it has any effect on the fire crocodile.

It definitely has an effect, we just need to see how effective it is.

However, Wu Tao did not intend to continue to use the Burning Heaven Magical Power. He directly took out a talisman from the storage bag on his waist. This talisman had a small golden sword painted on it, but it was a veritable fifth-level intermediate Talisman, the attack power is very powerful.

Without hesitation, Wu Tao directly activated this talisman. Once the talisman was activated, it turned into light, rose up and condensed on top of Wu Tao's head, condensing into a golden three-foot golden sword.

This three-foot golden sword exudes a powerful aura. This aura brushed past the fire crocodile and immediately made its pupils tremble. As a fifth-level monster, its instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil can only become stronger.

Almost without hesitation, the Fire Crocodile withdrew his natal magical power, the magma fire pillar, turned around with a twist of his tail, and fled at extremely fast speeds. This also caught Wu Tao off guard. He didn't expect that the fire crocodile, who was comparable to the third level of transformation, could escape so quickly.

However, this level 1~5 intermediate talisman cost him a lot of military exploits. It was just a one-time use, and now it has been activated. If he didn't kill the fire crocodile, wouldn't it be a waste of military exploits.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao immediately used his spirit to control the three-foot golden sword. The golden sword suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot towards the fire crocodile faster than the fire crocodile.

This female fire crocodile sensed the crisis behind her and was frightened, so she quickly accelerated her speed. However, even if she was at home in the magma and her speed increased, she was still not as fast as a three-foot golden sword.

The three-foot golden sword directly passed through the body of the female fire crocodile. Due to inertia, the body of the female fire crocodile continued to move forward quickly, but in the process of escaping, the aura slowly dissipated and the body became two halves.

The three-foot golden long sword killed the female fire crocodile and then turned into light and dissipated. Wu Tao's speed was naturally not as fast as the three-foot golden long sword, but he used the three-foot golden long sword to kill the female fire crocodile. The scene fell into his perception.

When Wu Tao came to the place where the female fire crocodile was extinguished, he saw the neatly cut body of the female fire crocodile in two halves.

"The corpse of a fifth-level monster is valuable, and the skin of the fire crocodile can be used to refine defensive magic weapons. Unfortunately, the skin of the fire crocodile was divided into two halves, and its value is greatly reduced. If it were a complete fire crocodile, If it’s crocodile skin, the value will be higher.”

The group felt sorry for each other, but Wu Tao stretched out his hand and put the fire crocodile cut in half into his storage bag.

"Go back and help Senior Brother Li." After doing all this, Wu Tao turned around and flew towards the scene where Li Jingxing was fighting with the male fire crocodile. When he was chasing the female fire crocodile, Li Jingxing was still able to fight with the male fire crocodile. One time, it was obvious that Li Jingxing wanted to practice his magical powers with the help of defensive talismans.

Indeed, this male fire crocodile's lava fire pillar attack on the defensive mask formed by the defensive talisman on Li Jingxing was unable to penetrate the defensive mask at all. It could only make the defensive mask show a little ripple, not even a shaking.

But the male fire crocodile knew that the defensive mask formed by this talisman could not last long. Sooner or later, it would be able to use its magma fire pillar magical power to shatter the defensive talisman mask.

Monsters such as the Fire Crocodile know this, and Li Jingxing naturally also knows how long the defensive mask formed by his talisman can last. Feeling that the time is almost up, Li Jingxing directly takes out a talisman from his waist. There is also a talisman engraved on it. The golden sword turned out to be a fifth-level intermediate talisman that was exactly the same as the talisman Wu Tao took out.

Li Jingxing activated this talisman without hesitation, and the talisman instantly turned into light and flew to his head, manifesting into a three-foot golden sword.

The male fire crocodile's Tao Xing is slightly higher than the female fire crocodile's, but not too much. Therefore, the male fire crocodile also felt the terrifying power contained in the three-foot golden sword, and he did not hesitate to flick his tail. Then he ran away directly.

And the direction of escape turned out to be the direction of Wu Tao. He wanted to call the female fire crocodile and stop fighting with the human immortal cultivators. The human race immortal cultivators had terrifying trump cards.

The fight between Li Jingxing and the male fire crocodile and the fight between Wu Tao and the female fire crocodile were not on the same side at all. They had moved to another place unconsciously during the fight, so the male fire crocodile concentrated on the fight with Li Jingxing and did not know that Wu Tao had already given the female fire crocodile to him at this time. Beheaded.

If he had known about it, he would have fled before Li Jingxing could activate this fifth-level intermediate talisman.

Li Jingxing's thoughts were the same as Wu Tao's. Since he had inspired a fifth-level intermediate golden small sword talisman, how could he let this talisman go to waste? He had also transformed into a spiritual mind, wielding a three-foot golden sword and heading towards the male fire crocodile to kill him.

Wu Tao was swimming in the magma at an extremely fast speed, and his majestic magic power was like a driver, driving him towards the direction where Li Jingxing was fighting the male fire crocodile.

At this moment, Wu Tao's eyes moved because he saw a huge black shadow quickly running towards him.

"Male Fire Crocodile, you are trying to escape." Feeling the breath of the Male Fire Crocodile, Wu Tao reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist, and another talisman appeared in his hand.

Just when Wu Tao wanted to activate this talisman, a streak of golden light came first and passed directly across the body of the male fire crocodile. Before the golden light arrived, Wu Tao had already dissipated in front of him.

The body of the male fire crocodile, according to inertia, had already come to a stop in front of Wu Tao, and then was divided into two halves, which were also very flat sections.

The aura of the male fire crocodile has disappeared. In Wu Tao's induction, looking at the neat two halves of the body of the male fire crocodile, Wu Tao secretly said: "It seems that Senior Brother Li exchanged the same talisman with me in the War Merit Hall."

Now that the male fire crocodile is dead, Wu Tao is quietly waiting here for Li Jingxing's arrival. Li Jingxing should arrive soon.

Within ten breaths, Li Jingxing's figure had appeared in front of Wu Tao. He had already sensed it, and the three-foot golden sword had made great achievements and successfully killed the male fire crocodile.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart. It was indeed a fifth-level intermediate talisman produced by the Immortal War Merit Hall. It was so powerful that even a fifth-level intermediate talisman master might not be able to draw such a talisman.

Although they are both fifth-level intermediate talisman masters, the inheritance of each talisman is different in strength and weakness.

Li Jingxing saw Wu Tao next to the two halves of the male fire crocodile's body and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Li, it seems that you killed the female fire crocodile before me."

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Senior Brother Li doesn't care about the fire crocodile now. You first put away the body of the male fire crocodile, and then go collect the essence of the fire source."

Hearing this, Li Jingxing nodded and said, "Junior Brother Li is absolutely right, we can't delay here any longer."

After finishing speaking, Li Jingxing put away the bodies of the two halves of the male fire crocodile. While putting them away, he said: "It's a pity. If there is a complete body, the skin of this fire crocodile is a good material for refining weapons. Then it can be used Let Junior Brother Li, the weapon refiner, refine a defensive magic weapon."

Wu Tao heard this and said: "Senior Brother Li, I am not yet a fifth-level weapon refiner, but I cannot refine a fifth-level magic weapon."

Li Jingxing patted his storage bag, looked at Wu Tao and said, "What did Junior Brother Li say? Now Junior Brother Li has been promoted to the realm of God Transformation. With a little effort, he will study the art of weapon refining, and he will soon be able to advance to the fifth level. Belongs to an advanced weapon refiner."

"Although in this Tailing Cultivation Immortal World, we have an Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall, and fifth-level weapon refiners are indeed not very popular, but sooner or later we will have to leave this Tailing Cultivation Immortal World. If we go to the broader Immortal Cultivation World , then your status as a fifth-level weapon refiner can still be your best way to earn resources, Junior Brother Li."

Regarding the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, the immortal cultivators in the Three Realms camp all know that sooner or later they will leave one day and will not stay in this Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm forever, because the end of the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm is just the realm of refining the void.

They, the immortal cultivators, rely on the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall. Which immortal cultivator does not have a dream, wanting to break through the realm of refining the void and a higher realm, and then go to the broader world of immortal cultivation. Continue the path of cultivating immortality in order to become an immortal and live forever.

As for returning to the Three Realms, it is impossible to go back to the Three Realms. When I go back to the Three Realms, I just visit old friends. It is impossible to stay in the Three Realms for development. If I stay in the Three Realms, I can only wait for my life span to run out, because the Three Realms are more powerful than Tai Ling. The world of cultivating immortals is one level lower than the world of cultivating immortals.

After listening to Li Jingxing's words, Wu Tao said: "What Senior Brother Li said is true, but if you want to be promoted from a fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner to a fifth-level weapon refiner, you have to go through a difficult road. It is impossible to do what Senior Brother Li said. So easy.”

"But like Senior Brother Li said, you still have to spend time studying the art of weapon refining. Even if the weapon refiner in the Tailing Xiu Immortal World is not popular, he still has to be promoted and leave the Tailing Xiu Immortal World to go to a broader place. The world of cultivation will be useful, and it can be used as a means for me to earn cultivation resources."

"Senior Brother Li, you also know that as a weapon refiner, I'm really not good at fighting and fighting. I still like to refine weapons and practice safely."

Li Jingxing couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard Wu Tao's words, and said jokingly: "Junior brother Li, you are just trying to deceive others, but it is impossible to deceive me. You are not good at fighting or fighting." kill."

Along the way of exploring the Western Mysterious Realm, Li Jingxing knew that Wu Tao was very skilled in killing monsters, and Wu Tao ranked first in three battles at the Nascent Soul level.

If you are not good at fighting and killing, how can you become the first in combat achievements?

Wu Tao said: "Okay, Senior Brother Li, let's not worry about such a trivial matter. These two fire crocodiles, a male and a female, are attacking us from both sides. There must be fire essences in the two directions they come from, so we will Let’s go and collect the fire essence from both sides.”


Li Jingxing nodded, and then he and Wu Taobing separated into two groups.

Wu Tao walked forward in the direction the female fire crocodile came from. Not long after, he saw a mass of fire essence. The size of this mass of fire essence was larger than the fire essence he had just collected.

The size is at least three times larger.

Surprised in his heart, Wu Tao put away the essence of fire.

After putting it away, Wu Tao returned to meet Li Jingxing. Li Jingxing said to him: "Junior brother Li, I have collected the essence of fire. Let's leave here."

Wu Tao nodded, and then the two of them flew upwards, first leaving the depths of the magma, and then flying toward the crater.

As for the three Tailing cultivators who were in the early stages of becoming gods in the immortal world hidden outside the crater, they had sensed the fluctuations in the fighting before and knew that Wu Tao and Li Jingxing, the two extraterrestrial demons, had encountered the fire crocodile in the volcano.

But soon the fluctuations of the fighting subsided.

"So quickly, did those two extraterrestrial demons die in the hands of the fire crocodile?"

"Should we go into the volcano and collect the essence of fire ourselves?"

"Just wait a little longer and see."

After some time, they suddenly felt the auras of two extraterrestrial demons appear above the crater, manifesting the figures of Wu Tao and Li Jingxing.

"Not dead, activate the trap and kill array."

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